WSJ: Was John Brennan The One Who Actually Engaged In “Treason”?

Tim Brown uses an article by the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel to extrapolate the notion former CIA Director John Brennan (See Also HERE) was an Obamunist traitor. The notion arises because Brennan accused President Trump of Treason for merely meeting with Putin in Helsinki.


JRH 7/22/18

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WSJ: Was John Brennan The One Who Actually Engaged In “Treason”?

When men like John Brennan point their finger at others and cry “treason,” they are attempting to pin the very crime they are guilty of on someone else.



JULY 21, 2018

Freedom Outpost


Well, Sebastian Gorka has been upfront that former Obama CIA Director John Brennan is both a “Communist” and a “traitor.”  Now, it appears that the Wall Street Journal’s Kimberley Strassel may be following that path without coming right out and saying it.


In a recent column, Strassel seems to take issue with Brennan’s tweets from earlier this week when he tore into President Donald Trump over his actions in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin.


“Donald Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of ‘high crimes & misdemeanors,’” tweeted Brennan.


“It was nothing short of treasonous,” added Brennan, who worked for what could be argued was the most treasonous person to sit in the Oval Office.  “Not only were Trump’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. Republican Patriots: Where are you???”



According to Ms. Strassel, “This is rough stuff, even for an Obama partisan.”


She then wrote:


That’s what Mr. Brennan is—a partisan—and it is why his role in the 2016 scandal is in some ways more concerning than the FBI’s. Mr. Comey stands accused of flouting the rules, breaking the chain of command, abusing investigatory powers. Yet it seems far likelier that the FBI’s Trump investigation was a function of arrogance and overconfidence than some partisan plot. No such case can be made for Mr. Brennan. Before his nomination as CIA director, he served as a close Obama adviser. And the record shows he went on to use his position—as head of the most powerful spy agency in the world—to assist Hillary Clinton’s campaign (and keep his job).


Mr. Brennan has taken credit for launching the Trump investigation. At a House Intelligence Committee hearing in May 2017, he explained that he became “aware of intelligence and information about contacts between Russian officials and U.S. persons.” The CIA can’t investigate U.S. citizens, but he made sure that “every information and bit of intelligence” was “shared with the bureau,” meaning the FBI. This information, he said, “served as the basis for the FBI investigation.” My sources suggest Mr. Brennan was overstating his initial role, but either way, by his own testimony, he as an Obama-Clinton partisan was pushing information to the FBI and pressuring it to act.


More notable, Mr. Brennan then took the lead on shaping the narrative that Russia was interfering in the election specifically to help Mr. Trump—which quickly evolved into the Trump-collusion narrative. Team Clinton was eager to make the claim, especially in light of the Democratic National Committee server hack. Numerous reports show Mr. Brennan aggressively pushing the same line internally. Their problem was that as of July 2016 even then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper didn’t buy it. He publicly refused to say who was responsible for the hack, or ascribe motivation. Mr. Brennan also couldn’t get the FBI to sign on to the view; the bureau continued to believe Russian cyberattacks were aimed at disrupting the U.S. political system generally, not aiding Mr. Trump.


Think about that just a moment because on Saturday I reported on the fact that sources have claimed that former FBI attorney Lisa Page has begun to testify under oath that there was absolutely no basis for the Mueller investigation into Trump.  In that report, I referenced John Solomon’s claim that:


For any American who wants an answer sooner, there are just five words, among the thousands of suggestive texts Page and Strzok exchanged, that you should read.


That passage was transmitted on May 19, 2017. “There’s no big there there,” Strzok texted.


The date of the text long has intrigued investigators: It is two days after Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein named special counsel Robert Mueller to oversee an investigation into alleged collusion between Trump and the Russia campaign.


Since the text was turned over to Congress, investigators wondered whether it referred to the evidence against the Trump campaign.


This month, they finally got the chance to ask. Strzok declined to say — but Page, during a closed-door interview with lawmakers, confirmed in the most pained and contorted way that the message in fact referred to the quality of the Russia case, according to multiple eyewitnesses.


The admission is deeply consequential. It means Rosenstein unleashed the most awesome powers of a special counsel to investigate an allegation that the key FBI officials, driving the investigation for 10 months beforehand, did not think was “there.”


Strassel continues:


The CIA director couldn’t himself go public with his Clinton spin—he lacked the support of the intelligence community and had to be careful not to be seen interfering in U.S. politics. So what to do? He called Harry Reid. In a late August briefing, he told the Senate minority leader that Russia was trying to help Mr. Trump win the election, and that Trump advisers might be colluding with Russia. (Two years later, no public evidence has emerged to support such a claim.)


But the truth was irrelevant. On cue, within a few days of the briefing, Mr. Reid wrote a letter to Mr. Comey, which of course immediately became public. “The evidence of a direct connection between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign continues to mount,” wrote Mr. Reid, going on to float Team Clinton’s Russians-are-helping-Trump theory. Mr. Reid publicly divulged at least one of the allegations contained in the infamous Steele dossier, insisting that the FBI use “every resource available to investigate this matter.”


The Reid letter marked the first official blast of the Brennan-Clinton collusion narrative into the open. Clinton opposition-research firm Fusion GPS followed up by briefing its media allies about the dossier it had dropped off at the FBI. On Sept. 23, Yahoo News’s Michael Isikoff ran the headline: “U.S. intel officials probe ties between Trump adviser and Kremlin.” Voilà. Not only was the collusion narrative out there, but so was evidence that the FBI was investigating.


In their recent book “Russian Roulette,” Mr. Isikoff and David Corn say even Mr. Reid believed Mr. Brennan had an “ulterior motive” with the briefing, and “concluded the CIA chief believed the public needed to know about the Russia operation, including the information about the possible links to the Trump campaign.” (Brennan allies have denied his aim was to leak damaging information.)


Clinton supporters have a plausible case that Mr. Comey’s late-October announcement that the FBI had reopened its investigation into the candidate affected the election. But Trump supporters have a claim that the public outing of the collusion narrative and FBI investigation took a toll on their candidate. Politics was at the center of that outing, and Mr. Brennan was a ringmaster. Remember that when reading his next “treason” tweet.


Indeed, remember it.  Brennan was Obama’s Muslim convert for jihad here in the US.


When men like John Brennan point their finger at others and cry “treason,” they are attempting to pin the very crime they are guilty of on someone else.  Ms. Strassel, while not being as forthright as Gorka about Brennan’s treason, nevertheless, seems to be saying just that in what she wrote.  America would do well to listen and bring justice to bear upon this traitor and the traitors surrounding him, but I have my doubts that anyone in this life will actually hold him accountable.


Article posted with permission from The Washington Standard


Tim Brown is an author and Editor at and He is husband to his “more precious than rubies” wife, father of 10 “mighty arrows”, jack of all trades, Christian and lover of liberty. He resides in the U.S. occupied Great State of South Carolina. . Follow Tim on Twitter. Also check him out on Gab and Steemit


Copyright © 2018


Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama

Cliff Kincaid writes about the stealth threat of Communism still pervasive in America and gives a huge amount of credit to Barack Hussein Obama for this stealth infusion.


Kincaid mentions Sebastian Gorka as a person exposing Communism intrusion from China and the infusion of Stealth Islamic jihadism in the USA. But Kincaid criticizes Gorka for not including Russia (former USSR) in this Marxist makeover being secretly paved into the American consciousness.


I’m a Gorka fan so I not really hip to criticizing him. I would be more inclined to ask Gorka to add the Russian influence to the other outside anti-American influences. I have no doubt Gorka would side with that.


JRH 10/17/17

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Open a Criminal Investigation of Barack Hussein Obama


By Cliff Kincaid

October 16th, 2017

America’s Survival


Investigate Obama


It’s suddenly big news that there are perverts in Hollywood. The really big news is that former President Barack Hussein Obama’s communist and terrorist-support network remains a state secret. Attorney General Jeff Sessions won’t touch it.


Until we come to grips with Obama, our first Marxist president with radical Muslim sympathies, we are adrift as a nation. He ran for office as a committed Christian,” a monumental deception to conceal his record of service to the communist cause, Muslim background, and grooming by suspected Soviet espionage agent Frank Marshall Davis.


Obama Committed Christian Lie


As the world marks the 100th anniversary of the 1917 Russian revolution, America should take note of our own communist revolution – the eight years of the Obama presidency and his leadership of the global anti-Trump “resistance.”


WND story says former Trump White House aide Sebastian Gorka believes radical Islamic jihadists, China and radical leftists pose the greatest threats to U.S. national security, but that “they will be defeated by President Trump and his supporters who are restoring America’s global dominance and reclaiming the country’s culture.”


Based on the record so far, this is as likely as Hollywood coming completely clean about Harvey Weinstein’s perversities.


Russia is not even on the list of Gorka’s top three threats! Yet Russia is behind the Jihadists, is in an alliance with Red China, and still backs the radical leftists.


Gorka tells WND, “The immediate term threat is the Shia-jihadis – this is Iran, this is the Republican Guard, Hezbollah. If they get nuclear weapons, that’s a game changer and that’s why it’s so important the president decertified the Iran deal.”


Yet, Iran’s nuclear weapons program is made possible by Russia. Why no mention of that? And why didn’t Trump cancel the Iran deal as he promised to do?


