Tyranny Afoot

Islam + Globalist-Elitists = NOT GOOD!

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© February 6, 2024

My fellow Patriots – straight up – I’m feeling a bit under the weather today. Do not be concerned, it’s nothing to do with any kind of CCP-virus, plague or Plandemic. Since I’m in the I no longer trust doctors, clinics or hospitals camp; I’m letting weather run its course waiting for the sun to shine.

So today, I’m sharing some videos I’ve ran into from email subscriptions.

First up is an email I received from the CENTER FOR THE STUDY OF POLITICAL ISLAM INTERNATIONAL (CSPII) which I feel compelled to share a bit of precursor information. There was a time my blogging focus was largely Counterjihad issues because after some Muslim Terrorists hijacked some U.S. Passenger Airlines and crashed them into the buildings called the World Trade Center in New York City, I along with much of Americans became infuriated. Twenty-plus years later there is some hindsight there might have been some CIA clandestine coaching in preying on Islamic-hatred of all things non-Islamic in stirring already active terrorists to do the deed. (And to you Jew-Haters out there: If Mossad was involved, it more than likely was in alliance with the CIA not acting under some idiotic Jewish World Domination conspiracy.) If indeed the CIA was involved, one can mark 9/11 as a marker for the current Globalist-Elitist designs to embark on Forever Wars to lead to a One-World Government with some old-fashioned DEPOPULATION markers (wars first, Climate Hysteria second & Plandemics third).

I fell for it. I even unwittingly supported the Patriot Act believing the LIES that law would target foreign infiltration. By the time of Obama’s 2008 Fundamental Change of America, I began to realize the Patriot Act’s actual purpose was to spy on Americans – especially Patriotic Americans opposed to any Fundamental Change of America.

All that being said, my subscription to CSPII is really the result of a subscription to Bill Warner’s PoliticalIslam.com from the current CSPII derives. Bill Warner was AWESOME in educating any who would dare to listen that Islam as a religion has ZERO to do with peace for any person refusing to submit to the supremacy of Islam. Warner wrote extensively and made numerous videos using Islam’s own revered writings (Quran, Hadith & Sira) to expose violent Islam. The Globalist-Left has not been kind to Bill Warner (a pseudonym – actual name Bill French), labelling him an Islamophobe or anti-Islam writer (one example is Wikipedia). I’ve noticed new info from Warner has slowed to a trickle with PoliticalIslam.com looking more like an archive website and CSPII as an occasional disseminator of old Warner articles and videos. I suspect the slowdown has to do with the fact Warner is in his early eighties in age being born in 1941. Here’s Warner’s brief Political Islam bio.

The irony of today’s threat to Individual Liberty and Religious Liberty is the apparent unholy union of the Globalist Left and Jihadi-Islam for world domination. Both the Globalist Left and Jihadi-Islam view the Christian influence of the West as an enemy to a ONE-World Order (Islam would lump Jews as enemies according to their revered writings). The irony is if Christianity is ever eliminated (THAT WILL NEVER HAPPEN!), the Globalist Left and Jihadi-Islam then would turn on each other with vicious violence with their own final solutions.

  • AND SO, my first share is a CSPII link I received in an email a couple of days ago, but is actually an old Bill Warner post from years ago that will include Warner in a Youtube Video posted 9/2/15: Kafir; By Bill Warner; CSPII.

AND THEN, three videos that smack of Globalist-Leftist NWO designs to be RESISTED:

UNDERSTANDING THE LIES picks a Redacted News Rumble video from 1/29/24 and posted it on 2/5/24. It astounds me that fires that began torching Lahaina Hawaii in early August 2023 STILL has government restrictions and mysteries in February 2024.

–Ben Armstrong reporting in a laying position (I don’t recall details, but I believe he’s battling an illness) on the FDA unelected bureaucracy making enforceable rules making it legal for Big Pharma to experiment on WE THE PEOPLE and ending with Glenn Beck speaking about Globalists Panicking about controlling the Masses. For me that is the part you should pay attention.

–Goes over WEF-Elitists at Davos want to brainwash trust among Masses to easier control the Masses. There is an annoying Atlas VPN ad but more info to listen to afterword.

JRH 2/6/24


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By Bill Warner


No Date on Post

The first step in learning about Political Islam is to know the correct words and their precise definitions. The language of Islamic doctrine is dualistic and divides humanity into believers and Kafirs, those who believe Mohammed is the messenger of Allah and those who do not.

Kafir is an actual word the Koran uses for non-Muslims. It is usually translated as unbeliever or infidel, but that translation is imprecise. The word unbeliever is neutral, while the attitude of the Koran towards unbelievers is very negative as it defines the Kafir as hated by Allah. According to Political Islam, a Muslim is never the true friend of a Kafir. Kafirs can be enslaved, raped, beheaded, plotted against, terrorized, and humiliated. A Kafir is not considered to be fully human.

When you read the complete Islamic doctrine of Koran, Sira (the biography of Mohammed), and the Hadith (the traditions of Mohammed), you will find that Islamic doctrine is fixated on the Kafir. Over half of the Koran is about the Kafir. It is the stated purpose of Political Islam to convert, subjugate or annihilate all Kafirs.

Amount Text Devoted to Kafir (CSPII Photo)

Youtube VIDEO: Kafir (non-Muslim) – Hated by Allah

[Posted by CSPII

Posted on Sep 2, 2015


© 2015-2024 CSPI International, z.s.


Watch Brigitte Share a Shocking Revelation!

A Christian Massacre in Lebanon-Sensitive Viewer Warning


February 2, 2024

Act For America Substack

If more people knew their history, they wouldn’t have questioned the legitimacy of the October 7th Palestinian attacks on innocent Israeli citizens.

The Palestinians have been slaughtering Christians and Jews in the most heinous ways for DECADES, including in 1976 in my home country of Lebanon. This is the truth about Palestinians that everyone must learn.

[Blog Editor: The below video was uploaded from a Substack video.

Blog Editor: I am noticing WordPress is no longer reliable to embed Bitchute videos. When I notice the link does not grab a video, I’ll attempt to upload the video. If you for some reason the same video appear twice, then WordPress rectified the Bitchute issue.]

Bitchute VIDEO: Watch Brigitte Share a Shocking Revelation!


[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published February 5th, 2024 23:26 UTC


[Blog Editor: At this point in the post, Gabriel makes a case to support Act For America. GO HERE to read excellent case.]

© 2024 Act for America Education

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[Blog Editor: I am noticing WordPress is no longer reliable to embed Bitchute videos. When I notice the link does not grab a video, I’ll attempt to upload the video. If you for some reason the same video appear twice, then WordPress rectified the Bitchute issue.]



Posted by UNDERSTANDING THE LIESRight_wing_nuclear_armed_Aussie

First Published February 5th, 2024 07:10 UTC

The Biden administration abandoned the people of Lahaina, Hawaii, after devastating wildfires tore through that town, destroyed countless businesses, homes, lives. Now the people of Lahaina are trying to rebuild. But do they have the help of the Biden administration?

Original Rumble video:

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About Clayton & Natali Morris:

Clayton Morris is a former Fox News anchor. In Redacted, Clayton and his wife Natali take an in-depth look at the legal, social, financial, and personal issues that matter to you. They want to set the record straight and bring you the stories nobody else tells. Along with the facts and the complete picture, Redacted offers real-world analysis without an agency driven by corporate overloads. With Clayton’s extensive journalism experience, he isn’t afraid to demand the truth from authorities. Redacted is an independent platform, unencumbered by external factors or restrictive policies, on which Clayton and Natali Morris bring you quality information, balanced reporting, constructive debate, and thoughtful narratives.

Redacted on X:

Redacted News on Rumble:

Maui Wildfire Disaster Unaccounted For

Help Maui Rise: Aid ‘Ohana Displaced by Fires

Help Maui Rise: Directly Aid ʻOhana Displaced by Fires

Family Life Center Maui Disaster Relief

Hungry Homeless Heroes Hawaii


Lahaina Strong: Rebuilding Hope After Fire


[Blog Editor: I am noticing WordPress is no longer reliable to embed Bitchute videos. When I notice the link does not grab a video, I’ll attempt to upload the video. If you for some reason the same video appear twice, then WordPress rectified the Bitchute issue.]



Posted by The New American

First Published February 5th, 2024 14:52 UTC

Dr. Naomi Wolf explains how the FDA has taken some major moves that will scare you. Also, Glenn Beck Chalkboard Breakdown on who you are REALLY Fighting Against.

DISCLAIMER: Views and opinions expressed on The Ben Armstrong Show are solely those of the host and do not necessarily represent those of The New American. TNA is not responsible for, and does not verify the accuracy of, any information presented.

Video Sources:

1. Bannon’s War Room – Naomi Wolf: “They Changed The Definition Of Informed Consent So That They Will Be In The Clear”

2. BlazeTV – What are we REALLY Fighting Against? – Glenn Beck Chalkboard Breakdown

For more great content, visit https://thenewamerican.com/


[Blog Editor: I am noticing WordPress is no longer reliable to embed Bitchute videos. When I notice the link does not grab a video, I’ll attempt to upload the video. If you for some reason the same video appear twice, then WordPress rectified the Bitchute issue.]



