Radical Left’s Hatred of America & Israel Binds Them: ‘Democrats Keep Pushing to Unravel U.S.–Israel Relationship’

Dems hate Israel and support those who hate Israel; ergo a vote for a Dem on any level of politics (local, State and National) is a vote for racist Jew-Hatred Antisemitism. That includes self-loathing Left-Wing Jews who’d rather support Marxist Dems than their Jewish heritage in Israel.


Adina Kutnicki essentially states my position.


JRH 7/10/20

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Radical Left’s Hatred of America & Israel Binds Them: ‘Democrats Keep Pushing to Unravel U.S.–Israel Relationship’


Flags: USA & Israel allies


Commentary By Adina Kutnicki

July 10, 2020


{Published at AmericasCivilWarRising.org}


The Democrat Party of yesteryear, tradition-wise, has always been supportive of Israel. No longer. At its base, this support, for the most part, has always been derived from the shared values inherent within both nations.


As it stands, the Party’s current incarnation (as it moved left-ward, incrementally, over a period of years) is ideologically imbued and invested in Israel’s destruction. America’s, too. This tragic truth is plain for all to see, that is, if one’s eyes are wide open enough to absorb the seismic upheavals taking place all over America.


Indeed, those pulling the strings within the Democrat Party are more than thrilled that domestic terrorists are tearing the nation down. To wit, they lend them more than a wink and a nod. In reality, they are cheering them on and funding them! For starters and for further edification, commence your educational journey here:


‘ANTIFA Announces Formation of a Red Army in U.S. The Violent Left Says They Want a Shooting Civil War’ – BLM in the Forefront


Not only that, the ammunition being used to separate the heretofore special bond between the U.S. and Israel is based on the mother of all lies, that is, that Israel is a usurper and an “illegal occupier” of another’s land!


But don’t take this word for setting the record straight towards the truth of all truths. Rather, read for yourselves what is enshrined in international law, as well as in historical fact. The preeminent expert in this legal arena is Howard Grief (deceased, June 2013).


Legal Rights and Title of Sovereignty of the Jewish People to the Land of Israel and Palestine under International Law


In this regard, the following should be more than enough reason  — at least, for all those who still believe that truth matters  — for so-called traditional Democrats, centrists, if you will, to jump ship. Overboard.


♦  ♦  ♦  ♦  ♦


Democrats Keep Pushing to Unravel U.S.–Israel Relationship


New letter from progressives to Pompeo brings harmful ideas to the forefront of American politics – By Steve Postal | July 9, 2020


The Lawfare Project sent House Speaker Nancy Pelosi a letter opposing progressive Democrats’ “uninformed and inaccurate” policy proposals towards Israel. The Lawfare Project, according to their website, provides legal counsel and services to, and protects the free speech of, members of the Jewish and pro-Israel community. According to the Lawfare Project, the progressive Democrats’ labeling Israel’s plans to establish control over parts of Judea and Samaria as “annexation” rather than “sovereignty” places the Democrats at odds with U.S. law, “which has long recognized the rights of the Jewish people to a national home in Palestine.”


The Lawfare Project’s letter to Speaker Pelosi was in response to another letter sent by progressive Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ilhan Omar, Sen. Bernie Sanders, and others to Secretary of State Mike Pompeo in late June. This progressive letter is the latest in a series of Democratic communications that serve to harm the U.S.–Israeli partnership. Democrats are now bringing harmful and false ideas, once considered taboo, to the forefront of American politics. Those ideas are the following:


The “settlements” in Judea and Samaria are illegitimate.


Contrary to popular wisdom, Israel has a right to build the “settlements,” which are Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, the heartland of the Land of Israel. (There are currently about 450,000 Israeli citizens living in Judea and Samaria, in addition to another 215,000 living in eastern Jerusalem.) The Trump administration, in the Pompeo Doctrine, stated that it does not recognize the “settlements” as illegal.


In contrast, the progressive Democrat letter mentioned above calls the “settlements” “illegal” under the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court. Presidential candidate Joe Biden also recently said that continued “settlement” building “will choke off any hope for peace,” despite the Palestinians’ consistent rejection of any peace proposal regardless of the presence, absence, and number of “settlements.”


Israel’s claim to Judea and Samaria is an “occupation.”


Israel’s claim to Judea and Samaria is not one of “occupation,” and Republicans know this. I could not find any reference of the Trump administration referring to the “occupation.” Also, a letter addressed to Netanyahu in support of Israel, signed by 120 House Republicans in late June, does not mention “occupation.”


In contrast, Democrats are convinced otherwise. The progressive Democrat letter mentioned above refers to Judea and Samaria as “occupied Palestinian territory,” “Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967,” and “occupied West Bank,” with Israel being the “Occupying Power.” Biden is also on the record for opposing the so-called “occupation.”


Israel does not have a right to apply sovereignty to at least some of Judea and Samaria.


Israel has a right to apply sovereignty at least some of Judea and Samaria, and Republicans know this. The Trump administration has recognized that right by allowing Israel to apply sovereignty to about 30 percent of Judea and Samaria. The House Republican letter, mentioned above, states that “Israel has the right to make sovereign decisions independent of outside pressure,” and “reaffirm[s] Israel’s right to sovereignty.”


In contrast, Democrats are convinced otherwise. Biden has stated, “I do not support annexation. The fact is, I will reverse Trump’s undercutting of peace.” Further, over 190 House Democrats signed a letter to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Alternate Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Gantz, and Foreign Minister Gabriel Ashkenazi opposing any Israeli move of “unilateral annexation” to any part of Judea and Samaria. The progressive Democrat letter threatens “nonrecognition of annexed territories.” A letter signed by Senate Democrats, including Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, written to Netanyahu and Gantz in May also opposed “annexation” six times in four paragraphs.


The U.S. should condition aid to Israel on Israel not building in Judea and Samaria.


U.S. aid to Israel dates back to the 1973 Yom Kippur War and is money that Israel spends mostly in the United States. This aid has long been independent of Israel’s relationship with the Palestinians. Continuing this tradition, Biden said that he would not place conditions on military assistance to Israel. But the progressive Democrat letter threatens legislation that would cut U.S. aid to Israel if the latter moves forward with sovereignty. The progressives are thus “subordinating [the U.S.–Israel relationship] to the Palestinians or, more precisely … subordinating it to the extensive demands American progressives make on behalf of the Palestinians.” Bernie Sanders, IfNotNow, and 1,000 alums of J Street U, the student arm of J Street, supported such conditioning of aid to Israel in separate statements.


The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is OK.


The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement is an anti-Semitic campaign to destroy Israel. President Trump signed an executive order, which in part threatens to withhold funding of universities that support BDS. To his credit, Biden “firmly reject[s]” BDS. But the progressive Democrat letter, while it does not expressly address BDS, is endorsed by multiple organizations that support BDS, including American Friends Service Committee, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), Churches for Middle East Peace, Defense for Children International — Palestine, and the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights. Each of these organizations is additionally problematic, as reported by the Washington Free Beacon. For example, AMP, Defense for Children International — Palestine and U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights have been connected with fundraising for terrorist organizations. In fact, Rep. Ocasio-Cortez purposefully sought support of the progressive Democrat letter from these groups.


Recent statements by Democrats is the latest in a push to continue to make Israel a partisan wedge in U.S. politics, one that I previously discussed in The American Spectator. It remains to be seen if moderate voices within the Democratic party will be able to reclaim the narrative. Until then, the Democratic party will continue to undermine the U.S.–Israel relationship.


AOC Antisemitic Hate of Israel


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Intro to ‘Israeli sovereignty and the fate of the Trump plan’

Intro by John R. Houk

Title by Caroline Glick

Intro © February 7, 2020


The topic: the Trump Administration’s The Deal of the Century as laid out in the White House preliminary framework entitled, “Peace to Prosperity: A Vision to Improve the Lives of the Palestinian and Israeli People”.


For me there is no getting around the 181 page document’s declaration that a Palestinian State would have its capital city in an Eastern portion of Jerusalem. I have read advocates of the peace deal claim it will be parts of Jerusalem already dominated by Arabs. If that geographical Arab domination includes the Temple Mount those physical dimensions MUST BE rejected by Jews and Christians.


Jerusalem – 1948 Quarters and Divided 1949-67


BUT the part of the plan I am beginning to slowly inch toward maybe is the part that is driving Islamic terrorist leadership Arabs calling themselves Palestinians nuts is a significant swath of Jewish Settlement areas of Judea-Samaria (labelled the West Bank by conquering Jordanians in 1948) becoming a part of sovereign Israel which must be recognized for the plan to move forward.


The God Plan for Israel


On a personal level it is my belief for Israel is God’s plan of the Promised Land to the descendants Abraham, Isaac and Jacob/Israel. That means Arabs who refuse accept God’s plan should leave to Arab lands that practice hateful and intolerant Islam.


BUT I live in America and really don’t have a vote.


Caroline Glick tackles the duplicity of the Israeli Left which she indicates might be taking cues from the American Dem Party. If accurate, God have mercy on Israel and its probably brainwashed Left-Wing voters.


JRH 2/7/20

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BLOG EDITOR: I’ve apparently been placed in restricted Facebook Jail! The restriction was relegated after criticizing Democrats for supporting abortion in one post and criticizing Virginia Dems for gun-grabbing legislation and levying protester restrictions. Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me completely. Conservatives are a huge portion of Facebook. If more or all Conservatives are banned, it will affect the Facebook advertising revenue paradigm. SO FIGHT CENSORSHIP BY SHARE – SHARE – SHARE!!! Facebook notified me in pop-up on 1/20/20: “You’re temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until April 18 at 7:04 PM.”


Israeli sovereignty and the fate of the Trump plan



By Caroline Glick


Originally published at Israel Hayom.



On Wednesday morning, NeverTrump propagandist Bill Kristol told his MSNBC audience that Democratic chances of victory over US President Donald Trump will rise if Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is defeated in Israel’s elections on March 2.


Along the same lines, if Netanyahu fails to apply Israeli sovereignty to the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria before the election, not only will he almost certainly lose those elections, his defeat will bury Trump’s peace plan and harm Trump’s reelection chances.


To understand why this is the case it is first necessary to understand the nature of the Blue and White party and its relationship to Trump and his peace plan.


After Trump’s peace plan was published, Israelis discovered significant problems with the map attached to the plan. Among other things, the map places large sections of Highway 60, which crosses Judea and Samaria from south to north outside Israeli jurisdiction. If left uncorrected, the designation will endanger the security of tens of thousands of Israelis whose communities will be rendered isolated enclaves. Since ensuring Israel’s ability to defend itself and its citizens on a permanent basis is a major goal of the plan, this omission was obviously an oversight. Netanyahu announced this week that he has assembled a team to work on the map.


So long as the map is not adjusted, members of Likud and other parties in the right-religious bloc Netanyahu leads will be unable to vote in favor of the plan, despite their support for Trump and for the plan overall.


This then brings us to Benny Gantz and his party.


Just before Gantz traveled to Washington to meet with Trump at the White House last Monday, it came out that his top campaign strategists, Ronen Tzur and Joel Benenson had both separately published multiple posts on Twitter viciously attacking Trump. Both men compared him to Hitler, called him a Russian agent and a racist. In other words, both men parroted Democratic talking points against Trump. (After his posts were reported, Tzur claimed that he no longer believed the things he had written.)


Whereas Tzur – like every garden variety Israeli leftist politico – apparently follows the Democrats on everything related to American public affairs automatically, Benenson shapes Democratic positions. Benenson served as Barack Obama’s senior political strategist in the 2008 and 2012 elections and as Hillary Clinton’s senior political strategist in 2016.


