The Truth Will Set You Free Revisited

Justin Smith takes a walk down the memory lane of a past essay applicable to today’s current events pertaining to Left-Speak and protecting culture-destroying Islam.


JRH 5/25/18

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The Truth Will Set You Free Revisited


By Justin O. Smith

Sent 5/23/2018 5:35 PM


(Author’s Note: I am sending this out as a reminder of what America still faces today.)


Many of my community’s fine patriots, many of them U.S. Armed Forces Veterans, were all protesting against the building of a 52,000 sq. ft. mosques in Murfreesboro, TN, in 2009, and Muslim appeasers and apologists, who were ignorant of the machinations of the ideology of Islam, such as Eric Allen Bell came in from California and attacked us as bigots and racists. He came with a TV camera and later sold his footage to CNN. And his rabble- rousing, misrepresentations of fact and outright lies did more harm to our cause than I can fully explain, since he had ties to Leftist propaganda media, like CNN, and he used them.

Needless to say, for a litany of other reasons and many other factors too, like the Obama administration Department of Justice interceding in the matter on the side of Islam and Murfreesboro’s Muslims, the mosque was built; and, now we have an abundance of Muslims in the area, with known ties to known terrorists, which I myself, along with other investigative journalists such as Steve Emerson have proven, since we started proving it, as soon as We knew who the sponsors of this mosque were.

Supposedly, after all was said and done, Bell went back to California and during a conversation with a Coptic Christian who had experienced the evil of Islam first hand, Bell came to see the truth of Islam. But this rings hollow and FALSE in my ears, because we were all armed with the truth, documentation and verified and authenticated photographs that we showed Bell at the time, and still, he attacked us and aided the commies and Muslim apologists who entered our community from across the country and worked night and day against Us.

Bell is also an atheist and he regularly trashes Christianity in his numerous articles.


After our battle in Murfreesboro, Bell sold his footage to CNN which used it in a documentary, ‘Unwelcome: Muslims Next Door’, put out by Soledad O’Brien.


(I can be seen at the 13 second, 7:57 and 8:05 marks saying “I didn’t say to hate them… I just said we didn’t need them here”


[VIDEO: CNN’s Unwelcome – Muslims Next Door – Soledad O’Brien


Posted by Justin Case

Published on Jan 24, 2012])


He profited from his own lies and the lies he perpetuated against our community, since our stance was never anti-Arab and we understood that many Arabs were also Chaldean, Coptic and Assyrian Christians and Yazidis; our stance was always that Islam is an evil and violent ideology, not “a religion of peace”, and it should not be allowed to grow and spread in America.


Essentially, our opposition was continually and consistently silenced and pushed out of any public forum from inside the government, due to the undue sympathetic coverage from Gannett Press, The Tennessean and The Daily News Journal, although Fox News (Newspaper, Businesses Feud in Tennessee Over Claims of ‘Hate Rhetoric’) did try to give a somewhat “fair and balanced” view of our fight. On the flip side, disingenuous statements by Muslims such as Lema Sbenaty [her bio at very bottom of webpage HERE] and representatives of the Council on Islamic Relations [CAIR] were given wide and constant coverage and presented as virtually the gospel facts, even when rife with lies.


This very same tactic is being utilized today in regards to each and every important topic of the day that is split along Conservative — often Christian — American Patriot vs Communist “Progressive” Democrat lines, from the weaponization of the FBI and intelligence agencies in the attempt to take down a president to the continuation of blocking any effort to halt Muslim immigration, as seen in the activist Court’s rulings even against common sense national security travel measures; and groups like the fascist ANTIFA are held up by the media as “anti-fascists” and “warriors for justice”.


Try speaking out in Your community at any City Council or Town Hall meeting or getting any ‘Letter to the Editor’ published and just watch how quickly the “progressive” illiberal “liberals” move to squash and silence anything You say or write; the proof is unfolding even on our university campuses as Antifa, BLM, La Raza and many others act violently against anything and anyone who attempt to counter their false victimhood narratives and their demands for what they mistakenly call “justice”.


The Leftists of America wouldn’t recognize Justice if it bit them square on the ass.


Do Not Sit Down. Do Not Shut Up. In The Face Of Any Adversity.


Stand Up. Speak Out And Stand Firm. Keep Fighting the Good Fight And Keep The Faith.


de Oppresso Liber ___ Voire Dei ___ In Liberty ~~~ Justin O Smith



Printed in ‘The Rutherford Reader’
August 18, 2011

The Truth Will Set You Free


No apologies should ever be made for hating something, because certain people, activities and ideologies have full well earned any hatred directed towards them. The term “hate-speech” is the Progressive Democrats’/Communists’ catch-phrase assault on the Truth, when the Truth exposes one of their nefarious agendas or allies. And I hate with a passion, and I love with a passion, as is my God-given right to think as I believe and feel about issues as I choose. It is a part of all human psyche to hate and to love, as well as to experience anger and joy. No thought police will ever keep me from speaking my mind through their own hypocrisy in the use of the term “hate-speech”!


This definition is from ‘Webster’s New Collegiate Dictionary’ (1977):


hate 1a: intense hostility and aversion usually from fear, anger or a sense of injury


2a: extreme dislike or antipathy. I fear very little, so my hatred stems from anger, a sense of injury and an extreme dislike. The poet Maya Angelou shouts: “Be angry. It is right to be angry. It is healthy.”


Do I hate?…Damn straight I hate! Psalms 97:10: You who love the Lord hate evil!


I hate the small-minded miniature Joe Stalins who are stealing ‘The Rutherford Reader’ from its racks, in order to prevent it from reaching the community, and I hate those others trying to persuade business owners to boycott it, because they do not like or agree with some of the opinion columns. These people exemplify the liberals’ hypocrisy, because they are not interested in arriving at solutions through debate and free-flowing information, a free society or even a democratic society; they are of the same ilk as know-nothing Sen. John Kerry who recently suggested to MSNBC that the media should not report the “absurdities” from the Tea Party, even though the majority of Americans currently support Tea Party initiatives. These thieves and liars are symptomatic of a Leftist mindset that seeks to censor and completely squash conservative and Christian speech through intellectual terrorism.


I loathe those Muslims and Muslim sympathizers who advocate the spread of Sharia Law across the entire U.S., such as Dalia Mogahed (Advisor to the Pres.) and Harold Koh (Head of Legal Counsel-U.S. State Dept.). Sharia Law is evil; Islam is not a religion, because it has little to do with God and primarily promotes Mohammed’s doctrines and policies. Psalms 119:104: I gain understanding from Your precepts; therefore I hate every false way.


Eric Bell, Anthony Mijares and Rick Bennett cannot cogently debate any topic truthfully, and they often omit and misrepresent the facts. Bell has accused Mr. Pete Doughtie (‘Reader’ editor/owner) of endangering Mijares by calling him a “terrorist”; Mijares was actually referred to as an “economic terrorist” due to his boycott efforts directed at ‘The Rutherford Reader’. These misinformed, misguided “citizens” use a certain verbal nimbleness rather than actual evidence and logic in their assertions. They use this talent to hide from the reality of many impending crises rapidly descending upon the U.S., and they would not recognize the Truth if it was sitting in their laps!


Romans 8:35: Who can separate us from the love of Christ (or keep us from loving America)…can affliction or anguish…persecution…or nakedness or danger or sword? Because of the Progressive Communists, the Muslim sympathizers and these men are we simply to await slaughter by the Islamic fascists entering America daily?


Due to the Obama Administration’s refusal to name Islam and its Sharia Law doctrines as an ideology diametrically opposed to the U.S. Constitution and an enemy to America and freedom, and its further refusal to profile, Muslims live in the heart of America, for the most part and until just the past few years, without having their differences questioned, without checking their bad intentions, and without being penalized for their sullen fanaticism. When pointing out the fascism inherent in Islam to those like Bell, Mijares and Bennett, they are like the idiot in Mao Tse Tung’s proverb:


“If you point at the Moon with a finger, the idiot looks at the finger and sees the finger, not the Moon.”


If by chance they see the Moon, it’s the same because not having the guts to oppose the intellectual terrorism of the liberals and their conformity, or agreeing with it, they pretend to see the finger. Point at Islamofascist threats to America and all the idiots see only a finger.


The Progressives, Muslims and Communists of the world can mock Christianity, the Virgin Mary or Jesus and nobody touches their right of thought or expression, but if myself or Pete Doughtie or anyone else simply states facts concerning Islam. the Koran and the Prophet Mohammed, we are called bigots, xenophobes and racists. Progressive Democrats/Communists and Code Pink can yell anti-American slogans, call our soldiers “murderers” and “baby-killers”, fly the Mexican or any other nationality flag over the U.S. flag or even burn our beloved American flag and nothing happens; but if anyone does the identical thing against Islam, all Hell breaks loose! This conflict is ideological and has no racial quality whatsoever.


