Comment from Tony Newbill on Birther Issues

Tony Newbill sent some info about the Birther issues as it relates to both President Obama and Senator McCain. For the life of me I could not find the post so I am guessing I haven’t posted it yet. This is important because Newbill left a comment through the Comment Section relating to McCain’s eligibility. When I receive a comment there I like to attempt to attach the comment to a post. If I haven’t made the post yet, well, you see the problem. The thing with Tony’s emails I might get to the information later and post it anyway. So keep that in mind as you read this comment.


JRH 4/26/11

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

84 thoughts on “Comment from Tony Newbill on Birther Issues”

  1. they are using the Calvin rule to make the case for natural Born even though Obama only has one parent a citizen . the High Court has NEVER ruled on this so this has been practiced Law ever since so Obama and the democrats are willing to Challenge the High Courts on this .
    Read this recent CNN article,

    , by the same Guy that declared Obama as Natural Born under Common law in this recent post at Wikipedia probably on the same day as the CNN article came out 8 days ago … seems Staged with Obama releasing the BC HUH ???

    The High Court is MIA on this whole thing and we the people need to hear what they have to say about this MESS their lack of ruling over the past 150 years has led us all to this Mess of Corruption and abuse of Power .
    this is the guy thats giving OBAMA the Eligibility cover he needs , and has also made the case for how they have been manipulating the Republican party starting in 2008 with McCain being Ineligible to be POTUS forcing the Republicans to be quite for these past 3 years , thats been why the Republican Elite have been attaching TRUMP , this all needs to Come Out , Both parties are out of Rule of Law control !!!

    We all need to be walking away from the Republican and democrat parties they are out of control , and with this cover-up of McCain in 2008 and the way this can be evidence of Manipulation by the left to force the right to NOT call OUT Obama to be Vetted properly , plus the High courts so far refusal by Private citizens like Taitz to uphold Constitutional Order makes for reasons to hold the 2 parties in contempt and force the High Court to acknowledge this Law Professors claims and ask Why was McCain’s ineligibility ignored by the republicans and why was the democratic party silent when it was one of their own that Pointed out the Ineligibility of McCain ??? And Now this law professor is still giving Obama cover , why isn’t anyone talking about this stuff ???

    This link is the 2008 claim of McCain’s ineligibility under Federal Constitutional law ;

    the 2008 campaign was all a SCAM SHAM FRAUD , Billions of dollars were spent of donations for a complete fraudulent campaign , and all the evidence of this in in the Professors Chins claims he wrote about and the Civil Class action lawsuit that needs to be filed forcing the professor to admit that his findings were either true or false would make the supreme court have to admit that either the findings were true or false and either McCain was a Cover-up or Obama was a Fraud or the professor is wrong , in any case if the professor is right or wrong we the people would win a major victory because if Professor Chin is Wrong then Obama is NOT Natural Born and is a Impostor , or If Chin is proven right then McCain is a Fraud and was Covered-up by Both parties either way it goes Both parties are in serious trouble and we the people need to distance ourselves from them NOW !!!!!
    Orly Taitz Needs to be made aware of this , Its a major conspiracy one the USA has NEVER before seen , Corruption at this level is absolutely Incredible !!!



    In this first Video Obama was Co sponsor of McCain’s Eligibility Resolution 511 Senate Bill and Obama agreed that to be eligible you need 2 parents to be Citizens of the USA to be natural Born eligible , Obama only has 1 parent ?


  3. they all BOTH political parties are up to their ears in this cover-up because thats the only way this could have got this far !!! ROVE all the RINOs that went after TRUMP they are all in this thing and all need to go down for this BIG time !!!


  4. I saw something in this review that made me think about how Obama is going to use McCain to pass Immigration reform . read the last sentence in the review , here it is , quote from the law review below in the link ,” This essay concludes by exploring how changes in constitutional law implied by the Tribe-Olson Opinion, such as limiting the Insular Cases and expanding judicial review of immigration and nationality laws passed by Congress, could make Senator McCain a citizen at birth and thus a natural born citizen”.

    in this review the professor talks about How changing the Constitution’s immigration law could change the statutes so that McCain could be declared a natural Born citizen so this professors motives are far reaching when he wrote this review of How McCain was ineligible to be POTUS in 2008 , and I bet we see Obama try and use some part of this to move immigration Policy soon and win favor from McCain in the senate ,


  5. Obama COLB was Tampered with JUST BREAKING! The Long Form Document WAS CHANGED! – Expert Analysis! (May 1, 2011)


  6. CHEERS and CONGRATS too the TROOPS their FAMILIES and the Obama Administration for the Finding and justice served too Osama bin Laden !!!!!!!!!!


  7. Obama calls for Unity but Its your Domestic economic and Environmentalists Marxists Policies that are the problem Dear Mr. President !

    Let us increase supplies of energy and FOOD and all our own raw materials for our needs and this action bring down the cost to live and then you will have a winning combination Dear Mr. President .


  8. Is all the Anti Capitalism and supply-side economic rhetoric coming out of the Environmentalists Marxists organizations that Our Preisdent is supported by and his Economic Policies resemble SO WELL really trying to take advantage of this crisis thats coming ?


  9. check this action out ……… S. 679: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011

    The Apotheosis Of Barack Obama

    Senatus Populusque Romanus — Imperius Rex et Populusque Americanus

    While all of America is distracted and focused on the death of Osama bin Laden, our President and his minions have been fast at work laying the groundwork for S. 679: Presidential Appointment Efficiency and Streamlining Act of 2011 to speed through the Senate and then make its way into the House and then to the President to sign. Yes, the other hand is quickly forming into a dictatorial fist that is about to smash our Constitution.

    As you will recall, the beginning of the end of liberty in Rome commenced with Augustus Caesar who compromised the authority of the Senate through the force of arms and basically the Senate became a facade. America is poised with this proposed bill, to morph immediately from a Republic into an empire with the privileged eunuchs of the Senate as window dressing and a dictator – the first American Caesar – at the country’s helm.

    And leading the progressive charge is Chuck Schumer (D-NY). No big surprise there. Schumer is an elitist Marxist and a first class progressive who hates America almost as much as he loves power. He introduced S. 679 on March 30th, 2011. He was joined by a gaggle of progressives from the left and the right. This is something I have been warning Americans about for a long time. If we are to survive as a nation, we must rid ourselves of ALL progressives or our nation is doomed and freedom will be swept into the dustbin of history. Schumer’s esteemed list of constitutional traitors is as follows:

    Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN)
    Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D-NM)
    Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
    Sen. Scott Brown (R-MA)
    Sen. Thomas Carper (D-DE)
    Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME)
    Sen. Richard Durbin (D-IL)
    Sen. Mike Johanns (R-NE)
    Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)
    Sen. Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)
    Sen. Richard Lugar (R-IN)
    Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY)
    Sen. John Reed (D-RI)
    Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV)
    Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI)
    From The Heritage Foundation, here is a succinct explanation of the bill:

    READ more at the Above LINKS …….


    1. Check this out …. Soros is trying to take over control of the grain resources to control our food in the USA and the world , and Soros was at the Brettonwoods accords meetings 2 weeks ago soliciting Financial commitments I bet for this consolidation effort of these food resources , and in this Senate Bill IT WILL LET OBAMA NOT HAVE TO LET THE SENATE ADVISE IF SOROS CAN TAKEOVER OUR GRAIN SUPPLY IN THE USA , MY GOD this is Bolshevism 101 tactics !!!!!!

      S. 679: To Remove “Advise and Consent” Function of Senate for Numerous Federal Appointments
      Share posted at 4:00 pm on May 14, 2011 by J.E. Dyer
      This, introduced by Chuck Schumer on 30 March 2011, looks like a very, very bad idea, from the perspective of anyone who wants government to be smaller and less intrusive – and wants the executive to be policed better by the legislative branch. President Obama and his czars are the obvious counterargument to this bill. They make a powerful one.

      More than 200 appointed positions would be excused from the advise-and-consent requirement by S. 679. Among them are the following:

      The Agriculture Department’s Commodities Credit Board
      Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service Administrator
      The Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
      The Commerce Department’s Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
      The Defense Department’s Assistant Secretary for Networks and Information Integration
      The Assistant Secretaries of each of the armed services for financial management
      The Education Department’s Assistant Secretary for Management
      Education’s Commissioner of Education Statistics
      All 7 of the Assistant Secretaries of Energy
      The Department of Homeland Security’s Director of the Office of Domestic Preparedness
      Homeland Security’s Assistant Administrator of FEMA for Grant Programs
      The Department of the Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer
      The Treasurer of the United States
      Director of the US Mint
      The Governors and Alternate Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (amending Section 3 of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act)
      Governor and Alternate Governor of the Asian Development Bank (amending Section 3(a) of the Asian Development Bank Act)
      Governor and Alternate Governor of the African Development Fund (amending Section 203(a) of the African Development Fund Act)
      Managing Director of the Corporation for National and Community Service
      The Office of Management and Budget’s Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management
      Director of the Community Development Financial Institution Fund
      That’s just a sample – and it represents an awful lot of policy, money-handling, and benefit-management, with your tax dollars. The Senate proposes to let the president appoint people to these positions without explicit prior oversight. The sheer possibilities for graft and bribery here are colossal – and that’s before we even get to the possibilities for covert policy implementation.

      The Senate may be naïve enough to think presidents “should” simply be trusted to appoint honest brokers to these positions. With the Obama administration’s record of attempting one executive end-run after another around due-process law, such senatorial sentiment seems like willful stupidity. But Obama is not the first president to appoint questionable individuals to second-tier federal positions. There is a long history of problems or perceived problems in this area of executive privilege. And that’s the point of consensual government, checks and balances, and separation of powers.