Posted by Conservative Politics,anti-NWO,anti-left/socialistStarblazer692003

First Published February 5th, 2024 17:40 UTC

Inherent HATE in Islam DOES NOT Produce Innocence

By John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© November 15, 2023

Upfront – just to provoke all those Jew-Haters out there – here is a stand that will probably enflame many especially in our current Woke-Culture:

  • I believe Islam is an Antichrist-spirit theopolitical religion.
  • I am Pro-Israel
  • I consider myself a Christian Zionist but I separate myself from Covenant-Breaking Leftist Jewish Zionists who appear to me to have more an affinity to Socialist (God-help-them even Marxist) ideology more than the Almighty’s Covenant of Promise to the lineage of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. It’s my opinion: Being a Leftist Jew is an oxymoron. Clinging to a Jewish heritage yet separating from the precepts of Covenant is a sure recipe for a damnation descent rather than a Heavenly ascent. AND I realize the Jewish concept of Heaven and Hell (views HERE, HERE & HERE) is not the same as it is for a Christian. WHICH probably goes a long way to explain the existence of Jews clinging to their Jewishness yet living Leftist lives. And perhaps one reason Religiously Observant Jews who look for a Messiah have not recognized the son of Mary married to Joseph as THE Messiah (other than the historical Christian horrific persecution of Jews – Perspectives: HERE, HERE & HERE) – Jesus the Son of God.
  • The Arabs who call themselves Palestinians are a made up people who are just as much recent immigrants to the Jewish Homeland as the European Jews who immigrated back to their Homeland (circa pre-WWI through circa post WWII) with the hope of escaping pogroms and persecutions. The irony being Arab immigration was the result of European Jews creating employment situations by making the land usable again for farming. The people living in the Jewish Homeland before Arab and European Jewish immigration were a combination of Sephardic Jews who lived there at least from the Babylonian Captivity Return (and by extension earlier prior to the first Diaspora) and a peasant-class (fellah) tenant farmers who were lived nearly like old feudal serfs to absentee wealthy Arab land owners. Another irony being prior to Arabs seeking employment immigration, the primarily urban Sephardic Jews outnumbered the tenant-farmer rural fellah Muslims.
  • IT IS the brainwashing aspect of Arab-Pretend-Palestinians that leads me to conclude  – certainly to be ridiculed by Leftists, Pro-Palestinians, Unwitting Conservative Condemners of Israel’s reprisals, et alThere are NO INNOCENT PALESTINIAN CIVILIANS. Indeed with a little digging, you’ll discover so-called civilians are willing HUMAN SHIELDS protecting their active Hamas terrorists and Hamas weaponry. AND WORSE, these so-called innocent HUMAN SHIELDS willingly sacrifice their children by making them HUMAN SHIELDS for the glory of Allah.

This where this post becomes lengthy. From here I embark to cross post information the Mockingbird Media and the supporters of Hamas Terrorism would rather say, “Believe our propaganda, not what you see and read.”

AND a bit of caveat that might irritate a few Pro-Israel supporters: Both the U.S. Government and the Israeli Government are inundated with Left-Wing-Globalists who would love to see any pretense for a global war to usher in a New World Order leading up to and including a ONE-World Government. The American Taxpayer can no longer afford foreign interventionism with an Obamanized/Bidenized military complex ran by weenies and military-Patriots purged from service or leadership. THE ONLY THING I’M WILLING TO GIVE ISRAEL IS MILITARY HARDWARE – NOT EVEN MONEY. But I will not condemn Israel for finally moving the terrorist capabilities and abilities of Islamic Terrorist pseudo-Palestinians FAR AWAY from killing their Jewish citizens. Even if idiot HUMAN SHIELDS willingly sacrifice themselves and their very children rather than take actual peace offers of UNDESERVED nationhood from Israel! I am now an Isolationist – NO MORE FOREVER WARS AND NO MORE AMERICAN BLOOD for useless Globalist wars!

In Case YOU Want to KNOW about Actual Islamic Ideology:

That’s only a sampling – Do some research separate from Globalist and Islamic Propagandists.

JRH 11/15/23


PLEASE! I need more Patriots to step up. I need Readers willing to chip in $5 – $10 – $25 – $50 – $100. PLEASE YOUR generosity is NEEDED. PLEASE GIVE to Help me be a voice for Liberty:

Please Support CPCR

Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms! [I’m beginning to suspect PayPal might be censoring the donation links because new donors have dropped. Someone test by clicking and let me know in the comments. The links work for me but again I suspect Big Tech shenanigans.]


Children as Young as 10 Took Part in Hamas’s Oct. 7 Terror Attack, Survivors Say

Gazan children plunder Kibbutz Nir Oz in Israel on Oct. 7, 2023. (Via Eyal Barad) – Washington Free Beacon Photo

By Andrew Tobin

November 14, 2023

Washington Free Beacon

EILAT, Israel—Eran Smilansky, a 28-year-old potato farmer, watched Gazan children go from house to house in his kibbutz on Oct. 7. Hamas terrorists followed. The boys laughed as the gunmen shot or dragged away Israeli families.

“They were like young, young kids,” said Smilansky, who defended his home from terrorists for more than six hours that day. “They were going in front of the terrorists, laughing with their friends and looking very calm. I remember thinking, What the fuck?”

Smilansky was one of a dozen survivors of the Nir Oz massacre who told the Washington Free Beacon they witnessed boys or women from the Gaza Strip looting the kibbutz, helping the armed terrorists, and apparently enjoying themselves. The youngest children were around 10 years old, according to several of the survivors, one of whom provided photographs of some of the women and children he saw. The survivors spoke at a hotel in Eilat, Israel’s Red Sea resort town, where most of them have been temporarily relocated.

While the involvement of Gazan children and women in Hamas’s terrorist attack is not widely understood, evidence exists in the public domain. An online video of a 12-year-old Israeli boy’s abduction from Nir Oz, Israel, appears to show a Gazan boy of about the same age accompanying the kidnappers. Boys were among the mob of Gazans recorded crossing into Israel after Hamas terrorists breached the border. And a Hamas-linked Associated Press stringer photographed a Gazan boy entering Kfar Aza, a kibbutz about 15 miles north of Nir Oz.

Hamas has used its nearly two decades of rule over Gaza to weaponize a generation of Palestinians against the Jewish state, according to analysts. In addition to the children, hundreds of ordinary Gazans, including teenagers, joined in Hamas’s bloody rampage across southern Israeli communities, the Free Beacon reported.

“Hamas directed the education system, the media, and the religious institutions to brainwash children, who make up half of Gaza’s 2.2-million-person population,” Michael Milshtein, the head of the Palestinian Studies Forum at the Moshe Dayan Center of Tel Aviv University, told the Free Beacon. “Israelis got their first up-close look at this Palestinian Gen Z on Oct. 7.”

Kibbutz Nir Oz (via Eran Smilansky) – WFB Photo

Like most of the Nir Oz survivors, Eyal Barad and his family hid in the safe room of their house from about 6:30 a.m. until the Israeli military evacuated them 12 or so hours later. But Barad, an engineer, had a rare view of the outside world thanks to a speed camera he had recently set up to bust his neighbors for driving on the sidewalk.

On the camera’s livestream, Barad watched three types of Gazans pass by his house: uniformed Hamas commandos carrying automatic weapons, RPGs, and grenades; casually dressed gunmen; and ordinary-looking men, women, and children. Barad said the ordinary Gazans vastly outnumbered the armed terrorists. He estimated that he saw at least a dozen children, who were between the ages of 10 and 15, and 30 women from Gaza.

The armed terrorists were in charge, Barad recalled. They gave orders to the ordinary Gazans, like sending the children to loot specific homes. At one point, Barad saw a woman run up to an armed terrorist and point him toward a house.

“I’m guessing she saw people she wanted him to go kill or kidnap or I don’t know what,” Barad said. “But I can say with 100 percent certainty that [the women and kids] were not just innocent bystanders or looters. They were part of the massacre. They were part of the horrors that we endured that day.”

“How can a parent send a kid to do that?” added Barad, who has three young children. “I want to shelter my kids as much as I can. I want to try to prevent them from seeing and meeting the horrible things that this world can do. And they send their kids into the most horrible situation in the world to go and steal stuff?”

Barad’s neighbor was abducted and the houses next to his were looted and burned. His father-in-law was killed nearby. But for reasons Barad does not understand, no one came into his house.

While Barad’s speed camera lacked the capability to save the livestream footage, it did snap photos 155 of moving objects between about 9:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. Barad shared the images with the Free Beacon. At least five Gazan boys and two Gazan women can be seen riding stolen bicycles.

Youtube VIDEO: Kibbutz Nir Oz Security Footage

[Posted by Washington Free Beacon

Posted on Nov 10, 2023]

Amotz Bazer, a 52-year-old farm worker from Nir Oz, was hiding in his safe room with his wife and three daughters when his kitchen window was shot out. He heard the gunmen push two young boys through the window. The boys then opened the front door for the armed terrorists.

“They were not older than 10,” said Bazer, who understands some Arabic after decades of working alongside Arabs in the fields. “I heard their voices, and I have kids, so I know.”

Several waves of looters ransacked the house, but Bazer and his family were not discovered. Bazer had dragged a cabinet in front of the safe room before squeezing through the door that morning.

Natali Yohanan, a 38-year-old English teacher, said she thinks every day about what she would say if she met the young Gazan woman who took over her house. As Yohanan huddled in the safe room with her husband and two young children, the woman sang and danced, heated up leftovers, and watched TV on the couch.

“She turned on Netflix and changed it to Arabic. And she stayed in my house for hours, for hours and hours,” Yohanan said. “It was very, very, very humiliating for us to know that this young woman was in our house, coming and taking whatever she wanted. She wasn’t even afraid. That’s what was very hard for us.”

Yohanan said the woman was accompanied by a group of armed terrorists. She served the men drinks and told them which items she wanted them to loot for her. They took Yohanan’s jewelry, makeup, designer underwear, shoes, sunglasses, and passport, as well as her children’s clothing and toys.

“I think she’s a young mother. I’m a young mother,” said Yohanan, whose father and dog were killed in the kibbutz on Oct. 7. “And it’s very hard for me as a mother to think about a woman who came to my home and saw the pictures of my kids and still came to steal and to terrify my kids.”

As for what she would say to the woman, Yohanan said: “I would tell her that she’s a thief. That’s all she is. I think she believes there’s honor in stealing, being part of the thing they did to us. But there’s no honor in that.”

Raziel Tamir (Andrew Tobin) – WFB Photo

Raziel Tamil, 26, was hiding in a citrus grove a few miles north of Nir Oz on the morning of Oct. 7. Tamil, a restaurant worker from Kiryat Ono, had fled the Nova music festival in Re’im, Israel, after terrorists showed up and began massacring at least 260 of his fellow partygoers.

When Tamil looked back toward the festival grounds, several hundred feet away, he said he saw Hamas commandos holding a group of Israelis at gunpoint. Several children, ages about 6 to 10, then emerged from a pickup truck wearing Hamas outfits, he said.

“You could see the people on their knees and like begging for their life,” Tamir said. “I heard the screaming.”