In 2015, Wikileaks published Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta’s emails. Several email chains included internal campaign discussions in which Benenson participated. In two discussions, Benenson advised Clinton not to mention Israel in public events.


Now Benenson is directing Blue and White’s campaign, and there is little reason for surprise at the seamlessness of his move from Obama and Clinton to Gantz. The Israeli left has been intertwined with the Democratic Party.

In 2016 when Gantz was still a private citizen, he was strongly encouraged to enter the political fray by a public service company called Darcheinu, or “Our Way.”


Darcheinu is the successor to two organizations – V-15 and One Voice. One Voice was established in 2003 by Daniel Lubetsky, a Mexican-American Jewish businessman with close ties to the Obama administration. Lubetsky founded One Voice at the height of the Palestinian terror war to advance the establishment of a Palestinian state and an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines. PLO Chief and Palestinian Authority Chairman Mahmoud Abbas’s son Yasser Mahmoud Abbas is a member of One Voice’s Trustees Advisory Council.


Ahead of the 2015 Knesset elections, One Voice formed V-15 as a spinoff to run a campaign to “change the government” – that is, to bring down Netanyahu. V-15’s campaign was directed by Jeremy Bird, Obama’s field director in his presidential races. It came under scrutiny from the US Senate when it was discovered that the Obama’ State Department funded its efforts.


Establishing a Palestinian state and fomenting an Israeli evacuation of Judea and Samaria replete with the expulsion of hundreds of thousands of Israeli Jews from their homes is a goal all three groups share with the Democratic Party. And like the Democrats, the goal places all three groups in opposition to Trump. Trump’s plan makes the establishment of a Palestinian state contingent on significant changes in Palestinian actions and positions. It also foresees Israel retaining permanently all Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and the areas surrounding them as well as the Jordan Valley.


In recent years, Darcheinu continued V-15’s efforts to bring down Netanyahu. In 2017-18, it sponsored the weekly leftist protests outside Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit’s home demanding he indicts Netanyahu. Darcheinu also funded and promoted the 2018 campaign by the far-left Commanders for Israeli Security calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state and an Israeli withdrawal to the 1949 armistice lines.


Until 2019, Darcheinu was led by Israeli businessman Kobi Richter. Richter was one of the central activists responsible for forming the Blue and White Party last year. In an interview with Globes, Richter said that he paid for the polls that convinced Gantz to join forces with Moshe Yaalon, Gabi Ashkenazy and Yair Lapid.


According to officials with knowledge of the events, Gantz was well-aware of the substantive problems with the map attached to the Trump peace plan when he left Washington. And it is with this knowledge in mind that we need to consider what he did when he got back.


Upon returning to Israel Gantz declared that he intended to introduce the Trump plan to the Knesset for approval. Some commentators portrayed his move as proof that he supported Trump’s peace plan. But given his awareness of the problems with the map and the implications for the political right, the opposite appears to be the case. Gantz’s announcement can better be seen as a bid to subvert and discredit Trump’s plan and to discredit Netanyahu and Trump personally.


Without corrections to the map, Likud and other right-wing lawmakers who otherwise support the plan and enthusiastically support Trump will be unable to vote in favor of it in a Knesset vote. Forcing them to oppose the plan publicly would serve several interests shared by both Blue and White and the Democrats. It would provide cover for the majority of Blue and White lawmakers who, like the Democrats wish to bury the plan. With the media scope-locked on right-wing opponents of Trump’s plan, they will avoid scrutiny of their own views.


The sight of Likud lawmakers opposing the Trump plan would discredit Netanyahu in the eyes of his voters. They would view him as incompetent and treacherous and many will avoid voting on March 2 as a result.


In light of joint opposition to the Trump plan from Likud and Blue and White lawmakers alike, center-right voters will perceive the parties as indistinguishable and follow the media’s urging to vote for Gantz.


For Trump, a Knesset defeat of his plan, followed in all likelihood by the defeat of Netanyahu would demoralize and anger Trump’s evangelical Christian base. Blue and White would move quickly to bury Trump’s plan. The Democrats would use the Knesset’s opposition to the plan and Gantz’s support for their positions as proof that Trump’s pro-Israel bona fides are skin deep and that Trump’s overall Middle East policy is misguided.


In short, advised by Benenson, after enjoying Trump’s hospitality, and benefiting from the prestige a meeting at the Oval Office confers, Gantz raised an initiative that would cause grievous political harm to Netanyahu and Trump and destroy any prospect of implementing any part of Trump’s peace plan.


And so we return to the issue of applying Israeli sovereignty in Judea and Samaria.


In light of the need to correct the mistakes in the map, it is clear that full implementation of Israeli sovereignty over the areas the Trump deal recommends will take time and will be impossible before March 2. But it is still possible to implement a significant component of the plan in a manner that will avert the damage Gantz and Benenson are seeking to cause.


Gantz has studiously worked to prevent his party from being identified with the ideological left. To achieve this goal despite the fact that the majority of his Knesset faction holds leftist and far-leftist views, Gantz has used the two center-right lawmakers from his party’s minority Telem faction as his campaign’s primary spokesmen on television. Whereas Yoaz Hendel and Zvika Hauser are pushed in front of microphones to extol the virtues of extending Israeli sovereignty to the Jordan Valley, the majority of Blue and White lawmakers, who share Obama’s views, are hidden in the shadows.


Without changing the maps, and while postponing approval of the Trump plan itself, the Netanyahu government can pass a government decision to apply Israeli law to all Israeli cities, towns, and villages in Judea and Samaria immediately in accordance with the Trump peace plan. Doing so will energize right-wing voters. And it will also expose Blue and White.


Applying Israeli law to the Israeli communities will arouse strenuous opposition from the majority of Blue and White faction members. Their opposition to a move that the majority of Israelis support would demonstrate that despite its right-wing fig leaves, Blue and White is a leftist party. Swing voters from the center-right would get the message.


This then brings us to the Democrats. For years, despite their protestations of support for Israel and commitment to Israel’s security, the Democrats have adopted a policy towards Israel that revolves obsessively around their demand to destroy the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria and transfer the areas Jew free to the PLO. The Obama administration was so hateful towards these communities that it pushed through UN Security Council resolution 2234 that slanderously called them “illegal” after Donald Trump was elected president.


By applying Israeli law to these areas while avoiding a Knesset vote until after the map is corrected, the Netanyahu government will deny Democrats the ability to use Trump’s peace plan against him. It will also demonstrate Trump’s commitment to Israel to his evangelical base. Most importantly, applying Israeli law to the Israeli communities in Judea and Samaria will take the issue of their future off the table and ensure that the Trump peace plan will survive into the next government, regardless of who wins next month.


Senior presidential advisor Jared Kushner has said that it would be best to wait until after the election to begin applying Israeli sovereignty to areas in Judea and Samaria. Under normal circumstances, he would be right. But given the larger context in which this issue must be judged, it is fairly clear that delaying the move until after the elections will cause great harm to President Trump, and effectively bury his peace plan while elevating the Israeli left and the Democrats.


Originally published at Israel Hayom.


BLOG EDITOR: I’ve apparently been placed in restricted Facebook Jail! The restriction was relegated after criticizing Democrats for supporting abortion in one post and criticizing Virginia Dems for gun-grabbing legislation and levying protester restrictions. Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me completely. Conservatives are a huge portion of Facebook. If more or all Conservatives are banned, it will affect the Facebook advertising revenue paradigm. SO FIGHT CENSORSHIP BY SHARE – SHARE – SHARE!!! Facebook notified me in pop-up on 1/20/20: “You’re temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until April 18 at 7:04 PM.”


Intro to ‘Israeli sovereignty and the fate of the Trump plan’

Intro by John R. Houk

Intro © February 7, 2020


Israeli sovereignty and the fate of the Trump plan


@ 2013 All Rights Reserved to Caroline Glick


ABOUT Caroline B. Glick


Caroline B. Glick is a senior columnist at Breitbart News and the senior contributing and chief columnist for The Jerusalem Post. She is also a senior columnist for Maariv. She is the author of The Israeli Solution: A One State Plan for Peace in the Middle East, (Crown 2014) and of Shackled Warrior: Israel and the Global Jihad (Gefen 2008). The Israeli Solution was endorsed by leading US policymakers including Vice President Mike Pence, Senator Ted Cruz and National Security Advisor John Bolton. Shackled Warrior was endorsed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and former CIA director James Woolsey.


Glick is the adjunct senior fellow for Middle Eastern Affairs at the Center for Security Policy in Washington, DC and directs the Israeli Security Project at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. She travels frequently throughout the world to brief policymakers on issues related to Israel’s strategic environment and other related topics. She lectures widely on strategic and political issues affecting global security, Israel and the Jewish people, US-Israel relations, Israel-Diaspora affairs and Israel’s changing strategic landscape.


In 2008 Glick founded Latma, the Hebrew language satirical media criticism website. She served as editor in chief of the site until it ceased operations in 2015.


Latma changed the face of Israel’s social media and revolutionized the Israeli entertainment industry by bringing an alternative voice to the popular culture. Latma launched “Hakol Shafit,” a primetime, half hour satirical newscast on Israel television Channel 1. Glick served as the editor in chief of the program.


Glick was born in Houston, TX and grew up in Chicago, IL. She moved to Israel in 1991, two weeks after receiving her BA in Political Science from Columbia University. She joined the Israel Defense Forces that summer and served as an officer for five and a half years.


From 1994-1996, as an IDF captain, Ms. Glick served in the Defense Ministry as a core member of Israel’s negotiating team with the Palestinians.


In 1997 and 1998 Ms. Glick served as Assistant Foreign Policy Advisor to Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu.


From 1998-2000 Ms. Glick studied at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and READ THE REST


Support the Land of Promise for Jews Through Israel

John R. Houk

© September 7, 2019

I am a HUGE supporter of Israel. I am not Jewish but I am a Christian Zionist. WHY? Because of God Almighty’s Promise to Abraham which proceeds through the lineage of Isaac rather than Ishmael or any other sons of Abraham. Here are some lengthy Old Testament excerpts solidifying God’s Promise to Abraham (Genesis 15: 2-5, 13-14, 16, 18-21; 17: 1-8, 15-19, 21; 21: 1-3, 9-10, 12; 22: 15-18 NKJV):


Genesis 15:2-5


But Abram said, “Lord God, what will You give me, seeing I [a]go childless, and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus?” Then Abram said, “Look, You have given me no offspring; indeed one[b] born in my house is my heir!”


And behold, the word of the Lord came to him, saying, “This one shall not be your heir, but one who will come from your own body shall be your heir.” Then He brought him outside and said, “Look now toward heaven, and count the stars if you are able to number them.” And He said to him, “So shall your descendants be.”


Genesis 15:13-14


13 Then He said to Abram: “Know certainly that your descendants will be strangers in a land that is not theirs, and will serve them, and they will afflict them four hundred years. 14 And also the nation whom they serve I will judge; afterward they shall come out with great possessions.


Genesis 15:16


16 But in the fourth generation they shall return here, for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet complete.”


Genesis 15:18-21


18 On the same day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying:

“To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the River Euphrates— 19 the Kenites, the Kenezzites, the Kadmonites, 20 the Hittites, the Perizzites, the Rephaim, 21 the Amorites, the Canaanites, the Girgashites, and the Jebusites.”


Genesis 17:1-8


17 When Abram was ninety-nine years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am [a]Almighty God; walk before Me and be blameless. And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly.” Then Abram fell on his face, and God talked with him, saying: “As for Me, behold, My covenant is with you, and you shall be a father of [b]many nations. No longer shall your name be called [c]Abram, but your name shall be [d]Abraham; for I have made you a father of [e]many nations. I will make you exceedingly fruitful; and I will make nations of you, and kings shall come from you. And I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descendants after you in their generations, for an everlasting covenant, to be God to you and your descendants after you. Also I give to you and your descendants after you the land in[f] which you are a stranger, all the land of Canaan, as an everlasting possession; and I will be their God.”


