Intro to Kutnicki Post about Muslim Brainwashing West

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

April 11, 2018


Adina Kutnicki is an author and a blogger. She is Jewish & Pro-Israel. Adina’s one-line description of her blog pretty much explains that which you read: “A Zionist & Conservative Blog”.

Adina Kutnicki


Her 4/10/18 post could be read as a Western indictment of blind Dhimmitude. Adina begins with U.S. schools actually requiring grade school students to learn Islamic doctrine in the classroom.


Can you imagine? Leftists and atheists have been fairly successful in eliminating Christian culture from having any influence due to some secularist SCOTUS Justices claiming a Thomas Jefferson letter to a Baptist Church insuring Church Establishment will not be used as a purpose to persecute their beliefs. The term derived from the Jefferson letter foisted as constitutional among Americans by a ridiculous interpretation of SCOTUS is “Separation of Church and State.” The SCOTUS majority opinion reinterpreted the Constitution based on the Jefferson letter EVEN THOUGH Jefferson was NOT a part of the Constitutional Convention that deliberated a penned the Constitution and Bill of Rights (1st ten Amendments) to be ratified by the Thirteen States. Jefferson was serving on diplomatic issues in France.


Dear God, many of the Original 13 States had Established Churches way past the ratification of the 1st Amendment, with Massachusetts being the last to disestablish in 1833.


Despite the majority opinion of SCOTUS Justices, the phrase can NO WHERE be found in U.S. Constitution AND that includes any Amendment to the Constitution. The merits of SCOTUS forcing the rule of law on Americans not in the Constitution is another blog post. Suffice it to say the atheist, Leftist and Muslim hypocrisy in using the unconstitutional phrase – Separation of Church and State – prevents the majority faith of Christianity appearing on the taxpayer dime; BUT NOT Islam.

Contrasting Christian song Not Allowed Public School & Muslim Fight Song Forced in Public School


Adina switches U.S. schools to Muslim indoctrination in Europe. Read the whole post.


JRH 4/11/18

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Western Capitulation To Allah’s Islamic Terrorists: Bow Down – Or Else!! 


Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

April 10, 2018

Adina Kutnicki Blog


THE whys and wherefores of the west’s capitulation to Allah’s Muslim Terrorists can fill book after book. Nevertheless, several factors are key and core. Resultant, in order to mitigate the fall-out and prostration, they must be understood and internalized.


SUFFICE to state:





  • In tandem, the leadership’s hatred of Judeo-Christian underpinnings bespeaks a “natural” alliance with Mohammedans, as they too abhor the west and its underlying ethos.


  • Atop said pyramid, western leaders (movers and shakers too) are in financial bed with Islamic regimes and their seventh-century thinking followers. In other words, greed is an overriding lure and pull.


ALL of which leads to capitulation, as opposed to the preservation of western culture and national security. Consequentially, it is not for nothing that the red-green alliance – totalitarians alike – agitates toward the disarming of the American people at all costs. Indeed, a disarmed populace is a submissive one.


American Students Indoctrinated by Islam


THAT being established, it is hardly a secret that America’s kiddies are being schooled to bow down to Islam. Of this there is no doubt. In fact, the following excerpts (ala Nov. 21, 2015, in concert with countless others at this site) attest to the same:


5 Pillars of Islam U.S. Classroom


In order to fully comprehend the pernicious Islamic indoctrination of America’s kiddies, some basic truths must become self-evident. Second skin……


Parents at a California middle school are demanding to know why a teacher had students sing an Islamic “fight song.”


A seventh-grade teacher at Spring View Middle School in Huntington Beach, California, deviated from the district’s official curriculum and had students sing “This Is My Fight Song.” Parent and grandparent Nichole Negron and Susan Negron told KCAL 9 Los Angeles their seventh grader was told to participate in the activity.


“I believe that by singing the song, the children feel comfortable that maybe Allahu is the only god and maybe that they should start following him,” Susan Negron told the network Tuesday. “I’m not OK with that.”