According to Tamir, the commandos gave some of the children rifles and directed them to execute hostages, which they did. The terrorists shot more of the hostages and loaded the survivors into the truck, he said.

At that point, Tamil said, he ran further into the citrus grove, where he met up with his friend Alex Kalinin, a 27-year-old sales manager from Yehud, Israel. They eventually located Israeli troops, who evacuated them to safety.

Kalinin said Tamil had told him about witnessing the execution. But Kalinin was already too deep in the citrus grove to have seen it himself, the men agreed. The Free Beacon could not confirm that Gazan children were at the Nova music festival let alone that they killed Israelis on orders from Hamas terrorists.

Milshtein, who before joining Tel Aviv University was the head of the Department for Palestinian Affairs in the Israel Military Intelligence Directorate, said it was plausible that Hamas had used children to execute Israelis on Oct. 7. He noted that Hamas teaches children to celebrate violence against the Jewish state starting in preschool and runs summer camps that provide military training and anti-Israel education to some 100,000 children and teenagers each summer.

“This has always been the Palestinians’ culture,” Milshtein said. “What changes is their capability to act against Israel.”

2023 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED – The Washington Free BeaconABOUT PAGE


SEE ALSO: He’s a Communist Trust Fund Baby Who Inherited Millions. Now, He’s Using Daddy’s Money To Harass Jews: James ‘Fergie’ Chambers wants to make Israel’s supporters ‘afraid to go out in public’; By Jessica Costescu; Washington Free Beacon; 11/14/23


Watch Brigitte Gabriel’s Urgent Message for America!

The War Between Civilization and Savagery

Brigitte Gabriel

November 14, 2023

ACT For America Substack

[Blog Editor: This Substack post has lots of informative links pointing to ACT For America actions and news. I’m just posting the video which I uploaded to my Bitchute Channel for sharing purposes.]

Bitchute VIDEO: Watch Brigitte Gabriel’s Urgent Message for America – The War Between Civilization and Savagery

[Posted by SlantRight2

First Published November 14th, 2023 17:36 UTC

I found this roughly 28-minute video on  the ACT For America Substack Page (https://tinyurl.com/3yckt9rh). The video is a combination of Brigitte Gabriel clips on the evil of Islam and a promotion of her book “Because They Hate” (Amazon – https://tinyurl.com/2nd4x94x)  and an ask to support ACT For America’s Pro-USA, Conservative-Education, Expose-Islam Agenda. All of which I do.]

© 2023 Act for America Education


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The Anti-Freedom Movements Aren’t So Different

Mosque & Marx [Represents Islam-Communist Alliance]

[Author not listed but Frank Salvato operates Underground USA Substack]

November 12, 2023

Underground USA

As misinformed and indoctrinated college students continue to fall prey to the poison of Islamic totalitarian propaganda regarding the victim status that has been bestowed on Hamas, it would be prudent to push back against the false narratives flooding out of the mainstream media. As the facts present, Hamas is the aggressor – a totalitarian aggressor – which has more in common with Marxism than those who value individualism and freedom – the true ideology of the Western World.

Islamism and Marxism, at different times and in various regions, have exhibited totalitarian tendencies; and authoritarian appropriation through the use of oppression and violence at times tallying the slaughter of tens of millions in their quest for control, albeit for different reasons.

While their ideological underpinnings may seem fundamentally unique, there are notable and significant similarities in how they have manifested as forms of authoritarian governance. In the end, Islamic, Socialist, and Communist rule is – in every circumstance throughout history – oppressive and antithetical to freedom, choice, self-determination, and liberty.

A Cursory Historical Context

To understand the oppressively totalitarian similarities between Islamism and Marxism, it’s crucial to consider the historical context in which these ideologies emerged and gained power.

Islamism, a relatively contemporary political ideology circa 610 A.D., is based on a strict and fundamentalist interpretation of Islam. Devout Islamists consider the Quran as the literal word of Allah (words not open to interpretation), and the Hadith (mandated Muhammadian traditions for all Muslims). This stands in stark contrast to the Christian Bible and the Hebrew Torah, which are all interpretive records of individuals – Holy and otherwise – and historical accounts sans, the Ten Commandments.

The conquest-oriented nature of Islamism goes back to its genesis in the 7th Century which resulted in the establishment of authoritative caliphates, including:

  • Umayyad Caliphate: 661–750
  • Rashidun Caliphate: 632–661
  • Abbasid Caliphate: 750–1258
  • Samanid Dynasty: 819–999
  • Saffarid Dynasty: 861–1003
  • Fatimid Caliphate: 909–1171
  • Ghaznavid Empire: 977–1186
  • Seljuk Empire: 1037–1194
  • Delhi Sultanate: 1206–1526
  • Abbasid Caliphate: 1261–1517
  • Ilkhanate: 1295–1335
  • Ottoman Empire: 1299–1922
  • Golden Horde: 1313–1502
  • Chagatai Khanate: 1347–1660
  • Timurid Empire: 1370–1507
  • Safavid Empire: 1501–1736
  • Mughal Empire: 1526–1857

More contemporarily, the 1979 Iranian Revolution, led by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, marked a turning point in the spread of political Islam. It demonstrated the potential for a religious movement to seize control of a state and establish an Islamic theocracy. Since then, various Islamist groups and regimes have emerged across the Muslim world, including the Taliban in Afghanistan, the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, Hamas in Gaza, and Hezbollah in Lebanon.

Marxism, on the other hand, originated in the 19th century with the works of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. It evolved into various forms – including socialism, with communism being the most prominent.

The October Revolution in 1917 brought the Bolshevik Party to power in Russia, establishing the first communist regime. The 20th century witnessed the often violent spread of communism across Eastern Europe, Asia, and parts of Africa. It led to oppressive totalitarian regimes in countries like the Soviet Union, China, and North Korea, each of which came at the price of human purges – pogroms – that resulted in the mass slaughter of millions of people.

While the historical contexts of Islamism and Marxism differ in terms of geography, time, and ideological foundations (addressed later), both ideologies emerged in opposition to established political orders based on individualism and liberty and sought to establish new, elitist, authoritarian systems of governance.

The False Promise of Utopian Ideological Foundations

While Islamism and Marxism have distinct ideological foundations, there are noteworthy similarities in how each defines their respective “utopian societies.”

Islamism is rooted in a strict fundamentalist interpretation of Islam, aiming to establish a society governed by Islamic law or Sharia law. Its vision of a utopian society is deeply Muhammadian, emphasizing the “moral” and “ethical” values in their exclusive accordance with the Quran and Hadith, which have been proven to be authoritarian texts. In the Islamist view, a “just” and “virtuous” society can only be achieved through the application of Islamic jurisprudence.

This jurisprudence includes a woman to provide 4 male witnesses to any accusation of rape. If the woman claims rape and doesn’t provide 4 males willing to testify on her behalf, the woman is essentially admitting to having engaged in adultery, a “moral” crime punishable by death by stoning.

Marxism, in contrast, is a secular ideology that focuses on class struggle and the abolition of private property. The utopian vision of Marxism is a classless society based on equity where the means of production are collectively owned. It envisions any government based on the idea of individualism, liberty, and the will of the people eventually withering away, resulting in a society where resources are distributed according to the principle “from each according to their ability, to each according to their needs.”

Of course, even in a Marxian utopia, there would need to be a class (read: privileged and elite) that assures the acquiescence of the people to the “will of the collective” and defined by that elevated class, obliterating the “classless society” immediately in its use of an elite class of overseers.

Despite these foundational differences, both ideologies share a common aspiration to create an “ideal society.” They view the existing order as corrupt, oppressive, and in need of radical transformation. This shared vision of a utopian society is a critical similarity between Islamism and Marxism, as it motivates their followers to pursue authoritarian – and often lawless and violent – means to achieve their goals.

The Consolidation Of Power = Suppressing The Opposition

Totalitarian regimes, whether Islamist or Marxist, employ a range of methods to consolidate power and suppress opposition. These methods demonstrate striking similarities:

  • Suppression of Dissent: Both Islamism and Marxism rely on the suppression of dissent to maintain control. In Islamic theocracies like Iran, criticism of religious authorities or deviation from religious orthodoxy can lead to severe punishment or even execution. In Marxist states like the former Soviet Union and China, dissent against the ruling party’s ideology often resulted in imprisonment, forced labor, or execution.
  • Propaganda & Indoctrination: Both dogmas emphasize the importance of ideological purity, the propagation of their worldviews, and their dogma’s eventual global domination. In Islamist regimes, religious indoctrination is a mandatory central aspect of education and media. In Marxist regimes, the state controls information and promotes communist ideology through propaganda, censorship, and state-controlled media.
  • Cult of Personality: Totalitarian regimes, such as Islamism and Marxism are, often cultivate a cult of personality around their leaders. In Islamism, figures like Ayatollah Khomeini in Iran, Mullah Omar in Afghanistan, and the now-dispatched Osama bin Laden have been elevated to near-mythical status. In Marxism, leaders like Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong – almost in ignorance of the tens of millions they both killed in their quests for revolutionary power – became iconic symbols of their respective regimes, with their images adorning public spaces and their thoughts enshrined as dogma.
  • Surveillance & Control: Both Islamism and Marxism have used extensive, pervasive, and limitless surveillance and control mechanisms to monitor and suppress opposition (a critical debate on the use of these actions is currently underway in the Western Culture). This includes the use of secret police and informants to maintain social order. In both cases, citizens may live in fear of being reported for deviating from the official ideology.
  • Violence & Repression: Violence and repression are common features of totalitarian regimes. Islamist groups have engaged in acts of terrorism and violence to achieve their political goals. In Iran, for example, the LGBTQ community is marked for immediate execution, while “immodest” women are often “disappeared.” Similarly, Marxist regimes have been responsible for mass purges, forced labor camps, and political repression on a massive scale. One need only consider the Soviet Gulags or the Uygher “re-education” camps in communist China.