Genesis 17:15-19


15 Then God said to Abraham, “As for Sarai your wife, you shall not call her name Sarai, but [a]Sarah shall be her name. 16 And I will bless her and also give you a son by her; then I will bless her, and she shall be a mother of nations; kings of peoples shall be from her.”


17 Then Abraham fell on his face and laughed, and said in his heart, “Shall a child be born to a man who is one hundred years old? And shall Sarah, who is ninety years old, bear a child?18 And Abraham said to God, “Oh, that Ishmael might live before You!”


19 Then God said: “No, Sarah your wife shall bear you a son, and you shall call his name Isaac; I will establish My covenant with him for an everlasting covenant, and with his descendants after him.


Genesis 17:21


21 But My covenant I will establish with Isaac, whom Sarah shall bear to you at this set time next year.”


Genesis 21:1-3


21 And the Lord visited Sarah as He had said, and the Lord did for Sarah as He had spoken. For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him—whom Sarah bore to him—Isaac.[a]


Genesis 21:9-10


And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, scoffing.[a] 10 Therefore she said to Abraham, “Cast out this bondwoman and her son; for the son of this bondwoman shall not be heir with my son, namely with Isaac.”


Genesis 21:12


12 But God said to Abraham, “Do not let it be displeasing in your sight because of the lad or because of your bondwoman. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice; for in Isaac your seed shall be called.


Genesis 22:15-18


15 Then the Angel of the Lord called to Abraham a second time out of heaven, 16 and said: “By Myself I have sworn, says the Lord, because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son17 blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies. 18 In your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice.”


AND THAT JUST TO ABRAHAM! God Almighty continued the Promise of Land and blessings before possession through Abraham’s son Isaac and grandson Jacob (renamed Israel) – Genesis 26:3-5; 27:26-29; 28:13-14; 35:11-12 NKJV.


There are more Scriptures related to the Land of Promise via Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to their descendants which are the Jews. Frankly do not look at the lying devilish book known as the Quran – IT IS A COUNTERFEIT manifested to do the design Satan hoped for in the Garden deception of Adam and Eve which messed up all humanity until the RETURN of Jesus the Christ/Messiah to restore all things to God Almighty’s design for His Creation.


AND SO, this is the lead up to an email I received from Christians in Defense of Israel. The email’s focus is garner support for Israel to declare sovereignty over Judea and Samaria (the land the rest of the world has been brainwashed to call the West Bank) AND plea for President Trump to recognize such sovereignty. Christians in Defense of Israel  lobbying President Trump with a petition linked in the email. I SIGNED IT!


In full disclosure, the petition appears to have the second purpose as a fund raiser for Christians in Defense of Israel. It is a worthy organization to support, but I personally am not in a financial position to donate thus I just signed the petition and moved on. HOWEVER, if you are in a financial position to give I urge you to do so.


I am cross posting the email and the wording of the petition, but you will have to actually click the petition link to sign and/or donate.


JRH 9/7/19

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God promised Abraham the “West Bank”?


Sent by Mat Staver, Chairman

Sent 9/7/19 11:55 AM

Sent via Christians in Defense of Israel


This will surprise you. It startled me when I first learned it. And it bears directly on prospects for peace in the Middle East. It’s why I’m urging good friends of Israel like you, John, to join me in sending a historic petition to President Trump. Join me in calling on him to recognize “Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria!”



And please stand with CIDI now. Help us fight for Israel with your special gift today. Thank you! –Mat



You and I both know that the so-called “West Bank”—better known as Judea and Samaria—is the disputed territory which Palestinians fiercely claim for their “state of Palestine.”

But it’s also land—as I explain below—which God specifically promised to Abraham and his descendants some 4,000 years ago.

And that promise is still in force.

Which is why I’m asking you—as a good friend of Israel and CIDI—to stand with me in urging President Trump to do what, just a decade ago, would have been unthinkable.

The president has already recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. He recognized Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights. Now it’s time to take the next step.


Will you please join me in calling on President Trump to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank—Judea and Samaria, the Jewish people’s biblical heartland?

With the White House peace place set for release after Israel votes September 17, now is the time to urge President Trump to take this historic step.

Join me today in issuing this historic call by signing our critical, time-sensitive “Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria!” petition to the President.



+ + Abraham was in the “West Bank” when God promised him the land!

It’s well known that God promised “all the land of Canaan” to Abraham and his descendants. But what’s not widely known is where Abraham was when God made that promise.

The surprising fact is that Abraham was living in the so-called West Bank when God twice promised him and his descendants the land of Israel!

On one occasion, Abraham was in ancient Shechem, now known as Nablus—a Palestinian city in the northern West Bank—when God appeared to him and said, “To your offspring I will give this land” (Genesis 12:7).

Later, when Abraham settled at Hebron, an ancient city in the southern West Bank, God gave Abraham another land promise: “I will give to you and to your offspring after you . . . all the land of Canaan, for an everlasting possession” (Genesis 17:8).

And yet the world denounces Israel for “occupying” the West Bank—better known as Judea and Samaria!


  • Israel-hating congresswoman Ilhan Omar attacks Israel for the “cruel reality of the occupation.” She bashes the Jewish state for its “brutal occupation.”
  • UN Security Council resolution 2334—President Obama’s parting shot at Israel—labels Jewish neighborhoods in Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) “a flagrant violation under international law and a major obstacle” to peace.


But how can you “occupy” what is, in fact, yours?

+ + Truth is the one foundation for true peace

The truth is that this land—the West Bank—belongs to Israel as a matter of history, international law and most importantly, divine promise. And truth is the one foundation on which to build lasting peace in the Middle East.

That’s why I’m asking you to join me in calling on President Trump to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank.


Making that recognition would be a huge and historic step. But the president needs to hear from you and me right away because the White House peace plan is coming out soon—possibly in October once Israeli elections are over and a new government is formed.

Please sign the Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria! petition now!


+ + Two special “Thank You” gifts you’ll love

And once you’ve signed the petition, I’d love to send two special gifts in thanks for your support: my small book, Why the Two-State Solution Won’t Work . . . But What Could, and an attractive “Stand with Israel” sticker for your home or car. Both, together, are my “Thank You” when you send a gift of $25 or more today.

Your much-needed gift will make a real difference.

When you give, you help us fight for Israel on Capitol Hill, across America, and in the Holy Land. Because of friends like you, CIDI works every day to bless and defend Israel. But without your help, that just won’t happen.

Please let me hear from you right away!

Together for Israel,


Mat Staver


Tell President Trump to Recognize Israel’s God-Given, Legal Right to Its Land [PETITION]


In just weeks—possibly October—President Donald Trump will release his long-awaited peace plan. And there’s one element absolutely crucial to its success: a recognition of Israel’s historic, lawful and legitimate claim to its biblical heartland, Judea and Samaria—a.k.a. the West Bank.


That’s why we’re calling on friends of Israel like you to sign the Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria! petition now.


But time is short. The peace plan will come out soon and we must rush these petitions to the White House right away! Act now by signing the petition below. And thank you in advance for your generous gift. Your partnership is appreciated!


Stand with Israel and sign the Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria! petition right away!


Israeli Sovereignty in Judea and Samaria!

A Petition to President Donald Trump


Dear President Trump,


Thank you for your strong pro-Israel leadership. Your recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and your bold decision to recognize Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights are historic achievements that corrected long-standing mistakes by past administrations. But now it’s time to take the next step.


The misnamed “West Bank” is, in fact, historic Judea and Samaria—Israel’s biblical heartland. This is land God promised to the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It is territory to which the Jewish people have a legitimate, lawful and sovereign claim under the agreement reached by the Great Powers after World War I. That’s why it’s now time to recognize the Jewish state’s sovereign right over Judea and Samaria—a.k.a. the West Bank.


Because truth is the only foundation for peace, your declaration acknowledging Israeli sovereignty over the West Bank must be part of your forthcoming Israeli/Palestinian Peace Plan. As a friend of Israel and an American citizen, I strongly urge you to, once more, lead with boldness and recognize Jewish sovereignty on Jewish land—the territory of Judea and Samaria.


Will you sign?


Support the Land of Promise for Jews Through Israel

John R. Houk

© September 7, 2019


God promised Abraham the “West Bank”?




Tell President Trump to Recognize Israel’s God-Given, Legal Right to Its Land [PETITION]


For more information call: (407) 875-1948

israel@CIDIsrael.org   •   PO BOX 540209 Orlando, FL 32854-0209


©2014-present Christians in Defense of Israel. All Rights Reserved.


Bolton Gets ICC and Palestinian Authority Attention

John R. Houk

© September 14, 2018


Here’s something in the news cycle you probably have not read or heard about due anti-Trump media bias and anti-Trump media platform bias.


National Security Advisor John Bolton issue a stern warning to the International Criminal Court (ICC) if they unjustly go after the USA or our nation’s allies – SUCH AS ISRAEL – with fake accusations of global crimes merely because the alleged crime is a thumbing of the nose to the evils of Multiculturalism or National self-preservation. AND in conjunction to the Bolton warning, the U.S. has booted the Palestinian Authority out of Washington DC and set up the U.S. Embassy to Israel in Jerusalem.


KEEP IN MIND there never has been a Palestinian nation or people of Arab ancestry in world history. The designation of a “Palestinian People” ONLY came as the now defunct Soviet Union and the Arab League nations created them as a result of failed multiple Arab nations invasions of Israel between 1948 (Israel reclaims their heritage via independence) and 1973.


The pretext for future Arab invasions of Israel was the of liberating Arab-Palestinians  from Israel. Hence the Arab League nations and the Communist USSR formed the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) in 1964. The Arab nations NEVER had any intention of setting up a so-called Palestinian nation. They wanted to invade and fight over who got what land for their own nation’s National Interest. A great analysis of Arabs vs. Jews in what is now Israel is at Stratfor which should be read in entirety but for the purpose of this post – here is a tidbit of relevant info:


Palestinian nationalism’s first enemy is Israel, but if Israel ceased to exist, the question of an independent Palestinian state would not be settled. All of the countries bordering such a state would have serious claims on its lands, not to mention a profound distrust of Palestinian intentions. The end of Israel thus would not guarantee a Palestinian state. One of the remarkable things about Israel’s Operation Cast Lead in Gaza was that no Arab state moved quickly to take aggressive steps on the Gazans’ behalf. Apart from ritual condemnation, weeks into the offensive no Arab state had done anything significant. This was not accidental: The Arab states do not view the creation of a Palestinian state as being in their interests. They do view the destruction of Israel as being in their interests, but since they do not expect that to come about anytime soon, it is in their interest to reach some sort of understanding with the Israelis while keeping the Palestinians contained.


The emergence of a Palestinian state in the context of an Israeli state also is not something the Arab regimes see as in their interest — and this is not a new phenomenon. They have never simply acknowledged Palestinian rights beyond the destruction of Israel. In theory, they have backed the Palestinian cause, but in practice they have ranged from indifferent to hostile toward it. Indeed, the major power that is now attempting to act on behalf of the Palestinians is Iran — a non-Arab state whose involvement is regarded by the Arab regimes as one more reason to distrust the Palestinians. (The Geopolitics of the Palestinians; Stratfor Worldview; 5/15/11 05:00 GMT)


Israel Hayom posted a great editorial on John Bolton, the USA position, Israel and the pseudo-Palestinians (includes cut funding to UNWRA which aided Hamas terrorism in Gaza). I am cross posting from Israpundit where I discovered the editorial.


