Newbill: Zero Line, U.S. National Security & Depopulation

NWO Hazards Ahead - Caution

Compiled by Tony Newbill
© December 27, 2014
Tony Newbill used to email me his Conspiracy Theory concerns. These days he leaves those concerns in the form of a comment to a post. I typically don’t have a problem with that except Newbill’s comments almost always has nothing to do with the original post. Although Newbill does connect his comment to Pakistan but has no direct association of Christian persecution in Pakistan.
JRH 12/27/14

Please Support NCCR

Dec 19, 2014 4:35 PM
The Reason for market volatility and why Congress has Contempt for the US Constitutional Rule of Law and We the People that they see as the threat.


[T]he Indus River “the water of life.” Threat To World Security is the crisis of today’s Middle Eastern conflicts as they are purging and consolidating for jihad [against] anti-Islam beliefs to wage war for water.
[Blog Editor: Video specific link – it is one of those ad links however the info is worth viewing:] 

Statement For The Senate Select Committee On Intelligence 5 February 1997

Statement For The Senate Armed Services Committee On Intelligence 6 February 1997

Lieutenant General Patrick M. Hughes, USA Director, Defense Intelligence Agency

Mr. Chairman, I am pleased to have the opportunity to provide a Defense Intelligence Agency perspective on the threats and challenges facing the United States and its interests, now and well into the next century. It is important to note at the outset that this testimony directly reflects the baseline threat assessment DIA [Defense Intelligence Agency:
and AllGov] has provided to the Joint Staff and the Office of the Secretary of Defense in support of the ongoing Quadrennial Defense Review. This review of the global security environment assumes that the United States remains a global power politically, economically, and militarily, and that our country continues its active engagement in world affairs. If either of those assumptions are wrong, then the threat picture depicted here would change significantly. Finally, this analysis presents a global overview of the future in somewhat linear form — that is, we are providing our best estimate, from today’s perspective, under the working premise that current trends and conditions will continue to evolve along discernible lines. We recognize, however, that the future is non-linear, and that what we present here is likely to change. To address that concern, DIA analysts will continue to examine and study alternatives and excursions to each specific condition, event, and circumstance.


There is nothing more difficult to take in hand, more perilous to conduct or more uncertain in its success, than to take the lead in the introduction of a new order of things.” MACHIAVELLI

The world is in the midst of an extended post-Cold War transition that will last at least another decade. Many factors and forces are at work during this transition and some aspects of it have so far been very positive. The community of democratic states is expanding, the world economy has largely recovered from the decline of the late 80’s and early 90’s, and most experts expect steady, positive global economic growth — on the order of four percent per year — well beyond the next decade. From a national security standpoint, the threats facing the United States have diminished in order of magnitude, and we are unlikely to face a global military challenger on the scale of the former Soviet Union for at least the next two decades. The world is spending in real terms some 30-40 percent less on defense than it did during the height of the Cold War, the “rogue” states are relatively isolated, and at least one — North Korea — is probably terminal.

But despite these and other positive developments, this era of transition remains complex and dangerous. In much of the world, there still exists a potentially explosive mix of social, demographic, economic, and political conditions which run counter to the global trend toward democracy and economic reform. I will highlight the most significant of these.

Demographic Trends

Global population will increase some 20 percent between now and 2010, with 95 percent of that growth occurring in the developing areas that can least afford it. Many of these states will experience the “youth bulge phenomena” (a relatively high percentage of the population between 18 and 25 years of age) which, historically, has been a key factor in instability. At the same time, we are witnessing virtually unchecked urbanization in many developing regions as millions of the world’s poorest people move from rural to urban areas each year. These factors are straining the leadership, infrastructure, and resources of many developing states and regions. Some governments — mostly in the developing world — will be unable to cope with these challenges.

Read more at:

[Blog Editor: It is to be noted that the below high light on people becoming dependence on the government for their economic livelihood is delivered in the form of a nefarious TED (Technology Entertainment Design) Talk. The whole pretext of Ted Talk videos is to inspire the lowly listener to get on board with new ideas from elitist intellectuals that will our living environment a better place. The sad reality about TED Talks is (one) it is elitist brainwashing of the masses and (two) for those able to afford a live Ted Talk conference one has to fork-out an elitist obscene amount of money. The obscene amount ensures that like-minded elitists conference together.