The Threat To Global Stability By These Dogmas

The totalitarian similarities – the oppression, manipulation, coercion, and violence – between Islamism and Marxism have significant implications for political, social, and global stability:

  • Human Rights Violations: Both ideologies, when implemented in a totalitarian fashion (as they most often are), have a track record of severe human rights violations. The suppression of individual freedoms, freedom of speech, and religious liberties is widespread in Islamist and Marxist regimes. Citizens may face persecution and violence for expressing dissenting views or practicing their religion. Nowhere is this more evident than in communist China where Yughars [Blog Editor: Wikipedia alternate spellings: Uyghurs, Uighurs, Uygurs & Uigurs] and Tibetans are indentured, or historically in the Soviet Union where Jews were subject to pogroms and detention in the gulags.
  • Destabilization: Totalitarian regimes based on Islamism or Marxism often contribute to regional and global instability. Today’s spread of radical Islamist groups like ISIS, al Qaeda, Hezbollah, and Hamas – as well as the expansionist ambitions of Marxist regimes both today and during the Cold War, have disrupted international relations and contributed by way of aggressive destabilization as the catalyst in several global and large regional conflicts, including World War I, World War II, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, and today’s War in Israel where the Israelis are being forced to defend themselves against Islamofascist aggression emanating from Hamas, al Aqsa Martyrs Brigades, and Hezbollah, the former and the latter controlled by the Islamist mullahs of Iran.
  • Resistance & Opposition: Totalitarian regimes also face resistance and opposition, whether from domestic dissidents, external actors, or regional alliances. Opposition to these regimes can take various forms, including armed conflict, civil disobedience, and diplomatic pressure. Two very good examples of this come in the current Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the free world’s opposition and push back against the Marxist-based “woke” movement.
  • Ideological Appeal Via Indoctrination: Despite their grotesque flaws, authoritarian tendencies, and quests for world domination, Islamism and Marxism continue to appeal to weaker, less educated, and intellectually stunted segments of the population. Today, the purveyors of the totalitarian dogmas disingenuously position themselves as champions of justice, equality, and sometimes religious righteousness. They attempt to achieve transitional chaos through the Balkanization of populations using the strategy of divide et impera – divide and conquer, commonly attributed to Niccolò Machiavelli but first conceptualized by  Philip II of Macedon, the father of Alexander the Great.

In The End…

While Islamism and Marxism have unique and separate ideological foundations and historical contexts, they share significant and dangerous totalitarian similarities in their methods of control and the consequences of their governance. Both ideologies claim to want to establish utopian societies but in reality want to assume the position of elite and privileged overseers to the whole of those utopian societies, thus proving the lie of the utopian concept.

In the end, both Islamists and Marxists are willing to employ deceptive, manipulative, oppressive, and deadly authoritarian means to achieve their goals. The implications of these similarities and these chosen tactics are profound, as they manifest in unspeakable human rights violations, contributing to regional and global instability.

Understanding these factual parallels is essential for elected officials and their subordinate policymakers – as well as those in academia, advocacy, and individuals seeking to address the dangers posed by authoritarian ideologies, not only in their impact on societies and global affairs but to the very existence of individualism and freedom in the world.

Sadly, today the Marxist ideology holds significant sway through a corrupted media and through a network of fascist elites who give short shrift to the sanctity of individual freedom in their quest for privilege and control.

So, the next time you see the ignorant masses of the Western university undergraduate community chanting catchphrases and screeching hate towards Israel at pro-Hamas protests; the next time you see demonstrations hawking social justice or diversity, equity, and inclusion; the next time you see con-artists like Ibrahim X. Kendi, Klaus Schwab, Robin DeAngelo, George Soros, Nicole Hanah-Jones, Hillary Clinton, or Barack Obama pontificating about the need for “change,” please identify what their core belief systems are and realize that they are not liberators or even supporting the continued existence of freedom. They are the power-greedy elites who seek to rule over their fake utopias; utopias that in and of themselves are lies.

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[Blog Editor: Whew, a lot of reading. YET, if you are awakening to the emerging tyranny much of which is associated with Islam, Marxism and the odd combinations of Globalist Totalitarian ideologies; READING is a good KNOW YOUR ENEMY moment.

SO, I got one more. If you made it this far, I share this post about and written by Ayaan Hirsi Ali because she was an important source and inspiration to me in my early Counterjihad education days. This gal left Islam and the land of her birth and moved to the Netherlands and actually became an elected politician there while criticizing Islam and embracing atheism. ALL dangerous to life & limb under threat from Muslims believing such actions are worthy of death. According to Britannica.com she became U.S. citizen in 2013, but I know she is under constant threat from Muslims since she dares to criticize Islam. Frankly, for her safety I have know idea where she currently resides. AND NOW Ayaan Hirsi Ali has abandoned atheism and has embraced Christianity. I am guessing now she has completed the cycle of reasons to watch her back from threats from WOKE-Lefties and demon-influenced Muslims. For those who don’t about A.H. Ali, here is a brief excerpt from her website ABOUT PAGE:

“Ayaan is a Somali-born classical liberal. A free speech advocate. An activist for the rights of women and girls. A public intellectual with a powerful voice. A woman that does not back down when she sees a problem.

Previously a Member of the Dutch Parliament (2003-2006), she regularly called for furthering the integration of non-Western immigrants into Dutch society, and defending the rights of Muslim women.

Now, a Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University and Founder of the AHA Foundation, she regularly comments on today’s issues and offers a platform to exchange perspectives that lead to real solutions.

She has written several books including Infidel (2007); Nomad (2010); Heretic (2015); and The Challenge of Dawa (2017). Her newest book Prey is available now.” 

AND NOW, to add to your potential lengthy reading, BELOW is the post Ayaan Hirsi Ali claims she is a Christian – well my impression is she learning to be a Christian. May the Almighty send her a modern Priscilla and Aquila to explain the Gospel more accurately.]


Why I am now a Christian

Atheism can’t equip us for civilisational war

Ayaan Hirsi Ali Webcapture of Photo attributed to Christian Marquardt/Getty Images


November 11, 2023

UnHerd [H/T Chuck Nellis on MeWe]

In 2002, I discovered a 1927 lecture by Bertrand Russell entitled “Why I am Not a Christian”. It did not cross my mind, as I read it, that one day, nearly a century after he delivered it to the South London branch of the National Secular Society, I would be compelled to write an essay with precisely the opposite title.

The year before, I had publicly condemned the terrorist attacks of the 19 men who had hijacked passenger jets and crashed them into the twin towers in New York. They had done it in the name of my religion, Islam. I was a Muslim then, although not a practising one. If I truly condemned their actions, then where did that leave me? The underlying principle that justified the attacks was religious, after all: the idea of Jihad or Holy War against the infidels. Was it possible for me, as for many members of the Muslim community, simply to distance myself from the action and its horrific results?

At the time, there were many eminent leaders in the West — politicians, scholars, journalists, and other experts — who insisted that the terrorists were motivated by reasons other than the ones they and their leader Osama Bin Laden had articulated so clearly. So Islam had an alibi.

This excuse-making was not only condescending towards Muslims. It also gave many Westerners a chance to retreat into denial. Blaming the errors of US foreign policy was easier than contemplating the possibility that we were confronted with a religious war. We have seen a similar tendency in the past five weeks, as millions of people sympathetic to the plight of Gazans seek to rationalise the October 7 terrorist attacks as a justified response to the policies of the Israeli government.

When I read Russell’s lecture, I found my cognitive dissonance easing. It was a relief to adopt an attitude of scepticism towards religious doctrine, discard my faith in God and declare that no such entity existed. Best of all, I could reject the existence of hell and the danger of everlasting punishment.

Russell’s assertion that religion is based primarily on fear resonated with me. I had lived for too long in terror of all the gruesome punishments that awaited me. While I had abandoned all the rational reasons for believing in God, that irrational fear of hellfire still lingered. Russell’s conclusion thus came as something of a relief: “When I die, I shall rot.”

To understand why I became an atheist 20 years ago, you first need to understand the kind of Muslim I had been. I was a teenager when the Muslim Brotherhood penetrated my community in Nairobi, Kenya, in 1985. I don’t think I had even understood religious practice before the coming of the Brotherhood. I had endured the rituals of ablutions, prayers and fasting as tedious and pointless.

The preachers of the Muslim Brotherhood changed this. They articulated a direction: the straight path. A purpose: to work towards admission into Allah’s paradise after death. A method: the Prophet’s instruction manual of do’s and don’ts — the halal and the haram. As a detailed supplement to the Qur’an, the hadeeth spelled out how to put into practice the difference between right and wrong, good and evil, God and the devil.

The Brotherhood preachers left nothing to the imagination. They gave us a choice. Strive to live by the Prophet’s manual and reap the glorious rewards in the hereafter. On this earth, meanwhile, the greatest achievement possible was to die as a martyr for the sake of Allah.

The alternative, indulging in the pleasures of the world, was to earn Allah’s wrath and be condemned to an eternal life in hellfire. Some of the “worldly pleasures” they were decrying included reading novels, listening to music, dancing, and going to the cinema — all of which I was ashamed to admit that I adored.

The most striking quality of the Muslim Brotherhood was their ability to transform me and my fellow teenagers from passive believers into activists, almost overnight. We didn’t just say things or pray for things: we did things. As girls we donned the burka and swore off Western fashion and make-up. The boys cultivated their facial hair to the greatest extent possible. They wore the white dress-like tawb worn in Arab countries or had their trousers shortened above their ankle bones. We operated in groups and volunteered our services in charity to the poor, the old, the disabled and the weak. We urged fellow Muslims to pray and demanded that non-Muslims convert to Islam.

During Islamic study sessions, we shared with the preacher in charge of the session our worries. For instance, what should we do about the friends we loved and felt loyal to but who refused to accept our dawa (invitation to the faith)? In response, we were reminded repeatedly about the clarity of the Prophet’s instructions. We were told in no uncertain terms that we could not be loyal to Allah and Muhammad while also maintaining friendships and loyalty towards the unbelievers. If they explicitly rejected our summons to Islam, we were to hate and curse them.

Here, a special hatred was reserved for one subset of unbeliever: the Jew. We cursed the Jews multiple times a day and expressed horror, disgust and anger at the litany of offences he had allegedly committed. The Jew had betrayed our Prophet. He had occupied the Holy Mosque in Jerusalem. He continued to spread corruption of the heart, mind and soul.

