Carry the Flag to Zion!

Yesterday I got to an email in time from Ari Bussel informing me of a Conference Call billed as National Faith Leaders Call with Donald Trump. Ari provided the contact info to be on the call to me which I indeed participated (9/2/21).

The call began with a proviso that if members managed to get access to hang up now for the Conference Call was to be off the record. Because of that I will not share the content of what I was able to listen. Sadly my old Android Smart Phone dropped the call about a half-hour after beginning. BUT this I will share: President Trump (that without FRAUD – the actually elected President in 2020) was very upbeat and did NOT sound like a quitter.

In conjunction with that Conference Call I am sharing Ari Bussel’s email exchange with whom he was invited to participate.

JRH 9/3/21

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Carry the Flag to Zion!

From Ari Bussel

Sent 9/2/2021 10:14 AM

Dear Amanda, Jenny and Pastor Paula,

What an extraordinary surprise and blessing it is to have received your invite this morning!  So while we were (not) “asleep at the wheel,” and while numbness seems to have frozen us to the point of “slumber and sleep,” you have apparently continued working, creating, germinating and are here now, ready for this very day!

There is nothing more encouraging and uplifting that looking all around and seeing the multitudes – us – ready and eager to join; standing thirsty and waiting for these drops of rain, like seeds in the Sahara Desert.

We are one, great in numbers, but united in essence and purpose – in belief in God the Almighty and what He wants from us.  Thus, a song plays in my mind, written more than 120 years ago following the First Zionist Congress.  The Congress main mission was to UNITE the Jewish People, all hundreds and hundreds of its cooperatives, associations and groups into one great movement whose members will emigrate to the Land of Israel, in great waves.

[שאו ציונה נס ודגל – S’u Tziona Nes va Degel]

Lift toward Zion a pole and flag, the flag of the Judean camp … 

Return, return from great distances

to our homeland, to the land of our Fathers …

For our people, for our land, be strong and become strong

Together we will go, please, we will return

to our land, that of our Forefathers

to our beloved land

where our childhood began ….

Then our mouths will be filled with laughter and our tongue with singing (Psalms 126:2 – which continues, “then said they among the nations:  ’The Lord has done great things with these!’”)

And so the song that has become somewhat of an anthem (and has filled my mind, refusing to leave) is based on the words of the Prophet Jeremiah.  The Prophet tells us to “tell,” to “sound,” to “say” and to “blow the horn,” – to “call, fill and tell, gather and let us come together” – all action directives – CARRY THE FLAG TO ZION, DARE NOT STAND” (idle), carry the flag, unite!

Jeremiah Chapter 4 יִרְמְיָהוּ

ה  הַגִּידוּ בִיהוּדָה, וּבִירוּשָׁלִַם הַשְׁמִיעוּ, וְאִמְרוּ, ותקעו (תִּקְעוּ) שׁוֹפָר בָּאָרֶץ; קִרְאוּ מַלְאוּ וְאִמְרוּ, הֵאָסְפוּ וְנָבוֹאָה אֶל-עָרֵי הַמִּבְצָר

ו  שְׂאוּ-נֵס צִיּוֹנָה, הָעִיזוּ אַל-תַּעֲמֹדוּ:  כִּי רָעָה, אָנֹכִי

מִצָּפוֹן–וְשֶׁבֶר גָּדוֹל.

5 Declare ye in Judah, and publish in Jerusalem, and say: ‘Blow ye the horn in the land’; cry aloud and say: ‘Assemble yourselves, and let us go into the fortified cities.’

6 Set up a standard toward Zion; put yourselves under covert, stay not; for I will bring evil from the north, and a great destruction.

You have called us to the Flag today, exactly a week before our Jewish New Year.

It is  at this time (this Hebrew month leading to the Jewish New Year, in the Seventh Month of the Biblical Calendar) that it is said we are closest to God; 

that God hears us clearest,

for the King is in the Fields – 

out of the castle, traveling, closest to His people

who are working in the fields

It is this month, 


that we ask for forgiveness

that we focus on retrospection (and introspection)

and get ready to the blowing of the Shofar (horn)

which is (what we are commanded to do on) the first day of our New Year

We celebrate the past

we look into the future

and we stand ready

a great many multitudes

and are so very grateful for your Call

and for leading the way!

Numbers Chapter 29 בְּמִדְבַּר

א  וּבַחֹדֶשׁ הַשְּׁבִיעִי בְּאֶחָד לַחֹדֶשׁ, מִקְרָא-קֹדֶשׁ יִהְיֶה לָכֶם–כָּל-מְלֶאכֶת עֲבֹדָה, לֹא תַעֲשׂוּ:  יוֹם תְּרוּעָה, יִהְיֶה לָכֶם.

1 And in the seventh month, on the first day of the month, ye shall have a holy convocation: ye shall do no manner of servile work; it is a day of blowing the horn unto you.

White House High Holy Days Call

Friday, September 27, 2019

Operator:  Hello and thank you for joining today’s High Holy Days call with Jewish faith leaders. Please note that this call is being recorded. At this time all audience members are in listen-only mode to minimize background noise. There will be Q&A at the end of this call, and we will provide instructions at that time. I would now like to formally begin today’s call and introduce President of the United States, Donald J Trump.

Pres. Trump:  It’s a great honor to be with you and to host our third annual call with Jewish leaders, rabbis and friends to wish you Shana Tova, a sweet new year. During the High Holy Days, families gather in synagogues across the country and around the world to sound the shofar and pray, reflect and thank God for His many blessings.

As we mark the Jewish New Year, our entire country is reminded of the infinite ways Jewish Americans strengthen our communities, uplift our nation, and deepen our culture. You care for your neighbors, teach your children, cherish our heritage, and you embody the American dream. Throughout history, the Jewish people have suffered unthinkable oppression and persecution, yet they have persevered, endured, thrived, and created a flourishing democracy – the state of Israel.