If we can condone Islamofascism and Sharia Law within the U.S. in the name of broadmindedness, understanding and pluralism, why did we fight Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin? Why did we organize the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba? Why did we go to Korea and Vietnam? Why does the U.S. send soldiers, such as Seal Team Six, to kill and die in wars declared against the enemies of freedom, of democracy and of civilization? Are these principles valid in certain cases only, with certain nations only? Aren’t Islamic tyrannies as unacceptable as the communist and fascist ones? I’ve had enough of this Leftist duplicity, ambiguity and hypocrisy! I am a free spirit, a free individual, and I refuse any form of tyranny such as Islamic Sharia; I refuse to listen to the clamor for the Theocratic State.


The Leftists and the Muslim sympathizers would exterminate the right of dissent within our representative democratic Republic. They would see us punished and our admonishments against Islam made criminal, just as the case in Europe, where we witnessed numerous notable people, such as Bridgette Bardot and Geert Wilders, prosecuted for “hate-speech” against Muslims. They would silence America’s children, hand them to the enemy and abandon them to a minority that swaggers and blackmails as it re-establishes heresy and burns the free minds on the stake. They would build a non-democracy…a deceit…a lie!


Upon their death, I full well suspect that all Progressive Democrat/Communists will plunge headlong into Hell and down Lucifer’s throat due to multiple un-repented sins, but especially their intellectual terrorism. They presume and assume to hold the Truth in a dogmatic manner; if you do not think as they do, you are an idiot and an outcast. And now, Hollywood, public education, university professors and pseudo-intellectuals have poisoned the minds of two generations, as they work on the third. Let’s state facts. The mendacious pacifists who disseminate the most obtuse illiberalism and the most bullying fascism were spawned by the Left; anti-Americanism originated with the Democratic Party, and now they are engaging in an even more despicable sin, as they foster Islamism and Sharia Law in America!


What kind of freedom would allow us to be invaded or muzzled or prevented from thinking, speaking or rebelling? What kind of freedom would allow Americans to live in fear of being prosecuted and convicted as criminals for the fiction of “hate-speech”? What kind of freedom seeks to censor my thoughts and feelings, to decide whom I must love and whom I must hate, so that if I hate my country and my fellow Americans I go to Heaven and if I hate Muslims I go to Hell? A non-freedom, I say…a mockery…a farce!


Like love, hate belongs to human nature…to Life…and cannot be forbidden by some article of some penal code. It can be judged, adversed or condemned, but only on a moral basis. I have the right to love whom I want, and I also have the right to hate whom I want. Let’s start with those who hate me. Yes, I hate the Bin Ladens, the Zawahiris and the kamikazes and suicide bombers who blow our people up; I do hate the bastards who smear the facades of churches and urinate on them. I do hate the Michael Moores, the Ward Churchills, the Noam Chomskys, the George Soroses, Cloward and Pivens, the Barack Obamas, their accomplices and the domestic traitors who sell us to the enemy. I do hate them as much as I hate the Ayatollah Khomeini, Putin, Ahmadinejad, Hu and Chavez. I hate them as I always hated any murder of Freedom. It is my sacrosanct right…my sacrosanct duty.


John 8:32: You will know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free. Millions of American patriots, such as myself, Pete Doughtie, Kevin Fisher, Lou Ann Zelenik, Rebecca Bynum, Pam King, Sam Solomon, Bill Warner, Jerry Gordon, Frank Gaffney and Bill Ketron, have led the battle against the introduction of Sharia Law and Islamofascism within the U.S. through the use of honest facts. All of us are fulfilling a very difficult, a very grievous duty…the duty of speaking the Truth. And in speaking the Truth, giving voice to the voiceless!


by Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Source links are by both Justin Smith and the Editor. Text embraced by brackets are by the Editor. Bold emphasis is by the Editor. I chose not to source Justin’s 2nd half he dated as 2011 in The Rutherford Reader.


© Justin O. Smith



Doughtie Declares "Deport"

Give Muslim the Boot


Justin Smith agrees with his fellow Tennessee resident Pete Doughtie that foreign Muslims residing in the USA should be deported back to their Sharia loving Muslim nations of origin. Now I realize this rubs in the face of the usual American tolerance of foreigners and people of diverse religious beliefs, BUT Islam is different. The doctrine and theology of Islam calls for its adherents to spread Islam by peace and failing that, then by force. If any Muslim tells you differently they are either lying or are ignorant of the totality of their writings considered holy.


I concur with Justin Smith.


This brings up a problem that Justin doesn’t really address in this essay. Foreign born Muslims have lived long enough in the USA to have produced progeny born on American soil. You cannot deport a home-born citizen of the USA to the nation of their parents. I personally do not how to deal with the home-born Muslims that espouse their parents’ radical views of Islam to the detriment of American Constitutional Government. I’ll leave for another time. Perhaps even Justin will deal with a Just solution pertaining to home-born Islam that teaches a superiority complex over everything non-Islamic.


JRH 12/10/13

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Doughtie Declares “Deport”


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 12/8/2013 4:13 PM


America has often and fruitlessly held forth the hand of friendship and equal freedom to Muslims abroad and here in the United States, but the greatest majority of Muslims (70%) reject equal liberty, equal justice and equal rights in favor of Islamic “fiqh” or Sharia law, and since before 1993 and the first attack on the World Trade Center, Muslims have significantly increased their Islam-inspired terror plots and attacks on U.S. soil. First and second generation U.S. Muslims have turned against our nation, a fact many of us have known for years but one that the ‘Tennessean‘ and the ‘New York Times‘ seemingly just discovered last week. And, the Muslim Brothers continue to infiltrate the upper echelons of the U.S. government, while only a handful of our state and local leaders, Congressmen and Senators seem to have any real concern over the emerging islamoNazi threat to the United States.

Last week, Mr. Pete Doughtie, editor of ‘The Rutherford Reader’, called for Muslims to be deported from the U.S., especially members of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) and the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). Mr. Doughtie fully understands the subversive tactics used by CAIR and the MB; his solution is both necessary and supported by the facts.

CAIR has a long history of associating with felons in terrorism probes, suspected terrorists and convicted terrorists. The list is long and includes Nihad Awad, CAIR’s director; Ghassan Eli, who was convicted in April of 2005 on charges of conspiracy to deal in the property of a specially designated terrorist; and Randall “Ismail” Royer of Virginia Jihad infamy, who was convicted of conspiracy to commit an offense against the United States and weapons violations.

Closer scrutiny of a few Muslim Brotherhood members, who follow the credo “Jihad is our way and death in the cause of Allah is our dream”, reveals a picture indicative of thousands of others operating within all levels of the U.S. government throughout America. Their views on Sharia Law and terrorism should have precluded any entry level position in the U.S. government.

Azizah al-Hibri was appointed by Obama to the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom. She has stated that Islamic law, the harshest on earth, is more moral than the U.S. code of law, because it accepts “blood money” from murderers. She has also made appearances with a top Al Qaeda fundraiser, Abdurhaman Alamoudi, now serving 23 years in prison.

Rashad Hussain is the Special Envoy to the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC). He is held in high esteem by Sharia Law advocates, because he has memorized the Koran. And bear in mind, the OIC, headquartered in Jeddah-Saudi Arabia, is dedicated to spreading Sharia Law globally.

Obama’s “Sharia Czar” is Imam Mohammed Magid, and he is also the president of the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), a Muslim Brotherhood front organization. His father, Al-Haj Majd Haj Mosa, is a Cairo-trained MB scholar, and he was once the top cleric in the Republic of Sudan, one of the most Sharia compliant nations in the world.

After a wide-sweeping terror finance investigation in March 2002, Customs Agent David Kane testified that the All Dulles Muslim Society Center (ADAMS), led by Mohammed Magid, was being used to launder hundreds of thousands of dollars for the targeted finance network that shared offices with the ADAMS Center. Eleven ADAMS Center officials were also targets of this investigation.

Former Islamic Center of Murfreesboro (ICM) board member, Mossad Rawash, was a staunch supporter of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), much like Sami al-Arian. Arian was a tenured professor at the University of South Florida, until he was indicted on terror support charges after 9-11-01 and his leadership role in the PIJ was discovered. On November 3, 2013, the ICM featured a roving board member of the ISNA, Jamal Badawi, who is also a terrorist supporter and an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation Conspiracy. Saleh Sbenaty, MTSU professor and ICM spokesperson, is a member of the MB. So…Yes! … The Federal Bureau of Investigation should be looking deep into the finances of the ICM.

On December 1, the ‘Tennessean‘ put forth a ridiculously low figure of “20 American citizens”, who have joined Islamic terrorist organizations in order to participate in the numerous wars across the Middle East and North Africa, which would only account for the young Somali-American men who went to Somalia last year to join al-Shabaab. There are hundreds of well documented cases of American and European Muslims joining jihadist causes and “holy wars”, from the 1980s and Afghanistan up to this year in Mali. And just as battle-hardened jihadists returned from their “holy war” against the Soviets to fight in Serbia for a separate Islamic state, America can one day expect American Muslims returning from service in Al Qaeda, al-Shabaab, Islamic Jihad, the Nusra Front and the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria to foment rebellion, increase their practice of terrorism on U.S. soil and attempt to establish a separate Islamic state within the United States.