In the first place, Obama should have been impeached. Under United Nations auspices, he ordered the bombing of Libya, in order to depose a ruler, Gadhafi, who had given up his weapons of mass destruction and was fighting al Qaeda. The massacre of Americans in Benghazi by Jihadists resulted from this illegal and unconstitutional war. All of this benefited the Muslim Brotherhood. Indeed, Obama issued a secret 2011 Presidential Study Directive-11, or PSD-11, supporting this radical Islamist group throughout the Middle East.


National security reporter Bill Gertz said, “The directive, according to officials familiar with its contents, outlined how the administration would seek to support the Muslim Brotherhood around the world despite the Islamist supremacist organization providing the ideological underpinning for jihadist terrorism for both al Qaeda and its successor, the Islamic State.”


PSD-11, which is still secret, should be released by the Trump Administration and declared exhibit number one in a criminal investigation of Barack Hussein Obama.


Trump was supposed to turn things around. In Afghanistan, Gorka tells WND that Trump’s speech sending more American soldiers to their deaths in an endless conflict didn’t use the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” He was upset about that omission. But Trump also didn’t mention Russia’s role in sending arms to a Taliban faction killing our troops.


This is what we called the Red Jihad, a book quoting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as saying that Soviet/Russian support for international terrorism made radical Islam into the threat it is today. He explains that, “without the support offered by the Soviet bloc and the Arab world, international terrorism would revert to its earlier, localized manifestations before the 1960s and would hardly dominate the global scene.”


If you want to defeat radical Islam, engineer regime change in Russia, which is still the global center of revolutionary violence against America.


Domestically, Sebastian Gorka mentions in the WND interview the influence of Obama associates Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn in academia, but ignores how their communist terrorist networks spawned the Obama candidacy and presidency. These networks, nurtured even today by Bill Ayers in his new book, Demand the Impossible: A Radical Manifesto, are promising an uprising of some sort on November 4. The Refuse Fascism group, which is behind the November 4 protests, is a front of the Revolutionary Communist Party and its founder, former Ayers and Dohrn associate Bob Avakian.


As we document in Comrade Obama Unmasked, Obama supported America’s enemies at every opportunity, including the communist regime in Cuba, the communists running South Africa, and even the FARC narco-terrorists in Colombia.


Obama Questionable Christian


But he stands out during his eight years in office as the real Russian agent, who was passive when Russia invaded Ukraine and Syria, gave Russia a nuclear weapons advantage over the U.S., and awarded the Russians special trading privileges. Working with Russia, he conceived the Iran nuclear deal.


However, on his way out the door, in a classic Marxist dialectical maneuver, his CIA director John Brennan launched an investigation of President Trump as a Russia agent. It was a stroke of genius that put Trump on the defensive, gave the liberal news media months of joy, and resulted in multiple Russia-gate investigations, including by a former FBI director determined to get Trump.


On the 100th anniversary of the Virgin Mary Fatima revelations about Russia’s threat to world peace, we also learn from Dr. Paul Kengor’s new book that the Soviets were behind the May 13, 1981, attempted assassination of Pope John Paul II.  The book, A Pope and a President: John Paul II, Ronald Reagan, and the Extraordinary Untold Story of the 20th Century, says Reagan’s CIA director Bill Casey confirmed the Soviet role, in the face of official CIA resistance to the finding.


Until the reality of Obama’s communist support is examined and the secret role of Russia in global conflict exposed, the former president and America’s enemies will have the upper hand.


But Gorka and Trump seem clueless. “China has the most leverage to deal with North Korea,” Gorka told WND. “And the fact that the president and Ambassador Haley at the U.N. have managed to convince China that even if you’re in a competition with us, you will not profit by having a nuclear war on your border and they joined us with Russia – it’s a big deal – in the tightest sanctions package against North Korea in history, that tells you how big a problem North Korea is. China may be our long-term enemy, but they don’t [want] a war in their back doorstep either.”


Does he really think another in an endless series of U.N. resolutions will make any difference? The U.N. is another communist front, designed by a Russian agent working in our State Department by the name of Alger Hiss. Have we forgotten?


Working through the U.N. is a dangerous dead end.


Our book The Sword of Revolution conclusively demonstrates that the “Sino-Soviet split” was a fraud. What’s more, the “collapse” of Red Russia was itself a fraud, too. Together, China and Russia, combined with Obama’s inaction during his two terms, have made a nuclear North Korea a reality.


What’s more, China is still communist. An article in China Daily, entitled, “Adapting Marxism called crucial,” explains how Marxism is guiding the country’s future. Here’s a quote:


President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee… said that as a party upholding Marxism, the CPC should make sure its theories keep up with the times. Drifting away from or betraying Marxism will lead to the Party’s losing its soul and direction as it moves forward, Xi added. Marxism is unsurpassed in achieving great heights and having a huge influence, he said.


The reliance on China to deal with its nuclear client, North Korea, is another dead end.


The key failure involves the inability or unwillingness to investigate Obama’s global network and what his anti-American policies were designed to do.


In terms of the threat within, consider that the FBI website still features wanted posters of two fugitives: Donna Borup and Elizabeth Anna Duke, both members of the May 19th Communist Organization.


Filmmaker Joel Gilbert, a speaker at our upcoming November 10 National conference on Obamunism, has cited evidence that Obama was a member or supporter of the May 19th Communist Organization, an above ground support group for the Weather Underground based in New York City from 1978-1985.


He notes that the May 19 Communist Organization was described by Obama pal and former communist terrorist Bill Ayers as providing “a sea for the guerillas to swim in.”


Some May 19 members committed acts of violence and terrorism, such as the 1981 Nanuet Brinks robbery and murders, the bombing of South African offices in 1981, and the U.S. Capital bombing in 1983, notes Gilbert. He adds, “I spoke with a former FBI informant who told me the May 19th Communist Organization had a weapons training camp in the Catskill Mountains, run by former Black Panthers. In addition, some May 19 members were sent to Cuba for several weeks each year with the Venceremos Brigades, a continuation of the SDS/Weather Underground program begun in the sixties, for explosives training from Cuban intelligence, DGI.”


Here’s the big revelation: “A former May 19 member I spoke with identified Obama as participating in their public protests and meetings. In his ‘Dreams’ book, Obama mentions transferring to Columbia to pursue his interest in activism and recounts attendance at some events similar to those sponsored by May 19.”


This might help explain why Borup and Duke are still on the loose. And why Obama never demanded the extradition of Black Liberation Army cop-killer Assata Shakur and FALN bomb-maker William Morales from Cuba.


In addition to the focus on Obama, our November 10 conference will expose the Red Pope, Francis, who was Obama’s collaborator after a George Soros-engineered coup forced Pope Benedict to resign. The old joke, “Is the Pope Catholic?,” is not funny anymore. This pope is not Catholic; he’s a communist.


George Neumayr, author of The Political Pope, examines the communist ideology driving Jesuit Pope Francis and the movement for world government in the ASI TV program “The Red Pope: Enemy Occupation of the Vatican.”


America’s Survival, Inc. is recognized as a 501 (C)3 organization by the IRS. Your donation is tax-deductible to the full extent of the law.


© America’s Survival, Inc.


About America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI)


America’s Survival, Inc. (ASI) is recognized as a 501 (C) 3 educational organization. ASI President Cliff Kincaid is editor of the ASI web sites, and  ASI  is on Facebook and Twitter and has a YouTube channel featuring videos from ASI conferences and other events.


ASI specializes in exposing the United Nations, international organizations and extremist movements. We are currently working to re-establish committees or subcommittees to investigate internal security problems.


Office telephone: 443-964-8208


Mailing Address:

America’s Survival. Inc.
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Owings, MD 20736




Gorka Displeased with White House Direction – Resigns

John R. Houk

© August 28, 2017


I was big fan of Sebastian Gorka before he joined the Trump Administration on the Security Council. I still am a fan. Thus, I was very disappointed that Gorka left the Security Council intimating the wrong group in the White House had gotten President Trump’s ear.


Here is an excerpt of Gorka’s resignation letter from the Conservative Tribune:


In his letter to President Donald Trump, Gorka accused Trump of having the wrong priorities on both issues, referencing the increased influence of perceived moderates within the Trump White House, such as Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner and National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster, with no large degree of subtlety.


“(G)iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”


Gorka said that the president’s recent policy shift on Afghanistan — which is essentiall [sic] on open-ended involvement to secure the region as opposed to timetables — ran counter to the foreign policy objectives he believed the administration should stand for.


“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week,” the letter read.

“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost,” Gorka wrote.

“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.” (Sebastian Gorka’s Resignation Letter Stunned White House With Sharp Language; By MARTIN LIOLL; Conservative Tribune; 8/28/17 5:58AM)


Unsurprisingly, the Left Stream Media has contradicted Gorka’s resignation via the mysterious unnamed sources which implied he was forced out or perhaps fired. Gorka stands by the fact he resigned for being disgruntled and not forced out. Here is a very recent post resignation interview from SiriusXMPolitics on Twitter:



(Hat tip on twitter interview: Death and Taxes)


The Free Beacon caught Secretary of State Rex Tillerson on Fox News Sunday stating Gorka’s assertion in the resignation letter was off-base pertaining to Foreign Policy. (Fox News Sunday video clip):


“Sebastian Gorka in his resignation letter wrote this about the Afghanistan speech: ‘the fact that those who drafted and approved the speech remove any mention of radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of the presidential campaign has been lost.’ Is he right?” Wallace asked.