      The list in S. 679 includes all the legislative affairs directors for the federal departments, which would mean that a president’s appointees to these positions would be entirely loyal to him, not Congress. Add that to all the key positions in which money or statistics could be mishandled behind the scenes. (The Chief Scientist for NOAA could well be the most important appointment in the US federal government these days. The Commodity Credit Board and the Community Development Financial Institution Fund would be extremely efficient vote-buying vehicles in the wrong hands. The skullduggery that could result from unreviewed appointments to the IMF and the Asian and African development funds doesn’t bear thinking about.)

      Now is not the time to express this kind of confidence in the executive. In fact, the case is the exact opposite. In terms of political administration, S. 679 would be a good head start on turning all of America into Chicago. Here are the Republicans who co-sponsored it with Chuck Schumer:

      Alexander (TN)

      Brown (MA)

      Collins (ME)

      Johanns (NE)

      Kyl (AZ)

      Lugar (IN)

      McConnell (KY)

      The Heritage Foundation has a good write-up. H/t: NoisyRoom.

      Posted from

      Will they create their own financing to then finish world consolidation of Vital resource supply that then can control Humanity worldwide ?
      GEORGE SOROS CONVENES ‘BRETTON WOODS II, , don’t let Soros control this in the USA to dominate the Food industry , we the people need to counter him with the Hope of this ;
      Now George Soros is taking over our food industry!;read=201463
      Tony Adkins

      He who controls the food – controls the world. Read this Kissinger statement , , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

      This is the face of International Bolshevism

      This is why we see the Rise of International Communism and Marxism in our Governments . We the People of the USA need to Consider what We do to Sustain our nations ability to provide OUR Vital HUMAN NEEDS First , in this face of Tyranny due to the threat of Global OVERPOPULATION , this is why we see the Kinds of Anti-Supply-side Policies coming out of Washington , The see no way too unleash the Free Enterprising Productivity to Remedy this situation thats Looming , they Instead are Going in Reserve like instead of Focusing on Expanding Supply they are Looking at ways to reduce the Demand on Supplies . Past historical events in Europe and Asia in the early part of the last century that saw massive human strife and conflicts were due to these same effects of supply-shortages of vital human needs , and it was alleviated after WW2 with the Massive Industrial Expansion of Technology that was the Enabling force in Supply-side resource expansion that was the salvation for World Peace .
      Look at the CZARS that advise Obama and read their writings . The US Society only consumes about a 1/3rd of the Food we produce so considering that we are trying to feed a World Population thats unsustainable is where the debate needs to be started so we the people can grasp this situation and get a handle on a Run Away Government thats drafting policies that are collapsing the Capitalist supply-side Free enterprising markets , and we the people are not being fully informed as to why Our Liberties are eroding away , all in the name of Collective Salvation , , of which we have Heard President Obama speak of in the youtube links , so whats he really mean by that is the debate we need to have and ask Does that Term fit with the Fundamental Transformation Obama spoke of in the 2008 campaign , and is it connected to this Global Food Security Threat ?? Is it just a repeat of the Past Efforts by the Bolsheviks era that consolidated Resources by convincing the Society that Government control over Production and allocation was the best way to remedy that struggling people were experience ? If we forget the past events we are destined to Repeat their mistakes !!!! These Links explains a great deal of what Collective Salvation is ,

      Heres some more Food and Vital Human Needs Inflation evidence as to what is causing the Governments in the world to act so ANTI Growth ANTI FREE Market , and so Restrictive with their policies , they are Lying to us about trying to recover the FREE Market Supply-side economic fundamental ….. this first link is all about the BIGGEST MARXIST of the OBAMA CZARs . We the People need to demand these People tell us what they are really wanting to do .

      Cass Sunstein Explains Why “Environmental Justice” Buzz Words Matter

      They make it sound good that Government needs to control everything , but with all the OVERPOPULATION talk by these same people do you trust them with your Life’s Vital NEEDS ???

      20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming
      Courtesy of Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse
      They are not working on projects that will expand the current supplybase of vital human needs , all they are doing is trying to consolidate it and control it in its current size and they will run us into shortages in supply you watch , this is a repeat of the Bolshevik parties attempts to control the countries around Russia with Food resources .


    2. Check this out …. Soros is trying to take over control of the grain resources to control our food in the USA and the world and Senate bill 679 will let Obama let Soros take control of USA grain supply in the BIN without Congress approval , and Soros was at the Brettonwoods accords meetings 2 weeks ago soliciting Financial commitments I bet for this consolidation effort of these food resources , and in this Senate Bill IT WILL LET OBAMA NOT HAVE TO LET THE SENATE ADVISE IF SOROS CAN TAKEOVER OUR GRAIN SUPPLY IN THE USA , MY GOD this is Bolshevism 101 tactics !!!!!!

      S. 679: To Remove “Advise and Consent” Function of Senate for Numerous Federal Appointments
      Share posted at 4:00 pm on May 14, 2011 by J.E. Dyer
      This, introduced by Chuck Schumer on 30 March 2011, looks like a very, very bad idea, from the perspective of anyone who wants government to be smaller and less intrusive – and wants the executive to be policed better by the legislative branch. President Obama and his czars are the obvious counterargument to this bill. They make a powerful one.

      More than 200 appointed positions would be excused from the advise-and-consent requirement by S. 679. Among them are the following:

      The Agriculture Department’s Commodities Credit Board
      Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service Administrator
      The Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
      The Commerce Department’s Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
      The Defense Department’s Assistant Secretary for Networks and Information Integration
      The Assistant Secretaries of each of the armed services for financial management
      The Education Department’s Assistant Secretary for Management
      Education’s Commissioner of Education Statistics
      All 7 of the Assistant Secretaries of Energy
      The Department of Homeland Security’s Director of the Office of Domestic Preparedness
      Homeland Security’s Assistant Administrator of FEMA for Grant Programs
      The Department of the Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer
      The Treasurer of the United States
      Director of the US Mint
      The Governors and Alternate Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (amending Section 3 of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act)
      Governor and Alternate Governor of the Asian Development Bank (amending Section 3(a) of the Asian Development Bank Act)
      Governor and Alternate Governor of the African Development Fund (amending Section 203(a) of the African Development Fund Act)
      Managing Director of the Corporation for National and Community Service
      The Office of Management and Budget’s Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management
      Director of the Community Development Financial Institution Fund


      1. That’s just a sample – and it represents an awful lot of policy, money-handling, and benefit-management, with your tax dollars. The Senate proposes to let the president appoint people to these positions without explicit prior oversight. The sheer possibilities for graft and bribery here are colossal – and that’s before we even get to the possibilities for covert policy implementation.

        The Senate may be naïve enough to think presidents “should” simply be trusted to appoint honest brokers to these positions. With the Obama administration’s record of attempting one executive end-run after another around due-process law, such senatorial sentiment seems like willful stupidity. But Obama is not the first president to appoint questionable individuals to second-tier federal positions. There is a long history of problems or perceived problems in this area of executive privilege. And that’s the point of consensual government, checks and balances, and separation of powers.

        The list in S. 679 includes all the legislative affairs directors for the federal departments, which would mean that a president’s appointees to these positions would be entirely loyal to him, not Congress. Add that to all the key positions in which money or statistics could be mishandled behind the scenes. (The Chief Scientist for NOAA could well be the most important appointment in the US federal government these days. The Commodity Credit Board and the Community Development Financial Institution Fund would be extremely efficient vote-buying vehicles in the wrong hands. The skullduggery that could result from unreviewed appointments to the IMF and the Asian and African development funds doesn’t bear thinking about.)

        Now is not the time to express this kind of confidence in the executive. In fact, the case is the exact opposite. In terms of political administration, S. 679 would be a good head start on turning all of America into Chicago. Here are the Republicans who co-sponsored it with Chuck Schumer:

        Alexander (TN)

        Brown (MA)

        Collins (ME)

        Johanns (NE)

        Kyl (AZ)

        Lugar (IN)

        McConnell (KY)

        The Heritage Foundation has a good write-up. H/t: NoisyRoom.

        Posted from

        Will they create their own financing to then finish world consolidation of Vital resource supply that then can control Humanity worldwide ?
        GEORGE SOROS CONVENES ‘BRETTON WOODS II, , don’t let Soros control this in the USA to dominate the Food industry , we the people need to counter him with the Hope of this ;
        Now George Soros is taking over our food industry!;read=201463
        Tony Adkins


      2. He who controls the food – controls the world. Read this Kissinger statement , , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

        This is the face of International Bolshevism

        This is why we see the Rise of International Communism and Marxism in our Governments . We the People of the USA need to Consider what We do to Sustain our nations ability to provide OUR Vital HUMAN NEEDS First , in this face of Tyranny due to the threat of Global OVERPOPULATION , this is why we see the Kinds of Anti-Supply-side Policies coming out of Washington , The see no way too unleash the Free Enterprising Productivity to Remedy this situation thats Looming , they Instead are Going in Reserve like instead of Focusing on Expanding Supply they are Looking at ways to reduce the Demand on Supplies . Past historical events in Europe and Asia in the early part of the last century that saw massive human strife and conflicts were due to these same effects of supply-shortages of vital human needs , and it was alleviated after WW2 with the Massive Industrial Expansion of Technology that was the Enabling force in Supply-side resource expansion that was the salvation for World Peace .
        Look at the CZARS that advise Obama and read their writings . The US Society only consumes about a 1/3rd of the Food we produce so considering that we are trying to feed a World Population thats unsustainable is where the debate needs to be started so we the people can grasp this situation and get a handle on a Run Away Government thats drafting policies that are collapsing the Capitalist supply-side Free enterprising markets , and we the people are not being fully informed as to why Our Liberties are eroding away , all in the name of Collective Salvation , , of which we have Heard President Obama speak of in the youtube links , so whats he really mean by that is the debate we need to have and ask Does that Term fit with the Fundamental Transformation Obama spoke of in the 2008 campaign , and is it connected to this Global Food Security Threat ?? Is it just a repeat of the Past Efforts by the Bolsheviks era that consolidated Resources by convincing the Society that Government control over Production and allocation was the best way to remedy that struggling people were experience ? If we forget the past events we are destined to Repeat their mistakes !!!! These Links explains a great deal of what Collective Salvation is ,

        Heres some more Food and Vital Human Needs Inflation evidence as to what is causing the Governments in the world to act so ANTI Growth ANTI FREE Market , and so Restrictive with their policies , they are Lying to us about trying to recover the FREE Market Supply-side economic fundamental ….. this first link is all about the BIGGEST MARXIST of the OBAMA CZARs . We the People need to demand these People tell us what they are really wanting to do .