You can see why, to someone who had been through such a religious schooling, atheism seemed so appealing. Bertrand Russell offered a simple, zero-cost escape from an unbearable life of self-denial and harassment of other people. For him, there was no credible case for the existence of God. Religion, Russell argued, was rooted in fear: “Fear is the basis of the whole thing — fear of the mysterious, fear of defeat, fear of death.”

As an atheist, I thought I would lose that fear. I also found an entirely new circle of friends, as different from the preachers of the Muslim Brotherhood as one could imagine. The more time I spent with them — people such as Christopher Hitchens and Richard Dawkins — the more confident I felt that I had made the right choice. For the atheists were clever. They were also a great deal of fun.

So, what changed? Why do I call myself a Christian now?

Part of the answer is global. Western civilisation is under threat from three different but related forces: the resurgence of great-power authoritarianism and expansionism in the forms of the Chinese Communist Party and Vladimir Putin’s Russia; the rise of global Islamism, which threatens to mobilise a vast population against the West; and the viral spread of woke ideology, which is eating into the moral fibre of the next generation. [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

We endeavour to fend off these threats with modern, secular tools: military, economic, diplomatic and technological efforts to defeat, bribe, persuade, appease or surveil. And yet, with every round of conflict, we find ourselves losing ground. We are either running out of money, with our national debt in the tens of trillions of dollars, or we are losing our lead in the technological race with China.

But we can’t fight off these formidable forces unless we can answer the question: what is it that unites us? The response that “God is dead!” seems insufficient. So, too, does the attempt to find solace in “the rules-based liberal international order”. The only credible answer, I believe, lies in our desire to uphold the legacy of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

That legacy consists of an elaborate set of ideas and institutions designed to safeguard human life, freedom and dignity — from the nation state and the rule of law to the institutions of science, health and learning. As Tom Holland has shown in his marvellous book Dominion, all sorts of apparently secular freedoms — of the market, of conscience and of the press — find their roots in Christianity.

And so I have come to realise that Russell and my atheist friends failed to see the wood for the trees. The wood is the civilisation built on the Judeo-Christian tradition; it is the story of the West, warts and all. Russell’s critique of those contradictions in Christian doctrine is serious, but it is also too narrow in scope.

For instance, he gave his lecture in a room full of (former or at least doubting) Christians in a Christian country. Think about how unique that was nearly a century ago, and how rare it still is in non-Western civilisations. Could a Muslim philosopher stand before any audience in a Muslim country — then or now — and deliver a lecture with the title “Why I am not a Muslim”? In fact, a book with that title exists, written by an ex-Muslim. But the author published it in America under the pseudonym Ibn Warraq. It would have been too dangerous to do otherwise.

To me, this freedom of conscience and speech is perhaps the greatest benefit of Western civilisation. It does not come naturally to man. It is the product of centuries of debate within Jewish and Christian communities. It was these debates that advanced science and reason, diminished cruelty, suppressed superstitions, and built institutions to order and protect life, while guaranteeing freedom to as many people as possible. Unlike Islam, Christianity outgrew its dogmatic stage. It became increasingly clear that Christ’s teaching implied not only a circumscribed role for religion as something separate from politics. It also implied compassion for the sinner and humility for the believer.

Yet I would not be truthful if I attributed my embrace of Christianity solely to the realisation that atheism is too weak and divisive a doctrine to fortify us against our menacing foes. I have also turned to Christianity because I ultimately found life without any spiritual solace unendurable — indeed very nearly self-destructive. Atheism failed to answer a simple question: what is the meaning and purpose of life?

Russell and other activist atheists believed that with the rejection of God we would enter an age of reason and intelligent humanism. But the “God hole” — the void left by the retreat of the church — has merely been filled by a jumble of irrational quasi-religious dogma. The result is a world where modern cults prey on the dislocated masses, offering them spurious reasons for being and action — mostly by engaging in virtue-signalling theatre on behalf of a victimised minority or our supposedly doomed planet. The line often attributed to G.K. Chesterton has turned into a prophecy: “When men choose not to believe in God, they do not thereafter believe in nothing, they then become capable of believing in anything.” [Blog Editor Bold Text Emphasis]

In this nihilistic vacuum, the challenge before us becomes civilisational. We can’t withstand China, Russia and Iran if we can’t explain to our populations why it matters that we do. We can’t fight woke ideology if we can’t defend the civilisation that it is determined to destroy. And we can’t counter Islamism with purely secular tools. To win the hearts and minds of Muslims here in the West, we have to offer them something more than videos on TikTok.

The lesson I learned from my years with the Muslim Brotherhood was the power of a unifying story, embedded in the foundational texts of Islam, to attract, engage and mobilise the Muslim masses. Unless we offer something as meaningful, I fear the erosion of our civilisation will continue. And fortunately, there is no need to look for some new-age concoction of medication and mindfulness. Christianity has it all.

That is why I no longer consider myself a Muslim apostate, but a lapsed atheist. Of course, I still have a great deal to learn about Christianity. I discover a little more at church each Sunday. But I have recognised, in my own long journey through a wilderness of fear and self-doubt, that there is a better way to manage the challenges of existence than either Islam or unbelief had to offer.



Video Channel Share – Islam Exposed & Backdoor Tyranny Examined

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

October 19, 2023

Today’s share are several videos I watched on Telegram either as a Telegram video or a link to a video. Note some of the Telegram videos are uploads from the Tik Tok social media platform. I mention this because I DO NOT Tik Tok due to CCP ownership and monitoring, and yet in full disclosure the CCP seemingly ignores Anti-Globalist videos. I suspect when such videos arise the CCP is amused when the USA is implicated in the Globalism. AND one video is from a 10/16/23 Epoch Times Telegram post but linking to a 10/13//23 EPOCH TV broadcast of Facts Matter.

I begin with an old video of Brigitte Gabriel explaining the nefarious inherent in Islam toward non-Muslims and the rest of the videos are on some form of tyranny (Globalist and/or Medical) perpetrated on WE-THE-PEOPLE. Do your own checking, some info might need a dose of critical thinking. Never accept information in this day and age hook, line and sinker. You might hooked on a fishing line that is not beneficial.

JRH 10/19/23


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Bitchute VIDEO: Brigitte Gabriel Explains Islamic History

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 17:46 UTC 

There is a good chance you may have seen this video in days (or perhaps years) past. I cannot recall when I first watched it. NEVERTHELESS with Hamas, Hezbollah & Iranian Islamic Terrorism on the rise – THIS IS A GREAT REFRESHER COURSE on the insidious nature inherent in Islam toward non-Muslims.

The video is from the Telegram Joanne’s Prayer Channel for God’s Kingdom & Our Nation (https://t.me/WeThePeoplePrayForGodsKingdomUSA). It was posted there on 10/16/23 (https://t.me/WeThePeoplePrayForGodsKingdomUSA/6756).

Joanne’s Description:

The history about Islam is well explained in this video, with Chinese subtitles.” [Blog Editor: I am amused someone is trying to unbrainwash CCP dominated Chinese people.]


Bitchute VIDEO: Klaus Schwab – No More Private Cars by 2030

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 18:23 UTC

I found this video on the Telegram Channel The Rabbit Hole (you’ll to search and ask to join) on 10/18/23 (https://t.me/c/1718752459/59). Schwab is speaking Dubai about ending private car ownership. The WEF has been telling people for years they will own nothing and be happy. I believe this Dubai speech was in early October 2023 (A fuller People’s Voice clip HERE: https://tinyurl.com/mwbwt9k7).

The Rabbit Hole Description:

‘”You will use an app like uber but not anymore to call some driver”

“A self-driving car will come to your hotel or wherever you are”

By 2030 there will be no more private cars. Highways will become parks”

-Klaus Schwab -World Economic Forum’


Bitchute VIDEO: William Cooper Explaining the CIA Assassination of JFK by the Driver

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 18:47 UTC

I found this clip on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom 💊 Redpilling (https://t.me/Sound0fFreedom) posted on 10/18/23 (https://t.me/Sound0fFreedom/696).

Who is William Cooper? Some would say a nutjob. Some would say the father of Conspiracy Theories. Some adore and some abhor. You can decide. Two places with (Milton) William Cooper that are more positive than negative: https://tinyurl.com/y4ps9akv AND https://tinyurl.com/4yjh658a.


Bitchute VIDEO: How Federal Reserve Bank Works – We Are Slaves

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 21:22 UTC

I found this clip on the Telegram Channel Sound of Freedom 💊 Redpilling (https://t.me/Sound0fFreedom) posted on 10/18/23 (https://t.me/Sound0fFreedom/697).

Many argue that the Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional creation. I’ll have to do some more digging on that issue myself, NEVERTHESS it is correct the Federal Reserve (aka The Fed) is a private institution and not a government entity. AND YET it is The Fed that controls the printing of cash and a bunch of other economic factors that should be under direct governance of both the Executive Branch and the Legislative Branch. This mini-video cartoon educates on the foreign influence if not also control of Globalist interests.

The Sound of Freedom claims,WE ARE SLAVES – How the Federal Reserve Bank works For the normies, learn something”.


Bitchute  VIDEO: Traces of Contraceptive Drugs Found in Fast Food Lab Results – EPOCH TV (Facts Matter)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 21:48 UTC

I actually first became aware on the Epoch Times Telegram Channel, but I’m posting the EPOCH TV INFORMATION of the Roman Balmakov hosted Facts Matter (https://tinyurl.com/3fcc49n4).

EPOCH TV DESCRIPTION (https://tinyurl.com/yh96zsc9 – might need a subscription to read or watch):

“According to a recently published lab report, food samples from McDonald’s and several other national food chains were found to have detectable levels of animal antibiotics, as well as animal contraceptives.

Although the sample size in this particular study was small, it does highlight a much larger issue—the fact that all of these chemicals and drugs that go into our livestock might very well be ending up on our plates.

Episode Resources:

🔵 Lab Results:


🔵 Nicarbazin Study:


🔵 Monensin Study:



Bitchute VIDEO: Trump Reveals Next Move After Judge’s Gag Order – EPOCH TV (Facts Matter)

Posted by SlantRight2

First Published October 18th, 2023 22:08 UTC

While looking at the Facts Matter post of crazy stuff the Fast Food Industry is doing to food they serve, I noticed an 8:10-minute video on Balmakov addressing the tyranny of the corrupt Judge Tanya Chutkan gag order placed on actually elected President Trump.