JRH 9/14/18

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Putting the PLO in its place


By Ariel Kahana

Originally at Israel Hayom

September 14, 2018



Twelve hours and an ocean separated two important speeches this week. On Monday, U.S. National Security Adviser John Bolton addressed the Federalist Society in Washington. The next day, European Union foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini spoke before the EU Parliament in Strasbourg, France.


Bolton made an unprecedented attack on the International Criminal Court in The Hague, saying, “The United States will use any means necessary to protect our citizens and those of our allies from unjust prosecution by this illegitimate court,” he said.


“If the court comes after us, Israel or other US allies, we will not sit quietly,” Bolton said, adding that ICC judges and prosecutors could face personal sanctions from the U.S., including being banned from entering the U.S. and/or prosecution in the U.S. justice system.

Little was said about Bolton’s speech in Israel but the appreciation for it was as great as the silence about it. The ICC is a major concern for the country’s leaders. The threat of Israelis being tried in The Hague hangs like a sword over their heads. IDF soldiers and commanders could be tried for actions taken as part of their military service, and any approval of construction plans in Greater Jerusalem or on the Golan Heights or in Samaria, could be defined by the ICC as a war crime. This is the widely held position in the ICC, which is exactly where law and politics meet.


Over the years, Israel has taken steps to prevent ICC intervention, but as with any other legal measure, it is hard to know whether they were sufficient. Therefore, we need another level of defense, which Bolton and U.S. President Donald Trump have just supplied. The defense tactics of one small Middle Eastern country bear no similarity to explicit threats from the only superpower in the world. Because the ICC, like all international law, includes both law and politics, there is no doubt that the American threats are having an effect. For years, the ICC has been trying to increase its international legitimacy. Western Europe and Japan are behind it, but the U.S. is not a member, and plenty of other countries criticize its approach and policies.


The ICC might have responded to Bolton’s speech by saying declaring it would continue to work undeterred, but even in The Hague they know that while if you spit in America’s face, it gets wet, but if America spits back, you’ll drown.


Less than a day after Bolton spoke, Mogherini stood up before the EU Parliament. She also discussed justice, the law, and Israel, but took a slightly different line, saying: “The Israeli High Court last week rejected the petitions by the residents of the Palestinian village of Khan al-Ahmar. … [The demolition] would be contrary to Israel’s obligations under international humanitarian law [AK: a misleading statement, the High Court of Justice spent a decade reviewing the petitions and is obligated to international law]. … The demolition of Khan al-Ahmar, together with plans for further settlement expansions in the same area, would also severely threaten the viability of the two-state solution [AK: untrue].”


Mogherini added that the evacuation and demolition of Khan al-Ahmar would have “grave humanitarian consequences.”


Mogherini and Bolton are an ocean apart, and not only in the geographical sense. A thousand years would be insufficient for the continent in whose name Mogherini speaks to pay its historic debt to the Jewish people. And still, the EU foreign policy chief stands at the head of the anti-Israel front, mixing up politics with law and justice in accordance with traditional European hypocrisy. On the one hand, she allows illegal African migrants to drown at sea or be slaughtered by Libyan militias. On the other, she preaches morality to Israel. And only to Israel.


The Europeans, who owe us so much, bandy around some very lofty talk, but as usual are fanning the fires of hatred. The U.S., which doesn’t owe us a thing, is supplying us a shield the likes of which we have never enjoyed in the name of justice and freedom. That’s the unbridgeable gap between Europe and the U.S.


Under Trump, America and Europe are growing farther apart, and not only when it comes to Israel. In any case, we can predict who will win. America doesn’t need Europe. Europe, on the other hand, really does need the U.S. Sooner or later, the old country will call in the new one, as it did twice last century. We can only hope it won’t be because of World War III.


Mogherini’s hostile speech did, however, contain one accurate sentence. “The two-state solution is today under serious threat – more than ever before.” Indeed, the U.S. announcement that it was closing the PLO mission in Washington is a death blow to the Palestinian movement.


To understand how serious a move it was, we need to go back in history. From its founding in 1964 until now, the Palestine Liberation Organization (under Yasser Arafat and now Mahmoud Abbas) has sought international support. The hypocritical Europeans aligned themselves with it in the 1970s in what later turned out to be “protection” for the PLO not carrying out terrorist attacks on the continent. The U.S. was the only country who refused at the time to give legitimacy to the biggest killer of Jews since the Holocaust. As a nation of values, it saw terrorism as unacceptable and refused any ties with the PLO. Aside from one small “information office” in New York and, of course, intelligence ties, the American response to the organization was boycott.


The tough U.S. stance was effective and was one of the factors in Arafat declaring at the end of 1988 that he was turning away from terrorism and would recognize Israel. Then-President Ronald Reagan, who was at the end of his second term, fell into the trap.


“The initiation of a dialogue between the United States and PLO representatives is an important step in the peace process. … The United States’ special commitment to Israel’s security and well-being remains unshakable. Indeed, a major reason for our entry into this dialogue is to help Israel achieve the recognition and security it deserves,” Reagan declared on Dec. 14, 1988. The rest of that dialogue never happened, but the U.S. recognition of the PLO was already a fait accompli. Five years later, when the late Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin signed the Oslo Accords, the Clinton administration upgraded the PLO office to the status of an official delegation. In 2010 former President Barack Obama boosted it a step higher on the diplomatic ladder.


With a tailwind of support from Obama and the Europeans crossing their fingers, the Palestinians persuaded the entire world to turn around them. They were surrounded by economic aid and moral, political, and media support from every direction. This development hit two peaks: one when the U.N. General Assembly recognized Palestine as a nonmember state in 2012, and the other when the U.N. Security Council passed Resolution 2334, which condemned Israeli settlements as illegal and deemed the Western Wall “occupied territory,” to massive applause. This was the core of the Obama legacy, which tried to taint Israel and set parameters for any future peace deal.


Then Trump arrived. By the end of 2017, the president and then-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson were already threatening not to extend the PLO’s mandated presence in Washington. They did so partly because of the Palestinian boycott of the administration, but also because the PLO had violated an American law that explicitly forbids the PA to appeal to international entities such as the ICC. But the Palestinians failed to heed the warnings and didn’t realize that Trump meant what he said.


Now Bolton has appeared and finished the job. By closing the PLO mission, Trump, Bolton, and all the rest of the president’s men have rolled the Palestinian issue 30 years back in time to where it stood in the 1980s. Things the Palestinians and the world as a whole took for granted – like a future Palestinian state or a demi-embassy on American soil – slipped from their grasp. Trump dropped them to the bottom of the barrel and has called the legitimacy of what has become known as the “Palestinian struggle” into question.


In all this, Israel is like a small child surrounded by toys he never thought he’d actually get. The U.S. recognition of Jerusalem last December and the relocation of the U.S. Embassy to the capital this year, as well as the U.S. cuts to funding for the U.N. Relief and Works Agency, cuts to money that goes to pay Palestinian terrorists, and a total hands-off policy when it comes to criticizing Israel – not to mention shutting down the PLO mission and threatening the ICC – are just a partial list, and Trump hasn’t even been in office for two years.


But a lot of the recent American steps went over Israel’s head, without it knowing about them or even despite some mild objections by its diplomatic officials. At the end of the day, the Trump administration is grinding all the paradigms of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into dust. This daring approach leaves those who until recently were considered local experts on the conflict and peace process speechless.


It’s not only the people in the peace industry who are left embarrassed in the face of the lavish gifts from Uncle Sam. The Israeli Right, including those factions represented in the cabinet, doesn’t really know what to do with all this abundance. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who is justifiably proud of withstanding the Obama currents, is finding it hard to ride the Trump wave.


Instead of walking around grinning, the government should lay a list of historic and irreversible steps in front of Trump that would anchor our vital interests in Judea and Samaria. The first should be to link Jerusalem and Maaleh Adumim. Netanyahu, as well as his predecessors, recognized how crucial it is for Israel to build in E1 as a way of keeping a permanent hold on Jerusalem. Thus far, the government hasn’t presented the Trump administration with any plan of that kind, U.S. Ambassador David Friedman told Israel Hayom in an exclusive interview last weekend.


And it’s not only Jerusalem. The first Netanyahu government decided in 1988 to define the areas of Judea and Samaria that were of strategic importance to Israel. Now it’s time to lay them before the Americans. And we should also kill the idea of a Palestinian state. Trump declared when he first took office that he didn’t care if a peace deal entailed two states or one.


Because Trump’s “deal of the century” for peace between Israel and the Palestinians isn’t moving forward, and now that it’s been made clear that the president isn’t afraid to put the Palestinians in their place, it’s time for Israel to drop the two-state idea. Ever since Trump took office, Netanyahu has refrained from a clear statement on the issue, or from asking Trump to make a binding statement. But who knows when this opportunity will present itself again?


Trump has at least two years left in the White House. His successor could be as hostile to Israel as Trump is supportive. So Netanyahu needs to take advantage of the remaining time to diplomatically fortify Israel so that whoever comes after Trump won’t be able to harm us. But for that to happen, we cannot remain passive spectators. This time, Netanyahu must be proactive.


Bolton Gets ICC and Palestinian Authority Attention

John R. Houk

© September 14, 2018


Putting the PLO in its place


Copyright © 2017- Israpundit – All Rights Reserved

All rights reserved to Israel Hayom




Creeping Annexation? Nay, Complete Annexation!

John R. Houk

© March 28, 2018


Thanks to an Israpundit cross post, I discovered a Jerusalem Post article that informs readers that the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians are upset that the Israel’s Knesset (a parliamentary body) is considering extending “Israeli law and administrative court jurisdiction to Area C of Judea and Samaria”.


This upsets fake Palestinians who believe the Biblical Land Promised to Jews is theirs even though these are primarily the Arab descendants of immigrants (See “Land Ownership in Palestine, 1880-1948” pdf study – especially pgs. 7-10), who moved to the Area for better jobs and livelihood due returning entrepreneurial Jews in business and farm techniques.


The JP reports the coined phrase of “Creeping Annexation” as if that was a pejorative act against the Fake Palestinians. In reality the phrase is sad, because it is an indication that Israel’s secular government is ignoring the Jewish Biblical heritage of God’s Promised Land to the promised lineage given to Abraham, Isaac (NOT Ishmael) and Jacob (renamed Israel by God Almighty and HERE).


There should be no “Creeping Annexation,” but rather there should be total and complete annexation of Judea and Samaria (named the West Bank by the invading Jew-Hating Arab Legion commanded by Brit John Glubb [aka Glubb Pasha] usurping Transjordan – later Jordan) under Israeli National Sovereignty.


Just as an aside: It is obvious I am not Jewish, but rather Christian. I consider myself a Christian Zionist. I realize there are some good historical reasons for Jews to mistrust the motives of Christians. After all Christians have a moral duty to share the Good News of Jesus Christ to offer Redemption into the Kingdom of God by faith:


14 Later He appeared to the eleven as they sat at the table; and He rebuked their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they did not believe those who had seen Him after He had risen. 15 And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.16 He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned. (Mark 16: 14-16 NKJVAs a Charis-maniac faith Believer, I should have included Mark 16: 17-20, but that upsets mainline Christians 😊)


Historically, the unfortunate truth Jews have faced from Christians is the Jewish refusal to accept Christ has led to the extreme non-Christian attitude of Jew-Hatred. Christians that failed to let Christ’s very Words sink began to develop false accusations that Jews were Christ-killers. Attributed to all Jews what a loaded tribunal of Sanhedrin Sadducees and Pharisees that tried Jesus outside their own tenets of belief out of fear the growing popularity of Jesus would harm their special station with the Romans. Incidentally, it was Roman governance in Judea that sentenced Jesus to death and executed the torture of the lash and the Crucifixion of death on the Cross. Should Christian despise and persecute all Italians today for the actions of a past Roman government?