“I think he’s completely wrong, Chris,” Tillerson said. “And I think it shows a lack of understanding of the president’s broader policy when it comes to protecting Americans at home and abroad from all acts of terrorism. The president has charged us to develop policies and tactics, both diplomatically and militarily, to attack terrorism in as many forms wherever it exists in the world and wherever it might present a threat to the homeland or to Americans anywhere.”


“This means that we have to develop techniques that are global in nature. All we want is to ensure that terrorists do not have the capability to organize and carry out attacks,” he added.


Tillerson also denied that there was any division between “globalists” and “America first-ers.” (Tillerson on Gorka’s Resignation Letter: ‘Completely Wrong’ in Assessment of Trump Policy; By Charles Fain Lehman; Washington Free Beacon; 8/27/17 11:57 am)


I am beginning to think that Secretary Tillerson is one of those globalists (rightscoop & Axios) Sebastian Gorka is concerned about.


The Left has been smearing Gorka as Nazi-connected. The Leftist smear against Gorka has been exposed as a Fake News lie perpetrated to toss mud on the Trump Administration. The lie centers around Sebastian Gorka’s father being a member of the Hungarian Vitézi Rend, an organization originally set up for returning veterans of Austro-Hungarian Empire military of Hungarian descent. Austro-Hungary was united as an ally of Germany in WWI and who were both losers. Austro-Hungary’s punishment in the loss was the fragmenting of the empire into independent nations. As such Hungary became an independent nation.


The Hungarian government soon realized people of Hungarian descent were spread out within the confines of the now non-existent Austro-Hungary Empire. Those Hungarians outside on the new Hungarian government were also members of the Austro-Hungary military. Ergo the post WWI Hungarian government felt an obligation to create a veterans’ organization for Hungarian former military members only. That organization became known as Vitézi Rend or in English, “Knightly Order” or “Order of the Valiant”. Wikipedia on the establishment of Vitézi Rend:


Following the peace Treaty of Trianon,[6] which banished the ruling House of Hapsburg from Hungary, a constitutional assembly decided to return to the monarchical form of government and replace the incumbent Habsburg regent, Archduke Joseph August von Habsburg of Austria, with Vice-Admiral Miklós Horthy de Nagybánya. It was mainly his idea to help re-build the shattered country by giving land to soldiers who had proven themselves on the battlefield. This way, the poverty brought on by World War I could begin to be alleviated and soldiers could be rewarded.


The Vitéz Order was created by Prime Ministerial Decree number 6650 of 1920 (6650/1920 M.E. in Hungarian usage) and was included as paragraph no. 77 in the Land Reform Act (Law XXXVI of 1920).[7] Membership replaced the titles of nobility; since Horthy was only the regent of the Hungarian Kingdom, he had no rights to make people knights or noblemen. The title of “vitéz” was to serve as an award.[8] The “vitéz” title was official. The legislation gave those qualifying as members of the Order in need a grant of land and/or a house. According to Viktor Karady, “its members served as a strictly Christian gentry”.[9]


Admittance into the Order was exclusively on military merit by the number of medals won. It worked on a system depending on rank, where privates or junior NCOs had to prove lesser awards of bravery, while officers and generals had to prove more in World War I. Members received a badge and were entitled to use the designation vitéz as a prefix to their names. Admission into the Order also carried with it a land grant of 40 cadastral holds to an officer, eight cadastral holds to other ranks based on need[10] (1 cadastral hold = c. 1.43 acres). The Order of Vitéz become hereditary, and the grants (title, badge and land grant) were to be passed on by the recipient to his eldest son.[8]Horthy was the first to be admitted into the Order and was also its Captain General (Főkapitány). In 1920, Archduke Joseph August of Austria became the first knight of the Order of Vitéz. (Order of VitézEstablishment of the Order; Wikipedia; page was last edited 8/27/17 11:59)


No Nazis existed during WWI (1914 – 1918). Gorka’s father was one of those returning veterans of WWI. Leftist accusation against Sebastian Gorka stems from rebuilding after WWII. Hungary allied with Nazi Germany. Unsurprisingly, new veterans returning to Hungary had those sympathetic to Nazi ideology. However, it is a proven fact that a huge amount of the Vitézi Rend were not a part of the Nazi sympathies of some Hungarians. Indeed, Sebastian Gorka’s father acted to protect Jews from Nazi atrocities. Furthermore, even though the Vitézi Rend is a hereditary Hungarian honor, Sebastian Gorka never participated in any of the veteran group’s ceremonies.


The whole Fake News became explosive especially after the Charlottesville Rumble between Antifa Communists and Neo-Nazi White Supremacists. But again, Gorka didn’t leave the White House because of Nazi Fake News, but because of the disappointment the President Trump appears to be listening to Establishment and/or Globalist-minded staffers over the MAGA stalwarts involved in President Trump’s election campaign.


More reading on the Fake News Nazi smear which includes Jewish sources that are not Left Wing:






The Washington Examiner of top level staffers that have left the White House voluntarily and involuntarily:


Sebastian Gorka-  Deputy assistant

Controversial adviser to President Trump accused of having ties to far-right foreign groups, he lasted one week in a post-Steve Bannon White House. Gorka claims he resigned, which the White House disputes.


Andrew Hemming-  Rapid response director

Former RNC research adviser, White House said his departure was a mutual decision.


Steve Bannon-  Chief strategist

Former chairman of Breitbart News, dedicated to Trump’s populist platform and a main link between Trump and the “alt-right.” He “mutually agreed” to leave the White House with new chief of staff John Kelly.


Anthony Scaramucci-  Communications director

Financier who joined the Trump White House for 10 whirlwind days, which saw the departures of Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus, before quickly being shown the door by Priebus chief of staff replacement John Kelly.


Michael Short-  Assistant press secretary

One of several former RNC staffers who followed Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus to the White House. Anthony Scaramucci planned to fire him, but he officially resigned first.\


Reince Priebus-  Chief of staff

Former RNC chairman who struggled to bring order to a chaotic White House, finally shown the door after Trump brought in Anthony Scaramucci as communications director over Priebus’ strenuous objections.


Sean Spicer-  Press secretary

Former RNC spokesman whose daily combative exchanges with the press on the president’s behalf came to an end over Trump’s decision to put Anthony Scaramucci in charge of driving the White House’s messaging, despite lacking any political experience.


Mike Dubke-  Communications director

Brought in by Sean Spicer in February and left three months later amid rumors of a White House staff shakeup.


K.T. McFarland-  Deputy national security adviser

Former Fox News contributor and Mike Flynn’s deputy during his brief tenure as national security adviser. She left the White House and Trump nominated her to be ambassador to Singapore.


Katie Walsh-  Deputy chief of staff

Deputy chief of staff under Reince Priebus, she left after Trump suffered a very public defeat on his first attempt to get Obamacare repealed.


Mike Flynn-  National security adviser

Head of the Defense Intelligence Agency fired by Barack Obama, he became a top Trump surrogate during the campaign but failed to disclose meetings with Russian contacts, which he misled Vice President Mike Pence about.


This list doesn’t include some of the lower level staffers such as Rich Higgins who was fired for writing a 7-page memo on Deep State activities within the Trump Administration aimed at derailing President Trump.


To my knowledge Molly Hemingway of The Federalist is the first to break the story that Sebastian Gorka resigned as Deputy Assistant to President Trump. Below is that cross post


JRH 8/28/17

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Breaking: Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration


By Mollie Hemingway

AUGUST 25, 2017

The Federalist


Sebastian Gorka is resigning his post as Deputy Assistant to President Trump, multiple sources familiar with the situation have told The Federalist.


In a blunt resignation letter, the national security and counterterrorism expert expressed dissatisfaction with the current state of the Trump administration. “[G]iven recent events, it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House,” Gorka wrote. “As a result, the best and most effective way I can support you, Mr. President, is from outside the People’s House.”


Gorka’s letter expressed unhappiness with the direction the Trump administration’s foreign policy has taken, as signaled by the president’s recent speech on Afghanistan:


“Regrettably, outside of yourself, the individuals who most embodied and represented the policies that will ‘Make America Great Again,’ have been internally countered, systematically removed, or undermined in recent months. This was made patently obvious as I read the text of your speech on Afghanistan this week…


“The fact that those who drafted and approved the speech removed any mention of Radical Islam or radical Islamic terrorism proves that a crucial element of your presidential campaign has been lost…


“Just as worrying, when discussing our future actions in the region, the speech listed operational objectives without ever defining the strategic victory conditions we are fighting for. This omission should seriously disturb any national security professional, and any American who is unsatisfied with the last 16 years of disastrous policy decisions which have led to thousands of Americans killed and trillions of taxpayer dollars spent in ways that have not brought security or victory.”


During his time in the Trump administration, Gorka focused on issues such as countering the Muslim Brotherhood, the crisis in Qatar, supporting efforts to draft a new long-term national security strategy, and combatting China’s economic warfare. Before coming to the White House, Gorka was the Major General Matthew C. Horner Chair at Marine Corps University and also contributed to Breitbart News.


Gorka’s tenure at the White House was marked by unusually vociferous attacks against him and his family by left-leaning media organizations and the Democratic Party. This includes personal attacks against his wife, mother, and son.


A source close to the White House said of his decision, “This was more or less going to be a done deal when Bannon submitted his resignation. Not because he didn’t have a protector, but because there is no point in having your life ruined every day if you’re not going to get much accomplished.” The same source said that what did change after Bannon left was that anti-Bannon factions began erecting bureaucratic road blocks to undermine Gorka internally.