Here’s EPOCH TV Description (10/17/23 https://tinyurl.com/56fbepyy):

“Former President Donald Trump was in Iowa Monday giving a campaign rally speech. He then went on in his speech to explain why exactly he challenged the 2020 election. However, shortly after giving that speech, President Trump was hit with a gag order that was requested by special counsel Jack Smith, who is the federal prosecutor pushing the Jan. 6 case forward.

In the gag order request, Mr. Smith asked the court to “limit what President Trump can say about the prosecutors, potential witnesses, and about the case itself, arguing that with his wide reach online, he could influence jurors in his favor.”

Regardless though, the judge in this case only accepted part of Mr. Smith’s request—meaning that President Trump is no longer allowed to publicly criticize anyone involved in this case—such as the prosecutor, Mr. Smith, or anyone they decide to call on as a witness. However, the judge did reject the request to stop President Trump from being able to criticize the government more broadly.

Episode Resources:

🔵 Gag Order:


Socialism – A History of Violence

Brigitte Gabriel takes 3:56 to explain the reason Socialism (the precursor to Communism) is a wicked ideology. The Dems at various levels wholly support Socialism. Uncle Bernie is the worst by supporting Communist regimes in Cuba and the former Soviet Union (Today’s Russia – still loaded with closet Communists – SEE HERE, HERE, HERE & HERE). And varying degrees of Socialism supported by the rest of the Dem pack of Liberty stealing wolves – including crooked Quid Pro Quo Joe Biden.


Full disclosure: the brief video is a recruiting tool for support for ACT for America. If support is in your budget I encourage you to do so. If not in budget, there are other ways to support other than cash. Sharing is one.


JRH 3/4/20

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Socialism – A History of Violence


By Brigitte Gabriel

Email sent 3/3/20 4:48 AM

ACT for America


Despite the long history of violence that comes with socialism, it has emerged as the preferred philosophy of the far left. The threat of socialism is a national security matter as gangs, instability, and lawlessness are known to accompany the pervasive ideology.


The time has come for us to get fired up and act to stop this violent ideology before it’s too late. Watch and share the video with everyone you know!


VIDEO: Brigitte Gabriel: Socialism is On A Mission To DESTROY America!


[Posted by ACT for America

83.7K subscribers – Feb 26, 2020


Join me in this fight against Socialism HERE: http://bit.ly/2Tl7EVQ]


BLOG EDITOR (In Fascistbook jail since 1/20/20): I’ve apparently been placed in restricted Facebook Jail! The restriction was relegated after criticizing Democrats for supporting abortion in one post and criticizing Virginia Dems for gun-grabbing legislation and levying protester restrictions. Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me completely. Conservatives are a huge portion of Facebook. If more or all Conservatives are banned, it will affect the Facebook advertising revenue paradigm. SO FIGHT CENSORSHIP BY SHARE – SHARE – SHARE!!! Facebook notified me in pop-up on 1/20/20: “You’re temporarily restricted from joining and posting to groups that you do not manage until April 18 at 7:04 PM.”


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Flood Congress with NO IMPEACHMENT

John R. Houk

© November 7, 2019

Brigitte Gabriel has produced a 2:17 minutes ANTI-Impeach video garnering support for President Donald Trump against their scam to exact a coup against the President. Typically the links in these things are data collection and fund raising (although it never hurts to send money to ACT for America or YOURS TRULY your amiable Blog Editor) operations. NOT SO IN THIS CASE!


The Youtube link indeed takes you to a data acquisition page entitled STEP One, BUT after it is filled out you are redirected STEP Two to a prepared statement with your Representative’s name from your Congressional District in your State.


Below is the Gabriel video, the text to STEP  One, then the info you are sending to your Congressman/woman in STEP Two. READING IT IS GOOD BUT TO DO YOUR PART TO THWART THE COUP, YOU’LL HAVE TO CLICK TO PARTICIPATE!


JRH 11/7/19

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VIDEO: The Impeachment Scam Must Be Stopped!


Posted by ACT for America

66.9K subscribers – Nov 5, 2019


Take Action Against the Phony Impeachment SCAM Here: https://www.actforamerica.org/impeachmentscam





Take Action (Step 1 of 2)


Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, Jerry Nadler, other leaders in the Democratic party have called for formal impeachment charges to be brought against President Trump in relation to a call with Ukraine’s president.


The Left claims that President Trump violated terms of his office by asking the Ukranian President to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, for his shady business dealings in a Ukranian natural gas company.


President Trump has denied the allegations leveled against him and has been fully transparent with the investigation into these claims.  In fact, he released the full, unredacted transcript of the call in question and was cleared of any wrongdoing by the Department of Justice.


Even in the face of clear, indisputable evidence that the allegations against President Trump were unfounded, Democratic Members of Congress are still pushing to continue impeachment proceedings.  Instead of working to find solutions to our country’s pressing national security concerns, like the ongoing border crisis they refuse to compromise on, the Left would rather push this debunked impeachment narrative and attempt to delegitimize the President to help their campaigns.


We need to tell Congress to stop the political witch hunts targeting President Trump and focus on making our country a safer place.


To send an email to your local Representative against impeachment, fill out the required fields below and click continue.





Take Action (Step 2 of 2)


Recipients (YOUR REPRESENTATIVE)____________________


Subject: I say NO to Impeachment!




Dear Representative, Congress is moving forward with impeachment proceedings against President Trump even after he has been cleared of any wrongdoing in the call with Ukraine’s president by the Department of Justice. As one of your constituents, I implore you and your colleagues to end these impeachment discussions and instead turn your focus to our country’s pressing national security concerns like the ongoing border crisis. It’s time to END this Witch Hunt against our President and support his efforts to make this country great. I look forward to seeing your formal response to my request.




Flood Congress with NO IMPEACHMENT

John R. Houk

© November 7, 2019


The Impeachment Scam Must Be Stopped!


ACT for America Homepage


Brigitte Gabriel Exposes the Wrap-Up Smear

Brigitte Gabriel has emailed her supporters on the Dem tactic of the Wrap-Up Smear. Gabriel rightfully so is blaming the smear tactic for the cancellation of the paid-for yet arbitrarily cancelled Mar-a-Lago Conference. I have posted in the past on the Wrap-Up Smear where Nancy Pelosi explains how the Left/Dems use the tactic (post still up but video embedded on post has been removed by Youtube with the explanation, “This video is no longer available because the YouTube account associated with this video has been terminated.”)


The Gabriel Wrap-Up Smear explanation is only about two-minutes. To be honest my sense the actual purpose for the email is fund raising. Since the Mar-a-Lago cancellation why not throw a little cash ACT for America’s way to thumb your nose at Leftist liars. (For that matter this BLOG would love a portion of cash support as well – 😊)


JRH 10/19/19

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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


Brigitte Gabriel Exposes the Wrap-Up Smear


Brigitte Gabriel

Email Sent 10/18/2019 1:26 PM

Sent via ACT for America


Dear Patriot,


Hold on to your seat because what you are about to see and hear will shock you.

It’s no secret that the Left hates conservatives and will stop at nothing to try to minimize our voices and shut us down for good. But now we have proof of their tactics. Their secrets are now revealed!


Watch my latest video below for a breakdown of the “Wrap Up Smear” in Nancy Pelosi’s own words.


VIDEO: Brigitte Gabriel Exposes the Wrap-Up Smear



[Posted by ACT for America

66.2K subscribers – Oct 15, 2019


Get involved at www.ACTforAmerica.org]


The SPLC and CAIR use this tactic daily with “hate group” labels, lies, and quotes taken out of context in an attempt to delegitimize ACT for America and other conservative groups. The smear machine then counts on their cronies in the Fake News Media to write “news” articles to validate their Fake News narratives.


They use this vicious practice of character assassination to deplatform and shut down conservatives, as we saw most recently with the cancellation of our Mar a Lago dinner gala, our only fundraiser of the year.


Now that we know what kind of underhanded and sneaky tactics we are up against, we must fight back and defend free speech against these radicals who seek to destroy us. 


Free speech is on the line, and ACT for America needs your help in the fight for the truth. Can we count on you to stand with us on the front lines of free speech and make an emergency donation today?


By pledging a monthly donation of $35, $50, or $65, you can help us take on the SPLC and CAIR’s smear campaigns and reach more people than ever with the truth about the dangers our country is facing.


Taking on the well-equipped and deep-pocketed Leftist smear machine will require us to fight like never before. We’re depending on you, one of our most loyal supporters, to equip us with the tools we need to fight for truth and freedom.


Thank you for standing by our side and being a part of our movement.


Always Devoted,


ACT FOR AMERICA  One-Time Donation Page


Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


© 2019 ACT Content LLC. This may not be reproduced for commercial purposes. ACT for America Education, Inc. is a registered 501 c (3) organization.
Address: 1300 Pennsylvania Ave. NW, Suite 190, #614, Washington D.C., 20004 USA


ACT for America Education’s mission is to educate, engage, train, and mobilize citizens to ensure the safety and security of Americans against all threats foreign and domestic while preserving civil liberties guaranteed by the US Constitution.


Brigitte Gabriel NYT Best Selling Author and Political commentator


Brigitte Gabriel is a leading commentator on politics, culture and national security. As a legal immigrant to America born in Lebanon, Ms. Gabriel survived war in the Middle East living in an 8×10 underground bomb shelter from the age of 10 until 17.


She lectures nationally and internationally, and her expertise is sought after by world and business leaders.


Ms. Gabriel moved to Israel in 1984 and became news anchor for “World News,” an evening Arabic news broadcast for Middle East Television seen throughout Israel, Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon. Her work is of international scope having brought her in contact with world figures such as Margaret Thatcher, George H. Bush, Queen Nour El Hussein, Itzhak Rabine, and Shimon Perez.


Ms. Gabriel immigrated to the United States in 1989 and founded a television production and advertising company.  Her clients included ABC, NBC, CBS, Discovery, TLC, History Channel, CNN, the Oprah Winfrey show, 20/20, World News Tonight, and Good Morning America just to name a few. 