And let us not forget the ordinary Muslims living in America, like Basit Sheikh, a legal resident of North Carolina, who was arrested last month by the FBI, as he attempted to leave for Lebanon in order to join Jabhat al-Nusrah, a terrorist organization. Do not forget the two Iraqi men living in public housing in Bowling Green, KY since 2009, who were discovered to be Iraqi Al Qaeda terrorists with the blood of U.S. soldiers on their hands.

Pete Doughtie is in good company, since journalist Andy McCarthy and Frank Gaffney, ex-deputy assistant Defense Secretary, have both called for precluding Muslims from Muslim majority nations and “sharia-adherent Muslims” from the U.S., just as we banned advocates for communism after WWII. After the Boston Marathon Bombing, Laura Ingraham, Fox News contributor, called for a ban on Muslim immigration, and several U.S. Senators, such as Rand Paul, suggested much the same.

“Who will stand up”, asked Mr. Doughtie.

We all should be standing shoulder to shoulder in a movement to deport all Muslims not holding U.S. citizenship, much as I have advocated since 1993. Some of us should even be considering running for local, state and federal offices, in order to enforce Article I – Section 8 power “to establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization”, in agreement with past Supreme Court affirmations that Congress and the American people have the “power to make rules for the admission of aliens and to exclude those who possess those characteristics which Congress has forbidden”. Moreover, Muslims can be stripped of their U.S. citizenship and deported, if they have actively fought and taken up arms against the U.S., according to many legal/Constitution experts: All those now standing and advocating for the deportation of Muslims, especially CAIR and MB members, understand that protecting U.S. interests and American citizens and maintaining American sovereignty, independence and freedom of action must be the primary, overriding concern of our nation and its leaders.


By Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

© Justin O. Smith

Christians and American Have the Right to Expose Islam

Islam Exposed

John R. Houk

© October 18, 2012


Are you a Christian devoted to the Great Commission of Jesus Christ? In Christ’s Ascension one of the last words spoken to the Disciples was to go into all the Earth and preach the Good News to all Creation. The essence of that Good News is this:


34 Then Peter opened his mouth and said: “In truth I perceive that God shows no partiality.35 But in every nation whoever fears Him and works righteousness is accepted by Him.36 The word which God sent to the children of Israel, preaching peace through Jesus Christ—He is Lord of all— 37 that word you know, which was proclaimed throughout all Judea, and began from Galilee after the baptism which John preached: 38 how God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and with power, who went about doing good and healing all who were oppressed by the devil, for God was with Him. 39 And we are witnesses of all things which He did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, whom they[a] killed by hanging on a tree. 40 Him God raised up on the third day, and showed Him openly, 41 not to all the people, but to witnesses chosen before by God, even to us who ate and drank with Him after He arose from the dead. 42 And He commanded us to preach to the people, and to testify that it is He who was ordained by God to be Judge of the living and the dead. 43 To Him all the prophets witness that, through His name, whoever believes in Him will receive remission of sins.” (Acts 10: 34-43 NKJV)


Do you realize this is offensive to Muslims? If a Muslim proceeds with their version of evangelism they call dawa, fine. A staunch Christian will say that is bologna: Mohammed was no prophet; he was an anti-Christ preacher who specifically told his crowd that Christ did not die on the Cross and for that matter never Resurrected from death to life offering Salvation to those who choose life over the death of Satan’s influence.


If a Christian Minister desires to educate a Congregation on how Islam insults Christianity by its false religion comparative the Christian faithful, Leftist Multiculturalists and Muslim Apologists would cry that is bigoted hate-speech. If a Christian Minister preached Biblical truths in a Muslim nation he would be guilty of breaking Islamic Supremacist Sharia based Blasphemy Laws and would be subject to the death penalty for exercising the human civil right of Free Speech and Religious Freedom.


There is a local Murfreesboro, TN newspaper called The Rutherford Reader that happens to be located in a community that has a significant Muslim population. Muslim Apologists and Leftist Multiculturalists have been painting a picture that the Reader is a bigoted hate-speech filled periodical that should be boycotted for its print content.


Does The Rutherford Reader call for?


§  Violence against Muslims?


§  That Mosques should be burned down for anti-Christian and anti-American rhetoric?


§  That Muslims should be made into second class citizens since the Quran requires this of non-Muslims?


§  That Christians that convert to Islam should be put death for leaving their faith for an anti-Christ faith?    



NO! The Rutherford Reader does none of things that the Christian Bible prohibits. Also the U.S. Constitution – especially the First Amendment – would make the action of such incitement illegal. Did you know Sharia Law prescribes the actions above if the role is reversed and non-Muslims insulted Islam? Violence, Churches burnt to the ground, dhimmitude and death to a Muslim that leaves Islam for another religion are all Sharia Law inspired actions.


Perhaps the Muslims of Murfreesboro are those Moderate Muslims we hear so much about, right? Hmm … Islamic Center of Murfreesboro (ICM) Board Member Mosaad Rowash has been openly supportive of Jew-Hating Islamic terrorist organization Hamas as well as having close encounter with Radical Islamic organization Muslim America Society (MAS). The MAS is a front group for the Radical Islamic Muslim Brotherhood.


Check out what former FBI Agent John Guandolo says about ICM:


§  the Murfreesboro Imam is a recognized leader and “jurist” in the Muslim Brotherhood worldwide. He taught “Dawah” in Europe, and was at the top of his class at Al Azhar University, Cairo (4 out of 200) – the most prestigious and authoritative school of Islamic Jurisprudence in the world, and the oldest.


§  The ICM Bylaws asserting primacy of Islamic law were copied from other “Islamic Centers.” Muslim Brotherhood Bylaws and the El Barasse Explanatory Memorandum define “Islamic Centers” or mosques as beehives for activities and supplies for “battalions,” and at some point the beginning and center of violence.


§  The ICM “reading list” of the Imam began with Yousef Qaradawi, who issued a “fatwah” calling for killing of U.S. troops and civilians in Iraq.


§  The Islamic Center of Murfreesboro is a “front” organization for the Muslim Brotherhood posing a security threat to Murfreesboro citizens, who are under- educated on the topic of the threat. Both they and the County Commission should have been informed of this threat to enable public participation in the ICM site plan approval meeting.



NO! The ICM is a Radical Islamic Mosque propagating the theopolitical ideology of purist Islam of which critics claim only represents 10% of Islam. The fact is a huge amount of Mosques in the USA (including ICM) receive financing and ideological support from Wahhabi based Saudi Arabia and Egyptian based Muslim Brotherhood. If the critics are correct about the 10% radicalization of Islam, I find it quite alarming that the 10% of radicals is sending the money, literature and theology to like over 90% of the Muslim Mosques.


Saying that about ICM’s kind of Islam, someone explain to me why it is bigoted hate-speech to expose these connections to Radical Islam. Personally as a Christian American I should have the right to criticize Islam whether it is moderate or radical because Islamic theology is specifically anti-Christian in it denial of the birth, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ the Son of God that is both fully God and fully human to be able to save humanity to enslavement to the Adam-Satan legacy curse. Islam’s assertion that Mohammed is the last Prophet and Allah is his God and that the Old and New Testament are corrupted is offensive to me. I am not going to burn Mosques or assassinate Muslim over this offense; however I am going to expose the difference between Islam and Christianity as well as between Mohammed and Christ.


In the case of the ICM and the Muslims that attend there is definitely a radical connection that moves Islamic Supremacism toward the overthrow of the U.S. Constitution, Jew-hatred and Christian-hatred. These things need exposed.


Again this is where The Rutherford Reader comes in. The warnings of The Rutherford Reader about Islam and especially the Islam practiced by the leadership of the ICM are absolutely needed and reporting the truth is NOT bigoted hate-speech.


That being said – below is a great defense of The Rutherford Reader against MSM Leftists that vilifying the local Murfreesboro periodical by Justin O. Smith.


JRH 10/18/12

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Who Hates Free Speech?


By Justin O. Smith

Sent: 10/6/2012 12:43 PM


Once again ‘The Rutherford Reader’ is under assault by Leftists, islamofascist sympathizers and the Associated Press over its defense of our First Amendment from Sharia Law corruption and infiltration of our legal system. The Associated Press sinks to desperate tactics by going back to 2010 and quoting an unintelligent Melissa Eads (Kroger corporate office) as saying ‘The Reader’ was removed from their stores due to a pattern of “hate rhetoric”; she actually said “hate-speech”, which she was at a loss to define when asked. And now, Sara Mitchell and others are attempting to have ‘The Reader’ removed from other locations.

Using the term “hate rhetoric” illustrates that whoever wrote the AP article did not have a good grasp of the English language, could not understand sentences structured around facts and had never read the Western classics of Socrates, Plato and Aristotle; by the same token, Sara Mitchell’s and her accomplice’s actions make it obvious that they do not want to live in a society ruled by freedom of thought, opinion or speech.

