Islam: A Diseased Ideology

Islam like Ebola- Conagious & Deadly

Justin Smith briefly goes through the anomalies inherent in Islam that has led to Muslim terrorism that leads to this spoiler alert:


The Islamic component of terrorism must be confronted with extreme prejudice and deadly force by Europe and the United States, since millions of Muslims, who aren’t “extremists”, tacitly support Islam’s intolerance and terrorism. Without any reform forthcoming and the Islamic world beyond the force of reason, America must take the terrorists at their word and send these Islamofascists to hell, in a bloodbath of their own choosing, generation after generation, until they are all dead or they no longer seek to spread Islam by the sword and go forth to make war no more.


I have come to the same conclusion.


JRH 1/25/15

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Islam: A Diseased Ideology


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 1/24/2015 3:00 PM


The world is being torched and destroyed by Islam – the Mother of all totalitarianisms – and its Koran, the precursor to Hitler’s ‘Mein Kampf’ [Jewish Virtual Library quotes demonstrating Antisemitism] and “Judenrein” [Wordnik: “…areas where all Jews had been either murdered or deported.” And more examples pertaining to Muslims]. No matter the terms “moderate” or “extremist”, wherever one looks today, from Niger and the recent burning of seven Christian churches, the Yemeni government’s collapse, seventeen murders in Paris and Christian genocides in Iraq and Syria, Islam is found at the heartless center of these atrocities, as its leaders have stubbornly refused to modify, humanize and reform Islam and reconcile Islam with the modern, civilized world. And the world must not allow Islam to persist.


From their own lips, the world hears Islamic religious leaders and Muslim adherents to Islam confess their desire to commit heinous acts against America, Israel and the West in the name of Allah, because the Koran demands it. We hear them utter Islamic prayers and scream “Allahu Akbar” as they commit their murders. So, there’s an obvious problem within Islam that awaits rectifying.


My April 8, 2010 article (see April 8. NEWCOPY – FOX NEWS), for ‘The Reader’ [HERE], illuminated a large Islamic threat to the U.S. from the Pakistani cleric Mubarak Ali Gilani and his Jaamat al-Fuqra groups based in New York, which have been responsible for ten assassinations and seventeen bombings in America [SATP info corroboration], along with 100 Hamas and Hezbollah terror cells [WND]. Leo Hohmann at WND [HERE] and the Clarion Project recently duplicated this information on January 20, 2015 [Possibly HERE], using the same FBI files I referenced; however, in addition, they verified the locations of 22 paramilitary camps, from California to Tennessee, and they also suggested this number is closer to thirty-five.


In a recent recruiting video captured from Gilani’s “Soldiers of Allah”, Gilani states: “We are fighting to destroy the enemy. We are dealing with evil at its roots and its roots are in America.”


A British terrorist supporter, imam Anjem Choudary [Washington Post on Choudary] and “Muslims Against the Crusades” began work in 2011 to turn twelve British cities, including London (“Londonistan” [PDF Download Link to Melanie Phillips book of the same title – H/T]), into Islamic states [Gatestone Institute Info]. They advocate and plan for autonomous areas controlled by Sharia law, outside British jurisprudence; eighty-five Sharia courts now exist there.


Choudary defended the murderous ‘Charlie Hebdo’ terrorists. He also recently stated that the West can change their laws or there will be a “bloodbath”.


And so, why do the leaders of the United States and the European Union insist on bringing hundreds of thousands more Muslims into our nations, when the greater percentage of them seek our destruction and the end of our liberty? Just look at the Boston Bombers, the Tsarnaev brothers and Adnan Shukrijumah. But of course, Islam’s diseased ideology has infected many native born Muslims too, such as Anwar al-Awlaki, the Kouaci brothers and Anjem Choudary.


Europe and the U.S are properly alarmed by thousands of disenchanted Muslims, holding E.U. and U.S. passports, who have gone to fight in Syria and Iraq for Al Qaeda and the Islamic State. Combine this with open borders policies and an expanding cesspool of irrational, angry Islamofascists stretching from North Africa to Pakistan, and these Muslims pose a deadly threat to the civilized world.