In the last two and a half years, we have strengthened the everlasting friendship between the United States and Israel. I moved the United States Embassy to Jerusalem. We recognized Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights, which was something they were trying to have done for 72, or 52 years to be more specific. We’re confronting Iran, a regime that chants “Death to Israel.”

As I said in my recent address to United Nations, America will never tolerate anti-Semitic hate. In recent months, our entire nation was stricken with shock and grief and righteous anger when two horrific anti-Semitic murderers attacked synagogues in California and Pennsylvania. To every survivor, family member and to the entire Jewish community, all of America embraces you with love. We pledge our undying and total resolve to excise the vile placing of anti-Semitism from our world. Earlier this year, I appointed a new special envoy to monitor and combat anti-Semitism. Elan Carr, who is with us now and will provide an update shortly. In the wake of such atrocious attacks, millions have been inspired by Jewish-American heroes who responded to the worst evil with remarkable bravery. During my State of the Union Address, we were all moved by the presence of Pittsburgh survivor, Judah Samet, who also survived the Holocaust. In May, on the National Day of Prayer in the Rose Garden, we were joined by members of the congregation from Poway, California, including Rabbi Goldstein. This afternoon we’re joined on the call by survivors of the Holocaust. We cannot comprehend the persecution and suffering you have endured, yet you have overcome the darkest chapters of human history with the purity of love and goodness in your hearts. We renew our pledge now and always. Never again.

I understand that during this time of year, you often read Psalm 27. We remember the promise of those words that says, “Wait for the Lord. Be strong and let your heart take courage.” Today, we thank God for His faithfulness and for the countless ways Jewish-Americans bless our nation.


Ari Bussel

The Palestinian Myth

I found this very supportive rendition for a sovereign Jewish nation and the delegitimizing of nationhood of Arabs pretending to be Palestinians on a MeWe group a few days ago. It read much like past chain emails I had read in the past. Due to the “chain email” potential I did not want to place it on my blogs without checking it out even though I am quite the Christian Zionist.


What you are about to read I have validated noted by source links. Where minor errors existed I corrected them to a clearer factual contention than was in the original text. If you are a faux-Palestinian Muslim – boohoo. If you are Jewish committed to your heritage or a Biblical oriented Christian noting the prophetic return of Jews to their Land what that means for the return of Jesus the Messiah/Christ – yeah baby be excited.

JRH 10/18/19

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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


The Palestinian Myth


Peter Baum

10/13/19 11:00 PM

MeWe Group: The Conservatives


I need help from anyone interested in exposing the anthropological miracle or should I say myth known as the ‘ indigenous Palestinians’.

If these so called people ever existed as a race, a culture, a tribe etc.; could anybody assist me with the answers to the following questions.


  1. Name and dates of any wars or battles fought by those identifying themselves as indigenous Palestinians against any foreign or domestic invaders during the period 3000 BC to 1948 AD.


  1. The name of any indigenous Palestinian leader during these wars in this period.


  1. The place of any building constructed by indigenous Palestinians during this period.


  1. The currency used by indigenous Palestinians.


  1. Where in the Quran or Bibles are the indigenous Palestinians mentioned?


  1. What do indigenous Palestinians call themselves in their indigenous language? There is no sound for the letter ‘P’ in Arabic so if the Palestinians in their mother tongue (assuming it’s Arabic) must call themselves Filastinians. This is the Arabic for Philistines who came from Greece and the name derives from the Hebrew word Pleshtim which means invaders. The Philistines became extinct in 1200 BC, So maybe today’s Palestinians think they miraculously were reborn from an extinct race of Greek invaders??? [Blog Editor: Got Questions depends on Biblical asserting Greek origin of Philistines. Two articles reporting on a 2019 archaeological science publication asserts southern European origins implying Greek Islands influence: a) Biblical Philistines Came from Europe, Ancient DNA Reveals; by News Staff;; 7/4/19 AND b) Ancient Greeks the Biblical Philistine Enemies of Jews, DNA Study Claim; By Philip Chrysopoulos;; 7/4/19]


  1. Where is it written that Jerusalem is connected to the indigenous Palestinians? I cannot find the answers to any of the above questions but perhaps someone out there knows….my guess is that indigenous Palestinians are a myth and that those currently identifying themselves as such were simply immigrants from surrounding countries who came to today’s Israel for work created by the economic benefits that Zionism created. [Bold text Blog Editor’s]

We do know that the Palestinians sided with the Nazis during WW2 [Blog Editor – SEE: HERE & HERE] and both the Palestinian Charters of the Palestinian Authorities [Blog Editor: Actually the Palestinian Authority (PA) didn’t come into existence until 1994 via the Oslo Accords. Prior to the PA the primary representative group of Arab Faux-Palestinians was the Palestine Liberation OrganizationGatestone Institute-2016 (PLO – more origin info: The New American-2009 & BREITBART-2015) of Arab-Islamic terrorists. The subsequent dates are PLO Charter dates]  of 1964 and 1968 [PLO Charter Analysis] and the Hamas Charter of 1988 demand the extermination of Jewish people and the subservience to Islam of all other races and religions…..

As an interesting aside, International Law is immutable regarding Israel’s legal borders which include Judea and Samaria (the West Bank) and Gaza.

The League of Nations Treaty of 1922 which includes the Mandate for Palestine, the San Remo Treaty and the Balfour Declaration are specific on this geography and thus Israel’s borders are defined to include both.

When the United Nations [Full UN Charter] took over from the League of Nations all previous Treaties were included, endorsed, honoured legally unchallenged and unchanged as per Article 80 [Article 80 implications for a Jewish nation – HERE & HERE].

The international binding legal principles of Acquired Rights and Estoppel further endorse the immutable legal position of Israel.


Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


Attaching Global Domination to Jews – Tragic Fallacy

John 4: 22; Romans 1: 16 NKJV:


22 You worship what you do not know; we know what we worship, for salvation is of the Jews.


16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ,[a] for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek.