To all you Antisemites out there, you might want dwell on the historical executioners of Jesus Christ the Son of God and Savior.




VIDEO: Israel Palestinian Conflict: The Truth About the West Bank


Posted by DannyAyalon

Published on Jul 12, 2011


Israel’s Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Danny Ayalon explains the historical facts relating to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The video explains where the terms “West Bank”, “occupied territories” and “67 Borders” originated and how they are incorrectly used and applied. Also follow on Twitter: http://twitter.com/DannyAyalon and http://facebook.com/DannyAyalon


JRH 3/28/18

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It is a battle for Israeli democracy and the right of Jews to live in the heartland of the Jewish people; we cannot afford to lose it.



MARCH 26, 2018 21:57

Jerusalem Post


BUILDINGS IN Nof Zion on the outskirts of Jerusalem.. (photo credit: REUTERS)

A bill under consideration by Israel’s ruling coalition to extend Israeli law and administrative court jurisdiction to Area C of Judea and Samaria, and protect the civil and legal rights of Israeli citizens living there, has prompted accusations of “creeping annexation.” These accusations are based on the assumption that the entire area is part of the “Occupied Palestinian Territories” (OPT) and that therefore all Israeli “settlements” are “illegal.”

“Creeping annexation,” however, has another dimension which is not widely acknowledged or understood, even by the Israeli government: the massive movement of Palestinian Arabs from Areas A and B (under Palestinian Authority control) to Area C (under full Israeli control).


Critics of extending sovereignty to Area C, in which all of the “settlements” are located, argue that Israel cannot annex the area without giving full, equal rights to the Arab population living there. Advocates of extending Israeli law to Area C argue that there are nearly half a million Jews living there, far outnumbering the Arabs. This perception was reinforced by Bimkom, a pro-Palestinian NGO, in 2008, which published “The Prohibited Zone,” listing 47,360 Arabs in 149 villages in Area C, based on the Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics.

Bimkom disputed claims by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), which surveyed Arabs living in 418 Palestinian villages located partly or entirely in Area C, that numbered 228,600. “We estimate that no more than 150,000 Palestinians currently live in Area C,” it claimed in its report. It acknowledged “numerous difficulties involved in collecting data about Palestinian villages,” and noted that therefore the data represented “an approximation.”

How many Palestinian Arabs, however, actually live in Area C? That is a crucial question, and unfortunately one that the government cannot answer.


In 2011, UNOCHA (occupied Palestinian territory) reported that about 150,000 Arabs were living in 270 “villages, camps, and other communities,” two-thirds of which are located primarily in Areas A&B, but which extend into Area C, and an estimated 50,000 Beduin and “herders” were living in Area C.

Two years later, UNOCHA reported that an estimated 297,000 people, who had been living in 532 PA villages in A and B, had moved into Area C, building homes and taking over land, creating de facto extensions of their villages. Although illegal, the Israeli military authority in Area C, the Coordination of Government Activities in the Territories (COGAT) and the Israeli government have ignored this attempt to create “facts on the ground” by expanding the area which Palestinians claim as their future state. (UNOCHA reports can be accessed at its website: http://www.ochaopt.org.)

All of this has been known for a decade or more, according to the legal NGO Regavim. If true, however, why hasn’t the government done anything to stop it?

Meanwhile, COGAT, backed by the High Court and IDF judicial and administrative units, has been busy tearing down entire Jewish communities, such as Migron and Amona, destroying Jewish neighborhoods in long-established communities, such as Ofra, Bet El and Elazar, and destroying many hundreds of Jewish homes throughout the area because they were deemed “illegal,” and in some cases claimed to be “built on private Palestinian land” – although this was never proven, or even adjudicated by an Israeli court.

The failure of COGAT to protect Israel’s interests in Area C, its policy of declaring disputed land “Palestinian” and its policy of uprooting and destroying attempts by Jews to settle barren and empty areas not only leads to unnecessary confrontations, but directly affects the future of this critical area and the State of Israel.

COGAT has, whether deliberately or without understanding and forethought, undermined the right of Jews to live in the Jewish national home, Eretz Yisrael. It has pursued a dangerous and self-defeating agenda by refusing to protect Israeli civilians living in Judea and Samaria. It has betrayed the values of Zionism and the nation-state of the Jewish people, and the IDF’s own code of ethics. The government must take responsibility; it cannot be left to the whims, bias or ignorance of military bureaucrats.

Justice Minister Ayelet Shaked’s judicial reforms are the first step toward establishing a fair, balanced, clear and coherent policy. It is a battle for Israeli democracy and the right of Jews to live in the heartland of the Jewish people; we cannot afford to lose it.

The author is a PhD historian, writer and journalist.


Creeping Annexation? Nay, Complete Annexation!

John R. Houk

© March 28, 2018




Copyright © 2018 Jpost Inc. All rights reserved.


 The Jerusalem Post Founded in 1932 by Gershon Agron
Is the leading Israeli English newspaper


The Ultimate Alternate Israel-Palestine Solution

Ted Belman has a solution for the Israel/(fake)Palestine conflict that I find appealing. However, it’s solution that the Arabs pretending to non-existent Palestinians and the Jordanian royal family will not jump on board.


Belman joins the Jordan Opposition Coalition (JOC) to propose allowing Arab Palestinians to emigrate to Jordan with full citizenship making Jordan a Palestinian homeland and eliminate the governance of the Hashemite Royal Family (Wikipedia [neutral], Family Security Matters [hostile], Correct Islamic Faith International Association [or CIFIA – Conspiracy]) and HistoryFile.co.uk [Favorable History]  that purports a family tree traced back to pseudo-prophet Muhammad.


JRH 4/1/17

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The Ultimate Alternate Israel-Palestine Solution 


By Ted Belman

April 1, 2017 1:15 am ET



With a new U.S. president, new ideas are emerging on how to resolve the Israel-Palestine debacle. One of the most promising comes from the Jordanian Opposition Council who favor a new Palestinian state — in Jordan. 


The GOP unanimously approved a pro-Israel platform at their convention in July 2016 which stipulated:


“The U.S. seeks to assist in the establishment of comprehensive and lasting peace in the Middle East, to be negotiated among those living in the region,”


David Friedman and Jason Greenblatt, representing Donald Trump, participated in the drafting and were in complete agreement with the final text.


Gone was any reference to the Palestinian people or to a two-state solution. In addition, the platform included the words “We reject the false notion that Israel is an occupier.” If not an “occupier,” then presumably Israel is a sovereign.

Accordingly, the search is on for an alternate solution. Such a solution could take inspiration from the short-lived Feisal/Weizmann Agreement of 1919. The essence of this agreement was that Palestine as it then was, was to be divided into two states, one for the Arabs and one for the Jews. Chaim Weizmann on behalf of the Jews agreed to help develop the Arab state and Emir Feisal agreed to welcome Jewish settlement in the Jewish state and favored friendly cooperative relations.


Although the British didn’t breathe life into this agreement, they did separate Trans-Jordan from Palestine in 1922 with the Jordan River being the boundary between them. Trans-Jordan (Jordan) thus got 78% of the lands promised to the Jews. The remaining 22% consisting of the land between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean was to be the Jewish state. This was enshrined in the Palestine Mandate signed by the League of Nations in 1922.


On June 30, 1922, a joint resolution of both Houses of Congress of the United States unanimously endorsed the “Mandate for Palestine,” confirming the irrevocable right of Jews to settle in Palestine—anywhere between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea.


With respect to the Arabs living in Jewish Palestine, the Congressional Record contained the following:


“(2) That if they will not consent to Jewish government and domination, they shall be required to sell their lands at a just valuation and retire into the Arab territory which has been assigned to them by the League of Nations in the general reconstruction of the countries of the east.

(3) That if they will not consent to Jewish government and domination, under conditions of right and justice, or to sell their lands at a just valuation and to retire into their own countries, they shall be driven from Palestine by force.”


The US was not a member of the League of Nations at this time. In order to be able to protect American interests in Palestine, she entered into the 1924 Anglo-American Convention in which the U.S. bound itself to the terms of the Mandate. This of course meant the recognition of Jewish right to close settlement of Palestine and that all of Palestine was to be the Jewish homeland.


Since then, there were a number of unsuccessful attempts, contrary to the terms of the Mandate, to further divide Jewish Palestine into two states.  UN General Assembly Resolution 181, passed in 1947, recommended partition, but was rejected by the Arabs. The Jews on the other hand took advantage of it and declared their independence in 1948. Israel owes its independence to that declaration and not to Resolution 181, which was only a recommendation, precipitating the move.


Nothing has happened of any legal consequence since, to cancel the right of the Jews to settle and be sovereign over all the land to the Jordan River.


To date Israel has been reluctant to claim sovereignty over these lands as the Arabs living there would then demand citizenship resulting in a binational state. This is unacceptable to most Israelis. They also reject the two-state solution.


So what is the alternative?


Consider for a moment, that if Jordan agrees to grant citizenship to all Palestinians, as their law currently provides, and invites the return of all of them to live and work in Jordan, the conflict would soon be ended. While King Abdullah isn’t about to do so, the Jordan Opposition Coalition (JOC) would. This coalition represents all opposition groups in Jordan that back a secular state. The JOC since its creation six years ago has supported good relations with Israel. It does not include groups that support terrorism. This alliance has agreed to work together in order to form the government of Jordan should King Abdullah abdicate. Although at least 75% of Jordanians are Palestinians, the King has disenfranchised them to a great extent in favor of the ethnic Hashemites and Bedouins.


The JOC has produced a detailed plan, Operation “Jordan in Palestine,” which clearly identifies their goals and the operational steps needed to implement their plan.  Copies are available upon request.


All that is necessary for this to come to pass is for the U.S. to instruct the king, who currently spends most of his time outside Jordan, to not return home. Then it would arrange for the Jordanian army, which it controls, to support the next popular Palestinian uprising, and to designate who among them would form the interim government.

The JOC, puts it this way:


This plan seeks to execute a feasible two-state solution where Jordan is the natural homeland for all Palestinians, and Israel becomes sovereign over all soil west to the River Jordan. This could only happen if the corrupt, terror-supporting and double-speaking Hashemite royal family leaves Jordan. The Palestinians often revolt against the regime but the king’s police force puts them down. The American media ignore this solution to the unrest in Jordan.


What is needed is for the U.S. to influence the Jordanian army and security agency to stand with the revolution the next time it breaks out.  The security agencies and army are already securing the country without any influence from the king who is mostly abroad.  Under these conditions, the king would not return.  Once that happens an interim government of secular Palestinians who want peace with Israel could be appointed.


Once the interim government is installed, it will strengthen the economy by stopping theft of government money and ending corruption. It will fully enfranchise the Palestinians. All Palestinians around the world would be welcomed to return to Jordan pursuant the current Jordanian citizenship act, which already recognizes all Palestinians as citizens of Jordan. Many Palestinians will emigrate to Jordan in part because many have family members and friends living in Jordan. Work opportunities as well as a rewarding benefits/welfare system will be made available to them by the new interim government as further inducement.


Israel, with many international partners, including the U.S., could finance the building of a new Jordanian city of 1 million people. This would greatly stimulate the Jordanian economy and would provide work for the returning Palestinians. The new homes could be made available to the returnees and locals at subsidized prices further incentivizing people to return. The ending of King Abdullah’s discrimination against Palestinians living in Jordan, would also contribute to making Jordan a desired immigration destination.


Michael Ross, a Republican, wrote after the election of Donald Trump, “Trump Must  Speak to Mudar Zahran” because Zahran offers the alternate solution that Pres Trump is looking for.