The Forward has written dozens of attack pieces against Gorka, including several attempting to align him with Nazism. Most recently that publication retracted a story about his son’s schoolwork. Gorka strenuously objected to allegations he had ties to Nazi groups in his family’s home country of Hungary, where he had previously been involved in national politics. Even detractors eventually acknowledged the Nazi accusations were unfair smears.


In his letter, Gorka made clear that he believes in the promise of the Trump presidency despite being concerned about its present direction.


“Your presidency will prove to be one of the most significant events in modern American politics. November the 8th was the result of decades during which the political and media elites felt that they knew better than the people who elect them into office. They do not, and the MAGA platform allowed their voices to be heard,” he wrote, adding, “Millions of people believe in, and have chosen, you and your vision of Making America Great Again. They will help eventually rebalance this temporary reality.”


UPDATE: In response to this story, an anonymous White House official reportedly said, “Sebastian Gorka did not resign, but I can confirm he no longer works at the White House.”


Mollie Ziegler Hemingway is a senior editor at The Federalist. Follow her on Twitter at @mzhemingway


Gorka Displeased with White House Direction – Resigns

John R. Houk

© August 28, 2017


Breaking: Sebastian Gorka Resigns From Trump Administration


Copyright © 2017 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.


Fourth Estate Coup D’état Against U.S.A.

John R. Houk

© May 20, 2017


During the Primary/Caucus period of the GOP nomination for POTUS, I was not a supporter of Donald Trump. My support was behind stalwart Conservative Senator Ted Cruz. The same Senator dubbed by then candidate Trump as ly’n Ted. (Man, that annoyed me.)


But much to my then surprise, The Donald won the GOP nomination. Regardless of my distrust Trump’s Conservative bona fides, I was hugely amused with the rancorous needling of Leftists with campaign promises that sent the Left – including the Left Stream Media – into apoplectic fits of temper tantrums.


AND SO, I got behind Donald Trump even though the Leftist MSM was convinced by their polling that there was no way that Crooked Hillary could be beaten in the 2016 election.


AND THEN the Trump revolution had manifested. The American voters in a majority of States thumbed their noses at the Leftist MSM as The Donald became President Elect on election night 2016.


That is when ALL H – E – Double Hockey Sticks broke out among the Leftist Dems who were certain the continuation of the dismantling of our American Constitution to transform our nation into a godless Big Brother State would continue with Crooked Hillary after the corrupt President Obama left Office.


With that in mind, I just read a fascinating essay that I believe rings very true by James Downton at The Federalist. Downton believes a coup d’état began to dismantle Trump’s Administration and came under attack even before he took his oath of Office as President of the United States of America. A coup that as yet has no defined leader but rather is perpetrated by what many call the Fourth Estate of our government – Federal Bureaucracy. In case you are unaware or didn’t pay attention in High School, the Federal Bureaucracy has ZERO standing in the U.S. Constitution as an independent Branch of the Federal Government. This Federal Bureaucracy stretches among the three Constitutional Branches of government; viz., Executive, Legislative and Judicial.


I should point out that the author Downton goes out of his way to say his essay is not a defense for President Trump but rather a condemnation of this Fourth Estate coup d’état undermining the U.S. Constitution and the Republic.


Here’s a tease from Downton’s:


Arguably, what has been branded as “The Resistance” — but in actuality is the totalitarian might of the administrative state and their partisan allies — began with the Democratic Party’s scorched-earth campaign against the political nominations of the Trump White House. But beyond the partisan rancor of the legitimate and often frustrating nomination process, more sinister forces were at work.


JRH 5/20/17

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We Are Watching A Slow-Motion Coup D’etat

This coup d’etat is not only about President Trump. It represents not the rule of one man or even many, but by the multitude of our elites.


By James Downton

MAY 19, 2017

The Federalist


It’s nearly incontrovertible that a slow-motion coup d’etat is now taking place. Since November 9, 2016, forces within the U.S. government, media, and partisan opposition have aligned to overthrow the Electoral College winner, Donald Trump.

To achieve this they have undermined the institutions of the Fourth Estate, the bureaucratic apparatus of the U.S. government, and the very nature of a contentious yet affable two-party political system. Unlike the coup d’etat that sees a military or popular figure lead a minority resistance or majority force into power over the legitimate government, this coup d’etat is leaderless and exposes some of the deepest fissures in our system of government. This coup d’etat represents not the rule of one man or even many, but by the multitude of our elites.

This article outlines the mechanisms, institutions, and nature of this coup d’etat; not in defense of President Donald Trump — who has proven himself bereft of the temperament of a successful president — but in defense of the institutions of our republic that are now not just threatened, but may very well be on the verge of collapse.

‘1984’ Is An Apt Comparison, But Not As the Left Thinks

Shortly after the inauguration of Donald Trump as the 45th president of the United States, a sort of “meme” appeared among activists on the political left comparing the status of the United States to that of George Orwell’s “1984.” “Think pieces” from The New YorkerCNNThe Atlantic, and Salon drew comparisons between President Trump and the brutally authoritarian future Orwell envisioned. In April of this year, screenings of the film version of Orwell’s dystopian novel were hosted around the world. “1984” surged up Amazon’s bestseller list. The tragedy of this exercise was that the comparison was very apt, but for different reasons.

The villain of “1984” isn’t a “man” but an entity — a bureaucracy with an authoritarian impulse. Big Brother isn’t so much a man or a leader but a symbol of the omnipotent reach of the bureaucratic state that dominated the dystopian future. The fear of an elected leader turning into a tyrant — as the political Left and some on the political Right feared in Trump — doesn’t play into the narrative of the novel. Rather, it is the fear of a nearly faceless administrative state; a state that has achieved a near totality in terms of tyranny.

This fear of the administrative state was a key feature among at least two individuals writing at the Claremont Review of Books, Publius Decius Mus and professor Angelo Codevilla. Decius’s “The Flight 93 Election” essay acted as a sort of rallying cry for some conservatives and small-“r” republican intellectuals against the very real fear that a Hillary Clinton victory would cement the totalizing power of the administrative state — that is career bureaucrats and administrators who view the virtues of the republic as something to be washed away and remade in their own “progressive” image. Decius writes:

If conservatives are right about the importance of virtue, morality, religious faith, stability, character and so on in the individual; if they are right about sexual morality or what came to be termed “family values”; if they are right about the importance of education to inculcate good character and to teach the fundamentals that have defined knowledge in the West for millennia; if they are right about societal norms and public order; if they are right about the centrality of initiative, enterprise, industry, and thrift to a sound economy and a healthy society; if they are right about the soul-sapping effects of paternalistic Big Government and its cannibalization of civil society and religious institutions; if they are right about the necessity of a strong defense and prudent statesmanship in the international sphere—if they are right about the importance of all this to national health and even survival, then they must believe—mustn’t they?—that we are headed off a cliff.

For Decius, Trump represents the final option to head off the transformation of the American republic into an administrative state where bureaucrats would wield an immutable regulatory dictatorship over the American citizenry.

Codevilla, prescient, went a step further and surmised that the republic was already dead; the Caesarism of an imperial presidency had already usurped it:

Electing either Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump cannot change that trajectory. Because each candidate represents constituencies hostile to republicanism, each in its own way, these individuals are not what this election is about. This election is about whether the Democratic Party, the ruling class’s enforcer, will impose its tastes more strongly and arbitrarily than ever, or whether constituencies opposed to that rule will get some ill-defined chance to strike back. Regardless of the election’s outcome, the republic established by America’s Founders is probably gone. But since the Democratic Party’s constituencies differ radically from their opponents’, and since the character of imperial governance depends inherently on the emperor, the election’s result will make a big difference in our lives.

If asked at the time of authorship, one doubts either man could have predicted the swiftness in which the administrative state would be able to consolidate power and isolate the presidency. Yet that is what has exactly occurred. With the aid of the media and the Democratic Party, the institutions of the republic are crippled, the levers of power having been seized not by the elected but by the unelected bureaucratic state — from ideologues at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to the partisans and paranoid who inhabit our intelligence community.

The Administrative State Versus the American People

Arguably, what has been branded as “The Resistance” — but in actuality is the totalitarian might of the administrative state and their partisan allies — began with the Democratic Party’s scorched-earth campaign against the political nominations of the Trump White House. But beyond the partisan rancor of the legitimate and often frustrating nomination process, more sinister forces were at work.

Mother Jones, unwittingly, sheds light onto the mindset of the administrative state in a piece detailing the resistance of EPA bureaucrats. An anonymous and unelected government employee wrote to Mother Jones laying out a lengthy argument justifying his or her resistance to reforms by EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt and objection to directives from the White House:

What type of nation are we when we allow our leaders to sign into law a rule that makes it EASIER for mining companies to pollute local waterways? These same politicians will try to convince their voters that making it easier to pollute local streams is somehow good for them… [The anti-democratic notion that careerists at the EPA have a greater authority than the will of the people and their elected representatives is astounding and stands against concept of a representative republic]

Here in the US, those of us who work to protect the environment and human health from corporate pollution are lucky enough that we do not live under the specter of murder. We are, however, acutely aware that the forces behind these heinous crimes against environmental activists abroad are the same forces that are working against us in the US today. And make no mistake: These forces are poised to grow even stronger…

..Will the capture of EPA by corporate interests be swept up in all the other horrifying news of the day or week? Or will the public finally decide that it is not acceptable to allow EPA, the only agency with a mission dedicated to protecting the environment, to be systematically dismantled, allowing those at the top to further concentrate wealth and power among themselves? Despite the long odds we face, we will never stop working to protect every person’s right to have a healthy place to live, work, and play. And if the new administrator casts me out of the job I love, I will not stop working toward the principles that have always animated my life. This is who I am, and that will never change. I stand in solidarity with brothers and sisters that work to protect human rights, human health, and the environment here in the US and all over the world. The struggle continues.