She has addressed the United Nations, MORE TO READ


ACT for America Cancelled by Trump’s Mar-a-Lago!

What the HECK!?

John R. Houk

© October 13, 2019


You’ve probably heard by now that President Trump’s private enterprise at Mar-a-Lago (though probably not controlled by Trump while President) cancelled an annual event hosted by Brigitte Gabriel’s ACT for America event due Leftist/Muslim pressure.


The irony is Gabriel’s Counterjihad work too often goes out of its way to emphasize ACT for America is not Anti-Muslim but IS anti-radical Islam especially as it leads to Islamic terrorism.


In that sense it has always been my opinion Gabriel has been too soft on Islam yet still doing great work in exposing the nefarious actions of Muslim terrorists and educating on Islamic history, a history though accurate you will rarely hear or read about due to Multiculturalist/Muslim-Apologist whitewashing.


Especially since I am still in Facebook Jail, I have no qualms in saying ISLAM is freaking EVIL according to its own revered writings instructing Islamic adherents to despise ALL non-Muslims specifically naming Jews, Christians, Zoroastrians (mostly killed off by early Muslims), with some vehement hatred toward adherents of polytheistic religious beliefs. From Hugh Fitzgerald on Islamic revered writings displaying hate against non-Muslims:


The main texts of Islam are the Qur’an, the Hadith, and the Sira. The Qur’an is the Uncreated and Literal Word of God. It cannot be changed. It contains contradictions within itself, which long ago were resolved in favor of what are thought to be the later, and harsher verses. The “harsher” verses are said to date from Muhammad’s time in Medina, after he conquered that city. No longer needing to curry favor with anyone, as he had had to do in Mecca, he could afford to be as harsh as he pleased. The interpretive vehicle for dealing with contradictions in the Qur’an, and favoring the later verses, is “abrogation” or naskh. The doctrine dates back more than a millennium. Nonetheless, some have suggested that the doctrine be abandoned, so that the harsher verses no longer would be held to abrogate the softer verses from Muhammad’s “Meccan” period. This is unlikely to be accepted by more than a handful of would-be “reformers of Islam.” (A Vademecum On Islam: Five Pillars, Qur’an, Hadith, Sira; By Hugh Fitzgerald; Geller Report; 8/2/17)  


Here is a link to specific portions of Islamic revered text expressing adversarial instructions for Muslims to apply: https://wikiislam.net/wiki/Qur%27an,_Hadith_and_Scholars:Dhimmitude


And those are a mere few there are much-much more. YUP I am definitely Anti-Islam. AND I am Anti-Muslim toward any who abides to Islamic writings revered as Islamic truth yet detrimental to my existence. From what I’ve read and heard, Brigitte Gabriel is NOT on that same anti-Muslim train. She is only on the anti-Radical-Islam train.


Consider Brigitte Gabriel’s justified dismay upon learning a Meeting Place owned by President Trump – whom Gabriel has ardently supported through thick and thin! – cancelled her paid-for contractual event under accusations of being “Anti-Muslim”:


VIDEO: Mr. President, Stand for Free Speech!



Posted by ACT for America

66K subscribers – Oct 12, 2019


Mar-a-Lago Cancelled ACT for America’s 11th Annual Dinner Gala. We are asking for President Trump to stand with free speech and overturn the decision.


Below are a couple of articles you can place in the dismay realm from Understanding The Threat and One News Now.


JRH 10/13/19

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Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


Administration Officials Welcome Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leader to White House


Posted By John Guandolo

October 8, 2019

Understanding The Threat


In the face of public criticism from the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), and Hamas doing business as the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the Trump Organization shut down an Act for America event scheduled at the President’s Mar a Lago resort in November featuring Michelle Malkin.


If that were the only surrender to the suit-wearing jihadis, it would be bad enough. But it is worse than just a cancelled event.


On September 25, 2019, the Department of Homeland Security and Administration officials hosted an event in the White House entitled “Faith Based Safety and Security Symposium” attended by Vice President Mike Pence and senior DHS officials.


Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leader Oussama Jammal (green tie) inside the White House.


Unfortunately, Oussama Jammal, a man UTT identifies as one of the top two Muslim Brotherhood leaders in the United States, also attended.


Jammal is the Secretary General of the U.S. Council of Muslim Organizations (USCMO), the Muslim Brotherhood’s mothership in the United States. The USCMO is a conglomerate of Muslim Brotherhood organizations which identifies itself as a “political” entity.


Oussama Jammal – Sec Gen USCMO


Days before the White House event, Oussama Jammal along with U.S. Hamas Leader Nihad Awad – a man UTT identifies as the General Masul or Leader of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood – met with Turkish President Erdogan in New York.


Yellow Identifies: Erdogan (Left) & Jammal (Right)


Yellow Identifies- CAIR Natl Exec Dir Nihad Awad


Understanding the Threat (UTT) assesses Turkish President Erdogan is the likely next Caliph for the global Islamic Movement, and assesses the enemy is in their final stages of preparing to announce the caliphate.


The Administration’s participation with leaders of the hostile Islamic Counter-State like Oussama Jammal reveals a gross lack of understanding of the true nature of the threat, and dangerous surrender to their efforts.


This should be a clear call to all Americans that this war will be won or lost at the local level. Citizens must know and understand the threat from the Islamic Counter-State at the LOCAL level, and force local officials to take actions to dismantle the jihadi networks and keep future networks from being established.


UTT is a leader in the counter-jihad and is the only organization in America giving citizens, police, elected officials and local/state leaders tools to identify and dismantle jihadi networks in local communities.


Reach out to us at UnderstandingtheThreat.com.


About John Guandolo

John Guandolo is a US Naval Academy graduate, served as an Infantry/Reconnaissance officer in the United States Marines and is a combat veteran, served as a Special Agent in the FBI from 1996-2008, and was recruited out of the FBI by the Department of Defense to conduct strategic analysis of the Islamic threat. He is the President and Founder of Understanding the Threat (UTT).


Left works to shut down conservative group at Mar-a-Lago


By Steve Jordahl

 October 11, 2019

One News Now


Lean Left Button

A conservative national grassroots organization was kicked out of President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate after liberals complained.


ACT for America has one gala dinner a year to raise money for its mission to ensure the safety and security of Americans against foreign and domestic threats – including Islamic terrorism.


ACT for American Chairman Brigitte Gabriel pointed out that this year’s event was reserved earlier in the year at Trump’s Florida estate Mar-a-Lago.


Brigitte Gabriel

“We signed a contract with Mar-a-Lago back in April that we were going to have this dinner gala,” Gabriel stressed. “We had elected officials invited to be honored, [and] we had Michelle Malkin as the keynote speaker.”


The nationally syndicated columnist, Malkin, blasted activist groups on the left for shutting down and silencing conservatives.


“I planned to talk to ACT for America’s gala attendees about the ongoing national security threat that jihad-coddling Muslim grievance groups and other identity politics agitators in the ‘Open Borders, Inc.’ infrastructure pose to our country’s very existence,” Malkin wrote in her op-ed published on ONN. “But thanks to the Southern Poverty Law Center, Council on American Islamic Relations, Miami Herald, copycat journalists and the Trump Organization, the event was banned from Mar-a-Lago.”


She said it isn’t hard these days for liberals to keep those with opposing views from meeting and speaking.


“All it took was a noisy little echo chamber of lazy media lemmings in search of weekend clickbait,” Malkin continued. “On Saturday morning, the Miami Herald published an inflammatory attack masquerading as ‘breaking news’ with the headline: ‘Anti-Muslim extremist group says it will host $1,500-a-plate gala at Trump’s Mar-a-Lago.’”


Gabriel echoed Malkin’s concern, recounting what happened once the usual suspects on the left got wind of the event.


“The Southern Poverty Law Center put an article out on Friday at midnight are basically saying that we are an anti-Muslim hate group,” the leader of ACT for America explained. “And then, of course, the Miami Herald put it out and within a couple hours we got an email on a Saturday morning from the Trump organization saying we are cancelling the event.”


In fact, the Trump Organization – not to be confused with the Trump Campaign or administration – said, “This event will absolutely not be taking place at Mar-a-Lago.”


Gabriel indicated that lawyers at the resort simply panicked.


“Of all organizations, the Trump Organization … should understand what it’s like … for people to accuse an innocent person by calling them names,” she argued.


Gabriel is very clear that she does not blame the president for the cancellation and that the still supports him.


Blog Editor: Rather than capitulate to Facebook censorship by abandoning the platform, I choose to post and share until the Leftist censors ban me. Recently, the Facebook censorship tactic I’ve experienced is a couple of Group shares then jailed under the false accusation of posting too fast. So I ask those that read this, to combat censorship by sharing blog and Facebook posts with your friends or Groups you belong to.


ACT for America Cancelled by Trump’s Mar-a-Lago!

What the HECK!?


John R. Houk

© October 13, 2019


Administration Officials Welcome Senior Muslim Brotherhood Leader to White House


Copyright 2019. Understanding the Threat. All rights reserved.


Left works to shut down conservative group at Mar-a-Lago


All Original Content Copyright ©2006-2019 American Family News Network – All Rights Reserved. “OneNewsNow”, “OneNewsNow.com“, and the “OneNewsNow World” logo, are Trademarks of the American Family News Network – All Rights Reserved.


Why are we still funding the UN?

God bless Brigitte Gabriel for chastising the United Nations for interfering in U.S. national sovereignty in regard to the caravan-invasion hitting our southern border. Gabriel ends with, “Why are we still funding the United Nations?”


JRH 5/10/19

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VIDEO: Why are we still funding the UN?


Posted by ACT for America

Published on May 8, 2019


Brigitte Gabriel calls out the UN for interfering with American sovereignty. Get involved with ACT for America at www.actforamerica.org.


France Reaps Decades of Socialism and Open Borders

Brigitte Gabriel uses France’s current woes of Socialism, Islamic terrorism and Open Borders as an example of a warning to the United States of America.