Song Controversy Huntington Beach CA


The women only found out about the activity by accident when Negron’s son brought a pamphlet with lyrics home. “How can we as parents combat against what we don’t know is going on?” the mother asked.


The two women went to the Ocean View school board on Tuesday night looking for answers. The teacher allegedly wanted students to learn about Islam through a “catchy” tune. (Begs the question, why should students be forced to learn about death cult posing as a religion in public school?)

The lyrics to “This Is My Fight Song” go as follows:


….continue reading….


VIDEO: TV AD ENCOURAGES GERMAN WOMEN TO WEAR HIJABS [Alex Jones makes a buck – last 3 or 4 minutes is an ad]


Posted by The Alex Jones Channel

Published on Sep 17, 2016


Country gives up on integrating Muslim migrants, chooses to submit to Islam instead.


SO with the above in mind, it follows that European leaders (regardless of locale), ignominiously, are succumbing and bowing down to the dictates of Islam’s barbarians!


“On Monday, (March 26, 2018) BILD reported on religious bullying in the schoolyard and in the classroom. Berlin mayor Michael Müller (SPD) said in the “Tagesspiegel” [another German newspaper] that it “was hopefully only an isolated case”. Unfortunately, no! (…)


“BILD reported to [sic] parents from all over Germany, who reported [sic] full of anger and bewilderment of their own experiences. Out of fear for their children, they did not want to be named.”


A parent talked about her daughter, who was bullied by Muslim girls:


“The reasons: She has blond hair, no headscarf, has a German-Hebrew name – and we are Christians! My daughter broke down nervously in fifth grade. She had cramps and massive fear of going to school. She was beaten and verbally attacked on the way to school. The Headmaster said only: ‘Your daughter does not have to say that she is German. Besides, you can give her a headscarf! ‘We’ve changed schools now and luckily things are going better now.”


A Muslim school would force girls to wear hijabs.


And this German-Christian headmaster — well, that’s his solution, too.


Bild also reports that:


“Schoolgirls were bullied for eating ‘impure’ Gummy Bears. The sweets contain pork gelatin.”


There’s more, as I’ll tell you tonight.


Why is any of this surprising?


This is the culture that has been imported to Germany, en masse. Two million Muslims brought in, with no vetting, no cultural fit.


Have you read the Koran? Have you read its views on infidels?


Do you think this sort of thing is happening here in Canada?


Well, we know it is, because we’ve told you about it already.


By the year 2023, do you doubt that there will be schools in Canada where Christian and Jewish and Hindu and Sikh girls are being bullied by Muslim girls — and even liberal Muslim girls are being bullied too — and the principal’s advice will be, well, just put on a hijab, and stop eating pork, and the bullying will stop?


I don’t just think it’s a possibility.


I think it’s a certainty…


NOW, isn’t it obvious why Mohammedans are so self-assured, particularly, in their ability to bow and cow non-Muslims to their dictates, and in whichever western country Islam invades? This is so, regardless of their status – be they so-called refugees, migrants, or native-born. No doubt.


Muslim refugees to the British people “we do not accept British laws, you adopt our Sharia Laws”


VIDEO: Is Europe in Denial About the Islamist Threat?


Posted by Clarion Project

Published on Jan 13, 2015


In light of the Charlie Hebdo Massacre, we reflect on how violence and extremism has been gathering momentum in Europe throughout the years. The UK, France, Holland and many other European countries are suffering a tide of Islamic extremism unprecedented in living memory. Is Europe’s culture and way of life in danger? Will the governments wake up and act or continue to bury their heads in the sand, living in denial? Clarions Project’s film, The Third Jihad, predicted this tide of violence and extremism now gathering momentum as seen in France, the UK, Holland and across all of Europe.


CONCLUSIVELY, as evidenced (and excerpted) within a recent intel report, “Trends/Adaptations In Jihadi Tactics: Intel Overview“, it is more than clear that Islam is incompatible with western civilization. Full stop.