John R. Houk

© March 12, 2018


On 1/30/18 I cross posted Dr. Lively’s call for Christian Clergy of all Denominations to rise up and confront the American Left’s (Deep State) assault on President Trump’s to Make America Great Again. Dr. Lively brought the imagery of the Revolutionary War’s Black-Robed Regiment involvement of using the pulpit to support Liberty from British tyranny.


On the NCCR version of this cross post, my Christian Brother Jyrki made several comments that began as Christian thoughts but trending toward a bit more of Conspiracy Theory.


Jyrki quotes from a Texe Marrs post that lumps all Jews with Communists who desire the destruction of our U.S. Constitution and Christianity in general. And to emphasize the anti-Jew thoughts, Marrs names the evil Jews such as Zionists, Israel and (OH MY GOD) the entire Rothschilds banking family (Jewish family highly connected to international banking spanning nations and centuries).


(I’m not posting Jyrki’s comment here but you can read the 3/11/18 comment HERE. Below this point are my thoughts inspired by Jyrki. Jyrki is a good guy, so I hope my disagreement with the concept of the Jews wanting to rule world doesn’t irritate him too much.)


I’ve always had a problem with people (especially Christians) that group the entirety of Jews as a group of evil because Left Wing people with a Jewish heritage gravitate toward New World Order godless Marxist totalitarianism. The reality is Jews are divided between Observant Jews (Orthodox, Conservative and probably even some Reform Jews) and Left-Wing Secularist Jews who too often reject the Jewish traditions of faith in God (an Observant Jew would write “G-d” out of reverent respect) and moral ethics involved in that faith.


Jyrki the thoughts you found above is supportive of the Un-Biblical Replacement Theology doctrine (a Christion Zionist perspective) and castigating all Jews because self-loathing godless Jews looking for Leftist utopianism largely along the Marxist paradigm.


Any association of Jewish Rabbis to global domination is simply counter-Judaic. Nine/Tenths of Observant Jews simply desire to worship without persecution which is the centrality of Zionism. The Jewish Left embraced Zionism because they want place to live where Jew-haters can’t persecute them as most recently (but not limited to) the Nazi Holocaust. Ergo, even secular Zionists do not desire global domination. Secular Zionists are merely people of Jewish heritage supportive of Israel – the Land of the Jews – to live out a counter-productive Leftist ideology.


Then there are those of Jewish heritage that have adopted a Marxist point of view. These guys are NOT Zionists. They are globalist Communists (Marx-Lenin-Stalin-Mao violent revolution or Gramsci cultural subversion) that are in a club that contains way more non-Jews than Jews. Communism has zero to do with Zionism if one defines Zionism as a movement for Jews to return to the land of their Biblical heritage. I have no doubt there a Jews that are Communists living Israel just as there are non-Jewish Communists (unfortunately) living in America or elsewhere.


The Communist (Marxist) goal is global revolution to destroy national heritages and transform/replace the old with a State acceptable transnational (aka globalist) culture devoid of religious morality. Any Communist who calls himself a Zionist is either self-deceived, outwardly deceptive or delusional.


JRH 3/12/18

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Further Reading:


Communism, Anti-Semitism & the Jews; By JERRY Z. MULLER; Commentary Magazine; 8/1/1988



Final territory assigned to the Jewish National Home - 7-24-1922

Here is a mini-history lesson that is probably non politically correct to teach in schools any longer due Arab-Muslim propaganda and revisionist history. I found it on Think-Israel.


JRH 4/13/14

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January-February 2014 Feature Stories



Eli E. Hertz ( put it well and pithily: PALESTINE IS JEWISH. It is a fact that “51 member countries — the entire League of Nations [Today’s UN] — unanimously declared on July 24, 1922:“Whereas recognition has been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.”


“The 51 member countries of the League of Nations as of July 24, 1922: Albania, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, British India, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Italy, Japan, Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes, Latvia, Liberia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, New Zealand, Nicaragua, Norway, Panama, Paraguay, Persia, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Republic of China, Romania, Siam, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Union of South Africa, United Kingdom, Uruguay, and Venezuela.


“Palestine is Not a State, it is the Name of a Geographical Area.


“Palestine is a name coined by the Romans around 135 CE from the name of a seagoing Aegean people who settled on the coast of Canaan in antiquity — the Philistines. The name was chosen to replace Judea, as a sign that Jewish sovereignty had been eradicated following the Jewish Revolts against Rome. “In the course of time, the Latin name Philistia was further bastardized into Palistina or Palestine. Palestine was never a sovereign independent Arab state belonging to any people, nor did a Palestinian people distinct from other Arabs appear during 1,300 years of Muslim hegemony in Palestine under Arab and Ottoman rule. Historically, before the Arabs fabricated the concept of Palestinian peoplehood as an exclusively Arab phenomenon, no such group existed. This is substantiated in countless official British Mandate-vintage documents that speak of the Jews and the Arabs of Palestine — not Jews and Palestinians.”


This section deals with setting the record straight. And it asks: what is there about the Arab character that drives their attempt to steal Jewish identity?


See also: Mandate for Palestine” The Legal Aspects of Jewish Rights; By Eli E. Hertz; Myths and Facts)



Background Information


If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence.  If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel.


— In an email from the Baltimore Zionist Division.


THINK-ISRAEL features essays and commentaries that provide context for current events in Israel. The war Islam is waging against Israel and the West is top priority. We report on global anti-Semitism, Islamism and creeping Sharia. We aim to make sense of what’s going on.

Year 1942 – 768 Jews on the Struma Fleeing Nazis, Blasted out of the Sea

768 Jews Refused Refuge & Eventually Sunk by Soviets 2-24-1942

John R. Houk

© March 2, 2014


About a week ago was the 70th anniversary of the ethnic cleansing of 768 Jewish men, women and children by a combined policy decision of Great Britain and Turkey to keep Jews from reaching the British Mandate for Palestine during and shortly after WWII. Those 768 Jewish souls were on the Romanian vessel Struma. 103 of those Jewish souls were babies. All of the Jews on the Struma were fleeing the Nazi extermination of Jews.