The Egyptian government, Egypt’s President Sisi and the Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development Studies have warned the Obama administration repeatedly that the Muslim Brotherhood is exerting an inordinate influence on the U.S. government [Insight]. They warn that the Muslim Brotherhood [DTN link] sponsors Hamas and that the MB is an international terrorist organization operating in sixty nations, “based on restoring the religious empire” (Islamic Caliphate [The Muslim Brotherhood (PDF): IPT via a DTN link]).


On January 8th, the head of Britain’s MI5 Security Service, Director General Andrew Parker gave a speech [Washington Times Report] at MI5 headquarters in London. He warned that Al Qaeda in Syria was preparing to inflict mass casualties in the West, possibly attacking public transportation and “iconic targets”. Part of his assessment stems from the appearance of Pakistani Al Qaeda in Syria.


While ninety-percent of Muslims will probably never be actual terrorists, well over 50% of the Muslim world has engaged in violent protests, mob violence and some act of war against the West, Israel and even its own people, since the Six Day War. Most Muslims also remain silent, but many cheer, about their brethren’s horrific terrorist attacks, such as 9/11 and, more recently, ‘Charlie Hebdo’.


Staying true to form after murdering more than 10,000 civilians last year (Reuters), the Islamofascists of Boko Haram murdered 2000 more innocent civilians, mostly Christians, in the Nigerian town of Baga [The Atlantic Report], during the first week of January 2015. And we hold rallies, while the enemy continues on its murderous rampages, without a peep of protest squeaking out from any of the so-called “moderate” Muslims.


Turkish leader Tayyip Erdogan represents a regime that has provided material support to Hamas [ link]. He states that the term “moderate Islam” is “very ugly _ it is an offense and an insult to our religion. There is no moderate or immoderate Islam. Islam is Islam …” [Quote at Jihad Watch]


No politician has ever moved Islam to reform. A few have tried to create a new Islamic order, such as Sayyid Ali Muhammed (1819-50) and his Babi movement attempted. A decade ago, Pakistani President Musharaf and King Abdullah of Jordan called for “enlightened moderation”, however, the current Islamic trend is the systematic reversal of any gains made towards reform, like Ataturk’s philosophy in Turkey, and turning the “Arab Spring” into a campaign for the Islamic State and the return of the Caliphate.


On January 1, 2015, Egypt’s Pres., Abdel al-Sisi challenged religious leaders at Cairo’s Al Azhar University [Daniel Pipes found at Counter Jihad Report] to start a “religious revolution”, because the Muslim community “is being … destroyed and is going to hell”. He continued: “It is inconceivable that the wrong ideas that we sacralize should make the entire [Muslim community] a source of concern … and destruction for the whole world”.


The Islamic component of terrorism must be confronted with extreme prejudice and deadly force by Europe and the United States, since millions of Muslims, who aren’t “extremists”, tacitly support Islam’s intolerance and terrorism. Without any reform forthcoming and the Islamic world beyond the force of reason, America must take the terrorists at their word and send these Islamofascists to hell, in a bloodbath of their own choosing, generation after generation, until they are all dead or they no longer seek to spread Islam by the sword and go forth to make war no more.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Text and links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.


© Justin O. Smith

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

21 thoughts on “Islam: A Diseased Ideology”

  1. Islam can not be contained, it is contageous, spread sexually and by military force as well as dawah. It can also be contracted voluntarily, from books and the internet.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. “until they are all dead or they no longer seek to spread Islam by the sword and go forth to make war no more.”

    Each Muslim can have up to four wives and keep them constantly knocked up. Due to the large population base, they breed faster than we could kill them with conventional weapons if we had the political will to extermiante them, which we do not.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. “its leaders have stubbornly refused to modify, humanize and reform Islam and reconcile Islam with the modern, civilized world.”