        Cass Sunstein Explains Why “Environmental Justice” Buzz Words Matter

        They make it sound good that Government needs to control everything , but with all the OVERPOPULATION talk by these same people do you trust them with your Life’s Vital NEEDS ???

        20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming
        Courtesy of Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse
        They are not working on projects that will expand the current supplybase of vital human needs , all they are doing is trying to consolidate it and control it in its current size and they will run us into shortages in supply you watch , this is a repeat of the Bolshevik parties attempts to control the countries around Russia with Food resources .


    1. Here’s a report on Barack’s birth certificate… covers many of the things that have been pointed out in other emails. But this one is quite comprehensive.


    2. This important revelation just came across the transom. President Barack Obama’s current SSN is 042-68-4425. This is a Connecticut-assigned number. Obama started using this SSN around 1980. A bill collector named “Al” (pseudonym to keep him unknown for fear of retribution by the Obama administration) who lives on the West Coast did some deep searching and found that Obama took the SSN under the alias of Harrison J. Bounel. This is a new revelation! Obama has had 58 individual, separate residence addresses across the country. However, none of them was in Connecticut.

      Listen to this nearly 40-minute radio interview, which is a new revelation. Things are so complex and hidden of Obama’s background that nobody really knows who the man is. I am currently reading Dr. Jerome Corsi’s book titled Where’s the Birth Certificate and am learning new things about this enigma known as Barack Hussein Obama. One day soon, things will break wide open on his background, and we will find exactly who this mystery man is.

      Here is the interesting video:


    3. Media Silence on this cause benefit indirectly from OBAMA BAILOUTS & Health care wavers to BIG Advertisers right?

      Have you seen these links yet ? This needs to be ALL OVER THE NEWS but the NEWS Medias are who benefits from the OBAMA BAILOUTS too those Companies that Buy the Biggest ADs on the NETWORKS so they Cover the OBAMA Just Like How The Obama Administration is NOW giving WAVERS for the Mandate on Health Care so the Buying of the VOTE continues and the MEDIA is silent !!!!! If the NEWS Media won’t DEMAND Justice UP HOLD OUR LIBERTY then we are In a state of Anarchy and soon too collapse Civilly and Socially as Independent Citizens because our Supply of Vital Needs will run short from the lack of Enterprising policies that can allow FREE People to Prosper by supply expansion to keep down the costs of Living so we can see more saving build up !!!!! Its this kind of economic Philosophy that will only be the salvation for Restoring solvency in our medicare and social security and State and Federal Governments Budgets . You have to grow the Supply in order to generate a taxable income profit thats economics 101 and this President and his Socialist Ilk are standing on the Throat of Democracy in this regard and enough is enough !!!!!

      Parts 1-3:


  10. This is what they are going to use on WE the People to HERD us towards what they consider Enlightenment ……..


  11. Enough of the Campaigning for Immigration Reform WE need a LEADER for USA NATIONAL SECURITY on the MEXICO BORDER to SECURE the USA from the ANARCHY before it comes into the USA !!!

    So Obama thinks we NEED to just OPEN the Mexico Border with Immigration REFORM before we Have a Handle on what is going on down there , HELLO LETS HAVE USA National SECURITY on the MEXICO BORDER FIRST PLEASE ?????

    What are we doing to Secure our UNITED STATES of AMERICA against this in Mexico ???????? WARNING: THESE PICTURES ARE EXTREMELY GRAPHIC.


  12. With unsecured Borders and Confirmed terrorists coming into the USA this way how do we not know they are not getting ready to detonate Suit case Nuke bombs around our Nuke Power Plants to create a catastrophic wipe out of the USA ??? The last thing we the people need is Obama campaigning to Leave the Border Unsecured just to win the Latino Vote don’t ya think ?

    CIA Agent in Houston Shot Dead Chasing Suitcase Nuke


  13. Check this out …. Soros is trying to take over control of the grain resources to control our food in the USA and the world and Senate bill 679 will let Obama let Soros take control of USA grain supply in the BIN without Congress approval , and Soros was at the Brettonwoods accords meetings 2 weeks ago soliciting Financial commitments I bet for this consolidation effort of these food resources , and in this Senate Bill IT WILL LET OBAMA NOT HAVE TO LET THE SENATE ADVISE IF SOROS CAN TAKEOVER OUR GRAIN SUPPLY IN THE USA , MY GOD this is Bolshevism 101 tactics !!!!!!

    S. 679: To Remove “Advise and Consent” Function of Senate for Numerous Federal Appointments
    Share posted at 4:00 pm on May 14, 2011 by J.E. Dyer
    This, introduced by Chuck Schumer on 30 March 2011, looks like a very, very bad idea, from the perspective of anyone who wants government to be smaller and less intrusive – and wants the executive to be policed better by the legislative branch. President Obama and his czars are the obvious counterargument to this bill. They make a powerful one.

    More than 200 appointed positions would be excused from the advise-and-consent requirement by S. 679. Among them are the following:

    The Agriculture Department’s Commodities Credit Board
    Agriculture’s Rural Utilities Service Administrator
    The Chief Scientist of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
    The Commerce Department’s Assistant Secretary for Communications and Information
    The Defense Department’s Assistant Secretary for Networks and Information Integration
    The Assistant Secretaries of each of the armed services for financial management
    The Education Department’s Assistant Secretary for Management
    Education’s Commissioner of Education Statistics
    All 7 of the Assistant Secretaries of Energy
    The Department of Homeland Security’s Director of the Office of Domestic Preparedness
    Homeland Security’s Assistant Administrator of FEMA for Grant Programs
    The Department of the Treasury’s Assistant Secretary for Management and Chief Financial Officer
    The Treasurer of the United States
    Director of the US Mint
    The Governors and Alternate Governors of the International Monetary Fund and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (amending Section 3 of the Bretton Woods Agreements Act)
    Governor and Alternate Governor of the Asian Development Bank (amending Section 3(a) of the Asian Development Bank Act)
    Governor and Alternate Governor of the African Development Fund (amending Section 203(a) of the African Development Fund Act)
    Managing Director of the Corporation for National and Community Service
    The Office of Management and Budget’s Controller, Office of Federal Financial Management
    Director of the Community Development Financial Institution Fund
    That’s just a sample – and it represents an awful lot of policy, money-handling, and benefit-management, with your tax dollars. The Senate proposes to let the president appoint people to these positions without explicit prior oversight. The sheer possibilities for graft and bribery here are colossal – and that’s before we even get to the possibilities for covert policy implementation.

    The Senate may be naïve enough to think presidents “should” simply be trusted to appoint honest brokers to these positions. With the Obama administration’s record of attempting one executive end-run after another around due-process law, such senatorial sentiment seems like willful stupidity. But Obama is not the first president to appoint questionable individuals to second-tier federal positions. There is a long history of problems or perceived problems in this area of executive privilege. And that’s the point of consensual government, checks and balances, and separation of powers.

    The list in S. 679 includes all the legislative affairs directors for the federal departments, which would mean that a president’s appointees to these positions would be entirely loyal to him, not Congress. Add that to all the key positions in which money or statistics could be mishandled behind the scenes. (The Chief Scientist for NOAA could well be the most important appointment in the US federal government these days. The Commodity Credit Board and the Community Development Financial Institution Fund would be extremely efficient vote-buying vehicles in the wrong hands. The skullduggery that could result from unreviewed appointments to the IMF and the Asian and African development funds doesn’t bear thinking about.)

    Now is not the time to express this kind of confidence in the executive. In fact, the case is the exact opposite. In terms of political administration, S. 679 would be a good head start on turning all of America into Chicago. Here are the Republicans who co-sponsored it with Chuck Schumer:

    Alexander (TN)

    Brown (MA)

    Collins (ME)

    Johanns (NE)

    Kyl (AZ)

    Lugar (IN)

    McConnell (KY)

    The Heritage Foundation has a good write-up. H/t: NoisyRoom.