I was one of the first to speak out against the vandalism and burning of the Columbia, TN mosque in 2008, however, just as neo-nazi white supremacists would trample on the Civil Rights of peoples of color and reduce them to second class citizens if they could, or just as the New Black Panthers state “we need to kill a whole lot of white babies” and have no qualms disenfranchising whites, so too would Muslims foist the same on all Americans, by eradicating free speech and religious freedom as it has typically existed from our nation’s founding, until the past four decades and especially since 2008; Islam and Sharia represent something much worse than nazifascism as they now stand, which is the reason I write often about Islam’s perverse nature, its incompatibility with democracy and the U.S. Constitution and the need to halt all Islamic immigration to the U.S. immediately due to Muslims often stated goal of subordinating and subjugating the entire U.S. under Sharia law dominance. I simply oppose any attempt to legitimize illiberal, unConstitutional and anti-Freedom ideologies within these United States!

Islam and Sharia law are more cruel and more steeped in fascist tenets than America’s white supremacist movements or Hitler’s 1940s brand of fascism, within a simple added religious context; so many of the Greatest Generation died fighting this very sort of totalitarian ideology all across Europe…Aren’t Islamic atrocities just as horrible as those perpetrated by the Nazis?…CAIR and the Muslim Brotherhood have already insisted on applying Sharia concepts within our state governments and public education system, and Muslim sympathizers like Mitchell, unless they are Leftists too, do not understand that fully applied Sharia law incorporates much more than prayer, food or hygiene rules; Sharia law always becomes an instrument of murder and totalitarianism!

Worship however you desire. Worship trees, goats, earthworms… or Allah…or Jesus Christ… or Buddha… but do not try to force me to worship as you or to submit in any manner to your religious doctrine. Not Christianity… not Hinduism… not Buddhism… Only Islam tries to force itself on others wherever it appears! While I am aware of some peaceful Muslims who truly worship only according to the Abrahamic passages they have stolen from Judaism and Christianity, give me a hundred thousand Buddhists or Sikhs at America’s shores over one Muslim any day!

Has America fallen to the point where only a few lucky elitist arbiters from the political Left get to decide what is “free speech” and what is not?

Even the Obama administration is now advocating limits on free speech. We heard Secretary of State Hillary Clinton state that no one should denigrate or insult any religion after our U.S. Ambassador to Libya, J. Christopher Stevens was murdered during a planned assault, that UN Ambassador Susan Rice still describes as a “spontaneous protest” over a U.S. made film insulting Islam. As of December 2011 and in contravention of the U.S. Constitution, Clinton has been supporting the UN Resolution 16/18 that criminalizes criticizing Islam in any nation that signs it, and yet, all America regularly witnesses Christianity assaulted, denigrated and insulted in the vilest of manners without any ensuing riots, mayhem and murder occurring (Remember the crucifix in the jar of urine displayed at the Smithsonian and called art?) The Islamic nations simply have not entered the 21st century and are far from civilized.

Whether or not one agrees with any of my positions or those of my esteemed colleagues and the editors of ‘The Rutherford Reader’, our articles are nearly always full of information and facts that the liberal “mainstream media” refuses to address, especially anything relating to Islam, Sharia law and islamofascist tactics or Muslim inspired terrorism in America. From the liberal press perspective, anything that tears apart the fabric of Judeo-Christian principles helps in their battle to fully abrogate the U.S. Constitution and usher in an “elite” Leftist authoritarian government, in which all these little Red-Diaper Doper Babies, such as foot-soldiers like Mitchell, think that they will be a part of that “elite”… probably just described Mitchell’s and accomplice’s fantasy. However, despite their efforts, I will continue speaking and writing the truth, even should there come a time the government calls my words “a crime”… It is my God-Given Right!… And the Truth shines like a Light in the darkest of nights!

People such as Mitchell and others serve Political Correctness and a Leftist agenda, and as lackeys of Islam and the Left they must stick to a script slyly imposed upon them through indoctrination and their own weak minds. How fearful they must be of looking the Truth in the face and denying facts; they are afraid of not being sufficiently aligned, obedient, servile, and thus risk “moral” exile as imposed by immoral socialist societies who blackmail their citizens. They would rather sell their souls to the Islamists and Obama’s Progressive Communists than take a risk, show courage and Live Free! “The secret of happiness is Freedom, and the secret of Freedom is Courage,” said Pericles.

Kaye and Pete Doughtie, editors/owners of ‘The Rutherford Reader’, fight the fascist tactics of the New Left and Islam fearlessly with intelligence and knowledge, as myself and millions of others across Our Beloved America stand with them and refuse to endure such despotism or submit and remain silent in the face of this new combined and growing Left-Muslim fascist movement. And, anyone even remotely considering removing ‘The Rutherford Reader’ should look deep within their own world view… their own souls… to remove ‘The Rutherford reader’ would be a betrayal of every good and decent principle that built this nation… anyone removing ‘The Rutherford Reader’ does a great disservice to the Freedom-Loving People of Rutherford County, the State of Tennessee and these United States!


By Justin O. Smith


Christians and American Have the Right to Expose Islam

John R. Houk

© October 18, 2012


Who Hates Free Speech?


© 2012 Justin O. Smith

Radical Islam in Tennessee

Sharia in America toon

John R. Houk

© August 6, 2012


The Rutherford Reader is a free local and weekly newspaper with circulation in the Murfreesboro, TN area as well as 43,000 online subscribers. The Reader’s money base is third party advertising for the Murfreesboro area.


So what, right?


The Reader is a local bastion against Radical Islam in its area making the newspaper a target for Radical Muslims pretending to be moderate and Multicultural Leftists. In the case of Murfreesboro, most of the large circulating Tennessee newspapers rag on the Reader (especially The Tennessean) as the local hate-speech and bigoted media.


The thing is there isn’t an iota of truth to the accusations. The Reader is simply having journalist contributors and perhaps the publisher report on the local Mosque which has deep pocket connections to Radical Islam. Unless you have been in a coma since September 2001 you do know America was attacked by the Radical Muslim transnational terrorist organization known as al Qaeda. The USA has been involved in the Global War on Terrorism (GWOT) since 911. So whether bureaucrats in the U.S. government publicly recognize that war or not Islam in its so-called radical form has been at war ever since.


HENCE, after a Mosque engages with Muslim-American organizations that have ties with the Muslim Brotherhood or Hamas or whatever terrorist organization, it is noble for a local newspaper to buck Liberal Multiculturalism and report on Radical Islam and/or the speakers promoting a Radical Islamic agenda for America. AND in case you have been victimized by Muslim Apologists, that Islamic agenda is not pretty or copacetic for Constitutional America especially as related to the Bill of Rights.


One of the contributing journalists to the Reader is Justin O. Smith. Justin is also a defender of the Reader when Muslim Apologists and Multicultural Leftists wrongly go after the Reader rather than say a newspaper like The Tennessean which has been caught lying to support in print Radical Islam in Tennessee.


On Facebook I found such a defense from Justin and I am cross posting it below.


JRH 8/6/12

Please Support NCCR


Tired of the bullying!

Letters to the Editor…pg 4 of ‘The Rutherford Reader’ and Mrs. Pam King’s excellent article!…


By Justin O. Smith

August 4, 2012 5:36pm



To the Editor:

Last week I sent the following message via Facebook to William Cripps: “I am very concerned that you and your wife have attempted to ruin a local business, The Rutherford Reader. When you contact business people and threaten them if they continue to advertise in The Reader, this is at best very unethical and at worst, just slimy! No one has actually proven that anything printed in The Reader is either hate speech or lies, it is only your opinion.

You certainly do have the right of free speech and so do I. I wonder how the people at ATI in La Vergne would feel if they were aware of your attempts to put a business out of business with unfounded opinions and and (sic) absolutely zero proof? I wonder how the Democratic Committee in Murfreesboro would like what Sara is doing? Are those the tactics they approve of?”

Needless to say, I have not received a response from either of them. I am seriously tired of the bullying! While working on a note to explain myself, I ran across the following
written by a Facebook friend, Dawn Ellen. Dawn has perfectly formalized my thinking so I quote her:


“People who spew the words “hatred” and “bigotry,” when you attempt to enlighten them about the reality of Islam are drowning in ignorance. They are being compliant and complicit in the Islamization of America and the world. They have never studied the Qur’an/Hadiths, the life of Muhammad, or the history of Islam. They only have Liberal sound bites and Islamic propaganda running through their brains. They spew those words because they have no intelligent argument or response. I laugh at their perpetual nonsense and then move on. There is no point in responding, because their brainwashed minds are not open to reasonable and logical debates, but rather they are blind to the truth and will never see it. It is most definitely pitiful.”

Pam King

Murfreesboro, TN



Radical Islam in Tennessee

John R. Houk

© August 6, 2012


Tired of the bullying!