This is not the words of a dutiful civil servant but of a partisan tyrant who would see his own view, his own agenda, and his own lens of politics dominate over that of the elected government of the United States. In their minds they are but a guardian of the people, albeit one that must stand up to and ultimately negate the will of that very same people. Were the United States governed by a different political system, this view of the role of the unelected and their duty to act as sovereign over the people might even be admirable, but that is not a republican system.

Which Side Is Really Treasonous?

Complicit with the authoritarian nature of the administrative state is factions within the United States intelligence community both inside and outside the White House. They have engaged in a campaign of selective leaks and plots to undermine the president of the United States and weave a media narrative of Russian influence, conspiracy, and now obstruction of justice. With their media allies, they have leaked information and intelligence that — while lacking any actual criminal element — has allowed a narrative to arise that casts a dark shadow over the White House and those who live and work in it.

A narrative comprised of the Russian government “hacking” the presidential election, collusion between the Trump campaign and the Russian government, and Trump being compromised by the Russian government dominated the media before the final votes of the election were even tallied. Skepticism was suspended for what can only be described as a concerted effort to undermine the elected president of the United States.

Shortly after the inauguration, this narrative escalated via select leaks — and was admirably exacerbated by White House actions. We now face a crisis over a fired director of the FBI, with current and retired officials spinning stories to the media with little basis other than the whispers of anonymous sources.

We are told that President Trump demanded a loyalty oath from FBI Director James Comey, demanded Comey drop the FBI investigation into the foreign connections of Gen. Michael Flynn, and that this constitutes obstruction of justice and, in the most hysterical cases, that this among other offenses even constitutes treason.

Yet in all of this we have yet to see the purported Comey memo detailing some of these moments — although from the media treatment it is understandable that many would constitute the media reports as truth. The meeting between President Trump and the Russian foreign minister has resulted in a similar tale of collusion and gross breach of intelligence tradecraft, with Trump’s national security advisor and the secretary of State, both present for the meeting, have both denied.

The Media Slips Loose the Dogs of War

In all of this, the media has abandoned their role as watchdogs with a healthy dose of skepticism and become the propaganda arm of the unelected administrative state, complicit in and even cheering on the actions that have superseded the will of the people. A cursory glance at the social media feeds of most Washington DC-based press more than illustrates this.

Bolstered by their partisan allies, the media has acted as a beachhead for the assault on the Trump administration. Partisan organizations like Media Matters for America have helped to provide ammunition to the media and pour fuel on the fires of resistance among partisan activists. Eric Boehlert, a former journalist and now a writer at Media Matters, tweeted, following the revelation of a possible memo from Comey: “Trump obstructed justice THREE WEEKS INTO HIS FIRST TERM”

Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

Trump obstructed justice THREE WEEKS INTO HIS FIRST TERM

5:40 PM – 16 May 2017

Boehlert provides no actual evidence of obstruction of justice. Rather, he runs with an intentional media narrative that the mere whisper, the idea, is in-and-of-itself proof that obstruction occurred. Thus Boehlert is affirmative in his tweet, not speculative. Because the administrative state, the progressive political partisans, and the media oppose the Trump administration, any whiff of maleficence is treated as the Gospel Truth.

Boehlert’s follow-up tweets provide insight into the mindset that has taken over our media and political institutions. “Comey’s firing signaled the end for Trump; he upset forces that were unseen to him. [sic] and now they’re exacting revenge… they should”

Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

Trump obstructed justice THREE WEEKS INTO HIS FIRST TERM

5:40 PM – 16 May 2017

This should be a disturbing revelation, even one coming from a mind so addled and partisan as Boehlert’s. Justice, properly pursued, is a good end, but what Boehlert is cheering on is the revenge of a man who was legally and constitutionally fired. This is the partisan nature of the administrative state revealed. Partisans of the political Left cheering on bureaucrats to help create a narrative and the appearance of malfeasance where there has yet to be any evidence of such.

Boehlert continues: “ftr, these leaks are unusual: Mon, WP got scoop then quickly lots of reporters filled in. today, NYT, then lots of reporters filled in.”

16 May

Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

Comey’s firing signaled the end for Trump; he upset forces that were unseen to him. and now they’re exacting revenge… they should


Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

ftr, these leaks are unusual: Mon, WP got scoop then quickly lots of reporters filled in. today, NYT, then lots of reporters filled in.

5:46 PM – 16 May 2017

“ie.e. this is a quality roll-out. Q: will there be another tomorrow?”

16 May

Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

ftr, these leaks are unusual: Mon, WP got scoop then quickly lots of reporters filled in. today, NYT, then lots of reporters filled in.


Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

i.e. this is a quality roll-out. Q: will there be another tomorrow?

5:53 PM – 16 May 2017

“after today, how does he not apt special prosecutor??”

16 May

Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

Rosenstein looking even worse this week…..


Eric Boehlert @EricBoehlert

after today, how does he not appt special prosecutor??

5:58 PM – 16 May 2017

These series of tweets illustrate the broader problem of collusion between the various elements of the partisan Left, the media, and the administrative state. The attack on Trump from within and without is coordinated and purposefully geared to make a lack of evidence seem like a mountain of evidence and be as damning as possible, although what it truly amounts to is a paper tiger. With the administrative state leaking and the partisans giving context, the media gins up a plot that declares Trump guilty of crimes of which there is no concrete evidence he committed. This is how you build the consensus behind a coup d’etat.

A Smear Production Factory

One only need look at the case of Sebastian Gorka to see just how far and how petty the media has gone to act as the enforcer of the administrative state. Some in the intelligence community and partisan bureaucracy viewed Gorka unfavorably, resulting in an organized campaign in the press against him.

The magazine Forward began running poorly sourced articles tying Gorka to a Hungarian order of merit called the Vitézi Rend, which, during World War II, had factions that supported the Hungarian dictator Horthy, the Imperial House of Habsburg, and the Nazi party. Despite no clear evidence, Forward labeled Gorka, in essence, a Nazi. The media ran with that narrative, bolstered by activist campaigns by partisans of the Democratic Party and those opposed to Gorka in the intelligence community.

In truth, the real objection to Gorka was his view of Islam as a civilizational confrontation and of radical Islam as a hostile force against the West. There as yet remains no evidence of Gorka or his father being tied to the Nazi party in any way — yet that did not stop journalists from surmising on social media that Gorka’s immigration to the United States and status as a U.S. citizen should have been blocked and should be revoked.

The scale of the administrative state and its allies’ war against the duly elected government of the United States should be startling. The media should be an institution of skepticism and concern for this usurpation, yet they have chosen to be complicit. In this, Codevilla is correct. We have emerged into a new system of government, though perhaps not truly an imperial one.

Whereas some continue to try and enforce republican values and norms, a large swath of what administers the government of our nation has chosen to embody the Roman dictator Sulla — in the form of a multitude of bureaucrats and careerists; a dictatorial court without an emperor to bring them to heel.

We may already be past the point of no return. Some in the White House made it a point to seek dismantling the administrative state, but it appears the administrative state is more than capable of fighting back and seizing additional power through leaks, obstinacy, and partisan rancor — ensuring its survival and propelling what can only be described as a coup d’etat.

James Downton is the pen name of a Federalist contributor who is contractually prohibited from writing publicly about politics under his real name.


Fourth Estate Coup D’état Against U.S.A.

John R. Houk

© May 20, 2017


We Are Watching A Slow-Motion Coup D’etat

Copyright © 2017 The Federalist, a wholly independent division of FDRLST Media, All Rights Reserved.

9th Circuit Uses Semantics to Deceive Americans


When the 9th Circuit Appeals Court upheld a Lower Court stay on President Trump’s Executive Order temporarily banning citizens, refugees, and immigrants from seven nations that are hotbeds of Islamic terrorism, it demonstrated how Leftist Activist Judges ignore the Constitution in favor of Leftist utopianism. The American Left might as rip up the Constitution and burn the scraps of paper.


Paul Sutliff demonstrates how the 9th circuit is torching the U.S. Constitution with misinformation to justify Multiculturalist utopian goals.


JRH 2/11/17

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9th Circuit Uses Semantics to Deceive Americans


By Paul Sutliff 

February 9, 2017

Paul Sutliff on Civilization Jihad


The New York Post wrote an article on February 9th that clearly shows the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, carefully choosing words for the purpose of creating misinformation for the media to share with their readers and viewers regarding their actions against President Trump’s Executive Order. According to that article the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals stated:

“The Government has pointed to no evidence that an alien of the countries named in the Order has perpetrated a terrorist attack in the United States,” the three-member panel wrote.”


The terminology “perpetrated a terrorist attack” explicitly excludes all actions prevented or attempted that did not result in a terror attack. Why is this important? There are at least 38 terrorists who were killed or arrested as they worked to be supportive of the Islamic State AND who were also classified as immigrants/refugees at one time. In addition, there are at least 6 persons who were killed or arrested for attempting an act of terror who were second generation Americans refugees. I filed this information in a federally filed affidavit in September 2016 as an Expert Witness. You will notice people from countries other than the seven countries listed in Trump’s ban.

