Family Values Christians Unite

In God we Trust- Flag & Bible

John R. Houk

© July 13, 2012


Solid Snake often complains that pro-family groups are more talk than action. He believes they are more about sending out newsletters to keep the donating base going in order to keep the salaries going for their non-profit organizations. Instead a greater percentage of the donations should be used for actual activism rather than merely moralizing.


I believe Solid Snake is on to something. The moralizing is good; however if it is not followed up by action the moralizing is merely for the ever shrinking choir. The choir is shrinking because Left inspired activism is well funded and well organized for activism.


In America Christians have allowed America’s Left to effectually war on Christianity. More and more of the Mainstream Church Denominations in America are either losing membership or rendering the Word of God to the level of myth or both. Evangelical Christians and of that lot those Churches that lean to non-denominationalism are the only Christians that are constantly adding numbers to the Body of Christ.


Solid Snake’s expertise in the infiltration homosexual activist organizations and public events and exposing the depravity and too often illegal activities related to embezzling or corrupting America’s youth with something like promoting underage sex within a homosexual venue.


Here is a recent letter that Solid Snake sent to some Pro-Family groups as a call for more activism:


Unite: God’s Truth and Family Values

By Solid Snake

Originally sent: June 29, 2012


Dear Pro Family Group:



Thank-you for standing up for God’s Truth and Family Values, and against lawlessness, indecency such as public nudity including homosexual acts and other things that are difficult to put into words-that the Homosexual lobby is trying to force us to accept and affirm…


You are aware of homosexual groups and their goals to destroy the nuclear family and our long held American family values. They will silence anyone who questions or challenges them, or who dares to talk about reparative therapy or the freedom to change.


I have been watching up close up and personal this battle for quite some time. I have infiltrated some of the most horrific events they put on to bring the reality of what they are doing to your attention. Yet some pro family groups lack the intestinal fortitude to challenge the Homosexuals out in the open head-on.


What is there to fear??


Perhaps some encouragement is what’s needed. 


Writing newsletters and press releases can only go so far. Eventually, the enemy has to be faced on the field of battle, which few have the stomach for, because most are shying away from it. Pretending it doesn’t exist is not going to eliminate the threat.


For those who have fought the Homosexuals on their own ground I commend you. The homosexual activists may have main stream media and Hollywood at their beck and call. But you have an ally more powerful than anything or anyone the Homosexual lobby has in their suitcase of treachery, fraud, violence, lust & greed. That ally is our Lord Jesus Christ. (Emphasis Mine)


The only way to combat this evil is to work together as a single unit to expose the inexcusable acts by Homosexual activist groups and what they are doing to children.  I humbly ask you to put your differences aside with your co laborers and work together as a single unit in unit cohesion to overcome this evil.


Pool your resources to combat what the enemy is planning before it is too late. Hollow and unstable [is] the foundation of Homosexual’s lobby and their groups’ are capable of severe damage as they are defeated in every arena. [SlantRight Editor: I had a difficult time understanding the original paragraph so I took the liberty to edit this paragraph. I pray I did not alter Solid Snake’s original intent.]


An attack on one pro family organization or person who opposes the homosexual lobby should be considered an attack on all (clergy included).  All the Hate email, snail mail written by homosexual “activists”, bloggers should be posted publicly verbatim so people can see how vile and evil they really are to anyone who questions or opposes their lifestyle. I sincerely thank you for your work and I will continue to support and assist your cause however I can. 






Solid Snake


Cc: NYFRF, FRC, Mass Resistance, AFA, Mission America, NOM, AFTH (sic)


The last organization a copy was sent to is actually AFTAH. The “Cc” forgot a letter. In conversations I have had with Solid Snake the organizations he rates as best is Mass Resistance, AFTAH and Mission America. The Pro-Family organizations that Solid Snake believes are not pulling their weight in activism are AFA and FRC. I am certain Solid Snake has other Pro-Family organizations on the plus and minus side however these are the ones he has mentioned to me.