About Justin O. Smith


From Facebook Page:


Studied at Middle Tennessee State University

Lives in Murfreesboro, Tennessee

Born on February 16, 1957

Political Views: Conservative


I found this on Justin at the end of a Counter Jihad Report Post from 7/5/12:


Justin O. Smith is a concerned citizen with a B.S.-MTSU/ International Relations & Cultural Geography, ex-firefighter, U.S. Army and freelance writer.

More Justin O. Smith on Radical Islam in Tennessee

Justin O. Smith posted four more comments at my NCCR blog which cross posted this article: “Justin O. Smith on Radical Islam Supporters in Tennessee”. The four comments are dated January 10, 2012. Yeah I know, sometimes it takes awhile to get to the comments at all my blogs. Essentially this is some follow-up information on The Rutherford Reader free speech issues over exposing a Murfreesboro Mosque as disseminating radical Islamic ideology. Part of the issue of the radical Mosque’s support is from a prominent Tennessee newspaper like the Tennessean. The Tennessean and some of their newspaper friends and some radical Muslim friends like CAIR and foreign radical Muslin friends such as the Muslim Brotherhood and Saudi-Wahhabi ideology.


JRH 1/16/12


Comment 1 – Justin O. Smith

January 10, 2012 3:44 PM


Dear Mr. John Houk,


Just as a follow up, here is Diane Macedon’s article from FoxNews; that is me in the blue shirt standing in front of the camera.


Justin O. Smith 6-26-10 pro-Reader Protest


It was primarily the last two paragraphs that a few within our community took exception to, but the majority within Murfreesboro seem to be in agreement with the assessment I and others have made in this matter; however, our elected officials are either oblivious to the threat Islam and Sharia Law represent to America or they are ignorant of the facts of the matter or they simply just do not care.


The battle is uphill when your elected officials refuse to properly acknowledge the concerns of its people. A similar battle was fought and won just prior to the beginning of the Murfreesboro controversy in Franklin, TN, and Thank God for Mrs. Laurie Cardoza-Moore, a member of the Jewish faith, who led the way; Franklin won because their elected officials heard and listened and acted in accordance with the wishes of their constituency…’We the People’!


Here are those controversial paragraphs…


The Koran and Islam promote an ideology that is incompatible with ideas based on freedom and our U.S. Constitution. Wherever a seedling of Islam takes root, it soon actively works to subvert and bend its host nation’s government towards Sharia Law. We must be careful when considering electing Muslims to positions in the U.S. government. The effects of allowing Muslims to enter any democratic government can readily be seen in France, the U.K., Belgium, Switzerland, the Netherlands, the former Yugoslavia, and Lebanon; most Muslims believe that the will of Allah supplants all, thus many of these nations now feel compelled to enact legislation to curtail Sharia Law encroachments. The U.K., however, is currently appeasing its radical Muslim population and accepting Sharia Law in its lower courts; their nation will not last long on this course.


Muslim immigrants may not enter the U.S. intent on acts of terrorism, but they all enter as good Muslims supporting the submission of the world to Allah. Also, it is good for one to remember that one of the Koran’s most famous verses states, in essence, “War is deceit”. While I respect the works of moderate Muslims such as Irshad Manji (‘Faith Without Fear’) and Tarek Fatah (‘Chasing A Mirage’), I whole-heartedly, unfortunately, must assert that the U.S. must halt all future Muslim immigration, until Muslims acquiesce to living within the legal structures of their host nations rather than striving to restructure nations under an evil, de-humanizing, backward and defiling 12th century ideology, even should this take the next 50 years. In past years, we would not have opened our borders to Maoists, Stalinists or Nazis, therefore, why is the Obama Administration not closing our borders to these Islamic fascists?


by Justin O. Smith


Comment 2 – Justin O. Smith

January 10, 2012 3:56 PM


For Your discerning eye and the scrutiny of your readers, Mr. Houk…!/note.php?note_id=194100087289236


Printed in ‘The Daily News Journal’

Mar 11, 2011


There exists no reason to introduce Sharia into the U.S. other than the Islamists and Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) demand(s) it as a method to undermine the American culture and hurry the demise of our nation.


Muslim radicals can advocate Sharia all day long under the First Amendment, but Sharia can never be implemented within the U.S.; Sharia law represents a parallel, subversive ideology that demands the destruction of our own ideology. I have regularly seen Muslim clerics hold up a Qur’an and say, “This is our Constitution.”


Islam and Sharia law simply enforce religious edicts and fatwas from imams, while U.S. laws were set forth in advance to serve or punish through only legal enactments conforming to our U.S. Constitution. We all live by rules rather than by either arbitrary edicts or anarchy. Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states in part: “… this Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof … under the authority of the United States shall be the Supreme Law of the Land.” The advocates for the Islamization of America cannot seem to grasp these facts.


Many Americans and proponents of mosque expansions and Sharia law do not recognize the underlying reality of terrorist sympathy within Muslim communities. They believe the U.S. can moderate radical Muslims by talking to them and convincing the Islamists to live in harmony with the Western cultures. This will never happen, until a worldwide Muslim majority reforms Islam itself, and Muslims reject the Sura and Hadith and the historically incorporated and embedded radical and politicized doctrines within Islam — much the same has already been suggested by Raheel Raza from the Islamic Canadian Congress and other noted Islamic scholars.


These same Sharia proponents are also aligned with ACLU groups that seek the destruction of the Judeo-Christian principles that created this nation. They would have us passively accept the Islamization of America, Islamic front groups that finance terror and the infiltration of Islamic terrorists; they would have us suffer the terrible consequences that accompany these preventable conditions. The anti-American, pro-Sharia element in America prostitute the law in the service of their ideology (CAIR vs State of Oklahoma/threatening Tennessee lawsuit), as they cripple the U.S. in the name of rights for terrorists and all who would destroy the U.S. if they could!


Anyone currently aligned against Murfreesboro state Sen. Bill Ketron’s Anti-Sharia legislation is standing on the wrong side of history regarding the Islamization of America and Shariah law. In the world of the critics of Ketron’s legislation, every deviation of the real world from the tidiness of their anti-American sentiments is considered to be someone else’s fault; if a terrorist did not have a happy childhood, then that becomes a reason to release him back in the Middle East, so he can return immediately to killing U.S. soldiers. If ever we needed guardians of liberty … if ever there was a time to stand upright and firm for American values and the Founding Father’s principles, the time is now. God Bless America and God Bless Our Republic!


by Justin O. Smith


Comment 3 – Justin O. Smith

January 10, 2012 4:06 PM


The Iconoclast
Sunday, 11 July 2010
Muslims’ First Amendment Rights Are Protected

Justin O. Smith, regular columnist for the Rutherford Reader and resident of Murfreesboro, TN., writes in response to an interview with Saleh Sbenaty, an MTSU engineering professor in the DNJ (the sister paper to the Tennessean). Mr. Sbenaty complains that his first amendment rights are being violated because people are misinformed about Islam. Mr. Smith doesn’t seem misinformed to me.


The Qur’an states that a Muslim’s first loyalty is to the “umma” (worldwide Islamic community) and overrides any civic obligations to the “infidels”, non-Muslims. This explains why few Muslims speak up against the extremists among them; for every Zak Mohyuddin, an engineer, who calls America home and lives here honorably, there is a Nidal Hassan willing to kill in the name of Allah. Let us not forget, also, that one of al Qaeda’s top leaders, Ayman Zawahiri is a doctor.


No one is infringing on the Murfreesboro Muslims’ First Amendment rights. There is no question of their right to worship Allah through Islam; but do they have the right to expand if that expansion falls under auspices advocating Sharia Law or Wahhabi ideology, as it stands in direct contravention of our U.S. Constitution?


Too many Muslim immigrants are arriving here from nations sponsoring terrorism, such as Somalia, Pakistan and Yemen. Their views on the principles of freedom are vastly different from your average American’s view or even third generation American Muslims’ views, and many try to advance and propagate Sharia Law upon their arrival. Rather than assimilate and teach their children about America, its principles of freedom and the rich history surrounding its inception, they steep them in Sharia and Wahhabi propaganda; the proof is readily apparent in literature at the Dar el-Hijrah Mosque (which housed three 9/11 terrorists) in Falls Church, VA and numerous others; the Farouq Mosque was used to plot and stage the World Trade Center bombing; and the Muslim Brotherhood and CAIR have been working against U.S. interests from within the U.S. since 1962.


For too long I have watched as Sharia Law was implemented across Europe in France, Great Britain, the Netherlands and numerous other nations. The destabilizing results of radical fascist Islamic machinations can readily be viewed through the historical context of India, Pakistan and Bangladesh, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Lebanon which are simply a few among many nations very nearly destroyed, due to these radical jihadists returning from battle with the Soviets in Afghanistan. Wherever the Muslim population approaches 30% of the population in any region, local or national, an advocacy for Islamic separatist movements and Sharia Law soon follows. After France withdrew from Lebanon in 1942, a concerted effort to destabilize Lebanon and inundate it with Muslim immigrants was enjoined by Iran and Syria; Lebanon has seen the years 1958 to the present through a veil of blood due to Islamic machinations.