All the information in the graphs below originated in the Threat Knowledge Group last accessed in September 2016, whose site was disabled recently with President Trump’s appointment of Sebastian Gorka, with the exception of the information in the last column which I found. Actual sources for the information cited in the last column is provided in my Affidavit.


















Paul Sutliff


I am writer and a teacher. Here is a link to my publisher and my latest book portraying the truth about Civilization Jiihad!


How We Defeat The Global Jihad


Dr. Sebastian Gorka is an expert on all things Jihad agenda. If you are unfamiliar with Dr. Gorka and his credentials, here’s an excerpt from the about page of The Gorka Briefing:


Sebastian L. Gorka, Ph.D. serves as the Vice President and Professor of Strategy and Irregular Warfare at the Institute of World Politics in Washington, DC. Previously, he was the Major General Matthew C. Horner Distinguished Chair of Military Theory at Marine Corps University where he provided courses and lectures on Irregular Warfare. Before that, he was Associate Dean of Congressional Affairs and Relations to the Special Operations Community at National Defense University.


He is an internationally recognized authority on issues of national security, irregular warfare, terrorism and democratization and has testified before Congress and briefed the CIA, ODNI, NCTC, NIC, and the Commandant of the Marine Corps. His website,, is a collection of his national security commentary and analysis. He served as a subject matter expert for the Office of the US Attorney in Boston for the Tsarnaev trial.


Dr. Gorka is an Adjunct Professor with USSOCOM’s Joint Special Operations University where he serves as Lead Instructor for the Special Operations Combating Terrorism (SOCbT) course, as well as the interagency and senior/executive counterterrorism courses. He is also an Adjunct Professor in National Security at Georgetown University’s McCourt School of Public Policy, and is a regular instructor with the US Army’s Special Warfare Center and School in Fort Bragg and for the FBI’s Counterterrorism Division.


Dr. Gorka has advised the Office of the Secretary of Defense regarding the draft guidance for US Strategic Communications and was consulted by USSOCOM during the drafting of the new Joint Operating Concept for Irregular Warfare. He is currently heading up a strategic support project for US Army Special Operations Command as part of Lt. General Charles Cleveland’s Army Special Operations Forces 2022 initiative. Dr. Gorka is a recipient of the Department of Defense Joint Civilian Service Commendation, awarded by US Special Operation Command.


Dr. Gorka currently serves as the Chairman of the Threat Knowledge Group ( based in McLean, VA, which provides high-level training and READ THE REST


Now that you understand who Dr. Gorka is, you should watch this Vimeo video he posted on his website speaking to David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2016 Restoration Weekend in relation to his latest book entitled “Defeating Jihad: The Winnable War”. If the 43 minute video challenges your patience, Dr. Gorka has provided a transcript below the video.


JRH 12/8/16

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How We Defeat The Global Jihad


November 30, 2016 16:57

The Gorka Briefing


VIMEO VIDEO: Sebastian Gorka


My speech at the David Horowitz Freedom Center’s 2016 Restoration Weekend held at the beginning of November in Palm Beach, FL




Sebastian Gorka: Thank you so much. I’m accused by many people of being the most serious man on television. Today it might be a little bit different. I’m in a little bit of a different mood, but I’m going to start with something a tad naughty, if you want to indulge me. We are happy, right? We are happy. But I’m going to show a picture I’m not meant to show usually. But here we go anyway. We can win now. I’m here to talk about defeating Jihad. That’s the title of my book, and I’ll start with one very simple explanation of why I wrote that book. I wrote that book because I have the honor, the inestimable honor, to work with our military, with our special forces, our marines, the cream of the crop, the best of the best, and I’m angry because for 15 years we have been losing this war. We have the best of the best, and they have not been allowed to win. And I’m going to talk to you today about what it will take to win.


Before I do that, I want to tell you a story. When I was asked to write a book – “Defeating Jihad” is my first book – I thought, “Well, this is easy.” I eat, drink and sleep this stuff. My wife, Katie, is an expert on Jihad as well. Our pillow talk is the Islamic State and Al-Qaeda. Don’t worry, it’s okay. So, I thought I’m just going to sit down. I’m going to dive right in. I’m going to write about what I do for our war fighters, what I teach them in the class, how to understand the enemy, the A-Z of national security and counterterrorism. When I told my wife, she said, “Are you crazy? I mean don’t you want to sell books or we just want to sell them to wonks? You just want to national security experts? I said, “No, I’d like some people to read it.” So, she gave me some very sage advice, and this is to all you budding authors out there: If you want the people to read your book, especially Americans, you must have a good story. You have to connect. You may be the smartest guy or gal out there, multiple PhDs, been there, seen it, got the T-shirt, but if you cannot connect with the reader, it’s just a book. So, I did something different. The introductory chapter to my book seemingly has nothing to do with counterterrorism, but it’s a story that is the only thing everybody who’s read the book wants to talk to me about. So bear with me while I share with you a story.


Imagine a 15-year-old young man. It’s 1945, and he is walking through the rubble of his beloved city where he was born and raised, Budapest, the capitol of Hungary. In the last 5 years, he has witnessed the horrors of World War II himself as a young boy. Now he’s walking through a city in which every bridge over the Danube has been blown. People don’t realize the siege of Budapest was the longest siege in World War II, longer than Stalingrad. Out of every five buildings in that beautiful city three have been bombed into dust. So he stood there looking at the apocalyptic vision, but he had hope. Why did he have hope? Because he heard on the wire that the great men have brought peace in a city called Yalta, and at Yalta those great men had signed a document, and that document not only would stop the fighting. It would permit for the rebuilding of Europe. And for his country and a country where the Soviet troops were now occupying, the Yalta treaty guaranteed those nations like Hungary free and democratic elections. They would be allowed to choose their path to independence after the cessation of hostilities. So the young man had hope, but that hope was of course dashed.


In the next three years as he grew to maturity, he witnessed the Soviets and he witnessed the puppets of the Soviets, the Hungarian communists, swallow up that country as they did with all the countries behind what would be the Iron Curtain. If you resisted the communists, you would be intimidated. If you persisted to want freedom and independence, you would be beaten up, and if you still carried on, you would be arrested, imprisoned, or simply murdered by the secret police. The author had been betrayed. Hungary had been betrayed. Millions had been betrayed. So what did this young man decide to do? He decided to resist at the ripe old age of 18, but not with a gun, not with a bomb, but covertly, subtly. He started school, started college, and he identified around him a handful of like-minded Christian patriots that wanted to resist the communists, and he created an underground resistance movement that would collect sensitive information about what exactly the Soviets were doing in Hungary, the troop movements, how they were gobbling up strategic industries. And they’d collect that information, and they’d surreptitiously send it out to the West, to free a government that could use it to help the Hungarians. And they did, for several months, using literally like a John le Carré novel, using invisible ink on otherwise very anodyne letters to the West. They sent their intelligence, and the intelligence landed at an intelligence service of one of the great nations, the United Kingdom. An MI6 became the final destination for those reports, so some good could be done. The UK would help us, right? Because they’re the mother of democracies. Little did they know. Little did they know. Those young men were supplying intelligence data to MI6, and at the end of the reporting line was none other than Kim Filby.


Kim Philby, if you know your Cold War history, was one of the five Cambridge apostles, the deadliest traitors to Western civilization during the Cold War, men recruited at Cambridge and Oxford by the KGB to work their way into the highest echelons of British government and betray the West. So what did Philby do as he did with numerous patriots across the Iron Curtain region? He collected intelligence, and once he could identify everybody in the group, what did he do? He blew them all in to the KGB and the Hungarian communists. As a result, this young man at the age of now 20 was arrested by the secret police, tortured, and given a life sentence for being a patriot and a lover of freedom. What does this have to do with anything about the threat to America today? Everything, and it’s in the book because that young man, that 15-year-old boy, standing in the ruins of Budapest, was my father, Paul Gorka.


My father spent 6 years in a communist prison, two years in solitary. Not two months, two years. Two years in a prison coal mine where each prisoner – hold on to your seats – without machinery or explosives was required by the communist wardens to break ten tons of anthracite off the coal face every day. But, a few years later, in the cold, cold autumn of 1956, something happened that was monumental. Not as monumental as Wednesday morning, but monumental. The group of young Hungarian students and manual laborers, believe it or not — quite a coalition, think about Wednesday. Yeah? Think about the blue-collar rural vote. Some students and some manual laborers decided to have a demonstration in Budapest, the silent demonstration. That silent demonstration devolved into the first freedom fight against communism, the October revolution of 1956, 60 years ago this year. As the result of that revolution, my father was liberated from prison by a revolutionary commander who had captured a Soviet tank. He escaped to the West with the daughter of one of his fellow prison mates, the 17-year-old girl called Susan, of whom his prison mate had said to my father in jail, “If you ever get out of this prison alive, please take my daughter to the West,” and my father, who thought he was going to die in prison, said to him, “Yeah, sure, whatever, I’ll take your daughter out to the West.” Well, now, he was free, so he had to keep his word and so he did. They escaped under a train across the minefields to Austria, to a refugee camp, and eventually to the United Kingdom, and that is how I am here today. Born in the UK, raised to Hungarian parents, but now a proud American. So, why do I tell you the story? The only thing people want to talk about in my book. Because of the following:


When those two planes flew into those skyscrapers 15 years ago on that beautifully blue sky Tuesday morning, I looked at that event somewhat differently I think from my fellow Americans. Why? Because, yes, it was Jihadi terrorism, absolutely Jihadi terrorism, but more importantly that event was linked to communism. It was linked to fascism. Why? Because Al-Qaeda, ISIS, all of these groups are all totalitarians. They don’t worship Karl Marx and the working class. They don’t worship an Aryan nation in a 1,000-year reich, but they are totalitarians because they will brook no compromise. Either you surrender to them or they will kill you. And for me, that event was the rekindling of totalitarian threats to America, and it was a reinforcement of what the great Ronald Reagan said so perfectly when he told us, “Remember the loss of freedom is always but one generation away.” I grew up, thanks to my parents, knowing in my blood, that liberty is as fragile as it is precious, and we are once again in a situation where we face a deadly foe who will not be negotiated with, and that foe is what I like to call the global Jihadi movement. So, let’s have a look at what we all need to know as Americans at what it’s going to take for the President we have elected to defeat our new totalitarian foe.