The Struma was eventually torpedo blasted out of the Black Sea by a Soviet submarine. Their voyage of death began December 16, 1941 and ended in utter destruction on February 24, 1942. Only one survivor was picked up from the debris of the blasted Struma – 19-year-old David Stoliar. Stoliar was picked up ironically by a Turkish fishing boat.


The Spiegel Online International tracked down the then 90 year old David Stoliar in Oregon to conduct an interview published May 23, 2013. Here is an excerpt of Stoliar’s harrowing experience of survival now over 70 years ago:


Setting Out for Freedom


David Stoliar grew up in Romania, home to nearly 800,000 Jews before World War II. By the summer of 1940, their life, too, had become unbearable, thanks to anti-Semitic laws, deportations and, ultimately, bloody pogroms.


Stoliar’s mother fled to Paris to seek safety. The 19-year-old son stayed behind with his father, who eventually bought him a passport and a ticket to freedom — or, rather, a ticket to Palestine on a ship named Struma. In today’s value, that ticket cost $1,000 (€775).


The Struma followed an armada of previous ships that had been trying to make it to the Holy Land since the beginning of the war. Many of these passages, however, ended in death, and most were illegal. Great Britain, which administrated the British Mandate of Palestine back then, had been curbing Jewish immigration since 1939 and ultimately blocked it altogether in the hopes of keeping the Arabs from taking up arms in support of Nazi Germany.


The Struma was no more than a pile of junk. Built in 1867, this former luxury yacht had been sadly degraded to a cattle transport ship. The masts were long gone, leaving just a wooden hull, barely held together by metal plates. The engine, added later, worked only sporadically.


That didn’t prevent two Jewish groups from Romania from chartering the Struma in 1941 for their escape from the Nazis. They advertised the journey into the unknown with promising pamphlets, some of which read “Bon voyage!” and “Welcome to Palestine!”


Stoliar signed up along with his fiancée, Ilse Lothringer, and her parents. But when they finally caught a first glimpse of the Struma in the Black Sea harbor of Constanta, it was a bad omen: The ship, originally meant for only 150 passengers, had been retrofitted to carry almost 800, in tiny wooden bunks on three low levels — and that in the coldest winter in generations.


“Like sardines,” Stoliar says. “We couldn’t even turn over. But we had no way of going back.”


After several delays they finally put out to sea on December 12, 1941. Their route was supposed to take them through the Black Sea, the Bosporus and the Mediterranean to the port of Haifa. But they had gone only a few kilometers when the engine started sputtering – and then died completely as they approached the Bosporus.


A Turkish tugboat schlepped them to the harbor of Istanbul, supposedly to have the engine fixed. The refugees, lacking visas, were forbidden to disembark. Instead, the authorities raised the black and yellow quarantine flag over the Struma.


Trapped in Turkey


Meanwhile, a long, diplomatic tussle began behind the scenes. Great Britain refused to allow the Struma to continue on to Palestine. Romania didn’t want it back, either. The United States stayed out of it completely. And Turkey, still neutral at the time and not wanting to get on the wrong side of anybody, forced the passengers to stay on board, where they were slowly starving.


“We were not considered human”, Stoliar says. “So why should you help?”


Conditions on board worsened rapidly. Food became scarce; a pregnant woman suffered a miscarriage. The only help came from Simon Brod, a local Jewish businessman who rescued many refugees over the course of the war. He occasionally brought food and water.


Turkey eventually took action on its own. On February 23, 1942, policemen stormed the Struma, cut the anchor chain, tugged the ship back into the Black Sea — and set it helplessly adrift.


“We knew we had nowhere else to go,” Stoliar recalls. “We all smelled the end of it.” (Holocaust at Sea: The Lone Survivor of the ‘Struma’; By Marc Pitzke in Bend, Oregon; Spiegel Online International; 5/23/13 03:29 PM)


Crazy stuff, right? The above quoted data was an excerpt of a Spiegel part one on David Stoliar. As Paul used to say, you should read the rest of the story in part two entitled, “A Sudden, Explosive End”.


Imagine living in an age when a Super Power nation as a matter of Policy has a Final Solution for Jewish people – regardless if they are religiously Observant or not – to wipe them off all land under their control. Imagine living in an age in which other powerful nations could care less of the Super Power’s internal Policy even though they are geopolitical rivals that eventually engage in war AND they do NOTHING to help Jews facing a government’s Policy of the extermination of all Jews. Imagine living in an age in which one of the warring nations against the Super Power actually has governing control of a parcel of land created SPECIFICALLY for Jews but stop the immigration of the very Jews facing extermination from the Super Power’s Final Jewish Solution.


Millions of Jews under the power of Nazi Germany in Europe were indeed exterminated! Before, during and after WWII devastated Jews tried to make it to the land designated as the British Mandate for Palestine which was created to provide a Jewish National Homeland long before Adolf Hitler came to power as the Nazi Fuhrer of Germany with the design to making the German people the Master Aryan Race empire of a new global power the Nazis called the Third Reich. “Third” implying the Roman Empire was the first empire, the German based Holy Roman Empire was second and Hitler’s intended new German empire would be the third version of European global superiority.


The Struma tragedy was one of many of Jews thwarted from escaping Nazi death camps. Another notorious doomed ship was the St Louis that departed a German port on May 13, 1939 with nearly a 1000 Jews fleeing the beginnings on the Nazi Final Solution was bound for Havana Cuba. The St Louis reached Havana the ship was forced to lay in port for several days with a quarantine flag attached to it to prevent the Jews from departing and entering Havana. It took 43 days for the St Louis to travel to Havana. Cuba ultimately refused the Jews from leaving the ship except a mere 29 passengers. President Roosevelt forbade the St Louis to dock in the USA. Eventually the St Louis was forced back to Germany to the welcoming arms of Nazi death camps.


Check out the lame excuse reason the British would not allow European Jews to embark to safety to the land designated as a Jewish Homeland in the British Mandate for Palestine. The British official reason was they believed intelligence reports that many of the German Jews were actually enemy Nazi spies sent to infiltrate British authority.