Sharia financing is currently being introduced into our economy through special banks and mortgage loans that utilize these Sharia financing principles, and even our U.S. Treasury is researching the possibility of allowing Sharia financing within its domain. Now the U.S. is witnessing the encroachment of Sharia-like policies across the nation in cities like Chicago, ILL, New York, NY and Dearborn, MI. Just two weeks ago, Police Chief Ron Haddad, from Dearborn and a Muslim, arrested four men for promoting Christianity near a Muslim festival; a court ruled this unconstitutional, but it should never have occurred in America in the first place!


As a young boy, I stood beside my father nearly every Saturday night, with my hand over my heart, as the television signed-off with a waving American flag and the Star Spangled Banner. Most Muslims cannot relate to this, and while I have heard Muslims state that this is their home, I have yet to see them show a love of America; I have, however, seen them burn American flags in NYC and protest in support of the terrorist group Hamas right in the center of Murfreesboro, TN.


Everyone’s First Amendment rights must be protected, which means Muslims too. I do not wish their rights to be infringed upon, however, it is not an infringement of anyone’s rights to call for a temporary halt to all future Muslim immigration, as I did in April. I simply wish to see America’s Muslims grow to love this nation every bit as much as I do and develop a protective instinct towards the U.S. Constitution, that is as strong as the protective feelings I hold for this magnificent document. This conclusion was not lightly reached, and it was not based in hate of Muslims or Islam, but rather from love for America. We simply must give current Islamic immigrants more time to assimilate and be drawn away from the radical sects of Islam. It does not state anywhere in the U.S. Constitution that we must allow unfettered and unrestrained immigration for anyone seeking our shores, especially our enemies. Only by repudiating political correctness does America stand a chance; we must realistically view the world’s sociopolitical reality and withdraw from supposedly more sophisticated ideas that have little or no connection to observable reality.


Liberty is not unbridled will or the freedom to do as one likes; a society which recognizes no checks upon its freedoms soon becomes a society where freedom is in the possession of only a savage few. The Murfreesboro Muslim community does, in fact, have their First Amendment rights, but they do not have the right to expand if that expansion enables any furtherance of Sharia or Wahhabi ideology in the U.S. Their constitutional rights end where mine begin!

Tags: Murfreesboro mosque, Saleh Sbenaty, Justin O. Smith


Comment 4 – Justin O. Smith

January 10, 2012 4:46 PM


Printed in ‘The Rutherford Reader’ May 28, 2010

Freedom of the Press in Danger


As much as I dislike the ACLU, due to its beginnings as a front organization for the American Communist Party, I do agree with it on some matters pertaining to freedom of speech and the press. In 1921 the ACLU Position Statement stated that there should never be any censorship by any agency at anytime or in any way, printed materials should never be subject to a political censorship and no system of license for distribution should be tolerated.


On May 14, Murfreesboro, TN witnessed the will of corporate tyrants infringe upon the First Amendment rights of Pete and Kaye Doughtie, owners and editors of ‘The Rutherford Reader’. An allegation was made that ‘The Reader’ prints “hate speech” against Islam and Muslims, and the local Krogers, KFC and Distributech acted in concert to bar further distribution of ‘The Reader’ from those locations. Rodney Barton, Distributech Rep., in an obvious rush towards the type of political correctness that will eventually destroy the U.S., is either following someone’s far left agenda or he did not understand what he read.


Pete Doughtie’s numerous warnings, regarding the Islamization of America, Sharia Law encroachments (the harshest form of law currently in existence throughout the world) within the U.S. and the fact that a core of numerous fanatical terrorist groups exists within the politicized Islamic religion (who just happen to want to kill or conquer us all), do not constitute “hate speech”; any Muslims offended by the truth exposed in ‘The Reader’ would be better served by eradicating fascism from the ranks of Islam as they guide it towards real and lasting peace.


Pete’s articles and editorials were hard-hitting and factual, however, they were far removed from the “hate speech’ alleged by Barton and his anonymous complainant; his articles have always been supported by good sources, references and thorough investigations. ‘The Reader’ generally relies on ‘Family Security Matters’, ‘The Wall Street Journal’ and a host of think-tanks such as the Cato Institute, the Hoover Institute, the Hudson Institute, and the Heritage Foundation. While some of Pete’s articles may be deemed offensive by some groups, they were not ever hateful in content nor intent; they were simply warnings from a man deeply concerned for the safety and security of his family and all Americans. Muslims could only been offended by ‘The Reader’s’ articles, if they were secretly cheering for the Islamic fascists and against America or if they were bearing the shame and guilt of their own silence in the face of Islamic fascism’s onslaught on America. Pete and Kaye Doughtie are good God-fearing American patriots, who have never slandered, libeled or defamed anyone. Rodney Barton, Kroger and KFC are complicit with the anonymous complainant in defaming Kaye and Pete in a most ignoble fashion, as this individual or group hides in the shadows.


Why would anyone block distribution of ‘The Rutherford Reader’ and not do the same with ‘The Tennessee Tribune’? If you are going to pull one newspaper, you should pull them all, because they all carry articles of varying political and religious persuasions, and someone will always be offended.


Kroger stocks ‘The Tennessee Tribune’ through Distributech. ‘The Tennessee Tribune’ regularly prints racist anti-white rhetoric and real “hate speech” written by current and former militant Black Panther Party members. For the record, this paper also contains some well written and commendable articles by numerous Tennessee leaders, including Gov. Phil Bredesen. Even though the anti-American racist articles by the Black Panthers grate on every decent bone in my body, they still have the right to be heard in America, as does Pete Doughtie; although Pete definitely does not engage in “hate speech”, even so-called “hate speech” is protected under the First Amend, as long as it does not advocate or call for violence against anyone or the government.


Gannett Press, ‘The Tennessean’ and ‘The Daily News Journal’ should be highly concerned over this developing story. While they are extremely influential throughout the region and wield immense political and economic power, there is always someone more powerful with an agenda of their own to attend. As political winds and the country’s mood changes, perhaps ‘The Daily News Journal’ could one day find itself under a similar assault as ‘The Rutherford Reader’.


There is a great tension in the world, a breaking point is near and monstrous changes are taking place that are shaping a troubling future. Many of these changes are the embodiment of evil, because they seek to eliminate America’s highest principles. Pete and Kaye Doughtie are on the front lines of this battle, as they fight to preserve the freedoms you and I hold so dear. The freedom of speech and the press are the most valuable things in the world, and the truth does not have to be careful or precise, because it can stand alone on its own merits recognizable like a new shiny silver dollar in the sunlight. ‘The Rutherford Reader’ and the Doughtie Family only print the truth, and I must always fight against any corporation, idea, religion or government which seeks to limit or destroy anyone’s freedom of speech!


by Justin O. Smith

Justin O. Smith on Radical Islam Supporters in Tennessee

Intolerant Islam - Tolerant USA

John R. Houk

© January 8, 2012


In July 2011 I posted this title: “Tennessean supports Radical Islam – Condemns Anti-Jihad Organization”. In July both Houses of the Tennessee General Assembly passed the law aimed at keeping terrorism out of Tennessee and enforceable by State law enforcement. The law became the Material Support to Designated Entities Act.


The Newspaper The Tennessean worked hard to condemn the anti-terrorist law. The Tennessean’s partial success was probably the influence to remove references to Sharia and Jihad. That was unfortunate.


My post was inspired by an ACT for America email I received condemning The Tennessean for a load of … hmm … misrepresentation, fact manipulation and outright lies. The newspaper’s pro-Islamic terrorist support led them to attack the voices that supported the anti-terrorist law. One of those hit pieces by The Tennessean was exposing ACT for America’s founder Brigitte Gabriel utilizes a pseudonym. Now why do you think a person that is behind one of the largest efforts in America to educate people on the dark side of Islam uses a pseudonym?


It is because these guys easily slip into hate mode and when Islam has the light of truth shining on the theopolitical religion’s darkness, they go psycho and act on that hatred. When Muslims act out hate it leads to violence up to the point of assassination.


Anyway a person that identifies himself as Justin O. Smith sent four comments to one of cross posting blogs the NCCR. Smith attributes each comment to articles he posted else.


Remember I wrote about the egregiousness of The Tennessean tactics against the Material Support to Designated Entities Act and the smearing of the Act’s supporters especially Brigitte Gabriel. Smith’s four articles are education moments of Islam, a defense The Rutherford Reader and a defense of The Rutherford Reader’s editor/owners Pete and Kaye Doughtie. The third article is heavy on criticism of The Tennessean. I am going to cross post the four comments/articles.