    Reformation: false expectation. It ain’t possible!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. “why do the leaders of the United States and the European Union insist on bringing hundreds of thousands more Muslims into our nations, when the greater percentage of them seek our destruction and the end of our liberty? ”

    They are TRAITORS, not leaders; part of the problem, not the solution. They seek to destroy our system and replace it with Communism; they view Muslims as allies in that Communist revolution.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. “without a peep of protest squeaking out from any of the so-called “moderate” Muslims”
    Muslims who abjure Islam sign their deathwarrants thereby. See Reliance O8.0–7.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. ” Islamic component of terrorism”

    Islam is inseverable; terrorism is an intrinsic component which can not be ignored, abandoned or removed. I refer doubters, deniers & dissenters to 2.85 and this list of ayat & ahadith: 3:151, 8:12,39,57,60,65,67, 9:5,29,38, 39,111,120,123, 33:26,27, 47:4,49:15, 59:2,13, 61:10-13; Sahih Bukhari 1.7.331 & 4.52.220.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m guessing you fragmented your comment because I told you a previous comment was sent to my approval box rather than automatically posted. Your way worked but it was darned annoying to get your big picture. 🙂


      1. In the present case, I found several important points to drive home and took them on immediately and serially as I discovered them.

        The part I missed was “diseased ideology”. Islam is not infected, distorted, perverted, twisted nor hijacked. It is Islam: contried for Moe’s personal empowerment & emolument through the perpetuation of war. It is what it is by design. It can not be cured, repaired, restored or rendered anodyne. For clues, turn in the Koran to Surah Al-Anfal (8) and in Khan’s translation of Bukhari, to The Book of Khumus (53).


  7. I guess I am going to have to be more literal in my language in the future Dajjal. I am well aware of everything You have stated and I have written such in numerous articles. I referred to Islam as “diseased” due to the abnormal state of mind it induces through years of indoctrination. Only a sick mind could prompt a father to join men of his community to stone his daughter to death for a real or believed indiscretion, such as adultery. Therefore, the disease is the depraved behavior Muslims are told is normal and accept, when from an enlightened Western and Christian viewpoint, one would have to have a heart of stone and no human compassion to commit the crimes and atrocities against their fellow man, as the world witnesses decade after decade, century upon century.

    As far as expecting Muslims to “reform”, I know it’s impossible. But I have to provide the evidence each time in order to build up to that final conclusion, because I am writing towards those who insist that reform is possible or know next to nothing about Islam.

    That is why I made certain to point out that “no politician or religious leader” had ever induced Islam to reform, as well as stating “with no reform forthcoming”. I can direct You to a score of articles in which I’ve essentially told the reader that reform will not come in my lifetime __ if ever. So I believe that You made a few erroneous assumptions concerning my own knowledge on Islam, and in so doing You have read to much into a simple metaphor.

    But I agree with You point by point and appreciate the input, the supplement and criticism. In the ‘Truth Will Set You Free’ and several other articles I have briefly touched on the symbiotic nature of communism/socialism’s relationship with Islam and the way they have always presumed it would be the Socialists leading a Pan-Islamic world into the future, not understanding that Islam will eat them in the end, unless they start soon with countermeasures.

    Almost anyone who knows anything about Islam knows it was built upon conquest and terrorism, but we have so many who wish to discuss the three phases of Islam and a whole lot of other intellectual pursuits that deflect from many hard facts. So one has to speak in the vernacular of the modern day Yuppie to some degree to finally bring their minds out of the weeds and the fog. I know terrorism is integral to Islam __ You know it ___ John Houk knows it ___ many well-versed scholars full well understand that it is commanded in the Koran and the Hadith. So when I say “Islamic component of terrorism” I am separating it from all other forms of terrorism that the Left wants us to believe are just as dangerous, such as right wing terrorists and returning U.S. soldiers from the Middle East wars.

    Please also understand that while I could address each point You have made in several articles of my own, the main reason I did not point out these things this time is I had already addressed each of them numerous times. And while John would possibly allow me a great number of words, these articles I write are also going in newspapers with limited allowable word counts. Keeping this in mind, I wrote in keeping with the theme/ the main idea of this article that Islam was riddled with problems ___ therefore the title ‘Diseased’ ___ and simply detailed some of the more current Islam inspired troubles, finally concluding that we must force Islam to abandon its desire to spread itself by the sword.