As part of this solution, all Palestinian refugees enrolled with UN Relief And Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East could be repatriated to Jordan and given citizenship. Thus UNRWA could be wound up and the current UNRWA funding could be transferred to Jordan to assist in the resettlement.


According to Moshe Feiglin, the head of the Zehut Party in Israel, the Oslo Accords have cost Israel over 1 trillion shekels since they were signed. In addition, Israel has borne the cost of three military campaigns in Gaza. Finally, Israel supplies to the Palestinians their energy, water and sewage treatment for free or at greatly subsidized prices.


Last summer, Feiglin proposed a Solution in which Israel extends Israeli law from the Mediterranean to the Jordan:


We will give the Arab population in those territories three options: The first is voluntary emigration with the aid of a generous emigration grant. The second is permanent residency, similar to the “Green Card” status in the US – not like what is currently the practice in East Jerusalem. This status will be offered to those Arabs who publicly declare their loyalty to the State of Israel as the state of the Jewish Nation. We will safeguard their human rights and will not do anything like we did to ourselves in Gush Katif. The third option will be reserved for relatively few Arabs, and only in accordance with Israeli interests. Those who tie their fate to the fate of the Jewish Nation, like the Druze, can enter a long-term process of attaining citizenship.


Martin Sherman has published a similar plan which he calls the “Humanitarian Solution” as opposed to a strictly political solution. He summarized all his writings in support of such a plan and published them here.


With an estimated $300,000 per family grant, both he and Feiglin have estimated that incentivized compensated emigration will cost Israel over $200 billion USD but both argue it is feasible and worth doing.


The repatriation of Palestinians to Jordan, as proposed by JOC, would greatly facilitate the Palestinian emigration and greatly reduce the grants needed to incentivize it. UNRWA and the Palestinian Authority would both be wound up.


1.75 million Palestinians live in Judea and Samaria (West Bank). The 800,000 Arabs in Hebron, Nablus, Ramallah, and Bethlehem could remain there as Jorandian citizens. Ramallah is only 42 miles from Amman, the capital of Jordan. A new highway could be built connecting all these cities to Amman. The rest would have to be transferred to Jordan.


The 1.8 million Palestinians living in Gaza, of which 1.3 million are registered as refugees, would be incentivized to emigrate to Jordan. After enough leave, Israel could extend its sovereignty to Gaza thereby ending that perennial problem.


Considering the subsidies that the West provides to UNRWA, Gaza and the PA, this would be a bargain. Given that JOC has tied its fate to Israel, Israel would be happy to contribute to such a solution as the present conflict costs her hundreds of millions of dollars annually.


It really is that simple.  There is much more that can be said in support of it.


Prof. Hillel Frisch, a senior research associate at the Begin-Sadat Center for Strategic Studies and Yitzhak Sokoloff, a fellow of the Ingeborg Rennert Center for Jerusalem Studies at Bar-Ilan University recently wrote Trump and the Jordanian Option.


The inauguration of an American administration uncommitted to the principle of an independent Palestinian state provides Israel with the opportunity to advocate a long-term strategic vision of building up a prosperous Jordan that could provide an alternative to the model of a two-state solution based on the Palestinian Authority.


They are wrong to suggest that this can be done with King Abdullah. I believe, as does the JOC, that the king is part of the problem and must be replaced by Palestinians.


Gideon Saar, a touted future Prime Minister of Israel, in his recent article, Goodbye Two-State Solution, wrote:


A Jordanian-Palestinian federative solution would offer the Palestinians space in addition to their autonomy. We could also consider adopting a joint Israeli-Jordanian-Palestinian economic framework. And there are many other ideas that could be constructed as a result of quiet, serious work with the backing of a supportive US administration.


He is right but the ultimate alternate solution is the one put forward by the JOC.


If anyone wants more information or can help this solution get traction, please write me (tbelman3@gmail.com).



David Singer suggested drawing a new border in the Israel Jordan peace agreement. I suggest it should be here.


Israel-Jordan new border imagery


3D Illustration of the Land of Israel


Shiloh and Beit El must remain in Israel yet they lie east of the new road. In some place the new road can be moved a little to the west if there are significant Arab populations to be included.  And look at Ariel. It too must be kept on the Israeli side.  A very crooked road. That’s why I came to the conclusion that maybe it’s better to move them all out.


On second thought I have an alternate suggestion:

Rather than draw a new border, transfer the 1.7 million Arabs in J&S and perhaps 100,000 from Jerusalem to Jordan.


But leave the Arabs in Gaza. Israel should put Jordan in power there even if she has to defeat Hamas to do so.


Thus only 1.8 million Arabs from J&S and east Jerusalem would have to move.


One more thing. We could build a highway from Gaza to Jordan. This highway could be open to Egyptian traffic and thus Egypt would finally have a land bridge to Jordan which they want. Jordan would thus gain a port on the Mediterranean.


© 2005-2017 by Ted Belman. Some Rights Reserved. All views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the views of the site owner or the rest of its participants.


Obama Sells Out Israel – No Surprise

John R. Houk

© December 24, 2016



UN Security Draft Resolution Condemning Israel over Jewish Settlements in eastern Jerusalem and Judea-Samaria


President Barack Hussein Obama has betrayed Israel by allowing the UN Security Council to create a binding international resolution that steals the eastern half of Jerusalem as well as Judea and Samaria (renamed the West Bank by a conquering Jordan in 1950) to create a national state for a group of Arabs that NEVER had an individual nation or a heritage to Judea and Samaria. Indeed, the name these Arabs are appropriating had a closer historical connection to Jews than it ever did to Muslim Arabs – Palestine.


The very name “Palestine” was coined by Romans weary of Jewish rebellions against Roman conquest. The English version of the word Palestine comes from the ancient enemies of Israel – the Philistines.


After the Romans expelled or killed most of the Jews from their national homeland the Romans decided to call the area Palastina after the Jewish ancient enemies as part of a de-Judification plan to end Jewish rebellions. Here is a decent run-down of the word “Palestine”:


What Does “Palestine” Mean?


It has never been the name of a nation or state. It is a geographical term, used to designate the region at those times in history when there is no nation or state there.


The word itself derives from “Peleshet“, a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as “Philistine”. The name began to be used in the Thirteenth Century BCE, for a wave of migrant “Sea Peoples” who came from the area of the Aegean Sea and the Greek Islands and settled on the southern coast of the land of Canaan. There they established five independent city-states (including Gaza) on a narrow strip of land known as Philistia. The Greeks and Romans called it “Palastina“.


The Philistines were not Arabs, they were not Semites. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs. The name “Falastin” that Arabs today use for “Palestine” is not an Arabic name. It is the Arab pronunciation of the Greco-Roman “Palastina” derived from the Peleshet.


How Did the Land of Israel Become “Palestine”?


In the First Century CE, the Romans crushed the independent kingdom of Judea. After the failed rebellion of Bar Kokhba in the Second Century CE, the Roman Emperor Hadrian determined to wipe out the identity of Israel-Judah-Judea. Therefore, he took the name Palastina and imposed it on all the Land of Israel. At the same time, he changed the name of Jerusalem to Aelia Capitolina.


The Romans killed many Jews and sold many more in slavery. Some of those who survived still alive and free left the devastated country, but there was never a complete abandonment of the Land. There was never a time when there were not Jews and Jewish communities, though the size and conditions of those communities fluctuated greatly. (The History and Meaning of “Palestine” and “Palestinians”; Derived from Tzemach Institute for Biblical Studies; Indaweb.com)



Roman Destruction of Second Temple


Yup Pilgrim, NO Palestinian Muslims of nationality or heritage. AND YET American Leftists and EU Multiculturalists are intent on stealing from Jewish Israel and give to interloper Arab Muslims who stole the name Palestine and Palestinian:


Under the Ottoman Empire (1517-1917), the term Palestine was used as a general term to describe the land south of Syria; it was not an official designation. In fact, many Ottomans and Arabs who lived in Palestine during this time period referred to the area as “Southern Syria” and not as “Palestine.”

After World War I, the name “Palestine” was applied to the territory that was placed under British Mandate; this area included not only present-day Israel but also present-day Jordan.


Leading up to Israel’s independence in 1948, it was common for the international press to label Jews, not Arabs, living in the mandate as Palestinians. It was not until years after Israeli independence that the Arabs living in the West Bank and Gaza Strip were called Palestinians.


The word Palestine or Filastin does not appear in the Koran. The term peleshet appears in the Jewish Tanakh [Blog Editor: Christians call the Tanakh the Old Testament] no fewer than 250 times. (Israel: Origins of the Name “Palestine”; Jewish Virtual Library)


After reading this information it should boggle an honest person’s mind as it does mine, that the Obama Left and Europeans under the auspices of the EU would rob land from Israel!


Most Americans are still very supportive of Israel and its existence. The American Left that believes in the existence of Israel yet supports Boycott, Divest and Sanction (BDS) against Israel because of the idiotic belief the Jewish State is occupying Palestinian land are unwittingly supporting the Muslim-hatred to kill all Jews. Pay attention Left Wing Jews in America that support BDS.


Ergo we Americans that believe in protecting Israel’s heritage need to shout loudly from the rooftops about the Lame Duck Obama move to screw Israel by abstaining from the UN Security Council resolution that robs land from the Jews. Whoever wrote the New York Sun editorial suggesting that Congress divest American support to the United Nations is brilliant!


JRH 12/24/16 (Hat Tip: Don Moore of private Blind Conservative List)

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A Problem From Hell, Indeed



December 23, 2016

New York Sun


The best way for President-elect Trump to view the Obama administration’s betrayal of Israel in the United Nations is as the starting bell for a campaign to defund the world body. This is already being signaled by Senator Lindsey Graham, who chairs the Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs. That gives him direct oversight of our U.N. budget. It puts him in perfect position to ally with Mr. Trump in charting a course away from a United Nations that has jumped its traces.


The resolution just passed by the Security Council, though ostensibly even handed, crosses a line that the Council has heretofore, and for good reason, shrunk from crossing. It seeks to expose Israel to legal action from an international boycott movement. President Obama, all too typically, seeks to blame Prime Minister Netanyahu, who has had the temerity to assert the right of Jews to settle in the biblical homelands of Judea and Samaria. The right policy would be to support such settlements, which are intrinsic to the Zionist ideal.


Instead, Mr. Obama has given us a study in perfidy. He had Secretary Kerry and Ambassador Power stand silent while the plot was being hatched. He allied with far-left factions on a policy that emboldened Israel’s foes to advance a measure could make Judea and Samaria Judenrein. Even Egypt, once it understood President-elect Trump’s position, was loath to present the measure to the Security Council. Ambassador Power claimed to be acting in the spirit of President Reagan, who never in a million years would have let such a resolution pass.


Samantha Power – US Ambassador to UN
U.S. State Department via Wikipedia
HELL HATH NO FURY: Hell hath no fury like Congress scorned seems to be the message from Senator Lindsey Graham in face of the prospect of the Obama administration betraying Israel in the Security Council. The vote today underlines the fact that the UN itself has become a problem from hell, to use the phrase Ambassador Power made famous in another context. The ambassador abstained today from a resolution aimed at the delegitimization of the Jewish state.


It’s not just Reagan who is being mocked. Ambassador Power sought to cloak her abstention in the mantle of Presidents George H.W. Bush, Clinton, and George W. Bush, though no such resolution passed — or even was permitted to come to a vote — during their presidencies. All of them would have vetoed such a resolution. The ambassador’s claims are part of the sneakiness, the dissembling with which she has conducted her diplomacy. She owed no special loyalty to the Jewish community, but made, nonetheless, promises that she has now broken.


The United Nations proceeded against a clear signal from the incoming administration and the Congress. The Security Council knows that the measure is a major departure from anything it has done before; it is worse than the measure the Obama administration vetoed in 2011. It will trigger within the United Nations court systems legal warfare that will bedevil Israel for years, exposing it to suits at, among other venues, The Hague. The UN itself has become — to use Ambassador Power’s phrase in a different context — the problem from Hell.