    Posted from

    Will they create their own financing to then finish world consolidation of Vital resource supply that then can control Humanity worldwide ?
    GEORGE SOROS CONVENES ‘BRETTON WOODS II, , don’t let Soros control this in the USA to dominate the Food industry , we the people need to counter him with the Hope of this ;
    Now George Soros is taking over our food industry!;read=201463
    Tony Adkins

    He who controls the food – controls the world. Read this Kissinger statement , , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

    This is the face of International Bolshevism

    This is why we see the Rise of International Communism and Marxism in our Governments . We the People of the USA need to Consider what We do to Sustain our nations ability to provide OUR Vital HUMAN NEEDS First , in this face of Tyranny due to the threat of Global OVERPOPULATION , this is why we see the Kinds of Anti-Supply-side Policies coming out of Washington , The see no way too unleash the Free Enterprising Productivity to Remedy this situation thats Looming , they Instead are Going in Reserve like instead of Focusing on Expanding Supply they are Looking at ways to reduce the Demand on Supplies . Past historical events in Europe and Asia in the early part of the last century that saw massive human strife and conflicts were due to these same effects of supply-shortages of vital human needs , and it was alleviated after WW2 with the Massive Industrial Expansion of Technology that was the Enabling force in Supply-side resource expansion that was the salvation for World Peace .
    Look at the CZARS that advise Obama and read their writings . The US Society only consumes about a 1/3rd of the Food we produce so considering that we are trying to feed a World Population thats unsustainable is where the debate needs to be started so we the people can grasp this situation and get a handle on a Run Away Government thats drafting policies that are collapsing the Capitalist supply-side Free enterprising markets , and we the people are not being fully informed as to why Our Liberties are eroding away , all in the name of Collective Salvation , , of which we have Heard President Obama speak of in the youtube links , so whats he really mean by that is the debate we need to have and ask Does that Term fit with the Fundamental Transformation Obama spoke of in the 2008 campaign , and is it connected to this Global Food Security Threat ?? Is it just a repeat of the Past Efforts by the Bolsheviks era that consolidated Resources by convincing the Society that Government control over Production and allocation was the best way to remedy that struggling people were experience ? If we forget the past events we are destined to Repeat their mistakes !!!! These Links explains a great deal of what Collective Salvation is ,

    Heres some more Food and Vital Human Needs Inflation evidence as to what is causing the Governments in the world to act so ANTI Growth ANTI FREE Market , and so Restrictive with their policies , they are Lying to us about trying to recover the FREE Market Supply-side economic fundamental ….. this first link is all about the BIGGEST MARXIST of the OBAMA CZARs . We the People need to demand these People tell us what they are really wanting to do .

    Cass Sunstein Explains Why “Environmental Justice” Buzz Words Matter

    They make it sound good that Government needs to control everything , but with all the OVERPOPULATION talk by these same people do you trust them with your Life’s Vital NEEDS ???

    20 Signs That A Horrific Global Food Crisis Is Coming
    Courtesy of Michael Snyder, Economic Collapse
    They are not working on projects that will expand the current supplybase of vital human needs , all they are doing is trying to consolidate it and control it in its current size and they will run us into shortages in supply you watch , this is a repeat of the Bolshevik parties attempts to control the countries around Russia with Food resources .


  14. Check out This site at Club of Budapest and read what they are predicting …..

    They call out the Mayan prophecy .

    read the link here where it says ” The period around the end of 2012 is likely to be a turbulent one for this and other reasons. Predictions coming from the physical sciences foresee disturbances in the geomagnetic, electromagnetic and related fields that embed the planet causing significant damage to telecommunications and impacting many aspects of human activity and health. For the esoteric traditions the end of 2012 will be the end of the known world, although the more optimistic interpretations speak of a new world taking the place of the old”.


      1. Did you hear Obama say this Morning that what is at the heart of his reasoning for a Retracement of Israel’s Border back to the 1967 line was for the most part because of Palestine’s OVERPOPULATION problem ?

        This is at the root of ALL International Technocratic Elitists policies and is The reason why we see a Confused Government unwilling to uphold the US Constitution any longer ……. why should the USA citizens give up their FREEDOM and LIBERTY over being a Self Reliant Independent Nation because of other Countries issues with their Unsustainable populations ??? Shouldn’t we the people be speaking up and suggesting The Intellectual Educational value is what we need to Include in our understanding of why God made earth a Finite element , and that we all need to have a Conversation about this Together so we can find Common Ground around this topic and come to peaceful resolve with a Plan that teaches our Humanity the scope , wisdom , and harmony God would have wanted us all to Inhabit his earth with FREELY with FREEDOM of Choice for all People ???

        When you listen to what Obama claims is the reason why Palestine needs to have The Borders of Israel retraced back to the 1967 lines of agreements , HE says its Because the OVERPOPULATION of the Palestine society warrants it , and this makes the case for aggressiveness of the Aggressors who are struggling from their unsustainable population growth .

        I want to point out in this fertility Chart that there is a lack of Discussion about the way we as Intellectual Human Beings needs to be thinking about and Talking about Freely in terms of what Our God who made earth an Finite element might have been trying to convey to us about the need to be considering our LIFE on EARTH in a sustainable manner , respective of this fundamental Understanding when we plan our families ? Have we BEEN FREELY acknowledging this in a True Spiritual Sense , NO we have NOT and this fertility Chart shows this in part of the world , and the time has come to Have this Discussion so we can find sustainability FREELY and PEACEFULLY !!!! So where is the Talk about GOD making a Finite earth and that God must have had a message in that for Humanity to Consider when making our families and being able to sustain Humanities existence ?? Hello , Lets have a discussion about God making earth a Finite element and what might this means to the thought about Mans existence on earth ???? If We the People DO NOT START Having this Discussion Freely and fairly with Freedom of Choice to be able to speak about the Finite earth God created with a Fundamental understanding of this FREELY and with the FREEDOM of Choice as a Sustainable element of this discussion with all of earths Humanity , Humanity is going to Lose its Freedom to choose our Way Forward with Planning our families and their Futures because the technocrats are readying themselves to impose their Ideological forced controls on Humanity worldwide!!!!!

        Our Governments are Out of Control with this discussion and are instead just consolidating our FREEDOMS quietly with oppressive Regulations that stall FREE markets abilities to FREELY supply Humanities NEEDS !!!
        Pelosi and all of Congress is just rat holing whatever resources and Capital they can before they collapse the free market and economic system once and for all to install they NWO plan to save the earth from Humanity , Club of Rome style !!!!! Read about the Agenda 21 Plan here though out these links ;
        Florida’s AGENDA 21 Convention AGENDA 21 with Karen Schoen, , a link with Canada Free press article on this topic , which I applauded you for writing !!!!

        Anyone who supports this movement is Anti western Civilization and We the People Must Stand Up and Be heard and Speak out in Opposition to this Aggression calling those out who are the true aggressors !!!!!
        If this is about survival of the Human race then we Must speak these truths or it will be the Segregation of Humanity !!!!!
        Our Leadership is politically segregating Humanity right Now with the Financial system , it was all a Orchestrated Economic Collapse , it was evident in how the Private Credit holders shed ALL their Long Term leverage over to fanny and FREDDY , and if the future was certain they Would NOT Have Done this !!!!

        We must be vigilante on Maintaining our Independence and that Means we need to restore our ability to provide our Own Nuts and Bolts , literally so that we are NOT dependent on any one Source of Vital Human needs supplies !!!!! To be Independently able top Drive to the grocery Store or the drive up window at Mc Donald’s is NOT GOOD enough , we need to make sure we are staying ahead of our Demand of our NEEDS Independently or we will see that become the leverage against We the People !!!!! Watch what the Inflation on your Monthly Cost of Living is telling you !!!!


  15. Did you click on the architectural Design for the Demolition and rebuilding of the Statue of Liberty ?
    The Push for Shariah in America and the NEW LOOK for the WHITEHOUSE
    have you seen this ???? are we going to let this happen ???

    As Long as Obama does Not come out and Denounce Islam as the NEW world Order in the USA like is being portrayed here then Obama has Source allegiance with Islam …….

    The Condensed Obama Timeline 1959–1995 , the most Informative research on Obama ever !!!!!

    Click to access condensedtimeline30apr2011v19.pdf , who is this guy really ???
    The Muslim Brotherhood – Globalists’ Secret Weapon & Obama’s Treason

    This link explains a lot .

    Heres how they have taken over our Financial system and with our trade Policy that extracts dollars from the USA with Imports and Shariah cutting off all credit origination in the USA to the private sector because of a Policy of Zero Interest banking Compliance at the Loan origination center of the federal reserve window , we are watching the USA be Bled dry of its Primary capital reserves .

    This Link shows you how the Zero Interest 33 % guaranteed investment portfolio of Shariah Financial Compliance works and is what Is controlling the Interest rate policy at the federal Reserve to in turn be the reason why OPEC has continued to agree to price OIL in Petro Dollars , bribery at its best , while we watch the Dollar self destruct by the lack of capital credit insurances and Lack of capital formation around those Primary credit origination’s Reserves all designed to be the foundation of wealth creation from a investment in the production and expansion of durable goods and vital human needs resources , and the inflation we see evolving today in our cost of Living is directly related to this siege on USA Capitalism and its ability to be a Independent source of Revenue Origination’s for the FREE markets . Couple this with OVER REACH at the Regulatory level of Government , like the EPA , and we see a total Collapse coming in the FREE markets .
    The Shariah Financial takeover of AIG in the USA , We the People are Under economic and Financial Siege in our Country , is anyone awake to this ???

    Shariah Law Financing (Wall Street) Selling Our Souls

    Segregation is being done at the Financial level of World Societies NOW !!!!
    The connection to this cleric is evident in our financial sectors as well .


  16. Go WATCH this Congressman speak …..

    Its all about this ……

    I think once the Default happens those who the USA defaults on will unleash their Nukes…..

    And by the looks of this article on Russia , we are seeing their Cold WAR rhetoric for Defense systems build-up amplified in this read ,


    1. They are running out of time maybe for their plans to Collapse the FREE nation that allows its FREE People to make their own Way in the way they create their own Food , and other Vital Human Needs !!!! We the people WILL NOT BE forced into a Life of SERFDOM MR OBAMA & Co. !!!!!!!