Now this is lame because no proof of any intelligence has ever turned up validating the official reason AND British Policy had changed from providing Jews for a National Homeland to placating the large majority of Arabs – primarily Muslims – that had a great sympathy for the Nazi Jewish Final Solution. It was becoming clear that there was huge deposits of oil in Muslim Arab lands thus the Brits desired to make nice with Arab nationalism because of oil – the black juice that kept and still keeps modern industry to be successful.


The British White Paper of 1939, passed on the eve of the destruction of European Jewry, was a death sentence for tens of thousands of Jews who wanted to escape the Holocaust.

Illegal ships of Jews continued to attempt to infiltrate Palestine, and most were turned away – often to tragic consequence. Even as the situation grew more and more dire, British officials remained adamant in severely limiting the number of Jews who could enter Palestine.

On February 7, 1940, Vernon Bartlett asked that the ban on immigration be lifted. The answer, by Malcolm MacDonald, alleged that there was a danger associated with illegal immigration:


Malcolm MacDonald, alleged that there was a danger associated with illegal immigration:


Mr. Bartlett asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that the tragic plight of some 2,000 Jewish refugees now marooned in small barges on the Danube is due mainly to the fact that shipowners are threatened with confiscation of their ships and imprisonment of their crews if captured near the Palestine shore; and will he consider raising the ban on further immigrants to Palestine to cover these victims of Nazi racial doctrines?

Mr. M. MacDonald I understand that reports have reached the Foreign Office that a number of Jews who were on their way to embark at a Rumanian port on a ship chartered for the purpose of carrying illegal immigrants to Palestine were recently stranded on the Danube. It is well known that masters and crews of ships engaged in this illegal traffic are liable to imprisonment and the ships to confiscation.

…The normal objections to illegal immigration are increased in time of war owing to the danger of enemy agents travelling to Palestine by this means. In the circumstances I cannot adopt the hon. Member’s suggestion.


This supposed fear of enemy agents became an actual allegation in a debate on March 20, even though no proof was offered:


Mr. Stokes asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he is aware that amongst the Jewish illegal immigrants into Palestine there are German citizens, many of whom are German spies; and what steps he proposes to take to stop this illegal traffic on that account?

Mr. M. MacDonald: Yes, Sir. Though local inquiries have not yet produced conclusive proof, the High Commissioner has strong reasons for suspecting that the passengers of two ships which about a month ago landed illegal immigrants in Palestine included German agents. These persons, together with other illegal immigrants, are held in detention camps. As regards the second part of the Question, His Majesty’s Government and the Palestine Government are taking various measures to suppress the traffic in illegal immigrants.

§Mr. T. Williams Will the right hon. Gentleman state exactly what he implies when he states that many of these illegal immigrants may or may not be German spies?

Mr. MacDonald I cannot add to the answer which I have given, which was that the High Commissioner has strong reasons to suppose, from information at his disposal, that some of these people are German agents.

§Mr. Shinwell Can the Minister say how many have been detained?

Mr. MacDonald Some hundreds.

§Mr. Lipson Has my right hon. Friend any reason to believe that these German agents are Jews?

Mr. MacDonald As I say, we have not any conclusive proof, but from the information we have received we understand that there are strong possibilities that some of the Jewish members of these parties are German agents.

§Mr. Leach Would they not be in serious danger of their lives in such company in such a ship?


No answer is recorded.



Macdonals (sic) insists that evidence exists that German agents are among the detained Jews, but even weeks after their detention he cannot reveal any details, nor can he even say that any evidence is conclusive.

And he never did return to the topic. As far as I can tell, not one Jewish immigrant was charged with spying for Germany.

But there was one postscript. On April 3, as seen above, MacDonald claimed that any offers of help by Jewish organizations to help vet the immigrants for German ties would be welcomed. He was lying.



From all evidence, the British authorities in Palestine made up the charge that there were Jewish German spies, and they used this bogus charge to punish all Jews attempting to flee the Holocaust in 1940. (1940 Britain claimed “German agents” among illegal Jewish refugees to Palestine; By Elder of Ziyon; 9/26/13)



I’ve known of these antisemitic global occurrences for some time but I found a reminder in my inbox of the anniversary the Struma travesty through Facebook group Israel Hasbara. For some reason the Israel Hasbara post was removed (probably by Facebook) so I went to the person that my inbox gave credit for posting. Fortunately I found it there. That which piqued my interest in the first place was this message:


Please repost this, along with the link explaining the incident, and email it to all you know. This needs to go viral.

Here is where you can learn more about this sickening event:


Then a few hours later she posted this about the Struma Jewish deaths:


This has me so sad and disturbed. It is hard to get it out of my mind.


The link she provides is to one of my favorite blogs – Israpundit. The original article written by Sarah Honig is on the Jerusalem Post dated 2/23/14. As you can see I am a bit behind the curve in getting this out; nonetheless the flood of global antisemitism flowing toward Israel and defensible borders as well as traditional land that is of Jewish heritage is reprehensible. Americans at the very least need to be reminded of the treatment of the Jews before their homeland was returned. This not just the Holocaust even though it was the Holocaust that elicited a guilty conscience from the sane parts of the world. Devastation of Jews is at least 2000 years old and that is even before their last ejection from their homeland between 70 AD and 135 AD. Below is the Jerusalem Post version of the story of the Struma by Sarah Honig.


Related Link: The sinking of MV Struma – February 1942


JRH 3/2/14

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Another Tack: Lessons from the floating coffin



02/23/2012 21:24

Jerusalem Post


The world’s apathy-cum-enmity toward Jews hasn’t disappeared, it has simply mutated.


Exactly 70 years ago – on February 24, 1942 – 19-year-old David Stoliar terrifyingly clung to bobbing debris in the Black Sea. At first he heard screams in the frigid waters but the voices died down. It eventually emerged that Stoliar was the sole survivor of the Struma, an un-seaworthy vessel chuck-full of frantic Jewish refugees.

