Critical Race Theory a Subterfuge to Acquire Power

There is a pandemic spreading across America AND it is NOT any kind virus. This pandemic is a Marxist transformation of America. This political pandemic is infecting all Americans and is about to be institutionalized in YOUR children. Justin Smith elaborates!

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Critical Race Theory a Subterfuge to Acquire Power

Biden’s Mein Kampf is CRT

CRT Teaches Hate Whitey toon (Branco) – Photo shared by Justin Smith

By Justin O. Smith

Sent 4/23/2021 7:10 PM

“… the systemic racism that is a stain (on) our nation’s soul; a knee on the neck of justice for Black Americans; the profound fear and trauma, the pain, the exhaustion that black and brown Americans experience every single day.”  ~ Joe Biden, U.S. dictator 

America hasn’t been a racist nation for many decades, and far from anything remotely resembling “systemic racism” that targets people of color, the federal government actually has worked tirelessly to essentially grant people of color privilege, through Affirmative Action and Civil Rights mandates, since 1964, in order to achieve “equality”. In turn, this has resulted in the reverse discrimination we now see the Communists of the Biden regime preparing to implement against White people. This racist, Communist dictator and his regime are even targeting White-adjacent Americans through Executive Order 13985, and he is acting to place all America in the stranglehold of America’s real modern day racists of the Communist Black Lives Matter organization and the New Black Panthers [Party], under the guidance of the immoral and evil ideas of Critical Race Theory***, in the name of “equity” and “social justice.”

***[Blog Editor: YOU as an American need to come to the understanding that Critical Race Theory (CRT) is a Communist brainwashing tool to transform America’s culture AWAY from its Christian heritage and AWAY from America’s Founding Principles of individual Liberty. In essence to eradicate the shining city on the hill and replace it with THE STATE tells YOU how to think, believe, act and talk … OR ELSE. To drive home the agenda of CRT for America, take some time to educate yourself. This should get YOU started:

Biden and Kamala Harris, the new anti-racists, are promoting the Marxist narrative steeped in “racial inequity” and the belief that the unequal footing between any two or more racial groups must be a result of a disparity between the power of those groups and government policy. They would have us also believe that people challenging this premise are racists too. And if they trample on a few Constitutional rights in order to achieve equal outcomes for all, so be it, since that is more important to them than protecting freedom and liberty for all Americans. 

Very similar to the manner in which the anti-fascists of Antifa*** have actually proven to be the real fascists of the country, everything Joe Biden and his people are currently advocating and pursuing and implementing as “anti-racism policy” is the most racist policy the nation has ever witnessed since the days of the very Jim Crow era, that Biden professes to despise and hate. Biden himself refuses to acknowledge his own racism. 

***[Blog Editor: A Gatestone Institute examination of Antifa:

The Biden regime is one hundred percent on board with the new anti-racist racist agenda that sees the origins of Capitalism as racist too, because the markets supposedly have never been level playing fields between the races. Basically, they are saying that people of color didn’t have the ability or intellectual capacity to fairly compete on a field that did allow everyone to start on equal footing, to succeed or fail on their own merits. In the mind of the new racists and the collective hive, in order to truly be antiracist, one must now also be anti-capitalist. 

Everywhere that such Marxist notions have been faithfully implemented in an endeavor to equalize outcomes, the entire country has been left exponentially worse for the effort, with its people at each other’s throats, impoverished and living in constant danger, for a litany of related reasons. But for the True Believer, the die-hard Commies, and now Biden too, in pursuing equity and racial justice, intent, propaganda efficacy and perceptions are more important than reality and actual results. 

Joe Biden and Company are sowing racial hatred at this very second, by dishonestly advancing the Critical Race Theory as an acceptable basis for achieving equity and equality and racial justice, when in fact, everything about this idiocy is racist in word and deed. It is serving to create racial hatred between Conservative, Christian and Independent freedom-loving Americans and millions of fairly recent immigrants from alien cultures who don’t share America’s Western values, all in the name of further subverting our Republic and ending America’s current culture, traditions and the Founding, to be replaced by something destructive and vile, focused on breaking the spirit of every American who opposes the ideas of Marx.

Most of America is missing the point and refusing to see the subterfuge employed here by these Marxists and Maoists. They could care less about nurturing smooth race relations or stopping racism in America. Their only interest in race issues rests on how it can be used to advance their overall goals and achieve their desired end, holding power and all America’s resources and wealth to perpetuate that power forever. 

All of this racial upheaval and fomented racial animus towards White America is also serving as misdirection from other devious acts by these Marxists, who are using threats of violence and intimidation, as they move to force DC statehood through Congress and institutionalize voter fraud across America via HR 1***, “by any means necessary”, and all aimed at destroying America.

***[Blog Editor: Explaining One-Party Marxism agenda for America:

Using Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, La Raza [See Also: What is Aztlan, Raza, and MEChA], and the Party of Liberation and Socialism (PSL), the Biden regime and its Marxists and Maoist communists have basically advanced the notion that any lawlessness from people of color, especially the black segment that comprises only thirteen percent of our population, is a new “right”. To stop them from “expressing themselves” through “mostly peaceful” riots is somehow “racist” according to Biden and his ilk, seen at every level of government in every state and city today. What better way to reward their racist Brown Shirts, the foot soldiers, who have done their bidding and threatened and used violence to ensure the Democrat agenda advanced, than by letting them loot and burn American cities. 