      First OFF the NEWS Wires is this Past Charge of Treason against Obama which is a very Interesting Piece of NEWS which the MSM has done a masterfully excellent Job of Covering UP the Truth of Reporting to the General public what Threatens our LIVES in FREEDOM to Pursue our NEEDS to sustain Life , don’t you think ?
      American Citizens’ Demand Investigation of Obama Administration
      The Commies are trying to Bleed out the Citizenry of their primary capital reserves as they continue to allow NO FREE Market Growth to come back by standing down on Credit issuance to generate and form capital around Supply -side Productions , you can see it in the Market analogies coming out and the Jobless claims these last few days in the reports . You cannot run a Communist Economic system inside a Free market based one because those who risk their primary capital reserves into Resource and Manufacturing ventures that can generate capital expansions( Profits are the dirty word to Commies ,because it take away their ability to Consolidate Independence away from the Individual so they become DEPENDENT on the Communist Government , Bolshevism is a great description of the outcome this has on a society that becomes dependent on a Central Government ) then Adequate supply productions get Interrupted and societal struggles are the result and so supply expansion lags because the fear of a Anti Government regulatory Policy which Scares the Would be Risk takers out of the Primary Wealth creation markets then becomes the general publics demise , which then Leads to a Shift to totalitarianism because of the civil unrest , and a Line of Gulag Bound Civilians follows shortly after , and we can see this evidence in the Inflation on Existing Supply on our most Vital Needs supplies , and we can see this now starting to effect what Little Fix Incomes markets we have Left . The Commies have just about reached their goal of the final stage of the BIG Economic Collapse I am afraid . It may be the last HOORAH .
      the dollar cannot stand on its own unless there is demand for its use and that comes from credit issuances that means growth in primary Resource markets that can Incentively entice the private capital to come in and be willing to form its capital around that source of revenue like a Guarantee , and we need Vital Human Resources to be produced and expanded in the supply reserves , Like Food based and Energy based supply its evident in the inflation data !!!!! But Instead the Federal Reserve has Been Printing the money that has been funding the Government and those Big banking Fascists that are in Bed with Shariah Financial Compliance Investment groups, , , , and together Washington and the Financial district is Bleeding dry the private Sector Markets as they Sit on the Printed Investment capital that the Federal reserve has been printing and the Commie Government rat Holes the Money that allocated to them.


      1. This is another excellent comment that would be better placed on another post. I really do appreciate your contribution, but for people to read your comments effectively they really need to be on the specific topic.

        Thanks for your cooperation Tony.


  17. have you watched this video ? in this video it talks about the Russian connection on Obama not attending Columbia and instead learning the Cloward Piven Strategy from Russians to take down America .

    I pulled this from radio patriots post just NOW ……this next video goes to further the angle of Obama and Russian connections
    I’m now listening to another interview conducted by Wiles, this one with a man named Tom Fife, who recounts a conversation he had in the early ’90s (1992) while at a dinner party in Moscow hosted by Russian communists. Fife was in that country doing computer software work under contract, in the years following the end of the Cold War.

    Fife tells of an amazing conversation he had with the wife of a Russian physicist who told him there would be a time when America would have a red president. She described Obama to a T, everything she said matched up with the candidate who became president some 15 years later. Fife was blown away.

    It’s eerie. It’s unsettling. And the only thing I wanted Wiles to ask Fife was this: “How did this woman know all this information???”

    Listen to the interview and tell me what you think. You can check out Rick Wiles and TruNews at his Christian-based website , , which is loaded with news we’re following.

    TRUNEWS June 1 2011 – “The First Time I Heard Barack”

    We need to Know more about what this man Knows and why he wrote his book on America breaking up when HE DID, I bet he Knows more about the plan and Install Obama than we realize !!! , this read shows how the USA will break apart


  18. What Did Obama swear an Oath on the Bible to Defend when He took the Office of the US Presidency ????

    Please Someone explain to me if this Shows Obama is a Believer in The Lord Jesus Christ and the US Constitution as a Document he swore a Oath to DEFEND for Freedom from Oppression ?? I think those who hate the USA hate it based off years ago that this US Constitution actually stood up for the rights thats bestowed upon all who live in its behalf , and to continue to hate the US for a past that Has Nothing to do with today and still they want to change it to an actual Oppressive rule of law More than any past interpretation is the debate we need to be having .
    Here is some examples of an actual Ignorance of rallying against the US Rule of Law when that Law is actually grant the right to Speak freely about its very existence , and that is fine as long as we don’t lose sight of the fact that in its present form it is granting FREEDOM from ALL Forms of OPPRESSION today , and to alter it would be a Division of True FREEDOM , and we need to make sure those who speak like Obama is speaking here can continue because we stood up and demanded NO Changes to the Constitution at NEVER !!!!!!! Don’t let these people who are so short sighted in their Understanding of what they Have today change any part of it , they have done plenty and it is evident in this example of the right to Think and Speak of its need for changes , and not get Thrown in Jail for making those claims in Public , thats all the evidence we need to see that the Constitution is working for the FREEDOM of the USA system of the republic .


  19. Israel’s Ethnic Weapon?
    Is this true ?????
    Wired News Report 11.16.98
    Israel is reportedly developing a biological weapon that would harm Arabs while leaving Jews unaffected, according to a report in London’s Sunday Times .
    The report, citing Israeli military and western intelligence sources, says that scientists are trying to identify distinctive genes carried by Arabs to create a genetically modified bacterium or virus.

    The “ethno-bomb” is reportedly Israel’s response to the threat that Iraq may be just weeks away from completing its own biological weapons.

    The “ethno-bomb” program is based at Israel’s Nes Tziyona research facility. Scientists are trying to use viruses and bacteria to alter DNA inside living cells and attack only those cells bearing Arabic genes.

    The task is very complex because both Arabs and Jews are Semitic peoples. But according to the report, the Israelis have succeeded in isolating particular characteristics of certain Arabs, “particularly the Iraqi people.”

    Dedi Zucker, a member of the Israeli parliament, denounced the research in the Sunday Times. “Morally, based on our history, and our tradition and our experience, such a weapon is monstrous and should be denied.”

    Last month, Foreign Report claimed that Israel was following in the ignominious footsteps of apartheid-era research, in their supposed efforts to develop an “ethnic bullet.”


    1. Tony this comment would be placed on one of the numerous posts on Israel rather than on the Birther post.

      Anyway, I doubt that it is true, but if it were true that an bio-ethno-bomb was created to aim only at Arabs, I could not blame the Jewish State of Israel which is a sliver of land. Middle Eastern Muslims (and probably globally) are Jew-haters just priming themselves to begin the 21st century Holocaust to exterminate Jews. An unlikely bio-ethno-bomb would go a long way to to making the kill-the-Jews Arab Muslims think twice before using modern technology to be bold enough to make another attempt to destroy Israel.

      Perhaps when the moronic West forces Israel to allow a Palestinian State to exist and that Palestinian State makes an attempt to destroy Israel, it would be a good time to use that bio-ethno-bomb to clear out the land the West calls the West Bank of Arabs to annex it as the spoils of war as Jordan did in 1948 after the first Israel-Arab war.

      I know it sounds rough, but frankly I have grown weary of Arab-Muslim demands on Israel with zero reciprocity in exchange of those plans.



    Evidence that we have a fraud and a usurper currently residing in the people’s White House is overwhelming, despite the overt lack of journalistic investigating on the part of the American press. But now new evidence indicates that the conspiracy to carry out that fraud was much broader than originally thought.

    The story of whom and what Barack Hussein Obama II really is – is a forty-year story that requires a book, not a column, to tell. Strong evidence suggests that he was being groomed from a very young age for the moment in history that would end American supremacy in the world, and usher in a new era of Global Marxist Governance.

    But there was a major hurdle that had to be overcome – the U.S. Constitution, in this case, Article II – Section I – Clause V specifically, which requires that “no person except a natural-born citizen of the United States” can hold the office of President. – Obama is not a natural-born citizen of the United States…and may not even be a legal citizen of the United States. So, how can he be President?

    This column focuses upon the period 2003-2008 and the political maneuvers that took place in order to make way for America’s first unconstitutional resident of the White House.

    Efforts to Eliminate the Natural Born Requirement (2003-2005)



    The name Barrack Hussein Obama II cannot appear on the 2012 President ballot and neither can the name of any co-conspirator. Every citizen who wants to live in freedom tomorrow must contact the appropriate officials today!

    1) CLICK HERE , , to demand that your State Officials take immediate action to investigate the crimes of the 2008 Election, and make certain that this can never happen again by holding those responsible fully accountable. Barrack Obama , , should not have been on the ballot in 2008 and he cannot be allowed to appear on the ballot again in 2012.

    2) CLICK HERE , , to send a letter to editor notifying the press of the most serious constitutional crisis in American history!

    3) A list of co-conspirators will be served for their direct involvement in the effort to subvert and remove Article II of the U.S. Constitution. (More information on this effort will be forthcoming)

    Government Communication software is made available to the general public at no charge, by, The United States Patriots Union of Sheridan Wyoming , . It’s up to the American people to demand proper solutions, take this action and follow-up until elected servants begin to act in the best interest of the people.



    What Did Obama swear an Oath on the Bible to Defend when He took the Office of the US Presidency ????

    Looks like he never swore an oath on the Bible.