… Apparently TED has some ideas, and we should spread them. What ideas? Ideas that TED in its infinite wisdom …  If this doesn’t yet sound familiar, try replacing ‘TED’ with ‘GOD’.
… TED Talks are designed to make people feel good about themselves; to flatter them and make them feel clever and knowledgeable; to give them the impression that they’re part of an elite group making the world a better place. … (The trouble with TED talks; By MARTIN ROBBINS; New Statesman; 9/10/12) 
TED is a powerful and paradigm shattering initiative that brands itself with the slogan “Ideas worth spreading.” At this point, we have probably all heard of TED and the short talks given by inspiring people from all around the world to audiences at different conferences. These talks can range in subject and have included science, politics, entrepreneurship, consciousness, cosmology, inventions and more. As TED’s popularity grew, TEDx talks sprung up around the globe which gave a less moderated voice to inspiring people. As a result, TED has been involved in controversy as they chose to censor various talks they deemed worthy of their censorship. The issue is, these talks are of great importance and TED’s decision to censor them reveals their interest in preserving their own brand while not getting in trouble with the ‘big wigs.’ Here are the talks TED felt were Ideas not worth spreading.’ (READ ON to see TED banned videos – TED Talk Controversy: 3 Powerful Talks TED Tried to Censor; Posted by LDragonFire; ATS; 7/24/14 06:44 AM)
Are vaccines being used to depopulate the earth? (shocking video below) The answer may surprise you – especially considering what you’re about to hear.  If you doubt the (hidden) agenda of vaccine programs – this video shows Bill Gates talking about the need to lower human population to “save the earth” and the use of vaccines can help!
His presentation was given at a TED Talks conference and it’s about as evil a 3-minute presentation as you will ever hear. … (How vaccines are used to reduce human population; By Blanche Levine; Natural Health 365; 10/13/12)
“The world today has 6.9 billion people and that’s headed up to about 9 billion. If we do a really great job, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~ Bill Gates (video here)
Bill Gates believes the density of the population in poor areas is too big, and with his depopulation plans he can ‘solve’ that problem. Consider his huge buyout of Monsanto stock – he owns millions of shares of Monsanto and Cargill stock, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation keep scooping it up. He owns more than $23 million worth, or 500,000 Monsanto shares.
You can hear Melinda Gates talk about pushing birth control in a TED talk, even. She acts as if people should have choice about birth control but they have focused on poor areas in countries like Africa, where they also happen to push their genetically modified food agenda. Melinda Gates even says, “some people worry that the promotion of birth control is to control population.”
… says Mrs. Gates’ claims are “disingenuous” because the women she claims to be helping are not being informed about the dangers involved. [The Foundation pushes Depro Provero, made by Pfizer, and also the contraceptive called the most dangerous by the US FDA.]
“No African woman would agree to being injected if she had full knowledge of the contraceptives’ dangerous side effects,” Kwame Fosu told C-FAM, the Catholic Family & Human Rights Institute. “In fact,” claimed Fosu, “in countries where women are educated on the harmful complications, Depo Provera use is negligible.”
Why concentrate on birth control in developing nations? Because then you can control them through controlling their populations. Add this to rampant political maneuvering to try to get the remaining people hooked on GMOs, and you have a docile, sick, dependant country, living only on your pharmaceuticals and fake-food.
I think you get the point. No matter how wholesome feeling or makes you feel good, TED Talks are a nefarious instrument of the global elite to plant seeds of a NWO that is anti-Liberty, anti-Freedom and essentially top-down political and social Marxism.]
And along with the international concerns about Peak Earth Philosophies [See HERE and HERE] The Western Governments through their central banks’ monetary policies are making everyone dependent on a government handout to control the rate of consumption because they ALL believe this:

Paul Gilding: The Earth is full
Published by TED 
Published on Feb 29, 2012 Have we used up all our resources? Have we filled up all the livable space on Earth? Paul Gilding suggests we have, and the possibility of devastating consequences, in a talk that’s equal parts terrifying and, oddly, hopeful.

TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and … Blah-Blah-Blah

Edited by John R. Houk
Text and links enclosed by brackets are by the Editor.
© Tony Newbill

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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