World War II was already in fever pitch. Against the enormity of the then-unfolding Holocaust, the loss at sea of 768 Jewish lives (103 of them babies and children) was at most blithely overlooked as a marginal annotation.

Moreover, although these Jews fled the Nazis, in the pedantic literal sense they weren’t executed by Third Reich henchmen.

This atrocity was the coldblooded handiwork of Great Britain (committed while it combated the Germans but remarkably without compassion for their Jewish victims), supposedly neutral Turkey (whose so-called nonalignment didn’t extend to outcast Jewish refugees), by the Arabs (who were openly and unreservedly Nazism’s avid collaborators and who pressured London into denying endangered Jews asylum in the Jewish homeland) and, finally, by the Russians (who targeted the immobilized sardine can that carried Jews to whom nobody would allow a toehold on terra firma).

The entire world seemed united in signaling Jews how utterly unwanted they were anywhere.

Such apathy-cum-enmity hasn’t disappeared.

Only its form and context had mutated but the essence is still ultra-relevant to the Jewish state.

We’re still threatened with annihilation. Nonetheless, unmistakable harangues from Tehran notwithstanding, the international community worries about an Israeli preemptive strike – not a genocidal strike against Israel.

To put it plainly, our fate today interests other nations just about as much as the fate of the Struma’s Jews did back then, which (to resort to understatement) was hardly much.

Today’s disingenuous post-Holocaust lip-service is invariably accompanied by hand-wringing about lack of foreknowledge of Germany’s fiendish plot to systematically exterminate the defenseless Jewish people (unmistakable harangues from Berlin notwithstanding).

What sets the Struma apart and imbues it with extraordinary significance is that from December 16, 1941, until the afternoon of February 23, 1942, its ordeal was played out before the entire watching but unfeeling world. No country could deny awareness of the impending calamity and yet all countries let it happen in full view.

The Struma, then a 115-year-old Danube cattle barge, was a pitiful peanut-shell of a boat packed with nearly 800 refugees from Romania. Bound for the Land of Israel, they desperately fled Hitler’s hell and the horrors of Bucharest’s fascist regime.

Pogroms and ghastly atrocities had already sullied cities like Iasi, where thousands of Jews were assembled in the market square and mowed down with machine guns. Venerable old rabbis and Jewish community leaders were impaled on meat hooks in town centers.

THE STRUMA wasn’t struck suddenly. It was slowly tortured, accentuating with demonic deliberation how disposable Jews were, just when genocide’s monstrous machinery was switched into high gear. This 75-day shipboard melodrama underscored the total helplessness and humiliation of Jews without power.

Struma passengers gathered in the Romanian port of Constanza on December 8, 1941. For four days, Romanian customs officials “examined” their belongings. In fact, they pilfered all they saw – clothing, underwear, jewelry and most important, food. The immigrants left on the perilous journey bereft of provisions and medications. But the Struma did carry 30 doctors, 10 engineers and 15 lawyers.

On December 12, the rickety vessel chugged out to sea. After four hair-raising days (instead of the routine 14 hours) the Struma unsteadily dragged itself into Istanbul Harbor. It couldn’t continue. Its makeshift motor had sputtered its last. There was no fuel, food or water.

Several passengers held valid entry visas into pre-independent Israel. All others were “illegals.”

The hope, though, was that once in Turkey, they’d all be allowed to proceed to their destination.

After all, with Europe in the throes of war, thousands of Jewish immigration certificates (British Mandate permits) remained unutilized.

But the British authorities refused unequivocally.

The Arabs raged and rallied against giving haven to Jewish refugees. Eager to appease pro- Nazi Arab opinion, Britain chillingly declared that under no circumstance could the Struma’s human cargo set foot in Eretz Yisrael.

Furthermore, Britain pressured Turkey not to let anyone off the crippled boat at its end either.

Obligingly, the Turkish premier argued that “Turkey cannot be expected to serve as a refuge or surrogate homeland for people unwanted anywhere else.”

Thus hundreds were imprisoned in narrow, unventilated confines. A sign saying “Help!” was suspended over the Struma’s side. One of the visa-holders, who after weeks was allowed ashore, described the boat as a “floating coffin.”

The freezing hull below reeked, but there wasn’t sufficient room on deck. Refugees took turns to climb up for a breath of air. There was no sleeping space for all, no infirmary, no galley, no bathing or sanitary facilities. Minimal food rations, provided by local Jews, were smuggled aboard after enough Turkish palms were greased.

An official Jewish Agency appeal, forwarded to the British on January 19, 1942, stressed that the Struma transported refugees escaping the most tangible threat of massacre. The Mandatory authorities didn’t even dignify the Jewish Agency with a reply.

On the next day, the Struma’s 35th in Istanbul, the Wannsee Conference opened in suburban Berlin to formally decide on “the final solution for the Jewish problem.” Hitler surely hadn’t overlooked this latest demonstration of utter callousness toward hapless Jews.

The British didn’t bother to answer ensuing emotional Jewish Agency entreaties on January 30 and February 10. Then they acquiesced to the entry of four visa-holders, who only at this point were permitted to disembark. More news of the dreadful conditions on the Struma now came out.

The new British line was that the Struma’s refugees were suspect Nazi agents because they came from enemy territory. The assertion that the Germans’ most hideously persecuted victims were their tormenters’ spies was labeled “Satanic” in embryonic Israel.

In a very long February 13 communication to the Mandatory government, the Agency noted that Britain was helping with much fanfare to resettle in the Mideast thousands of non-Jews – Greeks, Yugoslavs, Poles and Czechs – all of whom came from German-controlled areas.

More than any of them, Jews had reason to be loyal to the Allies.

On February 15, the British announced they’d make an exception in the case of Struma children aged 11 to 16. Wartime rationing was cited as the pretext for barring younger or older kids.

The Jewish Agency guaranteed maintenance for all 103 underage Struma captives. In the end no child was freed.