    This is how I think the Democrats were able to bribe the Republicans to stay shut up in 2008 and the last 2 1/2 years about Obama needing to prove eligibility to be Natural Born , its been a Bribe and a Cover-up from when this Law review was done in July of 2008 and If you remember McCain Lost his Power and force to challenge Obama about this time in the 2008 campaign .
    This link is the 2008 claim of McCain’s ineligibility under Federal Constitutional law ;

    This is why Obama is going to take up the Immigration Reform debate NOW and drive this all the way to 2012 because He needs Amnesty as Bad as the Illegals that will VOTE for him do !!!!
    what I see going on is a Democratic party Defining this Natural Born Claim and they are doing under the guise of a 1608 ENGLAND COMMON Law instead of Constitutional law , through the CALVIN RULE , which basically says that you only need ONE parent a Citizen at the time of BIRTH to be Natural Born in this 1868 14th Amendment ruling ,

    This is evidence of a motive that the 2008 election and the past 2 years of a Inept Congress because of the bribery and Cover-up between the 2 parties is why we have seen our Congress not WILLING to push Obama and the Democrats on the Issues of the Peoples work , and a full Investigation into if this was why McCain would not Make Obama follow the same Qualifying measure as Obama Made McCain follow . The Congress ratified McCain and this study cam out on McCain 2.5 months later and I bet you this was where the 2 parties conspired to cover this UP , because they did not want to have to reveal their mistake of Finding McCain eligible when it was Possible when he was not , and thats when Obama and the democrats went to work bribing the Republicans and McCain into not challenging Obama’s eligibility , there is motive here for this conspiracy and the USA constitution deserves a Full blown Investigation .


    1. I came across this article that is only a 5 day difference between when this Law professor said McCain was NOT eligible for the 2008 Presidency

      But then 5 days Earlier He said McCain was eligibile so is this the result of NOT following the US Constitutional rule of Law and instead trying to make the laws up as they go along to suit their certain goal at that time ????


      1. It is apparent from all of Our debate around this issue it is CLEAR that one thing needs to be DONE that WE the PEOPLE can AGREE on because it Keeps coming up in all our talking points ….. WE the PEOPLE NEED to DEMAND OUR SUPREME COURT rule on the term ” NATURAL BORN ” , because all the Law professors and scholars all in their writings are stating that the Congress and Supreme Courts have NEVER really Defined the meaning and so this is where We the People need to Contact our representatives and DEMAND this be done then this takes away to Political Correctness thats Screwing up the way we see our laws Up held particularly with this UNSETTLED LAW …. then we can put this 235 years Controversial issue behind us and Clearly Document it for Future generations !!!!!


  21. I am a Farmer/Rancher and have followed Our top Agronomist Norman Borlaug , , most of my life because he brought us our Higher yielding grain seeds over the years , But his work has become controlled by the GMOs , and this chart shows Yield Increase flat lining, , Now he claims in his Bio that he wonders if the Technocratic society will allow for New Technology to emerge that can keep up with the Population growth , I say the Elite are standing on the Technology because the Policies we see coming out of Governments around the world are ANTI Growth in Resource Production which in turn runs Human access and development to our Need for resource expansion and creation in Reverse , and shortens overall supply , and Inflation is signaling this trend Today . These Links show the trend in Food Inflation and Energy too , and these or Vital NEEDS that people need First before anything else in Life . And its Funny the Government economic data DOES NOT factor these components into their Inflation data , Odd don’t you think ?? Unless you are trying to continue to keep the Investment Community overlooking Key Indicators so they will not Hoard but continue to Invest , so the capital extraction and consolidation Bleeding Out process can Continue ……till total Economic Collapse can be completed , part of Kissinger Plan for NWO Finale .
    Here are some links showing how we are running shorter and shorter on Vital Human needs supply , food and energy are not expanding supply and this is the same method Bolsheviks used to bring about the Era of Stalin .
    See the following Efforts by Soros to Consolidate Control of Our Grain supply , this is what the Bolsheviks did in their time in the 1920s that led to famine and the Gulags
    GEORGE SOROS CONVENES ‘BRETTON WOODS II, , don’t let Soros control this in the USA to dominate the Food industry , we the people need to counter him with the Hope of this ;

    Now George Soros is taking over our food industry!;read=201463
    Tony Adkins

    He who controls the food – controls the world. Read this Kissinger statement , , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.”

    This is the face of International Bolshevism

    So today we have our our father time of Eugenics and you can bet he here to see his Plan come to fruition with the prediction of the NSSM 200 study that is the bases for all we see going on today ; . Read this Kissinger statement , , Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world. “Wherever a lessening of population pressures through reduced birth rates can increase the prospects for such stability, population policy becomes relevant to resource supplies and to the economic interests of the United States.” , and you do know he was at Obama’s last state Dinner along with his Co Founder of the Trilateral Commission Think Tank on POPULATION SECURITY issues , Dr. Zbigniew Brezezinski , , , and was in the NYSE telling those guys in 2009 Obama is ready for the NEW WORLD ORDER ; ,

    The Condensed Obama Timeline 1959–1995 , the most Informative research on Obama ever !!!!! , in this time line it shows how Obama met Zbigniew Brezezinski in 1983 when he was CIA , and co founder of the Kissinger Trilateral Commission in charge of population Control Security detail , a national security Interest of the US and International world elite . These Guys are still active in implementation of worldwide population control and have groomed Obama and his CZARS and Advisers for this time .

    You Know these guys are Not fooling around , they are the architects on how to roll up the Side walks of Freedom and we are seeing them activate the plan , read this it is a research firm from Canada that lays out the KISSINGER NSSM200 plan step by step pretty well ;

    This talks about the Trilateral Commission effect of the Plan for Population Control
    The Ideology that makes up the advisory list in the Whitehouse is clear with an Agenda , Obama Returns to End-of-Life Plan That Caused Stir

    Bill Gates is on the record Speaking of this, , when you read the quote next and this guy co-wrote the Obamacare plan with CZAR John Holdren , you tell me Human LIFE is sanctimonious in these guys minds ??? Environmentalists are nothing more than today’s 21st Century Marxists , and they will sell human Life down the road for EARTH FIRST principles , this is a Debate we need to bring out into the OPEN , Google the word ” OVERPOPULATION ” to see the Technocratic societies debate going on that no One realizes is whats driving everything from the ideas about Climate change to seeing the progressive parties accepting Communism and Marxism .

    I have understood the population explosion intellectually for a long time. I came to understand it emotionally one stinking hot night in Delhi a couple of years ago… The temperature was well over 100, and the air was a haze of dust and smoke. The streets seemed alive with people. People eating, people washing, people sleeping. People visiting, arguing, and screaming. People thrusting their hands through the taxi window, begging. People defecating and urinating. People clinging to buses. People herding animals. People, people, people, people. —Paul Ehrlich , this is the Home Page to the Technocrats scientific explanations on PEAK EARTH

    The population bomb is still ticking 13 December 2009
    These guys wrote the stimulus bills and the direction those funds were to be implemented , and its basically went to Operate Government and Nothing to stimulate private sector capital Formation and expansion . Pauls argument with Agronomist Norman Borlaug is clearly one that needs future debate , .

    “The “Population Bomb” Echoes , , this is recent article just put out by the Co Author that advises Obama with John Holdren the Czars of our Century who are the architects of the War of attrition we are seeing emerge . These guys wrote the health care bill and all the Stimulus and OMNIBUS bills to fund these New Plans , and they directed the funding to their specific sectors of society to collect our society into the New World Order of Control and Domination over Resources and Our Independent access to them , all in the name of saving the Planet from Humanity , in their Mind its Gods work they are doing .

    Read what Paul Ehrlich’s book says on How to control the US Population go to page 2 of this PDF , Paul R. Ehrlich says we in USA have to be forced into the idea of population control for them to then be able to be a good model for the rest of the world ” , Paul R. Ehrlich , adviser to Obama and the Co Author of Eugenics with Obama’s Science Czar John Holdren , in this PDF called How to Control the American Population Bomb , these are the guys that had the Health care Bill all ready to go that Congress didn’t need to read , they were told what their duties were , just Vote for the sake of saving earth from Humanity like is said ;

    Click to access 14211548HowtoControltheAMERICANPopulationbyPaulEhrlichThePopulationBombBrentJessop.pdf

    The USA does not need to be rolled into the NWO ideology , we the people need to Lead with Innovation and Education about Gods Finite Earth , and this understanding is already evident in Today’s Self Reliant FREE societies that practice Capitalism as their Monetary Policy , by the evidence in the CIA Fertility Chart, , that shows us population sustainability in the Western nations as stable if Illegal Immigration is factored out of the nations , this is an Educational Failure due to We the people NOT taking control and teaching the Fundamental understanding of how GOD made Earth a Finite Element and that if He did this then there needs to be a Fundamental belief that he wanted us to plan our families lives teaching this understanding in sustainable thought which would be the result of Peace on earth due to a FREE society that was Self Reliant on these Beliefs , and there is NEED for debate around these truths because the Plan for Bolshevism to sweep the world as the NEW Fundamental Transformation that the Internationalists Like Kissinger , Soros , OBAMA , and Samantha Power want , needs to be debated out in the Open !!!!!

    You know these guys are NOT Fooling around this time , they are going for broke and if we the people hesitate one second we LOSE our time to sustain LIBERTY in the USA because I can tell you this we will lose the 50 stars on the flag to a One Star state . Ted Turner says there is a Problem and that this is causing Climate
    Change , TOO Many people – the wildlands project

    Watch this video of Henry Lamb on UN agenda 21 , , and watch this most recent video on the UN takeover of USA property rights on the same Agenda 21 ,
    UN Declares War on Property Rights – Most of the USA would be Off Limits to Americans

    We the People need to ask ALL candidates about this , if they are for it have Pushed elections of any Conservatives that are for this , like Alex Jones says Sarah Palin helped elect Rick Perry who is a Supporter of UN Agenda 21 policies and Is implementing Cap and Trade Tax increases at the state level in Texas , Jones showed that Texas News paper evidence so whats the deal ??? Everyone of these People who seek the Mantle need to be asked Is this agenda that has been in the works now for decades , and that REAGAN in the Past 40 Years is the ONLY president that Rejected the UN Agenda , Is this Sarah Palins or any other Candidates plan to continue to pursue I have only Heard Ron Paul come out and talk about this …. and its here and being Implemented ON OUR USA and we Need those who we can Trust Will not sell us all down the river on the Idea that the world has PEAKED in human carrying capacity and to save their own is why they are continuing to pushing this UN agenda policy ???