9/11 was the rekindling of totalitarian threats to America.


I’m going to share with you very quickly the conclusions of a report my wife and I did. My wife and I have a company called the Threat Knowledge Group. It supports our military and intelligence community and law enforcement, and we ran a two-year program for the Green Berets for the commanding general of the U.S. Army Special Operations Command. As a result of that project, we published this analysis of ISIS. I have signup sheets here if anybody wants the original report. It is unclassified and we would be delighted to email you a copy, but let me just very briefly tell you why ISIS is much more dangerous than Al-Qaeda ever was. Very simply based upon four metrics that are indisputable.


No. ISIS isn’t just a terrorist group like Al-Qaeda. It is a trans-regional insurgency. That’s a technical phrase, but let me unpack it. The difference between a terrorist group and an insurgency is a terrorist is just a bunch of guys and gals hiding out somewhere. When they come out of hiding, they kill somebody, blow something up, and then what do they do is they go back into hiding. This is the Weather Underground. Yes, our friends Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn. This is the IRA. This is ETA. This is Baader-Meinhof. That’s the ISIS. ISIS doesn’t hide in safe houses. ISIS is an insurgency. An insurgency is marked by one metric. They have so many fighters that they operate in daylight, and they can capture territory, and they can hold it to include Mosul, the second biggest city in Iraq. ISIS today holds territory in Iraq, Syria, Libya, even Nigeria. Boko Haram is now a full affiliate of ISIS.


Recently — I’m not disclosing anything; it’s a leak to the Washington Post — when President Obama had a big powwow at the Pentagon 3 months ago, the National Counterterrorism Center briefed him on the extent of ISIS in the world today, and the map they used was leaked. You can Google it. NCTC, the highest intelligence organ in the U.S. dealing with counterterrorism, stated to the President of the United States, ISIS has today, and I quote, “18 fully operational affiliates around the world.” Not sympathizers. Fully operational partner organizations. Why is this an issue? Two years earlier when the State Department gave the same briefing, it was seven. ISIS has gone from seven to 18 operational affiliates under the presidency of Obama in the last 2 years. That’s his agency telling him.


Second, it is the richest threat group of its kind in modern history. If we look at non-state actors — I’m not talking about the Soviet Union or Hitler’s Third Reich — if we look at organizations, nobody comes close to ISIS. The unclassified U.S. government estimates are that ISIS makes between $2 million and $4 million every 24 hours. Right? Illicit oil sales, racketeering, hostage taking. They even have their own IRS. Okay. Not as bad as Obama’s, but they have their own IRS. So, between $2 million and $4 million every day. Let’s get a grip on that. What does that amount of money mean? Well let’s relativize it. If you read the 9/11 Commission report you will find that the original 9/11 attacks against America by Al-Qaeda cost less than $500,000.00. The whole operation from safe houses, student Visas, flight schools; the whole thing, $480,000.00. ISIS makes that in 6 hours. Not a JV team.


Third, perhaps the most impressive of all in just quantitative analysis is how many people they have recruited. Stunning. ISIS in its current form has only been around for a few years, but ISIS in that short period has recruited more than 85,000 Jihadists. Not sympathizers, actual Jihadi fighters, 85,000. What’s even more impressive, of the 85,000, 36,000 aren’t even Iraqis or Syrians. They’re not from the war zone. They’ve been recruited from outside, and the scariest of all, of the 36,000 that are foreigners at least 6,000 are Westerners, Americans, Brits, Germans, people on the Visa waiver program of the U.S. State Department, who have freedom of movement. Incredibly impressive; however, the last one in yellow is the most important of all, and unfortunately it’s the one we least discuss even inside the intelligence community, and it is the following:


On June 29, 2014, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, the leader of ISIS, after his troops, his terrorists, had captured the second biggest city in Iraq, walked into the Grand Mosque of Mosul, climbed the steps of the pulpit, gave a sermon, and in that sermon, Abu Bakr declared the caliphate is now reborn. The Islamic Empire has been reestablished, and I am your new Caliph. I am the theocratic emperor of all Muslims. Now, why is this important? Because as everybody here knows, especially history buffs, the Caliphate isn’t some crazy idea dreamed up in the febrile mind of some Jihadi in a cave somewhere. The Empire of Islam was a real entity for over 1,000 years, established in Mecca, then headquartered in Damascus, at the height of its power run out of Baghdad, and I like to remind people, at the height of its power consider this: The Islamic Empire, the Caliphate, stretched in territory from Spain to India. It was larger than the Roman Empire ever was, a real entity. But not only that, less than a 100 years ago at the beginning of the 20th century, what happened? There was still the Caliphate. It wasn’t run by Arabs out of the Middle East, and we didn’t call it the Caliphate. We called it the Ottoman Empire, but the Ottoman Empire was the latest iteration of the Islamic theocratic empire.


But what happened to the Ottomans? Well in 1914, they put their money on the wrong horse, and when 1918 rolled around, they were in trouble. They were on the losing side of World War I. And to prevent themselves being cut up into little pieces like the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, what did they do? A very handsome, charismatic Ottoman officer called Mustafa Kemal, who we now know as Atatürk, decided to secularize his nation. He became the first president of the Turkish Republic, said, “We are all Muslims, but Islam can have nothing to do with politics. Therefore, I am separating Islam and government.” And how did he do this? In 1924, over his own signature, he dissolved the Caliphate formally. Anybody out there a fan of Monty Python? That was a sign of a civilized mind. Best Monty Python skit, the Dead Parrot. The Caliphate went the way of the parrot in that famous skit. It ceased to be. The little old man with the white beard, who was the caliph, was given his pink slip. He was fired. Why am I talking about this? Who cares? We just won an election. Right? Who cares? Everybody in this room should care. Why? For the next 90 years, Muslims who disagreed with Atatürk created organizations across the world from Asian to the Levant to do what? Bring the Caliphate back starting with the Muslim Brotherhood. But they all the way through to Al-Qaeda every single one of the failed. Hundreds of Jihadi organizations established and failed for the next century.


But then what happens? June 29, 2014, ISIS doesn’t talk about bringing back the Caliphate. It just does it. And one more reason to understand the relevance of this history. Look at what Omar Mateen did, the Orlando murderer. We now know, the Attorney General tried to censor it, but we now know halfway through the largest terrorist attack in America since September 11, Omar Mateen went to the restroom in the nightclub, put down his rifle, picked up his cell phone and dialed 911, not to call ambulances to the scene but to do what? To tell the dispatcher four times – we have the audio now, you can listen to it – to tell the world what? I am a Jihadi. I do what I do for the Islamic State. I do what I do for the new caliph of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. It’s not ancient history nor is it simply something happening 8,000 miles away in Mesopotamia. It is happening here on the streets of Orlando, on the streets of Boston, on the streets of San Bernardino. That’s why ISIS is an existential threat to everything you hold dear and everything that Mr. Trump’s victory represents.


So, let me bring it all back home. Let me talk briefly about what ISIS is doing in America. This is a covered in a report we recently wrote upon. What is actually happening in the United States that can be linked to ISIS, and we wrote this without a client; we had no sponsor, but we were motivated because we were getting some very strange signals. The White House was telling us publicly, “Not a problem, ISIS is fine, not an issue.” But our friends, especially inside the FBI, were saying we have a problem, and as a result, we sat down and for 3 months we collected all the unclassified information on what ISIS is doing in American, and here are the facts. Before I talk about our report, let me give you some corroborating evidence from Chapel Hill. Every year Chapel Hill writes a very politically correct report – you can tell by the title, “Muslim American Involvement in Violent Extremism.” Right? We’re not going to use the word “Jihad.” But it’s based upon unequivocal statistics, so it’s useful because it’s basically a summation of every Jihadi port in America that’s happened in the last 12 months. This is their last report, and I give you just Figure 1.



Fig. 1- Muslim-American Terrorism Suspects & Perpetrators Since 9/11


Have a look at that chart. It is a bar graph of every terrorist Jihadi plot in America in the last 15 years. Do you see the problem? The graph is going in the wrong direction. They’re doing more, not less. And interestingly, look at the two inordinate spikes. First one, ’09 huge peak. What happened in ’09? I wonder. And, look at last year. This is everything you need to know. 2015 saw the highest incidents of Jihadi plots in the United States since 9/11. Despite 2015 being the year when both the Commander-in-Chief and Secretary Kerry said the following three days before San Bernardino, and I quote directly. The President and his chief diplomats said, “ISIS is contained. We are winning.” That was 72 hours before the San Bernardino attack which, since then, has been eclipsed completely by Orlando.