Meanwhile, Turkey, egged on and emboldened by Britain, threatened to tow the floundering deathtrap beyond its territorial waters.

The Jewish Agency warned that “the boat is in total state of disrepair and without life-saving equipment. Any sea-journey for this vessel cannot but end in disaster.”

The Turkish government, however, pitilessly ordered the condemned Struma tugged out to the Black Sea. Hundreds of truncheon-wielding Turkish policemen were dispatched to the Struma on February 23. They viciously clubbed passengers below deck. Despite resistance from the refugees, the anchor was cut, the Struma was towed out and was left paralyzed, to drift precariously without supplies or a drop of fuel.

On February 24, an explosion ripped it apart.

A Soviet submarine, Shchuka-213, patrolled northeast of the Bosporus. Stalking Axis craft, it torpedoed the wobbly barge, which sank in minutes. It’s estimated that as many as 500 were killed outright by the blast. The rest flapped feebly in the waves, till they expired of wounds, fatigue and hypothermia. Stoliar alone hung on, semi-conscious.

In pre-state Israel there was shock and grief.

Demonstrations were mounted. For one day all work and commerce were halted and the population imposed a voluntary protest curfew on itself. Posters appeared on exterior walls everywhere bearing British High Commissioner Harold MacMichael’s photo and announcing that he was “Wanted for Murder.”

The Struma’s heartrending end marked the effective end to most attempts to break Britain’s anti-Jewish blockade until the conclusion of WWII. A few fishing and sporting sailboats briefly tried to ferry handfuls of refugees. Some of them were sunk. Europe’s Jews had no escape left. Embattled Britain took time out from the war to make sure of it.

Stoliar was imprisoned by the Turks for six weeks for the crime of not drowning. He was finally allowed into Mandated Palestine despite MacMichael’s warnings that “this would open the floodgates” and “completely undermine our whole policy regarding illegal immigrants.”

Today, to most Israelis, Struma is a curious street name in a few towns. Israeli school children barely encounter its esoteric story. Politically correct authors and trendy leftwing filmmakers shun the subject, preferring postmodern portrayals of Arab terrorists as Zionism’s prey.

Oblivion is perhaps the greatest sin against the Struma but also against ourselves. If we forget the Struma, we forget why this country exists, why we struggle for its survival. We forget the justice of our cause.

Dimmed memory and self-destructive perverse morality hinder our ability to protect ourselves from the offspring and torchbearers of the very Arabs who doomed the Struma. They haven’t amended their hostile agenda. We just don’t care to be reminded.

The state the Jews created is threatened with destruction and its population with obliteration.

Yet there’s negligible sympathy for Israel and even less practical support to avert tragedy. The Struma’s story is seminal in understanding why the Holocaust was possible and why a second Holocaust cannot be ruled out. More than anything, the Struma powerfully illustrates what happens when Jews rely on others’ goodwill.  


The is 1942 – 768 Jews on the Struma Fleeing Nazis Blasted out of the Sea

John R. Houk

© March 2, 2014


Another Tack: Lessons from the floating coffin


All Rights reserved © The Jerusalem Post 1995 – 2012


1920-mandate_for_palestine - League of Nations

Here is a big chance for Lefties, Moderates and Muslim Apologists to begin peeling the bells of there goes the Christian Zionist extremist bigot.


Israel is the Land of the Jews. Israel is the Land of Promise given to Abraham and his descendants through the genealogical line of the son of Promise Isaac, Jacob and so on through Judah and on through to David, Solomon and on through Zerubbabel through Mary the mother of Jesus (Adopted father Joseph genealogy) who is also the Son of God (and HERE) the Savior of the Jews first and then the Gentiles by the Redeeming Blood of the Christ.


The Biblical witness is good enough for me as far as I am concerned; nonetheless there are Jewish Zionists and Christian Zionists that point to a more historical and secular reasoning to justify Israel as the Land of the Jews. Below is some excellent reasoning that places a heavy emphasis on ancient historical evidence and relatively recent modern documentation affirming Israel is the Land of the Jews.


If you are a friend of Israel this is an AWESOME essay that not only justifies Israel’s existence but demonstrates that there is NO SUCH PEOPLE KNOWN AS PALESTINIANS.


JRH 4/17/12

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Brit Mandate for Pal after 7-24-1922

The Geopolitics of Israel: Biblical and Modern

STRATFOR has developed an interesting geopolitical profile that focuses on Israel. The profile focus is interesting because it does not begin with the birth of modern Israel in 1948. STRATFOR looks at Israel’s geopolitical position that stretches back 3,000 years from the days the Twelve Hebrew Tribes under the guidance of Yahweh-God being the one true God that made the Hebrew people the nation of Israel in the Promised Land.


One thing you should note in reading the STRATFOR profile there is no mention of a homeland of people that could be known as Palestinians in a geographical and political sense. Well not in the sense that an Arabic tribe existed that could call itself Palestinian.


The STRATFOR profile below was emailed in its entirety that included a link to the view the email as a webpage. I am uncertain how long that link will exist but I will use it as a reference for as long as it will last.


JRH 5/15/11

The Lies of Palestinian Propaganda

Nazi Mohammed

John R. Houk

© March 27, 2011


I received a comment from the ever ubiquitous “anonymous”. Anonymous is usually but not always a complainer. In this case anonymous wrote a pro-Palestinian comment that was deleted as spam by blogger spam software or was deleted by anonymous. The comment was a response to “Palestinians Hate Jews.” Since I would like to respond to anonymous’ pro-Palestinian comment below is that person’s comment to read:

how do u know what it is in the page?? all the postes and the comments are in the Arabic languages. I can read arabic and there is no raciste or hate or terroriste in the Intifada page!
who is the real terrorist?? who kill the babies in Palestine?? and why?? I find it very ridiculous that the people survived a holocaust take it as an excuse to do another massacre. If one or two Israelis are killed that always becomes a big news. The inside story is Israel itself is killing and shooting number of Palestinians everyday, detaining thousands and that never becomes a news in the western media. What a two faced hypocrisy! Needless to say that IDF is a terrorist organization and settlement of Israel was the biggest mistake. If anyone has to compensate for so called holocaust, it should be Germany or anyone from Europe. Palestine must be free now. It’s been proved that Israel is the center of all global problem and chaos. Free Palestine, End the Zionist occupation of Palestinian land.