    What does Obama need to let the UNITED NATION control your Water for ?? What do you think this will do to Private Industrial Enterprise in the USA if the Power over Water usage is in the hands of the United nations ??? Do you think we the people can maintain our sovereignty let alone our Independent ability to be self Providing our Vital Needs ?? Are you ready to trust the UNITED NATION with your LIFE needs of Water , all in the name of saving the Planet from you and me ???
    Please go to this website ; , and scroll down to Sec.2 Policy(B-iii) you will read the line (iii)under “The United States shall promote this policy by”: pursuing the United States’ accession to the Law of the Sea Convention; the ” Law of the SEA Convention ” Which regulates ONLY ” International Waters ” what Obama wants to do Is place USA waterways into control under this UNITED NATION REGULATORY POLICY Which would Require the United States to Conform on USA Land to the Environmental Management and Commercial Developments of our Water Ways as How the United nations would DICTATE the USAGE LAWS, and If the USA did Not Abide by these Standards then UN NATO FORCES would Have the Right to Invade the USA and Enforce these LAWS , and if you read this link you can read how the International Water ways are regulated in all forms , this would Undermine the USA sovereignty , and would be Un-Constitutional as if we were a One World Order under UN Agenda 21 , see here ;

    This is how the progressive collective Socialist democrats can Shift Control over USA Vital Resources like Obama’s executive order on Fresh water resources above over to the Control and management of the United Nations ;

    FREE SPEECH under Threat and Ending the Fed to counter the Act,

    Hillary Clinton commits to UN Small Arms Treaty; Obama bans 1 million American rifles; Feds Seek to Implement Unconstitutional Power Grab, The Obama administration just can’t stop blaming the Second Amendment for violence perpetrated by Mexican drug cartels.

    Indiana Citizens Take Back 4th Amendment, This is an outrage … when the police can invade your home, anytime, without a search warrant.

    One day soon, you will be surprised when the Constitution of the United States including the Bill of Rights (original 10 amendments) will be no more.

    What Did Obama swear an Oath on the Bible to Defend when He took the Office of the US Presidency ????

    Looks like he never swore an oath on the Bible.

    Here is how they are consolidating the Capital that we FREE people need to expand and produce our Vital Human Needs , we Must stand UP and speak to this thats Leading us to run out of adequate supplies , Its the truth !!!!
    Here is an Example of A Failed Congress to Up Hold the Constitutional principles of Enabling FREE People their Right to Self Reliance and be able to provide themselves with their NEEDS in a cost sustainable manner , like when inflation is showing signs of a supply shortage our Republic goes to work Enabling we the people with Pro-growth Policies so we can combat the Inflation from the FREE markets signals of Supply Shortages with Expansion in these supply sources , BUT what is going on NOW is a Desire by the Extreme Environmentalists acting like they are Marxists fearing that EARTH IS reaching its Human carrying capacity so they would rather run humanity into a corner and watch us all just whither away , and so they have our Congress held Hostage with the Financials caught in the middle as most of these CEOs are also Board Members of the Environmentalists groups . and so here is what will happen unless action is taken soon and restore the rights of the individuals to seek their needs Independently regardless of what is perceived as world market profitability . Let me ask you this , ” Are we the people going to stand by and allow Congress and the wall Street bankers to run us out of Vital Human needs and totally decimate our Food supply as the rest of the world Starts rejecting the dollar like this Congressman says is coming , and we just sit by and do nothing to alter this course because of this notion that we can’t do anything but continue to Import from a supply source thats soon going to stop supply us our so called profitable imports of vital human needs ??? ;

    heres the 4 videos of the Congressman and some colleagues talking about the collapse and getting out of the cities .

    See the following examples of whats choking off Capital Formation and then Consider what an Alliance with Act for America might do to raise awareness too this problem and its creeping into the fabric of all categories of Life and what it will mean if they eventually collapse the entire economic system at a time with supply is starting to show shortages .

    Shariah Law Financing (Wall Street) Selling Our Souls

    The connection to this cleric is evident in our financial sectors as well .

    This is what Has Taken Over Wall Street and is Feeding the Big banks .
    Overview The Dow Jones Islamic Market Index
    “Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).” , in this article it talks about the TARP program being influenced by “Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).” it goes on to say that ; ” Thanks to the extraordinary authority conferred on Treasury since September, backed by the $700 billion Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP), the department is now in a position to impose its embrace of Shariah on the U.S. financial sector. The nationalization of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, Treasury’s purchase of – at last count – 17 banks and the ability to provide, or withhold, funds from its new slush-fund can translate into unprecedented coercive power.

    And while Hank Paulson was Under extreme pressure to bailout the Arabian Investors he took a little FEE for being under so much Pressure , and got a ” Waver around the Conflict of Interest ” related to this By Tim Gietner , HA , watch this video ….

    And this Official is just plain scared to say anything about the Federal Reserve bailouts , hummmm, wonder if the extraordinary authority conferred on Treasury since September called “Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).” has anything to do with her loss of memory ???

    And here is Bernanke having a time trying to control his words that won’t give away the Real Truth about where all the Taxpayer funds went that he dispersed ???

    #2 Shariah Islamic Law in America and Europe: What the West Needs To Know

    #3 Shariah Finance: Securities Fraud? , this Gal in this Video is a Democrat Financial Professor and a expert in “Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).” with a stiff warning about what is going on in US Financial Firms in Wall Street .

    Shariah Finance – USA Lawsuits and AIG – Tutorial #4 , this Gal in this Video is a Democrat Financial Professor and a expert in “Shariah-Compliant Finance (SFC).” with a stiff warning about what is going on in US Financial Firms in Wall Street .

    Shariah Finance Watch
    Exposing the Risks of Shariah Finance
    Court clears way for Shariah-based bank

    CAIR LA Rep Explains Islamic Finance on Fox TV – Shariah Banking in Focus

    U.S. Interest in Shariah Finance Opens Dangerous Doors, Critics Say,2933,451416,00.html

    Was the Economic Crisis Manufactured?
    By Nancy Morgan
    Read the full story here at this Link ;

    Was the Economic crisis manufactured to Install and fund these factions ?
    9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve,Fed Inspector General Can’t Explain

    Alan Grayson: “Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000?” Bernanke: “I Don’t Know.”

    I found this site , , off the NEWS feed from Rideside News , its Not propaganda . Is this the Fundamental Transformation OBAMA was talking about he was Bringing ??
    Here is the plan to change the Statue of Liberty .
    The Muslim Brotherhood – Globalists’ Secret Weapon & Obama’s Treason

    after researching the Muslim Brotherhood Link , it is questionable to know without ant audit of the Federal Reserve if , the operations funded by the Federal For International relations is not actually funding the Hate propaganda thats Publicized across the Middle east through these organizations , and so we need to Know and auditing the Federal Reserve is Our duty to our Country to cut off funding of these forms if Peace and Liberty can be resolved , This is a site that wants to End the FEDERAL RESERVE to stop the Collapse of the Economic structure in our Land of LIBERTY !!!! , who is this guy really ???

    As you can see American is Under siege the only way to stop this loss of FREEDOM in the USA is to End the Federal Reserve and Put the Control of USA Monetary Policy back in the hands of We the People , along with a Term Limits on a NEW Congress that will Uphold the will of the People who elect them

    Its time to Shut down the NUMBER 1 Funding agency that Funds EVERYONE BUT USA CITIZENS
    this is a very interesting organization which is on a mission to restore the Integrity of the US economy and what sustains the American People’s self Reliance , Liberty and FREEDOM to pursue the fruits of our labor . Please check them out here at this site . Thanks for your time . , first we do this to Prosecute the Criminals . , if we end the Federal Reserve we control the printing presses and we can then fund what needs to be done to restore the Life giving vital needs of the USA in a Independent manner that will place Intrinsic Value back behind the dollars worth , and fund these state banks though the commerce clause like this next link shows ,
    State owned bank of Arizona HB 222 ;

    Click to access hb2221p.pdf

    I wouldn’t normally promote state banks as the alternative for funding state financial needs but under the Circumstances that the Federal Reserve has been Hijacked by the Shariah Financial Investors who also have control over the Wall Street Financial district and is controlling the Monetary Solvency of the Federal Treasuries ability to Insure the dollars Intrinsic value backed with OPEC Oil reserves as the leveraged bribery of this 21st century , this is a Unprecedented event like the world has never seen before . So the Hope for a state banking system to operate around the Federal Reserve as the Only allocator of Funding origination sources of revenue is our only hope to alter this path of National economic financial collapse .

    Sen. Lee Bright: SC should coin its own money , this would work along with the valuation of all vital resources be in a basket of commodities , and these market values be averaged and those values be what represents the value of the currency …..

    Utah Legal Tender Act Passes – Gold & Silver Legal Tender

    take a Look at what Montana and UTAH are doing to regain access to Vital resources that are Locked up by the Federal Government and are standing in the way of Progress ; , . This is the Only way to counter the Federal Government GIVING AWAY states Resources to Foreign Governments Like China , for I guess Debt forgiveness but this is NOT the way the debt should be paid back , we the people should develop into finished products our resources and then for the Highest Possible value what we create from these resources , that way have a chance to maximize the net worth and profit potential to realize net gains . These are Simple Business fundamentals that can stand up the states Independently and sustain citizens right from a collapse at the Federal level , and what has been happening in this country over the past 3 years or so with the invasion of Shariah Financial Compliance coming in and dictating our Monetary policy at the federal Level , its times Good People who still believe in FREEDOM stand up .