I check up on Mass Resistance and AFTAH via my RSS program. I am on the email lists of AFA and FRC. I don’t know much about Mission America.


I know Mass Resistance is in the heat of battle in confronting the homosexual agenda to warp the morals of America. Currently Mass Resistance is in a battle to expose the homosexual activist Adam Flanders who is a convicted Man/Boy sex offender in having sex with a minor boy. Flanders has enlisted the money of homosexual groups to utilize a Leftist activist Judge in Maine to harass Mass Resistance founder Brian Camenker. Exposing Flanders was just a part of taking the fight to the homosexual agenda. Mass Resistance is exposing what is going on at homosexual youth camps. You can guess that more goes on than to just provide a place of validation for corrupted boys and girls that have been brainwashed that choosing a homosexual lifestyle is normal and good for society.


AFTAH is all about exposing the perversity of homosexuality that the MSM does not inform heterosexual America and that homosexual activism is hell-bent in preventing such knowledge from reaching Americans while homosexual activism brainwashes people to accept godless morality over Biblical Morality. AFTAH is the acronym for Americans for Truth about Homosexuality.


The AFA is the acronym for American Family Association. Below is some AFA information from their website:


Who is AFA?


American Family Association (AFA) a non-profit 501(c3) organization was founded in 1977 by Donald E. Wildmon, who was pastoring First United Methodist Church in Southaven, Mississippi, at the time. Since 1977, AFA has been on the frontlines of America’s culture war. The original name of the ministry was National Federation for Decency but was changed to American Family Association (AFA) in 1988.


Today, AFA is one of the largest and most effective pro-family organizations in the country with over two million online supporters and approximately 180,000 paid subscribers to the AFA Journal, the ministry’s monthly magazine. In addition, AFA owns and operates nearly 200 radio stations across the country under the American Family Radio (AFR) banner.

Other divisions of AFA include, an online news provider that is syndicated around the world. AFA maintains activist web sites such as and that rally Christian activists to contact companies asking them to drop their advertising from objectionable TV shows. AFA web sites average over 40 million hits and five million visitors each month.

AFA uses all these means to communicate an outspoken, resolute, Christian voice throughout America.




AFA is a long-time member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability. In 2008, the AFA received a second consecutive four-star rating from Charity Navigator (CN), an independent watchdog organization which monitors nonprofit groups.  Click here to see article.


Highlights of AFA’s recent accomplishments include:




§  AFA issued its annual “Naughty or Nice” listing of retailers’ recognition of Christmas in its advertising.  Over one million people viewed the list during Nov/Dec.


§  Alerted consumers to Sears’ distribution of hard-core pornography from its website. Sears eventually pulled the material.


§  Launched a boycott of The Home Depot after it refused to remain neutral in the culture war.


§  Stopped Comedy Central from airing “JC”, a cartoon mocking Jesus and Christianity.


§  Launched the iVote campaign, placing hundreds of billboards across the nation, encouraging citizens to vote their values in November.


§  Exposed homosexual “Day of Silence” and encourage parents to keep their children home from public school on that day.


§  AFA suspended the boycott of PepsiCo. After monitoring the company for several months, AFA is satisfied the company has withdrawn its major financial contributions to gay activist groups.


§  Over 11,705 official indecency complaints were filed with the FCC after FOX Network aired a bestiality scene on its American Dad program.


§  Erroll Southers, the President’s poorly chosen nominee to head up the Transportation Security Administration, withdrew his name from consideration. Tens of thousands of you sent letters to your senators in response to our action alert on his nomination.


There is more impact info from the years 2009 down to 2006.


The whole page of which “Who is AFA?” and “Has made an Impact” can be viewed HERE.


I have to disagree with Solid Snake that the AFA is ineffective in activism. I believe the AFA has made a huge impact in defense of Family Values. On the other hand if the AFA and other Pro-Family groups unite in a defined level to protect Family Values the impact would bury homosexual activism among the other issues that are on attack mode against Family Values. For example a coordinated front of Family Values activism on a grassroots level is something that would have to be reported by the Mainstream Media (MSM).


