Sinister Beyond Belief

Leftist Sgt Schultz Immitation

Understand Photo: Watch Hogan’s Heroes – Vintage TV


Intro to Sinister Beyond Belief by Justin Smith

John R. Houk

© May 23, 2013


Justin Smith writes about the IRS Scandal and how the Democrats and the Obama Administration has used the IRS as a political tool to harass and disenfranchise Conservatives that have a more traditional and Constitutional Originalist view of America’s future path. Obama’s Administration has exacted oppression on American citizens that the President’s “Change” Agenda as an evil Socialist-Marxist alternative to the values of the Founding Fathers which believed the nascent American culture had a Christian Moral Foundation. YES, even the Founding Fathers that Leftists claim were anti-Christian Deists promoted Christian Morality as the foundation a good rule of law and government.


Here is a bit of a spoiler alert. Justin concludes his essay by blaming the 16th Amendment as the blame for the Federal Government to use the IRS as a political tool to enforce Presidential Administrations’ political agenda against their enemies. It is the 16th Amendment that enabled the Federal Government to establish a direct income tax levied according to the whim of Congress. Hence there is now a complicated unwieldy arm of government to force a percentage of American wage earners’ fruit of labor.


This is the 16th Amendment as ratified into law in the year 1913:


The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes on incomes, from whatever source derived, without apportionment among the several states, and without regard to any census or enumeration.


Here is a centrist view of the 16th Amendment that led its author to believe a Federal Income Tax could have existed without it; however that Income Tax would have to be levied in a less restrictive and oppressive way than the present Income Tax:


Many Unhappy Returns—Millions of Them


The above article provides an excellent history on how the 16th Amendment came into existence including the fact that the amendment’s ratification result of a political compromise in which its passage in both Houses of Congress was considered doubtful let alone the ratification of the then 36 required States to affirm. Below is an essay from The Patriot Post on the 16th Amendment passage yet with a more Conservative and Originalist view.


On the Sixteenth Amendment


The essence of The Patriot Post essay is the only way to reform income taxation as exacted by the IRS is by amending the 16th Amendment to restore the efficacy of the Constitution’s Article 1 Section 9:


The Constitution afforded citizens this protection in Article I, Section 9, which reads, in part, “No Capitation, or other direct Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken.” (Excerpted from above essay)


In my opinion repealing the 16th Amendment would better be served with an Amendment that is specific on government limitations on collect taxes from Americans whether it be a Consumption Tax (i.e. Sales Tax of some sort) and/or Income Tax (on however defined whether graduated, flat or whatever income formula).


JRH 5/23/13

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Sinister Beyond Belief


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 5/22/2013 10:43 AM


The line separating good and evil passes not through states nor between political parties either, but straight through the human heart. -Alexander Solzhenitsyn

One must wonder if they are still living in America, when all Americans are witnessing yet another Obama administration scandal, as this administration has been caught using the IRS as a hammer and sickle against its political opponents in the most egregious and despicable abuse of power in decades. This is the very same crime that was described in Article I of the impeachment brief against President Richard Nixon. If nothing else, the recent revelations from a newly motivated (angry) press corps and testimony before the Congressional Ways and Means Committee regarding this matter will hopefully be the first steps in stopping this out-of-control ideologue/despot Obama, for whom republicanism and the rule of law means nothing!

In some limited scope, Lyndon Johnson, George H.W. Bush and Bill Clinton also used the IRS against opponents, but they never used it in the broad manner in which the Obama administration has attacked Tea Party and grass roots liberty focused groups. By hampering the ability of these groups to exist as non-profit organizations, Tea Party and other patriotic conservative groups also had their effectiveness and reach into the communities damaged and dampened. Some groups had been blocked for as long as 27 months, while Progressive sounding names and Progressive groups received their tax-exempt status, in some cases, in as little as nine weeks… and this surely had some marked bearing on the 2012 election!

By June 4, 2012, the Inspector General had started a review and an audit of the IRS’s practice of targeting conservatives, which is the primary reason that Lois Lerner, IRS division head on tax-exempt organizations, broke the story in advance of the I.G.’s report. Ms Lerner knew conservatives were being targeted as early as 2010. This practice was not limited to just “two rogue IRS employees” in Cincinnati, since complaints, challenges and lawsuits started coming in from California to New York and even DC. If, as Obama asserts, Obama knew nothing of this until recently, he is either completely incompetent or a liar… I suspect the latter.