Okay, let’s look at our report. Here are the facts of the matter. We have mapped every ISIS plot in America since the Caliphate was declared two-and-a-half years ago. With the recent arrests after New Jersey and New York there have been 124 people arrested in America as ISIS terrorists. Not 24, not 34; 134. And the bad news is they’re everywhere. This isn’t concentrated in the Somali population of Minnesota. This is from Texas to California, from New Jersey to Pennsylvania. Yes it’s practically everywhere. And here is the very disturbing news and this is what Mr. Trump will have to deal with. If you break down what they were doing when we caught them or killed them, this is the breakdown. About half of them are what the FBI calls “travelers,” a delightful euphemism. Sounds like they’re going on holiday to Paris, right? “Travelers.” These are U.S. subjects that have sworn allegiance to ISIS, but want to leave America to fight Jihad in the Middle East. Yes, they’re planning to go to Syria, Iraq, what have you, so they want to get out. Then we have about 20 percent that are the middle management terrorists. The talent spotters, the recruiters, the people who bring the Jihadi in, vet them and then buy them their plane ticket to the Middle East, which leaves a shocking proportion, 33.3 percent, exactly a third, who are individuals who likewise have sworn allegiance to the new emperor Abu Bakr, but have decided they are not going anywhere. They have decided the best way to serve the new Caliphate and the new emperor is to kill infidels here in America. As the result of that very high percentage, we closed our report with the following conclusion. The likelihood of a mass casualty Paris-style attack in America is not a question of if. It is a question of when. And we published that one week before San Bernardino. So that’s the bad news. What’s the good news? There is a way to win and that’s what my book Defeating Jihad is about. A very simple set of ideas.


No. 1: no more political correctness. Gone. The idea that the administration can censor the threat, the idea that the Attorney General can have the words “Jihad” removed from transcripts of the Orlando shooter is over. In 2011, the White House issued an unclassified memorandum after a request from CAIR, the Council on American Islamic Relations. That memo the White House wrote was sent to the then-Attorney General the chief law enforcement officer of America, and the then-Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, the most senior military officer, and that memo, which you can find on my web site, stated the following. From this day forward, all training in the United States, whether of the military or law enforcement, will have no mention of the religion of Islam and words like “Jihad” are prohibited. That is your federal government. Well that has to stop, and we all know one thing about Donald Trump, don’t we? He doesn’t like political correctness. We cannot defeat our enemy unless we understand how religion informs his operations and defines our strategic objectives. Speak truth to the threat because you cannot heal a disease if you’re not allowed to diagnose it nor can you defeat an enemy if you are curtailed on what you are allowed to say about them factually.


If you run the numbers, the majority of victims of Jihadis in the world today are in fact Muslims.


Second, please don’t misunderstand me. Some people do and it causes issues. We are not at war with Islam. That is a fallacious and dangerous concept. Why? No. 1, do you remember the video of the fighter pilot in the cage burnt alive? Yes. What religion was he? Was he an Episcopalian? No. He was a Muslim. In fact, if you run the numbers, the majority of victims of Jihadis in the world today are in fact Muslims. Yeah. I mean, they’ve decimated Christian, Yazidis, Jews, yes, but by sheer numbers and proportions they are far more likely to kill you if you’re a Muslim who disagrees with them than anybody else. So we have to do what? We have to empower those Muslims who want to be our friends to help defeat them. The Jordanians, the Egyptians, those countries who for the last seven-and-a-half years have been betrayed by this administration. It is not tenable to have white skin or black skin or yellow-skinned Americans be the face of victory against the Jihadists. We want it to be fellow Muslims. We want it to be the King of Jordan. We want it to be President Sisi. That’s when you get victory. When the Muslims destroy the Jihadis.


Lastly, look, I’ll be honest with you. I am a child of the Cold War. I grew up under the Cold War. It formed me. I miss it immensely. It was much easier. It was much easier, much easier. We can win this war the same way we won the Cold War. That’s the ultimate victory, and as I like to inform my young students and officers for whom 1989 might as well be the sacking of Troy; I like to remind them that 27 years ago this week, November 9 in Berlin, when we America won the cold war, can anybody tell me how many bullets were fired across Checkpoint Charlie? It’s a very round number. Right. Zero. None. Not one bullet was shot from an M16 or an AK47. Not one. Not one bomb left a bomb bay of an aircraft. But hang on. We won. So how did we win? We won thusly. The Great Gipper didn’t just bankrupt the Soviet Union financially. Much more importantly he bankrupted their ideology. He destroyed communism morally, spiritually. He showed communism and Marxism for the hollow decrepit death cult that it is. And as a result on that cold November 9 it wasn’t U.S. GIs with pick axes that took down the Berlin wall. It was the East Germans on the other side who said this is enough. This is bogus. This communism stuff is rubbish and with hand tools they took down a wall which, if you had crossed a few weeks earlier, you would have been shot. That’s how we won. We de-legitimized the enemy’s narrative, their ideology, their world view and lo and behold that is exactly what we have to do again today. That is when ultimate victory begins. Yes. Don’t get me wrong. Don’t get me wrong. The kinetic part of this war killing terrorists. I am down with killing terrorists. Okay. I’m very cool with it. But body bags are not a good metric of success. They weren’t during that little tete-a-tete in South Asian called the Vietnam War and they’re not much of a better metric today. This war should only be fought about 25 percent in the physical domain. Ultimate victory will happen where? In the mental and spiritual when the enemy no longer believes their own ideology and therefore loses the will to fight us just as happened with the Soviet Union.


So to translate that into practical terms, President Trump needs to create a strategic level counterpropaganda campaign just like President Reagan did primarily in the black sphere but also in the white sphere. We need things like the U.S. information agency again and we will need to work through our proxies. We need to help the Jordanians, the Egyptians and Moratis just the same way we helped the dissidents of the Cold War. I mean, we smuggled fax machines into Poland. Yes? I mean that was as important as anything else that we did during the Cold War and then that is how we can win.


If you want any more details then it’s all in Defeating Jihad, which is a primer on the threat to America, what you need to know about our enemy and then my plan for how to defeat them. Okay. I’ll be glad to take any of your questions if you wish to ask them. Thank you.


If you wish to ask them informally you have my email up there. Also my twitter handle. I’m very active on social media. My wife says I’m a bit too active but there you go. And also if you want anything I do for public consumption it’s available at my web site or my media my analysis and then everything we do for boys and girls in uniform is on our web site site and then lastly my wife runs a 501C3 that monitors the evolution of Jihadi ideology. That’s the Council on Global Securities so you may want to mark down those web sites. Okay first question please.


[Response to audience member question:]


Okay so this is a bit of a technical question. I don’t want to get into a big discourse here on the technical issues. “Attack theorism” is the best technical label for what the Jihadis do. It’s a philosophy of Islam. It comes from an individual called Ibintime Mia, a scholar about a 1,000 years ago who basically said, “I can decide if you’re not acting like a true Muslim.” It’s unilateral excommunication and attack theories, like Bin Laden, like Abu Bakr say, “Oh, the King of Jordan. He’s clearly not a Muslim, so we can kill him.” It’s a pillar of their philosophy, but it’s explained in more detail in my book. Thank you. Please my friend.


[Response to audience member question:]


Very simply why don’t we, why shouldn’t we say that? I’ll tell you. I’ll give it to you from the best source possible and this is General Sisi. The general, General Vallely and myself met with General Sisi before he become president. General Sisi of Egypt is a devout Muslim, a seriously devout Muslim, but when we asked him, “General, why did you do what you did? Why did you take your forces onto the streets to take down a democratically elected government?” And he was very, very simple in his answer. He said, “Because I am an Egyptian before I am a Muslim.” It’s not the same thing. Not the same thing. There are examples of Muslim states that have functioned in ways that comport with our value system and can function as allies. Look at Turkey. Turkey was the most important NATO nation in Europe and it was a Muslim nation. But why did it function? Because religion was separated from politics. We need to have that secularization happen again and we need to support people like General Sisi. That’s my argument.


It’s not going to be easy, but it’s absolutely possible because really what we’re talking about is a brand here. The brand is Jihadism and the issue is the concept of Jihad is far more attractive now than the secular version of Islam that is practiced in our allied and partner nations. The way I explain this in terms of visualization is, imagine if one of you, right now, left this building and went to downtown Miami and walked down the largest boulevard waving a giant swastika banner. Okay. You would not be cool to say the least. Okay. We have to do the same thing for the black flag of Jihad. It is a counter-messaging issue. We have to make it unattractive. Whether or not the end state is transcendentally informed or not is irrelevant. We have to associate that image with failure. Once we have done that we will be winning.


I cannot talk for all American Muslims and nobody in this room can do that. Okay? How do I think some of them deal with this? Many of them say, “Well, I know that, but that’s the seventh century. I don’t agree with it.” But they make a personal decision. Look at the fact that we have Muslims who wear the cloth of the republic who have died for this nation in combat. So what decisions have they made? They’ve made the decision that I may be a Muslim, but the Constitution of the United States usurps those passages in the Koran. The fact that some other Muslims would say he is therefore a heretic. That’s another issue. That’s another issue. But I think individuals make personal choices. They contextualize the religion and whether they can do that with the permission of somebody else who disagrees with them is another question.




THE GORKA BRIEFING: National Security Analysis and Commentary by Dr. Sebastian Gorka.


Copyright © 2016 Dr. Sebastian Gorka / THE GORKA BRIEFING | All rights reserved.