    We the People need to educate ourselves and those nations who have a unsustainable population growth fundamental about GODS Creation of Earth as a Finite Element so we can sustain her when we plan our families and this be the Fundamental Transformation we follow into the future with , Not some Internationalism of Bolsheviks Past …. it did not work before because Human Instinct to survival will always innovate its way out of Oppression , so we don’t even need to go down this road to SERFDOM & HELL !!!!!

    We can show a Sustainable model in the Developed Nations level of Education , and its evident in the Fertility chart,
    , and we need to Debate this and show that FREEDOM and Liberty that supports FREE THINKING people , is whats working and those who are using the Theocracy of Ideological Faith for a controlling Interest over their populations in dictatorship nations and this debate needs to be had .
    Thanks again for your time .


    1. Tony this is another wonderful comment that should not be posted on the Birther post. Please look for the appropriate post to match the comment. Thanks.




        Because of the inaction of the Federal Government it will be up to the states to act on Constitutional issues regarding the Liberty and justice of the USA being up held .

        *****ATTENTION ***** ATTENTION*****ATTENTION*****

        Copy and send to your STATE legislators

        From the Goldwater Institute…

        by Nick Dranias

        Goldwater Institute Policy Report
        June 1, 2011
        Federalism DIY: 10 Ways for States to Check and Balance Washington

        The federal government is tightening its control over the 50 states and the lives of every American. The U.S. Constitution, however, says states are supposed to be equal partners with the federal government. State sovereignty—allowing each state to control its own affairs—is the cornerstone of that equal partnership and critical to protecting Americans’ freedom. Below are 10 ways local policymakers and citizens can restore that balance of power and do what’s best for the people of your state.

        Legislation Plus Litigation

        States can enact laws that protect individual liberty and take the federal government to court to defend those laws.

        Taxpayer Courts

        Taxpayers can’t sue the federal government for abuse of their tax dollars, but states can authorize taxpayers to bring lawsuits in state court to stop state and federal governments from using tax dollars in ways that violate the Constitution.

        Expand Civil Rights Laws

        Because state sovereignty is a protection the U.S. Constitution guarantees to all Americans, states can enact civil rights laws to protect that right and enable individuals to sue state and federal governments when they disregard state sovereignty.

        Constitutional Defense Councils

        States can create independent Constitutional Defense Councils that have the authority and funding to defend state sovereignty in court.


        Many federal agencies are governed by laws that contain “coordination” provisions. State and local governments can limit the impact of new federal regulations by requiring federal agencies to coordinate with existing local laws, regulations, plans, and policies.

        Reinvigorate the Reserved Powers of the States

        The U.S. Constitution belongs to the states. States can pass laws that invoke their reserved powers and force the federal government into a position where it has no lawful or practical way to enforce federal laws that upset the balance of power between the states and Washington.

        Empower the People

        Sometimes we don’t need new laws in order to protect individual rights. Sometimes we need to repeal laws that are already on the books. Many state laws actually invite the federal government to get involved in the minutia of local affairs. One way to stop that is to replace those laws with opportunities for citizens to protect their own rights.

        Refuse Conditional Grants

        States can limit or eliminate the power of state and local officials to accept federal grants that require the state or local government to give more control over local decision-making to Washington.

        Amend the U.S. Constitution to Limit the Federal Government

        State legislatures were given the same power as Congress to propose amendments to the U.S. Constitution. States can initiate the process by proposing amendments to the U.S. Constitution that would limit the size, scope, and intrusiveness of the federal government.

        Interstate Compacts

        Interstate compacts are contracts between two or more states. Compacts can be used to protect individual rights and state sovereignty, and they don’t always need congressional approval. Interstate compacts could be used to prevent the federal government from enforcing key provisions of the federal health care bill, or from infringing on Second Amendment rights, for example.
        Read Federalism DIY: 10 Ways for States to Check and Balance Washington here
        Appendix of Model Legislation and Legislative Memos


  22. tony N :

    It is apparent from all of Our debate around this issue it is CLEAR that one thing needs to be DONE that WE the PEOPLE can AGREE on because it Keeps coming up in all our talking points ….. WE the PEOPLE NEED to DEMAND OUR SUPREME COURT rule on the term ” NATURAL BORN ” , because all the Law professors and scholars all in their writings are stating that the Congress and Supreme Courts have NEVER really Defined the meaning and so this is where We the People need to Contact our representatives and DEMAND this be done then this takes away to Political Correctness thats Screwing up the way we see our laws Up held particularly with this UNSETTLED LAW …. then we can put this 235 years Controversial issue behind us and Clearly Document it for Future generations !!!!!


    1. I have a problem with today’s Supreme Court. I am an Originalist when it comes to the Constitution. A significant amount of the Federal Judiciary interprets the Constitution as a Living Document. The Living Document interpreters have become that which Thomas Jefferson warned of: a despotic judiciary. I would rather see a Constitutional Amendment added that defines the specifics of a Natural Born Citizen.


  23. I seriously believe that everything we see our Governments in the world doing as far as Anti free Enterprise and Financing being swept away from every aspect of allocating credit for all forms of private capital formation around Free Enterprise in general is because of the Global Elites and Bureaucracy technological view of World OVERPOPULATION and its Sustainability in the next 20 years. This is why we see them doing things against the will of the People.
    Question is do we want the USA to be Sucked into this new area of World Wide Eugenics trying to evolve by these technocratic Bureaucrats within the confinements of a United nations New World Order , or do we want the USA to be FREE from this tyranny like our founders wanted when they found this land of Liberty from those who Think they Know what’s Best for others?
    The Un-American President
    Time line on Obama over the past 30 years ,

    First read these 2 article that was done on the master Marxist it is evidence that this Takeover of the USA was Planned a very Long time ago ,
    the friend that helped Obama in this read was also a Campaign Donation Bundler at Oppenheimer fund management in the 2008 election and I bet this was a major route for Foreign Donations mainly out of the middle east that quite Possibly were funds that were dispersed with federal reserve bailout cash that went to middle eastern Investors in 2007 -8 .

    Was the Economic crisis manufactured to Install and fund these factions ?
    9 TRILLION Dollars Missing from Federal Reserve,Fed Inspector General Can’t Explain

    Alan Grayson: “Which Foreigners Got the Fed’s $500,000,000,000?” Bernanke: “I Don’t Know.”

    But we will never Know how we got stuck with all these trillions of dollars of DEBT unless we Audit the Federal Reserve .


  24. By NOT Restoring a Industrial base in the USA we are collapsing economically and this is threatening our Independent ability to be self reliant , key elements to our ability to sustain our FREEDOM . If you get up tomorrow and your basic needs of supplies are not available and it was because you did not realize that Independence in the USA means YOU being the one that provides your Own NEEDS is it Your Fault that YOU allowed this to happen ??? Its does Not matter How Much Money the FEDS print , if there is NO Vital Human Resources available to buy , does that make any sense ??? The collapse is the result of a lack of adequate supply for the amount of capital in circulation , and when this is not in balance then pretty soon the smart money lines up on the short side of the supply , and demands a Premium on the short supply , and Inflation is the result the only way to solve this problem is to Increase production and expand the supply of the short sided market base , and drive down the demand with more Competitive products , this creates JOBS Mr. Obama , BUT it does Not play well to your base of Environmentalist Marxist revolutionaries that want to ration our Butts back to the stone age now does it Mr. Obama ????

    ‘Rich Dad, Poor Dad’ Author: I’m Preparing for Economic Collapse


  25. Fodder Feed can lower Food Costs and overall commodities costs and save the world !!!!!

    Fodder Feed is a New Idea that can save Massive Water use and and resources in feed production , Transportation to and from Farm to end user , and overall save Resources that are causing Commodities and food prices to inflation .

    The world markets are telling us commodities , food in general are in unsustainable growth patterns over the last 12-14 years , compare these charts, the stagnant growth in equity and supply in grain is obvious , and you cannot have sustainable growth in any durable goods unless the bread basket is growing with it . See ” UP TO ” 1998 all cylinders of growth were advancing together as the futures traders could see world food supplies advancing at unlimited growth projections because plant breeding was producing increased yielding grains . Also from the early 1980s till then development of aridable farmland was rising worldwide but peaked in the late 1990s as the only new farmland that could be irrigated or have substantial rain fall which would affect yields that could keep up with overall demand on food supplies was in the rain forest areas of south America where timber harvested opened up these areas for food production , but this all ceased from the pressure of the environmental movement which has taken over the world economy with the leaders of these environmentalists being the Top Financial People of the world who make the Loans for the economic purposes of supply-side production and expansion . So we are seeing this war of attrition bleed us out now of our primary wealth supply , as we are only seeing the Governments of the world lending out little pieces of capital funding to specific areas of industry for either political favors or the most immediate needs to keep them supplied as the rein in the control over these supplies like we saw Obama do with the executive order Rural Councils .

    Think what it will mean if a Growing facility like this can be installed at a dairy farm or any Livestock producing industry so the dairy farmer can grow and feed the Cows without having to truck the feed in from all over the country ? This is a Tremendous Idea that can Transform The world !!!!!! And the ability to expand the overall food chain by this feed method freeing up farmland for additional grain production will benefit commodities markets by lowering the price of them and this be what puts value back into the equities markets as their input costs decline by this domino effect on commodities prices with the expansion in supply of these Raw materials .

    The potential for this and Solar and wind power integrated into the controlled temperature facility could be a Huge producing .

    Info on the Fodder feeds ideas

    In their report they say the reserve supply will be less than 1 Billion bushels going into the Spring in this report
    CME Report, Oct. 14 2011
    CORN RESERVES: The U.S. Department of Agriculture says the nation’s corn reserve is at its lowest level in more than 15 years,0,577364.story


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