JRH 12/15/18

So readers, I’ve been using a seven year old laptop to fulfill the old blogging habit. My lovely wife sprang for a Christmas upgrade. I’m a relatively small-time blogger but with a consistently growing readership despite some token censorship from the liberal-oriented blog and social platforms. Still looking to defray the Christmas costs.  Whatever my readers can chip in will be appreciated: https://www.paypal.me/johnrhouk

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France Reaps Decades of Socialism and Open Borders


By Brigitte Gabriel

Posted: Dec 14, 2018 2:28 PM



Emmanuel Macron


As world leaders recently gathered in France to celebrate the centurion anniversary of the ending to World War I, French President Emmanuel Macron took it upon himself to attack President Trump, warning about the dangers of so-called “nationalism.”


The arrogance of a Western world leader using such a unifying event to attack the elected leader of one of his nation’s closest allies aside, Macron would’ve done well to keep his own house in order before lending advice.


Just weeks later, Paris was ablaze with violent mobs attacking police and vandalizing some of France’s most precious historical sites. The world-famous Arc de Triomphe was laced with graffiti by a generation poisoned and brainwashed with socialist ideology, never satisfied with what their government could give them.


France spent decades pushing the same anti-nationalist ideology on its citizens, glorifying the European Union and heavily taxing the wealthy to give to the poor. Combine this with France’s decades of open borders, reluctance to celebrate their own rich culture, Western values and contributions to the world, and you get an angry, self-loathing and even violent citizenry. Suddenly there’s no more wealth to tax, no more jobs to hand out and no more national identity.


Socialism has never worked in any part of the world in the entire history of civilization. Its consistent destruction of wealth, freedom and democracy has proven to be a recipe for national suicide. Combined with the open border policies that France embraced, you won’t just get poverty and civil unrest, but terrorism as well.


When I was a little girl, Beirut was dubbed “Paris of the Middle East.” Today, Paris is the Middle East of Europe and the “city of love,” has turned into the “city of chaos.” Decades of un-fettered immigration from the Middle East and North Africa has birthed sharia-ridden “no-go zones” and horrific terrorist attacks from the Charlie Hebdo massacre to the Paris bombings of 2015.


This type of radical transformation France has undergone is precisely what President Trump has been so desperately fighting against since his inauguration, with limited to no help from his own party.


As we march closer and closer toward a Democrat-controlled House of Representatives, time is running out on our nation’s ability to reverse course and protect itself from becoming like France—a nation with no unity, no identity and no safety.


We need not look all the way across the Atlantic to see what the future holds for our nation if it refuses to seal its southern border, grants amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants and continues to elect anti-American socialists to political positions of power. Just take a look at what unvetted immigration and socialism has done to the liberal haven of California over the past few decades.


Sanctuary cities such as San Francisco that provide safe haven for illegals such as Kate Steinle’s killer have become places of squalor, ridden with homelessness and filth. In fact, San Francisco’s streets are so filthy that an infectious disease expert recently placed it amongst some of the dirtiest cities in the entire world!


Recently, an investigative unit surveyed 153 blocks of San Francisco, in which it found countless mounds of trash and food lining the streets, at least 100 discarded needles, and wait for it, more than 300 piles of human feces.


This is San Francisco we’re talking about, not Mumbai.


By the way, it’s worth pointing out that one of San Francisco’s congressional representatives happens to be none other than soon-to-be Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, who is vehemently opposed to a wall. Good to know Ms. Pelosi has her priorities in order.


Taxes are through the roof in the “Golden State,” prompting many businesses to move to more free-market friendly locations such as Texas or Florida. As wealth continues to leave the state, the taxes will inevitably climb even higher, as lawmakers attempt to keep their constituents as well as illegals happy. Sooner or later, there won’t be enough wealth to tax, and the state will be bankrupt. The result of this will likely be violence, vandalism and chaos on a scale even larger than what we’re witnessing in Paris.


The solution to all of this? America first.


Wait, you mean, “nationalism?”


Let the leftist fools like Macron, who currently enjoys an approval rating of less than 20 percent in his own nation, call it whatever they want. It’s time to do what’s best for America and its people.


It’s time to build a wall to protect not only our citizens but our identity, and it’s time to call socialism what it is—an evil and destructive, anti-American ideology that has led to nothing but poverty and disaster wherever it raises its poisonous head.


America is and should always remain a capitalist nation that defends its borders and celebrates its national identity and Judeo-Christian values. As proven by France’s continued fall from grace, failure to do so will result in cultural, economic and political destruction.


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Don’t Be Fooled by Leftist Lies About the Immigration Explosion

With all the lies the Dems are spinning on President Trump and Brett Kavanaugh’s SCOTUS  nomination, Leftist elites immigration agenda to transform the electoral demographics in America is being under reported.


Brigitte Gabriel of ACT for America addresses this seeming immigration conspiracy in an email alert.


JRH 9/21/18

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Don’t Be Fooled by Leftist Lies About the Immigration Explosion


By Brigitte Gabriel

Sent 9/20/2018 12:09 PM

Sent via ACT for America


When did our immigration system start functioning like a charity to benefit third-world countries rather than America?


When did it become the case that the interests of foreigners should take precedent over those of American citizens?


It’s a peculiar thing. A massive wave of third-world immigration has been engulfing America for half a century, yet all American citizens hear about from the “lamestream” media is what a racist, intolerant country we have. As their thinking goes, if we don’t openly accept millions of individuals who have no desire to embrace the language, culture and values that made America the greatest country in the history of the world, then we must be racists.


It’s not the elites who have suffered the consequences of hundreds of thousands of unvetted foreigners flocking to the United States or had their communities transformed, endangered and eroded by 10 million illegal aliens.


It’s the average American citizen who bears that burden.


How it all started. Before 1965, immigration generally worked to benefit Americans. But that all changed when Democratic politicians came up with a scheme to change the demographics of the United States to electorally favor the Democratic Party.


The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 (H.R. 2580, enacted June 30, 1968), also known as the Hart-Celler Act, eliminated the concept of quotas that had been in place for several decades.


Rep. Emanuel Celler of New York sponsored the bill in the House of Representatives, Sen. Philip Hart of Michigan sponsored it in the Senate, and Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts bent over backwards to help promote it.


By removing the concept of national quotas, this bill significantly, and in my opinion intentionally, transformed the demographic makeup of the United States forever.


The new law changed the order of preference for visa categories that focused on family relationships with citizens or U.S. residents, rather than the skills that had previously taken precedent in visa decisions. If this was a scheme by the Democrats, as I believe it was, then it was a brilliant one.


From then on, immediate relatives of U.S. citizens and “special immigrants” had no restrictions or quotas, regardless of skill or country of origin. Let the chain migration begin!


Self-imposed suicide. America is actively being transformed before our very eyes. A nation that defeated the mighty British Empire to gain its independence, that helped defeat Hitler, that beat the menacing Soviet Union, put a man on the moon, pioneered countless scientific and medical breakthroughs, and changed the world forever is now strangling itself with its own suicidal blindness.


Many Americans know that immigrants are not assimilating to our culture. When polled by Pew Research, two-thirds of adults said that immigrants in the United States today “generally want to hold onto their home country customs and way of life,” and 59 percent of Americans also said, “Most recent immigrants do not learn English within a reasonable amount of time.”


Despite lectures about our racist intolerance from politically correct elitists, the United States has the world’s largest immigrant population, and it’s not even close. One in five of the world’s immigrants live in the U.S., and our foreign-born population since 1965 has gone from 5 percent to 14 percent today and will push it to a projected record of 18 percent in 2065.


Don’t be fooled by leftist lies about how this immigration explosion has always been the norm for our nation. The number of U.S. immigrants between 1965 and 2015 was 59 million, surpassing the European-dominated immigration waves during the 19th and early 20th centuries.


Today, only 12 percent of our immigrants originate from Europe, the percentage of immigrants we take from Africa and the Middle East has quadrupled since the early 20th century, and those from the Middle East are predominantly Muslims, as opposed to Christians.


Between 1840 and 1889, 14.3 million immigrants arrived in the United States, compared to 18.2 million between 1890 and 1919. More importantly, the immigrants America was taking in prior to 1965 were overwhelmingly from countries far more likely to share our values and Western culture.


After the replacement of the nation’s European-focused quota system, immigration from non-Western countries exploded. By comparison, both of the U.S. immigration waves in the mid-19th century and early 20th century consisted almost entirely of European immigrants. While the Left likes to brand this a racist historical policy, it would make sense for us to take in mostly Western-hailing immigrants considering this is a Western nation!


Between 1890 and 1919, 88 percent of immigrants to the United States came from Europe. A mere 2 percent of immigrants during that time period came from the Middle East, and those who did were mostly Christians fleeing persecution and who shared our values.


Immigrants from Africa during this time were mostly students. Now, only 12 percent of our immigrants originate from Europe, the percentage of immigrants we take from Africa and the Middle East has quadrupled since the early 20th century, and those from the Middle East are predominantly Muslims, as opposed to Christians.


In 1993, Islamic terrorists, most of them immigrants, made their first attempt at bringing down the World Trade Center when a truck filled with a 1,200-pound nitrate-hydrogen gas bomb exploded inside the parking garage beneath the buildings. The hope of the jihadis who orchestrated the attack was to send the North Tower crashing into the South Tower, bringing both towers down simultaneously and killing tens of thousands in the process.


At the time of the first World Trade Center attack, the U.S. Muslim population was approximately 1 million. Since then, that number has more than tripled, to about 3.45 million.


What kind of response is this to a potentially catastrophic terrorist attack? It not only continued to allow massive immigration from the Islamic world, but it also tripled the Islamic population in America in two decades, while we’ve been at war with radical Islamic terrorism.


We can’t be afraid to speak the truth when our values, culture, and very lives are being threatened. The worst part is, we’re doing it to ourselves.


We’ve come too far as a society to have radical leftists destroy us from within.


It’s time for a return to borders, culture, and the protection of our citizens over politically correct endangerment.


Brigitte Gabriel is a New York Times best-selling author, terrorism expert and the Founder and Chairman of Act for America. Her new book, “Rise: In Defense of Judeo-Christian Values and Freedom,” was released on September 11.


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ACT for America’s mission is focused on educating, engaging, and mobilizing citizens and elected officials to impact legislative outcomes to keep America safe and secure. Through training and education ACT for America is empowering citizens to help prevent criminal activity and terrorism while preserving civil liberties protected by the US constitution.