After more than two-hundred American cities were looted and burned last summer, by the Fascists and Communists of the Black Lives Matter and Antifa mobs, Kamala Harris called them “a coalition of conscience”, going so far as to help raise money for groups, which made bail payments for BLM members who were arrested for crimes. As our cities burned and Conservatives of every color were attacked, such as Captain David Dorn who was murdered in St Louis by BLM rioters, Kamala had the hubris and gall to state that “the life of a black person in America … has never been treated as fully human …”, in spite of the fact white majorities elected Barack Obama to be President of the United States twice. 

The PSL organized the Stop Anti-Asian Hate protest on March 27, 2021; for a problem that is virtually non-existent in America, and when it does occur, statistics show it is most usually blacks attacking Asians. One must also note at this point that [JOS] PSL is a revolutionary Marxist party that “stands for the overthrow, dismantling and complete replacement of the core institutions of the capitalist state” whose loyalty lies with China; further investigation and scrutiny reveals that [JOS] this is a radical subversive organization operating in full view on America’s shores. 

[Blog Editor: The PSL website (deceptively labeled Liberation School) “Our Mission” page after the video I chose not watch has the Communist desires for violence with a Karl Marx quote:

“The weapon of criticism cannot, of course, replace criticism by weapons, material force must be overthrown by material force; but theory also becomes a material force as soon as it has gripped the masses.” — Karl Marx, 1844]

And nothing about the recent deaths of black people, from George Floyd to Ma’Khia Bryant had anything whatsoever to do with racism or systemic racism in America’s police departments. This is simply one more ploy in this Democratic Party Communist initiative and race hustle, learned at the feet of Louis Farrakhan and Al Sharpton and now being furthered by “civil rights” lawyers such as Benjamin Crump.

And now, we see the Biden regime and its Education Department to implement a brainwashing movement within all public education, in order to advance the lie that America is a racist nation and all its institutions engage in systemic racism, as it released a document entitled ‘Proposed Priorities – American History and Civics Education’ that basically interjects racist propaganda into the education system, aimed at belittling and harassing white students for having “white privilege” and benefitting from past “white supremacy”, regardless of who their ancestors were or what they actually believed and defended. This is racism against white people and it is designed to demean, verbally assault, threaten and intimidate the white American majority into submission and subjugation to the nation’s radicals — setting up an easy progression to physical violence aimed at conservative and Christian white America at a later date and anyone else guilty of “thinking or acting white”. 

In part, the Biden regime delivers a load of bulls**t to the American public, writing:

The Department recognizes that COVID-19 — with its disproportionate impact on communities of color — and the ongoing national reckoning with systemic racism have highlighted the urgency of improving racial equity throughout our society, including in our education system. As Executive Order 13985 states: ‘Our country faces converging economic, health, and climate crises that have exposed and exacerbated inequities, while a historic movement for justice has highlighted the unbearable human costs of systemic racism. Our Nation deserves an ambitious whole-of-government equity agenda that matches the scale of the opportunities and challenges that we face.”

Biden may as well stand in front of the White House and state: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs“, just like Karl Marx. [JOS Bold Text]

If this were all really about race, the fix would be easy. Just promote the Golden Rule in the public school system, as it was promoted when I was a child. Do unto others as you would have done unto you, to paraphrase Matthew 7:12. And add to it the maxim that the children must truly learn to judge one another by the content of their character, rather than the color of their skin, something my parents taught me, long before Martin Luther King made it popular. 

Left unchecked, Biden’s regime will engage in a massive, indefinite expansion of reverse discrimination, while advancing its goal of “Affirmatively advancing equity”, in a manner that relegates and reduces White Americans to second class citizens, through the tactics and stated goals of the Fascists and new racists of Black Lives Matter, the New Black Panthers, illiberal Marxist self-loathing Whites and the many other existing racist groups in America, such as La Raza and PSL. His new “antiracist” approach is as racist as anything ever witnessed during the Jim Crow era and his policy poses a mortal existential danger to America each day it is allowed to persist and exist.

Any fair-minded person today will acknowledge that racism still exists today, but it is a racism found in human hearts and minds on an individual-by-individual basis, rather than in America’s institutions that have consistently discriminated in favor of ethnic minorities over the past fifty years. However, regardless of where one might find racism and racist attitudes outside of hiring practices, public accommodations or police harassment, in the eye rolls and whispers, it’s not the business of government to punish thoughts or utterances — no matter how distasteful — since therein lies the path to tyranny.

Americans from all walks of life must see the Biden policy on race and the use of the Critical Race Theory as the evil and reprehensible horror that it is — every bit as evil as the ideas of Adolph’s Mein Kampf and the notion of a Master Race, the KKK and white supremacists, or Muslim Supremacists for that matter — and they must reject it immediately, rather than allow America be swallowed in an ideology that would judge us all by our skin color, not our individual hearts, minds and character. And – this anti-American, destructive Critical Race Theory gibberish sure in the hell must never be allowed to take root and become entrenched in public education, not if we really desire to remain a free people.

The consequences and ramifications of failing to successfully counter and halt this political policy mess are obvious. The Biden regime in D.C. is the exact same sort of psychos who fomented revolution in Russia in 1917, destroying Her. And now that they own the apparatus of power, they never mean to let go of it, not through peaceful means.  

“Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting. And let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.”  ~ Galatians 6:7-9

By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Embedded Links are by the Editor except when indicated by “JOS”. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold text except where indicated indicates this Editor’s whole-hearted agreement with Justin.

© Justin O. Smith

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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