    You say we can’t kill them all ___ i.e. their prolific birthrate and such ___ I was speaking in the context of those most prone to wage jihad; and, if You contend that includes all Muslims, then there are no “innocents” then ___ Yes ___ once the Western world grows overly weary of being bled a slow death, they may well take out whole swathes of the Middle East through economic and agricultural warfare, starving entire populations to death, or they may finally just follow Lt Col Matthew Dooley’s recommendation at the War College and drop nuclear weapons on every major Islamic center of population from Mecca to Tehran to Cairo and beyond.

    And as You state, as I have stated, as Oriana Fallaci has stated, as Andy Bostom and Wafa Sultan has stated ___ just as every prominent Islamic leader knows and many openly proclaim, “ISLAM IS ISLAM”.


    1. No offense was intended. I just want to make sure that as many readers as possible are fully clued in.

      When writing in electronic media for a general audience, I’d prefer to see links to resources include the url in the title attribute. Some blog editors have a provision for that; Word and Kompozer which I use, make it easy. It would be good to have boiler plate articles with the basics ready to link. Converting articles to pdf format and posting them to a Scribd acct. is one way to do it.

      For print media, truncated urls or the url of a blog page with a short name could be printed along with a brief bibliography.

      I think that Erdogan and Khomeini before him said it best when it comes to the identity of Islam. When adjectives and qualifiers are used, a false impression is given, and all too often intended.

      For anyone wishing to use it, my boilerplate condemnation of the reform meme can be found by a Yahoo search for: islam reform kab ashraf. Both the blog post and the scribd file will be in the first page of serps. Both were updated this month so the links to source documents are fresh.

      The Koran is leteral minded, a clear guide; the book that makes things clear, containing clear verses. “None can change his words” and “no change let there be” mean exactly what they say. Moe said that anyone who changed Islam would be “far from mercy”, meaning in the fire. There is no plausible alternative interpretation of the Jihad imperatives. the ahadith which confirm them or the Shari’ah that codifies them. Islam is what Moe said and did: constant conquest.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No offense was taken, Dajjal. We are on the same side of history at this juncture, My Friend. I was simply trying to also provide clarification. It’s always good to hear an educated response, such as Yours.

        Liked by 1 person

    1. By exhibiting your immunity to facts, you evince the fact that you are a LibTard, incapable of rational thought because you substitute your anal sphincter for a brain. Unfortunately, brain transplants are impossible; analencephalopathy is incurable. 😦

      Since 624, Muslims engaged in Islamic acts of worship, slaughtered an estimated 270 million people. That is what Islam is; what Muslims do: genocide.

      Islamic law declares that “destruction of the sword is incurred by infidels although they be not the first aggressors.”. It further declares that disbelief is an evil to be removed from the world by “death or Islam”. Unfortunately for your ego, based on maundering moral supremacy, I have proof and am willing to exhibit it. Go to Hell and be damned!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Bob. Is there a God or is there an evolution. If there is an evolution, you can do nothing. If there is a God, you can turn to Him. Muslims do turn. We are in the “end times”.


      – Rapture
      1 Thess 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

      – Tribulation
      Mark 13:19 For there will be worse trouble at that time than there has ever been from the very beginning, when God created the universe, until now; and there will be nothing like it again.

      – Peace
      Revelation 20:1-3 And I saw an angel come down from heaven, having the key of the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years, And cast him into the bottomless pit, and shut him up, and set a seal upon him, that he should deceive the nations no more, till the thousand years should be fulfilled: and after that he must be loosed a little season.


    3. Bob that might sound like Nazi propaganda to you because modern day Muslims – especially in the Middle East – are great admirers of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi ideology. The only danger in this post are people with blinders on believing Islamic apologist propaganda that Islam is a peaceful religion. The theopolitical cult actually has hate, violence and rapacious conquest recorded in Islamic revered writings.


      1. Nazi propaganda consisted of exaggeration, innuendo & canards. Our writings are composed of objective facts. Truth stands apart from fiction.

        Never lose sight of the fact that Hitler was a great admiror of Islam because of its warmongering.


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