Steve Miller, acting IRS commissioner, knew about this matter in March 2012, as did Doug Schulman, the former IRS commissioner. It is inconceivable that all these IRS officials were aware of this IRS policy and that Obama and his staff were not. By sitting on this information, not only are Obama and his staff guilty of obstruction of justice, they are guilty to some degree of any crime that the investigation uncovers, whether they initiated this policy or not.

No fewer than 471 groups were targeted… groups such as Friends of the Constitution, the Coalition for a Conservative Majority and numerous Tea Party chapters, as well as Koch Industries, Karl Rove, Franklin Graham (Rev Billy Graham’s son) and James Dobson from Focus on the Family.

Regarding the National Organization for Marriage, which is led by constitutional law professor John Eastman, information was released to the co-chairman of the Re-elect Obama campaign that showed NOM’s confidential Schedule B tax return section; this information was passed to the Human Rights campaign, a NOM opponent, who published it in March 2012. This is a felony punishable by 5 years in prison and a $5000 fine, and although Mr. Eastman has long since filed a freedom of information and investigation status request, to date the I.G and the IRS have not identified the people responsible.

Some groups have told Representative Darrell Issa that the IRS was seeking lists of donors and many documents. The Clear Lake Tea Party in Texas was asked 19 additional questions, along with requests for a list of speakers, resumes for each board member, a list of questions posed to potential political candidates by the group and a list of who was invited to those events.

During the recent hearings before the Ways and Means Committee, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) asked Steve Miller, “Is it illegal, this targeting of groups?” And showing his true statist/Leftist Red colors, Miller answered, “It absolutely is not.”

The lies are flying from Lerner, Miller and Shulman, as highlighted by both Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) and Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah), while Obama is making Steve Miller the fall guy. But in reality, Miller had very little to do with this policy and he was set to leave in June anyway, so his “forced” resignation amounts to a meaningless effort from the administration and an insignificant act. And, in the meantime, one of the real culprits, Sarah Hall Ingram, is not being held accountable for her criminal acts, since she governed the IRS tax-exempt section for groups between 2009 and 2012; now she has been promoted to head the IRS Affordable Health Care section and 16,000 new employees!

If the IRS can halt someone’s tax-exempt status, they can just as easily intimidate that person with the IRS new controls over health care. Imagine being threatened with financial penalties, your information being shared with political enemies, or depending on the IRS for life and death decisions for yourself or your family members. Imagine that stints are outlawed for anyone over 65 years old; with the Progressive’s post-Constitution mindset; it is not a leap of logic to understand that Leftists will receive such care, no matter their age, and conservatives will not.

Attorney General Eric Holder stated on May 15 that “False-statement violations have been made give, at least what I know at this point,” and the Justice Department will be investigating whether anyone’s civil rights had been violated; however, it is troubling to hear him say, “The FBI is coordinating with the Justice Dept to see IF (my emphasis) any laws were broken in connection with those matters related to the IRS,” when obviously laws were broken. Between Jack Lew, Secretary of Treasury and Obama’s political hack, and Holder’s well documented propensity and proclivity to prejudice and selectively enforce laws depending on the Democrat Party’s agenda and Obama’s whims, there must be an outcry from all Americans for a select independent investigative team, an independent lead investigator and Counsel and a Special Prosecutor!

The targeting of conservatives by the IRS was certainly centrally directed by high level officials within the IRS and quite likely White House staff members and President Obama himself. If they are allowed to get away with this, we have passed from a constitutional government to an authoritarian and illegitimate government.

With way too much untethered power, the IRS has become a Left-wing political operation, as seen through these attacks on conservative groups in order to ensure Obama’s re-election. And this is only one piece in a long pattern of anti-American and unConstitutional conduct from this administration, which has increasingly used its power to intimidate and attack those who oppose its policies. Why is the IRS so fixated on acquiring the names of people whose only “crime” is opposing the Obama administration? Ideology is their weapon and a defense mechanism against information, and it is also their pretext for eluding moral constraints in doing and approving evil, while they tell themselves, “My conscience is clean”. This is sinister beyond belief, and it makes the case for repealing the 16th Amendment and passing a flat tax, as we also cut the IRS to the bare-boned minimal existence; this is absolutely an illegal overreach of government and an absolute outrage for all America: Obama must be impeached!


By Justin O. Smith


Intro to Sinister Beyond Belief by Justin Smith

John R. Houk

© May 23, 2013


Sinister Beyond Belief


© Justin O. Smith

Edited by John R. Houk

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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