President-elect Trump gets all this. “The United Nations,” he told Aipac during his campaign, “is not a friend of democracy, it’s not a friend to freedom, it’s not a friend even to the United States of America where, as you know, it has its home. And it surely is not a friend to Israel.” The Security Council’s action today underlines the shrewdness of Mr. Trump’s plan to nominate, in David Friedman, an ambassador to the UN who understands the principle of Jewish settlement in the Biblical homeland. Mr. Trump himself this afternoon said things will be different come January 20.


What a tragedy all of this is for the world body that, almost 70 years ago, gave birth to the Jewish state. Israel today stands as the United Nations’ only enduring achievement. In any event, the time has come to deal with the problem of the United Nations itself. Mr. Trump can start this off by working with Mr. Graham and the bipartisan coalition he promises to curb funding for the UN. He can proceed with moving our Israel embassy to Jerusalem and enforcing American laws restricting funding of the Palestinian Arabs. In other words, he can address the problem from Hell in its own house.


Obama Sells Out Israel – No Surprise

John R. Houk

© December 24, 2016


A Problem From Hell, Indeed

© 2002-2016 TWO SL LLC, New York, NY. All rights reserved.



Reports: Anti-Israel UN Resolution vote TODAY after one-day delay


Trump is the hero by getting Egypt to postpone a UN Security Council vote on Jerusalem and Jewish Settlements in Judea-Samaria which is Israel’s heritage.


Could Trump come to Israel’s rescue again with some strong worded verbiage making it clear what he will do when his Administration begins on January 20?


(Get involved in placing your voice against UN hubris and against Israel haters by clicking HERE.)


JRH 12/23/16

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Reports: Anti-Israel UN Resolution vote TODAY after one-day delay


By William A. Jacobson

December 23, 2016 at 10:50am

Legal Insurrection


New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal call vote after Egypt backed off.


We reported yesterday how Egypt decided to pull an anti-Israel resolution, after intervention of Donald Trump. The Obama administration reportedly was ready to abstain and not veto the resolution.


We also noted that other countries had threatened to bring the Resolution to a vote if Egypt didn’t.


Haaretz reports that the vote is back on and will take place at 3 p.m. today:


The UN Security Council is expected to vote on Friday on a resolution demanding an end to Israeli settlements.


The vote is to take place at 3 P.M. EST (10 P.M. Israel time).


The decision was made following a meeting at the UN headquarters in New York between the envoys of New Zealand, Malaysia, Venezuela and Senegal. The four states were signed on the resolution that Egypt had submitted before ultimately asking to postpone the vote on Thursday due to Israeli pressure.


The four states told Egypt on Thursday that if it did not clarify whether it planned to call a vote on the draft resolution, then they reserved the right to move ahead with the vote.


Reuters also reports the vote will take place today.


The Resolution in question is pernicious. It declares any Israeli presence beyond the 1949 armistice line (the so-called pre-1967 line) illegal. That means Israeli control of the Jewish Quarter of the Old City would be illegal, as would the presence of Jews in the Jewish Quarter, which Jordan had ethnically cleansed of Jews and ransacked. It also would mean Israeli control of the Western Wall would be illegal.


If Obama abstains, he will have allowed the UN to strip Jews of their history.


If this happens, we’ll know for sure whether the legacy of the Obama administration will be the abandonment of Israel.



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Legal Insurrection went live on October 12, 2008, originally at Google Blogger.  We hit our one-millionth visit about 11.5 months later, our second million a few months after that, and since then readership and linkage from major websites have grown dramatically.


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Anti-Jewish/Anti-Israel United Nations


Edited by John R. Houk

Posted December 3, 2016


Below is a short video I found on the G+ Community Americans against Jihad that talks about United Nations obvious discrimination against Jewish Israel favoring Arab interlopers calling themselves Palestinians. The UN again condemns Israel and demands the Golan Heights be returned to the most unstable nation in the Middle East which is Syria.


This is followed by an article by A.J. Caschetta at The Gatestone Institute about UN disinformation against Israel which would better termed as lies.


JRH 12/3/16

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John Lloyd Scharf


Americans against Jihad

Dec 01, 2016


VIDEO: United Nations Against Israel


Posted by Leibel A Mangel

Published on Nov 29, 2016


In a region that does not lack violence and wrong doing, the UN continues to focus on Israel.. Why?

FACEBOOK: www.facebook.com/LeibelAMangel


The UN’s Palestine Language


By A.J. Caschetta

November 30, 2016 4:00 am

The Gatestone Institute


  • For decades, UN agencies have slandered the Jewish state, most recently with the April 2016 accusation that it has been “planting Jewish fake graves” in Palestinian territory, and with UNESCO declaring last year that the ancient Jewish Biblical sites Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs are actually Muslim holy sites, and last month that the Temple Mount, where the Jewish Temples were destroyed in 587 BCE and 70 CE, is an Islamic site with no connection to Judaism.


  • West Bank: This territory was for millennia called Judea and Samaria. After the 1948 War of Independence, Transjordan annexed it, renamed it the “West Bank,” and occupied it for nearly two decades. In the Six Day War, after Jordan attacked Israel, Israel entered the territory and administered it until the Oslo Accords era, when Israel turned over much of the area to the Palestinian Authority.


  • Occupation: When it comes to Israel, the UN is obsessed with the word “occupation.” A recent Wall Street Journal article documents 530 General Assembly references to Israel as an “occupying power” versus zero for Indonesia (East Timor), Turkey (Cyprus), Russia (Georgia, Crimea), Morocco (Western Sahara), Vietnam (Cambodia), Armenia (Azerbaijan), Pakistan (Kashmir), or China (Tibet). Saying that Jews are “occupying” Judea is as nonsensical as saying Arabs are “occupying” Arabia or Gauls are “occupying” France.


  • Settlement: The UN uses the term to insinuate Israeli theft of “Palestine.” The Obama administration eagerly embraced this terminology. If there is an occupying force in Gaza, it is Hamas. The West Bank is “disputed territories” to anyone claiming a modicum of neutrality. As Elliot Abrams put it, “the term ‘settlement’ loses meaning when applied to Jews building homes in their nation’s capital city.”


US President-elect Donald Trump won the White House promising to reform our dysfunctional government. But will he also stand up to the even more dysfunctional United Nations?


As the Trump campaign emphasized in a position paper released November 2, the UN has long displayed “enormous anti-Israel bias.” For decades, UN agencies have slandered the Jewish state, most recently with the April 2016 accusation that it has been “planting Jewish fake graves” in Palestinian territory, and with UNESCO declaring last year that the ancient Jewish Biblical sites Rachel’s Tomb and the Cave of the Patriarchs are actually Muslim holy sites, and last month that the Temple Mount, where the First and Second Jewish Temples were destroyed in 587 BCE and 70 CE, is an Islamic site with no connection to Judaism. On the day America elected a new president, the UN adopted ten new resolutions against Israel.



UNESCO last year declared ancient Jewish Biblical sites to actually be Muslim holy sites: the Tomb of the Patriarchs in Hebron (left) as the “Ibrahimi Mosque,” and Rachel’s Tomb in Bethlehem (right) as the “Bilal ibn Rabah Mosque.” (Images source: Wikimedia Commons)


The UN’s greatest achievements against the Jewish state have been rhetorical. By controlling the language of the Palestinian-Israel conflict, the UN has skewed the narrative falsely against Israel. This fabricated language is, in turn, absorbed and perpetuated by the media (both old and new), academics, politicians, and pop culture figures such as Roger Waters, further tainting the world’s perception of the conflict.


UN documents regularly use the term “occupied Palestine” and refer to “occupied Palestinian territory” (especially the “West Bank”) being stolen by Jewish “settlement activity.” All four UN terms — “Palestine,” “occupation,” “West Bank,” and “settlement” — are misleading.


Palestine: While UN documents regularly refer to “Palestine” and “the State of Palestine,” there is, in fact, no state of Palestine. As David Bukay shows “there has never been a land known as Palestine governed by Palestinians at any time in history.” Until recently there have never been a people nor a culture known as “Palestinian” distinct from “Arab.” The Arabs who lived in UN Mandated Palestine turned down statehood in 1947 by rejecting UN Resolution 181. In 1974 the UN recognized the PLO, a terrorist organization, as the official representative of the Palestinian people, paving the way for its emergence from the Oslo peace process under the guise of the Palestinian Authority (PA). In 2000, the PA turned down yet another offer of statehood because the offer did not recognize the “right of return” for millions of descendants of those displaced in 1948 to relocate to within Israel — a population transfer that would eliminate the existence of a Jewish state by demographic means. In 2012, the UN General Assembly upgraded the PA/PLO government to “Non-member Observer State”; UN rules dictate that new member states can only be created by the Security Council.


West Bank: The term “West Bank” is also a misnomer. In fact, this territory was for millennia called Judea and Samaria. After the 1948 War of Independence, Transjordan (now known as the Kingdom of Jordan) annexed it, renamed it the “West Bank,” and occupied it for nearly two decades. In the Six Day War, after Jordan attacked Israel, Israel entered the territory and administered it until the Oslo Accords era; then it turned over much of the area to the Palestinian Authority. The final borders of a Palestinian state were left contingent upon Palestinian progress in ending terrorism and bilateral negotiations over presumed land swaps.


Occupation: When it comes to Israel, the UN is obsessed with the word “occupation.” A recent Wall Street Journal article documents 530 General Assembly references to Israel as an “occupying power” versus zero for Indonesia (East Timor), Turkey (Cyprus), Russia (Georgia, Crimea), Morocco (Western Sahara), Vietnam (Cambodia), Armenia (Azerbaijan), Pakistan (Kashmir), or China (Tibet). UNESCO’s “Occupied Palestine” document uses the phrase “Israel, the occupying Power” thirteen times.


Most Palestinians in Judea and Samaria live under the governance of the Palestinian Authority. Referring to this territory as the “occupied West Bank,” is an unnecessary concession to the UN narrative. Saying that Jews are “occupying” Judea is as nonsensical as saying Arabs are “occupying” Arabia or Gauls are “occupying” France. Nevertheless many media sources (Washington PostNew York Times) use this term reflexively. New-media sources often take it a step farther. Any Google search combining the words “occupation” and “Israel” leads to a “People Also Ask” drop-down offering the following: “At the heart of the Israel/Palestine conflict today lies the question of the Palestinian territories occupied by Israel since the war of 1967, which include the West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem.” Somehow Google missed the fact there have not been Israelis in Gaza since 2005.


Settlement: The term “settlement” evokes imagery of white European settlers encroaching on the ancestral territories of red, brown and black peoples, connoting the moral baggage of colonialism. The UN uses the term to insinuate Israeli theft of “Palestine.” In truth, many of the “West Bank settlers” bemoaned by the UN are not pioneers from other lands but infants, new members of growing families in long-established Jewish neighborhoods.


The Obama administration eagerly embraced this terminology. On July 27, Obama State Department spokesman John Kirby issued a statement that reads as though it were written at the UN. The document, entitled “Recent Israeli Settlement Announcements,” suggests that Obama’s State Department has come around to the UN’s way of thinking, especially in “strongly condemning” Israel for its “settlement activity” which it pronounces “corrosive to the cause of peace.”


Now that South Carolina governor Nikki Haley has been chosen as the Trump administration’s Ambassador to the UN, it will be up to her to challenge the UN’s ahistorical, slanted Palestine thinking. If there is an occupying force in Gaza, it is Hamas. What Israelis call Judea and Samaria, and Palestinians call the West Bank, are “disputed territories” to anyone claiming a modicum of neutrality. As Elliot Abrams put it, “the term ‘settlement’ loses meaning when applied to Jews building homes in their nation’s capital city.”