I will respond in the next comment. (As I was writing in the Blogger comment section I discovered I exceeded the character limit; thus is the reason for turning my comment into a post.)



Anonymous said:


“how do u know what it is in the page?? all the postes and the comments are in the Arabic languages. I can read arabic and there is no raciste or hate or terroriste in the Intifada page!”


You are correct; I do not speak a lick of Arabic. Nonetheless, Palestinian Media Watch (PMW) is a reputable watch dog of the lies of Palestinian media which continuously calls Jews the children of apes and pigs and calls for the death of all Jews in no uncertain terms. You and I both know the translation is accurate. And yes you are correct to claim that there is no direct call for Palestinians to march and destroy Israel and kill Jews like the Fogel family (Father, Mother, infant baby girl and two young sonsM).


You do know that the so-called “intifada” are violent acts of rage that targets all Israelis and not just the Israeli police of military. You are correct there was no racist projection on this particular intifada page; however the call liberation implies a focus on Jews and the Jewish Homeland.


Anonymous says,

who is the real terrorist?? who kill the babies in Palestine?? and why??


DUH! The real terrorists are the Arabs that claim to be Palestinians who DO KILL MEN, WOMEN AND CHILDREN (Hello! The Fogel family is only the most recent example). If Arab children living in Gaza, Judea and Samaria are killed it is the result of human shielding or the idiocy that a terrorist can hide within their family to avoid being hunted down like a dog participating or planning a Palestinian Terrorist act against Jews in their Home Land. In essence the Arabs are responsible for the death of their own children if they as collateral damage from Israel responding to a terrorist attack. The Palestinians hide behind the fallacy of “liberation” like cowards that murder in the darkness of evil and expect to be heroes of light for doing so.


Anonymous said,

“I find it very ridiculous that the people survived a holocaust take it as an excuse to do another massacre.”


There is NO excuse for a massacre because the Israeli government has not perpetrated one massacre! That is just a plain Palestinian propaganda lie! However a reading of Palestinian media both in print and in media will demonstrate the programming and the intention to execute a second Jewish Holocaust upon Israeli Jews.


Anonymous said,

“If one or two Israelis are killed that always becomes a big news. The inside story is Israel itself is killing and shooting number of Palestinians everyday, detaining thousands and that never becomes a news in the western media. What a two faced hypocrisy!”


If one or two Israelis are killed, REALLY!? That is a load of Palestinian crap, again! There have been more Israeli Jews and Muslims that have embraced a sovereign Israel killed by Palestinian terrorists than any Palestinian that has been killed as the result of collateral damage of being a human shield or endangering themselves by actively harboring terrorist murderers or cheering when an Islamic terrorist kills them self and the innocent men, women and children in an explosion. There is “NO KILLING LYING PALESTINIANS” every day. Now anonymous is correct that thousands are detained; however Arabs detained by Israel are either murdering Islamic terrorists or are part of the planning to murder Jewish men, women and children. These detained dogs are not innocent angels just because they call themselves Palestinians and wickedly play the victim when they are actually victimizers.


Anonymous says,

“Needless to say that IDF is a terrorist organization and settlement of Israel was the biggest mistake. If anyone has to compensate for so called holocaust, it should be Germany or anyone from Europe.”


And yet another load of crap that the IDF is a terrorist organization. If anything the IDF is the major element of protection from Arabs that call themselves Palestinians executing the second Jewish Holocaust. The Jews did not come from Germany and Europe! They received the boot from a European Roman government that did not like Jews governing themselves in their own Homeland. A significant amount of the Arabs that call themselves Palestinians cannot trace a heritage to the Holy Land area of the Middle East past the late nineteenth century or early twentieth century. Why? Because Jews immigrating back to the land of their ancient heritage made an unworkable land into a productive land. The demands of production required labor. That is when Arabs began flowing in the land administered by Ottoman Turks from Damascus (present day Syria) and after WWI the British Mandate termed Palestine from other Arab locations looking for work. Which incidentally worked great symbiotically between Jews and Muslims until Muslims like Grand Mufti al-Husseini bought into the Muslim Brotherhood pan-Arab and pan-Islamic nationalism. This nationalism became racist Islamic Supremacism in which non-Muslims could not form a nation in a land once conquered by Islamic imperialism. Also al-Husseini had visions of carving a ruling niche over a significant amount of territory as other Arab tribes had been granted by the British and French. Since al-Husseini was a Jew-hating bigot he plugged into al Banna’s and Adolf Hitler’s concept of a final solution for Jews. This is the kind of sick nationalism that bread like cancer to a once symbiotic relationship between Jews and Arabs in the Holy Land.


When Israel won their independence from Jew-hating 6 or 7 invading Muslim armies, Muslim nations defeated by a tinier Jewish army took vengeance on Jews living in the Middle East outside of the Holy Land. Did you know that Jewish refugees that had their land confiscated and Synagogues burnt to the ground and all their possessions confiscated numbered more than the Arabs that ran away from their homes expecting to return after a supposed butchery of Jews they hoped would lose the war in 1948? Anonymous the only hypocrisy here is from Arabs and gullible American-Europeans believing the lying propaganda of Palestinians.


Anonymous says,

“Palestine must be free now. It’s been proved that Israel is the center of all global problem and chaos. Free Palestine, End the Zionist occupation of Palestinian land.”


Anonymous you are correct, Palestine must be free. But not for Islamic Supremacist Arabs who have no real long term connection to the Land of Israel. Keep Israel free! Disseminate Arabs among Arabs and keep Israel for Jews, their God-given land.


JRH 3/27/11