  • Consider: The first Surah (Chapter), Al-Fatimah, is invoked 17! times a day, and its supplication to Allah includes:“The path of those You (Allah) bestowed favors upon, not those who have incurred your wrath and those who deviated.” Now, every devoted Muslim – once they reach the age of understanding – is indoctrinated into the imperative from this repetitious Surah: Jews and Christians have angered Allah, therefore, they must be killed. Even more so, Jews are a “special” target, for Allah turned them into monkeys and pigs! This admonition can be found in Suras 2:65, 5:60, and 7:166. Indeed, know thy Koran well. Besides, it will clear through the smoke and mirrors. By extrapolation, is it any wonder that Muhammedans keep attacking “infidels” – and with no end in sight??


MOST significantly, hide nor hair…hue nor cry…is heard from western leaders, each time Allah’s Muslim Terrorists persecute and murder infidels around the world! How can this be?


In short, the overwhelming majority of persecution that these 215 million Christians experience around the world — especially the worst forms, such as rape and murder — occurs at the hands of Muslims.


If time is on the side of Christians living under Communist regimes, it is not on the side of Christians living under Islam. The center of the great Christian Byzantine Empire is now an increasingly intolerant, rapidly Islamizing Turkey. Carthage, once a bastion of Christianity — where one of Christendom’s greatest theologians, St. Augustine, was born and where the New Testament canon was confirmed in 397 — is today 99% Muslim-majority Tunisia… on…if you dare….


OMINOUSLY, even in terms of capitulation, the presumption is that Mohammedans will allow so-called infidels to survive. In reality, this is absolutely not the case. Inestimably, it is Islam’s inextricable relationship and nexus to blood that must be understood. To wit, Islam, Sharia Law, must be banned and eliminated from the west – or else!


YES, Islam & Blood!


INDEED, history will not be kind to those who dared to squander the west’s hard-fought freedoms. Moreover, record after record will abound and define this moment in time as one of abject capitulation. National suicide will become its reviled descriptor and watchword – that is, if an immediate volte face isn’t executed.




Trendolizer- German school-Christian Girls wear hijab deter Muslim Harassment

[URL embedded Kutnicki blog site photo]


{re-blogged at ConservativeFiringLine}


{MEMO: FB’s censors are limiting the sharing of Adina Kutnicki: A Zionist & Conservative Blog! Indeed, the following message from FB’s censors is crystal clear:




  • This message contains content that has been blocked by our security systems.


  • If you think you’re seeing this by mistake, please let us know.


Yes, additional “proof-in-the pudding” as to why “BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad” had to be written!}


Intro to Kutnicki Post about Muslim Brainwashing West

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

April 11, 2018


Western Capitulation To Allah’s Islamic Terrorists: Bow Down – Or Else!! 


[Minor editing with spellcheck by Blog Editor]


About Adina Kutnicki


In addition to being an investigative journalist, I am a consultant to a privately-held Homeland Security entity – related endeavors alike. My first book, BANNED: How Facebook Enables Militant Islamic Jihad,  is available online and in major bookstores. In under 24 hours at AMAZON (Sept. 2016), it jumped to Number One in HOT New Releases!


Banned Bk Jk




For the most part, my work-product revolves around militant Islamic jihad, with a particular emphasis on the Muslim Brotherhood Mafia. My geo-political analysis appears at various Zionist and Conservative media outlets. As an example of my long-standing efforts, I contributed to an in-depth investigative series at FrontPage Magazine with Lee Kaplan from 2003-2007We are still working together.


Segue over to his interview at Iran’s Press TV (one of many tv debates/interviews) where he debated a rabid self-hating Israeli, a so-called Jew – who supports every manner of terror against Israelis/Jews, even the kidnapping (subsequent murder) of 3 Israeli Jewish teenagers. It can be found here.  He is a world class expert on the ISM, the International Solidarity Movement. One of  READ THE REST


Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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