For example he has taken it upon himself to infiltrate homosexual events to take pictures and videos of the perversion that occurs in public. Yet he feels like a lone wolf because he and perhaps a few willing buddies enter these streets and avenues of Sodom and Gomorrah.


The Family Research Council (FRC) is not as activist oriented in its agenda as the AFA. Here is some information about FRC activities from their website:


About FRC


Since 1983, Family Research Council (FRC) has advanced faith, family and freedom in public policy and public opinion. FRC’s team of seasoned experts promotes these core values through policy research, public education on Capitol Hill and in the media, and grassroots mobilization. We review legislation, meet with policymakers, publish books and pamphlets, build coalitions, testify before Congress, and maintain a powerful presence in print and broadcast media. Through our outreach to pastors, we equip churches to transform the culture.

Strategically located in Washington, D.C., FRC is the leading voice for the family in our nation’s halls of power.  FRC is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


Mission Statement


Family Research Council (FRC) champions marriage and family as the foundation of civilization, the seedbed of virtue, and the wellspring of society. FRC shapes public debate and formulates public policy that values human life and upholds the institutions of marriage and the family. Believing that God is the author of life, liberty, and the family, FRC promotes the Judeo-Christian worldview as the basis for a just, free, and stable society.


You can read more about the FRC history HERE.


FRC’s activism is in educating a network of people that are influential in Washington, DC politics. The FRC’s idea of grassroots activism is keeping a network of potential donors informed. To give FRC a little credit, informing their network of potential donors is in all probability influencing potential voters who will in turn be writing their Senator and Congressman on a Federal and State level. Hopefully this influence also translates into the proper votes on a County and City level.


A true impact would be to organize a spontaneous looking protest against homosexual debauchery in the thousands at all the major cities that allow perverted homosexual events to take place across the USA. NOW that would be some impact.


The impact would be the MSM would have a difficult time reporting a confrontation as between poor victimized homosexuals and some bigoted Christians. If the MSM would dare to show Christians walking peacefully with signs and Scriptural chants of protest compared to the barely clad males participating in something like homosexual sadomasochism, then the public would have a hard time believing a MSM spin that Christian protesters were utilizing violent intimidation. I am certain any violence that would ensue would be from homosexuals engaging in violent intimidation and coarse language that would match the perversion already being engaged into.


This kind of grassroots activism is something Pro-Family groups FAIL to engage in. One must ask – WHY?


Solid Snake might answer the question that the Pro-Family groups’ fear their funding may be attacked in some way when homosexual activism strikes back with the usual baited diatribes that Christians are engaging in homophobic bigotry. After all homosexuals have the Right as Lesbian, Gay, Bi-sexual and Transgender individuals to choose this alternate lifestyle because even the American Medical Association as well as the Psychology and Psychiatrist equivalents were intimidated into changing homosexuality from a mental health problem to societal normalcy.


Homosexuals are actually a very small minority in America. According to the MSM The Atlantic less than 5% of Americans are homosexuals. Of course the opposite is true then: MORE THAN 95% OF AMERICANS ARE THE REAL NORMAL. This statistic does not make homosexuals a small minority, rather it makes homosexuals NOT NORMAL.


Now think of the impact on American culture if the huge proportion of the Christian population that is a  part of 95% of normal Americans, united on a grassroots level, to counter the money-power of the way less than 5% of homosexual activism – would Biblical morality be reaffirmed?


JRH 7/13/12

Please Support NCCR


SlantRight Editor: Solid Snake sent the 990s of the AFA and FRC to drive home the point that those two Pro-Family organization are more interested in money than inspiring local grassroots activism across America. I have to be honest that bean counting is not one of my strong points in producing an appropriate analysis. So this is what I am going to do. I am going to post some screen shots of sections of the 990s and those of you with a head for math send me the analysis of what the AFA and the FRC can do better on a grassroots involvement on the local level.


Go to the end of the SlantRight 2.0 post to see those 990 Screen Shots

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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