JRH 1/8/12


Four Comments by Justin O. Smith

December 28, 2011


Published in ‘The Rutherford Reader’


July 7, 2011



Our nation is forced to watch in stunned disbelief as the Obama Administration attempts to superimpose their donkey, the hammer and sickle and the star and crescent symbols across the face of America. These traitors to the United States of America love the Koran and ‘Das Kapital’ more than the Bible and Adam Smith’s admonishment that “mercy to the guilty is cruelty to the innocent”. These parasites pray to Marx and Political Correctness. They speak of pacifism at any cost as they feed the Islamic alligator of appeasement, and in the process, they dishonor our Veterans by repudiating the wars that the U.S. fought against Nazi fascism and Stalin/Mao communism. Obama and his cronies weep for Hamas and the Taliban and curse our own patriots, such as our CIA interrogators. They forgive the Palestinians and the Muslim Brotherhood for every wrong, as Obama turns his back on Israel!


As of June 30, 2011, the U.S. has given the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) and the Islamofascists legitimacy, as the U.S. recognized the MB and prepares to meet with them in Egypt. Much of this policy failure was a direct result of actions initiated through Obama’s Office for Outreach to the Ummah, created in 2009, with the “Ummah” being the world-wide Muslim community. Under Farah Parandith, an Indian Muslim, this office facilitated the efforts of Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn, as they taught the “students” in Egypt how to “organize”/revolt; further facilitation and funding was channeled through George Soros, Zbigniew Brezinski and the International Crisis Group. Nothing is much more disgusting and reprehensible than watching the travesty of negotiations with irrefutably “guilty” murderers and terrorists, unless it is seeing Obama snatch defeat from the jaws of victory in Afghanistan.


Outreach to the Ummah has steadily advocated for Islam, and it has released an entire array of publications and videos promoting Islam in America; they link the Muslim-American experience to those of other racial, religious and immigrant groups, as they supposedly assimilate. Parandith has inundated our Embassies with everything Islamic, from the star and crescent to imams having prayer meetings with all the officers of each U.S. Embassy and consulate. Our “president” attends Ramadan celebrations at the White House. Why aren’t priests and pastors invited during Christmas to give blessings or speak about Christianity in the United States?


The left has traditionally always screamed “separation of church and state”, and now their Big Lie and hypocrisy is easily seen. Where is their laicism, their secularism, their heralded liberalism? Did it ever exist? Basically, the Progressive Leftists and Islam have emerged as natural allies because both love authoritarian/totalitarian government, and the hate Christianity and the U.S. Constitution!


Further Islamization of America is moving at break-kneck speed. Umah Abedin is a U.S. citizen, but she was raised in Saudi Arabia from age two until after her university years. Abedin is Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s primary aide, and she has access to some of the most highly classified U.S. materials; Umah Abedin’s mother is a well known Islamic scholar and a member of the Muslim Sisterhood, an affiliate of the MB. While Ms. Abedin seems to be a loyal citizen, would it not be prudent to limit her access to our most sensitive classified information? Anything she tells her mother will make it straight to enemies of the U.S.


Ms. Abedin was born in the U.S., but many more Muslims are entering the U.S. and illegally overstaying their visas. Many of these “immigrants” are intent on bringing great harm to America. Imad Hamad, currently living in Michigan, came here in 1982 and committed immigration fraud and then marriage fraud in an attempt to avoid deportation; Hamad is a Palestinian and a “former” PFLP Islamic terrorist, who fathered six “anchor babies” in the U.S.


In 2009, Obama also appointed Arif Alikhan as assistant secretary for policy development at the Dept. of Homeland Security. Alikhan has, in past remarks, called the Hezbollah terrorist group a “liberation movement”; Alikhan also attended a fundraiser for the Muslim Public Affairs Council, a MB affiliate, two weeks before his appointment. Also, the Muslim Brotherhood is a pro-Sharia group, and Obama’s chief advisor on Islamic affairs, Dalia Mogahed, is a pro-Sharia Muslim, who once even defended Sharia on British television!


Elena Kagan as a Supreme Court Justice signifies more evil descending upon America. In Dec. 2005, she accepted $20 million from Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal for her pet project at Harvard, the Islamic Legal Studies Program. Kagan has a deep appreciation of Islamic law, and in May of 2007 she presided over a lecture series dealing with constitutions in Arab nations in conjunction with creating an Arab civil code based primarily on the Islamic Sharia. Kagan’s benefactor, Prince Talal, advocates for Wahhabism and he has funded the building of more mosques in the U.S.; just this year, Talal began influencing FoxNews reports, as one of their largest new share-holders.


There exists an entire group of people in all echelons of our government, from the local and state to the federal, some citizens and some not, who have been educated and lived much of their lives abroad. From the “president” on down, many of these people have little connection and even less love for the traditional American culture and principles upon which the U.S. was founded. These collaborators and traitors continue to tolerate the abuses and acts of terrorism those sons of Mohammed commit. While they do not hesitate to command a 95 year old invalid to remove her diaper, a “possible security risk”, due to their own cowardice or complicity, they cannot name the enemy. The enemy is Islam and the Sharia doctrine that accompanies it!


Behind our culture is Homer, Socrates, Plato, Archimedes and Aristotle. There is Jesus who died on the cross so that we would learn love and justice. What has Islam given the world besides murder, conquest and the destruction of knowledge and any movement towards renaissance? Islam is the enemy of critical thinking and reason!


If America collapses so too does Europe and Israel. The whole of the Western world collapses. And not only financially, which seems to be the only concern of too many in America. The Muslim population has increased by 235% during the past 50 years, and their growth continues world-wide at 33 million a year. Within the U.S., our current Muslim immigration and birth rate will create numerous cities with Muslim majorities advocating for Sharia law. In 1970, there were 100,000 Muslims in the U.S., and today there are approximately 4-6 million (stats vary); by 2035 their numbers will be 50 million. The grandest schemes and most fantastic desires of Prince Talal and other Islamofascists will become our reality, as minarets replace bell towers and burqas replace mini-skirts. The Trojan Horse of Muslim immigration is changing Europe into Eurabia, and thus, we must not give it entrance here!


America cannot bear a migratory wave of people who have nothing to do with us and very little in common. Islam is here to absorb us and change our principles, values, identity and our way of life. In our culture, there is no room for muezzins, the minarets, the humiliating chador or the abasing burqa. And, even should that room exist, I would not relinquish it to them; it would be like erasing our identity and abrogating our accomplishments…like spitting on the freedom we have earned and the civilization we have established. It would be like surrendering and giving America away. This I will not do!


Justin O. Smith


Printed in ‘The Rutherford Reader’ and ‘The New English Review’

June 23, 2011

The True Nature of Islam/ or My Legitimate, Dutiful and Right War


Islam is not a meek, loving, beautiful and merciful ideology nor religion as the many collaborationists and traitors to America depict it. Islam is more dangerous and repressive than Stalin’s Communism or Hitler’s National Socialism and the Koran is the ‘Mein Kampf’ of a “religion” that seeks to destroy all others, as so ably noted by the late Oriana Fallaci (2006- may God rest her beautiful soul).


Islam hears the word “democracy” and does not readily see a constitutional representative democracy as displayed in the U.S. Islam views democratic governance in the context of majority/”mob rule”, because this works to its benefit in order to establish the theocracy it demands on a world-wide scale. Islam represents an evil, incarnate, totalitarian ideology that excludes free thought and choice for individuals.


Just look at the recent “Arab Spring” touted as a “student led movement for democracy” by idiots such as Anderson Cooper of CNN. Five short weeks after Egyptian Pres. Hosni Mubarak was forced from power, the Egyptian military aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafists (jihadists) and other fundamental Muslims were killing the Coptic Christians of Qena Province. Qena Province has a Coptic Christian majority, and a Coptic Christian was appointed by the military in April to govern Qena; however, the Salafists/Islamists are demanding the appointment of a Muslim governor.


A sufficiently large enough Muslim population within the U.S. would act in the exact same manner as the Muslim majority in Cairo, Egypt, because the Koran dictates the conversion or death of all non-believers, Christians and Jews. Think of how often the world has witnessed violence and rioting from the large Muslim populations in nations such as France, the UK and the Netherlands over imagined insults to Islam, in order to solicit for Muslim demands through violence as political blackmail. In today’s politically correct atmosphere, we are already seeing our own leader’s propensity to appease Muslims in conjunction with the current advocacy for Sharia Law by CAIR and other Muslim groups.


Quite often Americans hear that the U.S. has a “melting-pot” environment that encourages the assimilation of Muslims. However, more often the facts show an entirely different situation. New immigrants and second generation Muslims are becoming more isolated, largely due to the same sort of multiculturalism policies and agendas recently rejected by Germany but still embraced by the political left and the Obama Administration. An increasing number of young Muslims are attending Islamic schools and lectures sponsored by mosques with a “radical” fundamental Islamic agenda.


In 2004 at the Dix Mosque in Dearborn, I, a group of university educated Muslim women voiced their opinions on assimilation. One woman, a computer scientist, stated, “At work, I get up from my desk and go pray. I thought I would face opposition from my boss. Even before I realized he didn’t mind, I thought, ‘I have a right to be Muslim, and I don’t have to assimilate.’ ” This seems to be a common sentiment among Muslims, however, the only reason any self-respecting woman would want to be a part of this system relies on the fact that most of them are indoctrinated from birth and the converts don’t know any better; Islam does not allow women to go to school or even a doctor, and Islam as written by “the Prophet” actually forbids women to laugh or sing.