A.J. Caschetta is a Shillman-Ginsburg fellow at the Middle East Forum and a senior lecturer at the Rochester Institute of Technology.


United Nations Against Israel


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The UN’s Palestine Language


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Answering John Kerry

Intro to Glick’s ‘Answering John Kerry’

Edited by John R. Houk


Caroline Glick posted an essay about John Kerry’s speech at the Brooking Institute’s Saban Forum. This is the same forum that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu video streamed a speech to the Saban Forum from Jerusalem. To comprehend just how idiotic Secretary of State John Kerry is (and by extension President Barack Hussein Obama), let me share some excerpts from Netanyahu’s speech that addresses Islamic terrorism internationally and the terrorism of Arabs calling themselves Palestinians who refuse to accept the existence of the Jewish State of Israel:

I want to thank my friend Haim for giving me the opportunity to address you. This comes at a time when the United States has experienced a terrible and savage attack in San Bernardino, and I wish to offer the condolences of the people of Israel to the families, the aggrieved families, and of course send our wishes for a speedy recovery to the wounded. [Blog Editor: a sentiment rarely shared from Obama and Kerry to Israeli-Jewish victims of Palestinian Islamic terrorism.]

And these values are what makes the bond between Israel and the United States, the American people and the people of Israel, so strong. It’s that identity of values, those very values that are under such fierce attack today. …

Insofar as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is concerned, I think there is another misunderstanding. People have long said that the core of this conflict is the acquisition of territories by Israel in the 1967 War. That’s an issue that needs to be addressed in any peace process, as is the question of settlements, but it’s not the core of the conflict. In Gaza, nothing changed. In fact, instead of getting peace, we gave territory and got 15,000 rockets on our heads. We took out all the settlements; we disinterred people from their graves; and did we get peace? No. We got the worst terror possible.

… Why has this conflict not been resolved for a hundred years? Why has it not been resolved after successive Israeli prime ministers, six in fact after the Oslo Agreement, have offered to make peace, have offered the Palestinians the possibility of building a state next to Israel – it’s because the Palestinians have not yet been willing to cross that conceptual bridge, that emotional bridge, of giving up the dream not of a state next to Israel, but a state instead of Israel.

And that’s why they persistently refuse – not only Hamas in Gaza, but the PA – they consistently refuse to accept that in a final peace settlement, they will recognize the Jewish state, they will recognize a nation-state for the Jewish people. They ask that we recognize a nation-state for the Palestinian people, but refuse to accord that same right to us. I have said and I continue to say it, that ultimately the only workable solution is not a unitary state, but a demilitarized Palestinian state that recognizes the Jewish state. That’s the solution. But the Palestinians have to recognize the Jewish state and they persistently refuse to do so. They refuse to recognize a nation-state for the Jewish people in any boundary. That was and remains the core of the conflict. Not this or that gesture or the absence of this or that gesture, but the inability or unwillingness of the Palestinian leadership to make the leap.

You got a hint of that the other day when Abu Mazen spoke about the “occupation of Palestinian lands for the last 67 years”. Did you hear that? Occupation of Palestinian lands? For the last 67 years? Sixty-seven years ago was 1948. That’s when the State of Israel was established. Does Abu Mazen mean that Tel Aviv is occupied Palestinian territory? Of Haifa? Or Beer Sheba? He refuses to fess up to his people and say it’s over, from their point of view what they say are the borders they wish, the final borders they wish. They refuse to recognize that they will have no more claim on the territory of the Jewish state, that they will not try in any way to flood it with the descendants of refugees. After all, we in Israel took in an equal and even larger number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands. You should READ the ENTIRE Speech (Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Remarks to the Saban Forum; By PM Benjamin Netanyahu; Release by Israel GPO posted at SlantRight 2.0; posted 12/7/15)

Now as you read Glick’s essay you will notice that Secretary Kerry acts like he is completely deaf and blind about the intentions of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians to not only establish a state out of some territory of Jewish heritage but also the complete destruction of Israel to be replaced by an Arab State. In case you haven’t been paying attention to what ISIS is doing to the Christians that have lived in Syria and Iraq that means a brutal genocide against the Jews of Israel.

JRH 12/13/15

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Answering John Kerry

By Caroline Glick

December 11th, 2015


On Saturday, US Secretary of State John Kerry gave a speech before the Brookings Institute’s Saban Forum. Kerry focused on the Palestinian conflict with Israel and sought to draw a distinction between the two-state policy model, which he supports, and the one-state policy model, which he rejects.

To justify his rejection of a policy based on Israeli sovereignty over areas beyond the 1949 armistice lines, Kerry raised a series of questions about what a one-state policy would look like.

I answered all of his questions, as well as many others, in great detail in my book The Israeli Solution: A One- State Plan for Peace in the Middle East. I will do so again here, albeit with the requisite brevity.

But before discussing the specific questions Kerry raised with regard to the one-state model, it is important to discuss the nature of the policies Kerry described in his speech.

Kerry argued Israel should deny civil and property rights to Jews beyond the 1949 armistice lines, and ignore the building and planning laws of both Israel and the military government in Judea and Samaria in order to allow unrestricted Arab construction in Judea, Samaria and Jerusalem.

Such steps, he argued, will advance the cause of peace because they will pave the way for an Israeli withdrawal from the vast majority of these areas. Such a withdrawal in turn will bring about the desired two-state solution.

Since the two-state solution is supported by the whole world, Kerry argued that once Israel withdraws from the areas, it will gain the support of the world, peace with its Arab neighbors as well as the Palestinians, and become more prosperous and happy than it is today. It will also secure its democracy.

On the other hand, Kerry argued, if Israel respects the civil and property rights of Jews and continues to enforce the law toward Arabs as well as Jews, and if it eventually applies its laws to any or all of Judea and Samaria, Israel will enter a state of perpetual war with the Palestinians and the wider Arab world. Israel will cease to be a democracy. Israel will be impoverished.

Israel will be isolated internationally even more than it is today.

If Kerry’s options were real options, then Israel would have a clear and easy choice, just as he argues it has.

But unfortunately, they aren’t real options. They are fantasies.

Today Israel has three options. As Kerry advocates, it can withdraw from Judea and Samaria and partition Jerusalem. But if it does so, there is no reason to believe that the outcome will be a Palestinian state, let alone peace.

Rather, it is far more likely that an Israeli withdrawal will lead to the establishment of a second independent Palestinian enclave that the Palestinians and the international community will insist is still under occupation, just as the Palestinians and the international community insist that Gaza remains under Israeli occupation 10 years after Israel vacated the Gaza Strip entirely.

Without Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Israel will become a strategic basket case in an increasingly chaotic region. It will invite aggression from the Palestinians and from the east that it will be hard pressed to defend against.

Just as Israel is condemned for every action it has taken to defend against Palestinian aggression from Gaza, so it will be condemned for the actions it will be forced to take to defend itself from Palestinian aggression in Judea, Samaria, Jerusalem and beyond.

In other words, the so-called “two-state solution” is a recipe for war and expanded international isolation for the Jewish state.

The second option for Israel is to maintain the status quo. Today, Israel shares governing power in Judea and Samaria with the PLO. Sometimes the PLO cooperates with Israeli security forces, and sometimes it cooperates with terrorist groups.

The PLO rejects Israel’s right to exist. It uses every available platform to undermine Israel’s legitimacy and wage economic and political war against the Jewish state.

The advantage of the status quo is that under it, Israel has security control over Judea and Samaria. Consequently, it is able to prevent Judea and Samaria and Jerusalem from becoming strategically indistinguishable from Gaza, where Hamas is now openly collaborating with Islamic State forces in Sinai.

Israel’s third option is to apply its laws over all or parts of Judea and Samaria. The first benefit of this option is that it maintains Israel’s ability to defend itself against security threats emanating from the Palestinians and from the east.

Beyond that, under Israeli law, the civil rights of Palestinians and Jews in Judea and Samaria will be vastly improved. Israel’s liberal legal code is superior to both the military code governing the Jews and the Palestinian Authority’s law of the jackboot which governs the Palestinians.

Whereas the status quo invites and engenders politicization of Israel’s military commanders who serve as the governing authorities of the areas, the third option would end the politicization of the IDF. Generals would take a backseat to elected leaders and government ministries. Police would be responsible for law enforcement. Rather than deploy regular and reserve units to dispel rioters, police, who are better trained for such events, would be judiciously deployed in areas where they are most needed. The IDF’s operations would be limited to counterterrorism.

None of Israel’s actual three options will necessarily enhance its international standing. This is the case because, as we have seen, Israel’s international standing has little to do with anything Israel does.

But then again, by exhibiting strength, and forcefully asserting its rights, Israel may find itself winning the respect of some foreign governments that currently view it is weak and open to blackmail.

This brings us to Kerry’s questions about a one-state model.

Kerry asked, “How does Israel possibly maintain its character as a Jewish and democratic state when from the river to the sea there would not even be a Jewish majority?” The answer is easily. Israel will retain its strong Jewish majority, and its commitment to democracy, after it applies its laws to Judea and Samaria.

Kerry asked, “Would millions of Palestinians be given the basic rights of Israeli citizens including the right to vote, or would they be relegated to a permanent underclass?” The answer is yes, they would be given the basic rights of Israeli citizens, including the right to vote, and no, they would not be relegated to a permanent underclass.

Kerry asked, “Would the Israelis and Palestinians living in such close quarters have segregated roads and transportation systems with different laws applying in the Palestinian enclaves?” The answer is, no.

Kerry asked, “Would anyone really believe they were being treated equally?” The answer is that, as we have seen repeatedly, no matter what Israel does, and no matter what the Palestinians do, people like Kerry will always claim that Israel is mistreating the Palestinians.

Kerry asked, “What would the international response be to that, my friends, or to a decision by Israel to unilaterally annex large portions of the West Bank?” The answer, again, is that the international response to such a move would be about the same as the international response to the continuation of the status quo or to an Israel withdrawal. To wit, the response will be hostile to Israel.

Kerry asked, “How could Israel ever have true peace with its neighbors, as the Arab Peace Initiative promises and as every Arab leader I have met with in the last year reinforces to me as recently as in the last month that they are prepared to do?” The answer is that Israel can have true peace with the Arab world when the Arab world accepts the legitimacy and permanence of the Jewish state.

Kerry asked, “How will [Arab states make peace]… if there is no chance for a two-state solution?” The answer is that they will make peace when they decide they want peace and they rid their societies of Jew hatred.

Kerry asked, “How will the Arab street in today’s world let… [the two-state solution] go by?” The answer is that the Arab street doesn’t believe in the “two-state solution.” The Arab street wants the dissolution of Israel.

Finally, Kerry asked, “And wouldn’t Israel risk being in perpetual conflict with millions of Palestinian living in the middle of a state?” The answer is that Israel is at risk of perpetual conflict with the Palestinians and the Arab world as a whole for as long as the Arabs hate Jews. The millions of Palestinians living within Israel’s borders constitute a far smaller strategic danger to Israel than the millions of Jew-hating Arabs, who have terrorist armies, perched on its international borders.

At the outset of his remarks, Kerry explained that as far as US Middle East policy is concerned, “Our goal, our strategy is to help ensure that the builders and the healers throughout the region have the chance that they need to accomplish their tasks.”

Sadly, this is neither a goal nor a strategy. It is the sort of platitude you’re likely to find inside a Chinese fortune cookie.

If Kerry is interested in an actual strategy, he can fork out 20 bucks and buy my book.

Originally published in The Jerusalem Post.


All right reserved, Caroline Glick. 2015

About Caroline B. Glick