In 1883 when Emma Lazarus, a Jewish scholar, wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”, she probably expected, as do many of us, that they would all truly desire to live free in America and keep these liberties we cherish safe for future generations and all eternity. Instead, once again the U.S. was subjected to betrayal; on June 1, 2011, two Iraqi men from Bowling Green, KY were charged with conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals abroad (U.S. soldiers in Iraq), attempting to provide material support for Al Qaeda in Iraq, as well as to transfer, possess and export Stinger missiles!


Then on June 8th, Ayman al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda’s new leader as of June 16th, released a videotape calling on all Muslims in the U.S. to rise up and “destroy New York” and “bury Washington (DC)”. Zawahiri continued with, “Today, praise God, America is not facing an individual, a group or a faction. It is facing a nation that is in revolt, having risen from its lethargy to a renaissance of jihad.”


On June 16th, 2011 the authorities also arrested an Ethiopian Muslim who is also a U.S. Marine and a naturalized U.S. citizen, while he was attempting to make an ammonium-nitrate bomb and plant it near the Pentagon. It is now more than obvious that Muslim militants are infiltrating our Armed Forces, and they are lying in order to do so when they take the oath to protect and defend the U.S. and our U.S. Constitution.


America is in the fight of Her life, because Islam has declared war on Her. Not only does Islam seek our deaths, it wants to strike our souls. Its leaders want to destroy our way of life, our philosophy of life and our entire culture. They demand the death of our freedom and our Western civilization’s concepts of democracy.


In 1972, a rival of Yasser Arafat, George Habash, the man responsible for the bloodiest terror attacks in Europe, stated, “…the entire Arab Nation must go to war against Europe and America.” Habash concluded with, “To advance step by step, millimeter by millimeter, year after year, decade after decade…determined, stubborn, patient. This is our strategy. A strategy that we shall expand throughout the whole planet.” Habash was speaking of more than terrorism and massacres; he also meant the cultural war, the demographic war, and a religious war waged by stealing a nation from its citizens.


Look north to Bowling Gerenuk and we find Islamic terrorism in our own backyard; look south to Shelbyville, TN and one sees Somali Muslims, immigrants from a terror sponsoring nation with deep connections to Al Qaeda, who have little respect for our laws or culture. Since 2000 the Muslim population in the U.S. has increased by 156%. The current Islamic invasion of America is nothing more than the revival of Islam’s centuries old expansionism, imperialism and colonialism.


Our own memories, once searched, reveal the true nature of Islam. I close my eyes and I see mosques from Cologne and Turin to Miami and Falls Church overflowing with terrorists. I see those sons of Mohammed destroying the Catholic Churches, burning Crucifixes and urinating on Madonnas in Beirut in 1982; I see the Bamiyan Valley Buddhas from the Third Century dynamited as the Talban rejected anything artistic, historic or not of Islam’s making. Finally, I recall the Twin Towers collapsing and the chill that crept down my spine as tears streamed down my cheeks.


I suspect that Muslim appeasers, the collaborationists and the traitors to America would somehow find a way to blame the victims of the slaughter in Constantinople in 1453. The Ottoman troops beheade everyone in the cathedral, even babies; the massacre continued from dawn until afternoon, and four thousand nuns were raped and butchered in just a few hours. The murder abated only when the Grand Vizier spoke these words to the butchers from the pulpit of St. Sophia: “Rest. Now this temple belongs to Allah.” Not much has changed over the last six hundred years, has it?


I will not tolerate the intolerant. I will not tolerate the abuse and terrorism these Islamofascists are committing in my beloved America; I will not respect nor defend the Islamic culture that shows such a contempt for ours; I will not be intimidated or shut up by the politically correct or any son of Mohammed, because I am going to always defend my culture and America first! My war is right…legitimate, dutiful and right!


by Justin O. Smith


The Guardians of Liberty…Justin O. Smith writes from Murfreesboro, TN:


A free press stands as a guardian of liberty across the United States, and The Rutherford Reader stands very nearly alone as the only conservative bastion against the continuous asinine, liberal dribble that flows from news stories and editorials created by The Daily News Journal and The Tennessean. Gannett Press articles support Obama Administration socialist policies, and they have regularly taken a pro-Islam, pro-Sharia Law and pro-Muslim Brotherhood/Hamas stance during the past two years; it would be an egregious inaccuracy for anyone to suggest that The Reader slants its news in a similar fashion, since they confine any bias to their editorials and columns such as this (I confess. I am a conservative).


Pete and Kaye Doughtie, editors/owners of The Rutherford Reader, have never misrepresented a news story’s facts in pursuance of an agenda or misled the good people of Rutherford County. Unfortunately I cannot endorse Jimmy Hart or Sam Stockard, editors at the DNJ, or Tennessean writers Bob Smietana and Jennifer Brooks in the same way: Sam Stockard tried to equate Sharia Law to nothing more than simply “halal”/dietary rules. He either barely researched his topic and is utterly ignorant concerning Sharia, or he was purposely misleading the readers in a Nov. 2010 editorial; Ms. Brooks’ 2-27-11 Tennessean “news” story played semantics games as she stated that Khalid Aldawsari, a terror suspect, was “rounded up” by the FBI. This was a veiled attempt to make the FBI’s actions appear as harassment against a Muslim man, rather than the arrest of a terror suspect based on a plethora of probable cause.


Last summer The Reader was hit with allegations of “hate-speech” by Eric Bell and his MTRF socialist cronies. They never could define “hate-speech,” and their “evidence” amounted to a series of factual news stories and opinion pieces from Family Security Matters that they called “anti-Muslim.” They also focused on one of my past columns due to my description of some of Islam’s integral core doctrines as “evil, de-humanizing, backward and defiling.” I still defy any of them to explain to me where my error exists when Muslims are still killing Coptic Christians in Egypt and Iraq, apostates of Islam are burned to death, hundreds of woman are still stoned to death annually, and even here in the U.S. we witnessed several “honor killings” (murders) of young, innocent Muslim girls this year by their fathers.


The irony and incongruity should not be lost to anyone that Bell and MTRF support the Islamic Center of Murfreesboro expansion and Sharia Law under the religion clause of the First Amendment, while, at the same time, they are attempting to hamper the Reader’s free enterprise and squash free speech by going across Rutherford County and through the internet and telling people to boycott The Reader. These allegations of “hate-speech” by the far left and pro-islamists cannot exist in a conceptual or objective reality, especially when one is reporting readily discernable facts. However, a dangerous social vision is being propagated in the U.S. that attempts to prevent any feedback from reality. This is a similar movement to the one that set the stage for the arrest and trial of Geert Wilders, Member of Parliament in the Netherlands, due to “hate-speech” allegations made by Muslims.


Recently in an eight to one decision, the U.S. Supreme Court sided with Westboro Baptist Church. They stated that their right to protest outside the funerals of our fallen soldiers and shout vile, horrid and atrocious curses was protected under the 1st Amend. Too many times the DNJ allowed mosque expansion supporters to depict their opposition as “bigoted,” “racist” or “right-wing extremists,” while they protected these same supporters from similar close scrutiny or harsh criticisms. Nothing printed by Pete and Kaye Doughtie has come even remotely close to either of these examples as they have upheld a certain high sense of journalistic integrity. The Supreme Court’s decision shows all Americans that “hate-speech” is a manufactured nonentity of the far left that applies only to conservative speech. Only free speech exists in America today!


There exists no reason to introduce Sharia into the U.S. other than the Islamofascists and CAIR demand it as a method to undermine American culture and hurry the demise of our nation. Muslim radicals can advocate Sharia all day long under the 1st Amend, but Sharia can never be implemented within the U.S.; Sharia Law represents a parallel, subversive ideology that demands the destruction of our own ideology. I have regularly seen Muslim clerics hold up a Qur’an and say, “This is our Constitution.”


Islam and Sharia Law simply enforce religious edicts and fatwas from imams, while U.S. laws were set forth in advance to serve or punish through only legal enactments conforming to our U.S. Constitution. We all live by rules rather than by either arbitrary edicts or anarchy. Article VI of the U.S. Constitution states in part: “…this Constitution and the laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof…under the authority of the United States shall be the Supreme Law of the Land.” The DNJ, The Tennessean and advocates for the Islamization of America cannot seem to grasp these facts.


Many Murfreesboro mosque and Sharia Law proponents are also aligned with ACLU groups that seek the destruction of the Judeo-Christian principles that created this nation. They would have us passively accept the Islamization of America, Islamic front groups that finance terror and the infiltration of Islamic terrorists; they would have us suffer the terrible consequences that accompany these preventable conditions. The anti-American pro-Sharia element in America prostitute the law in the service of their ideology (CAIR vs State of Oklahoma/ threatening Tenn lawsuit), as they cripple the U.S. in the name of rights for terrorists and all who would destroy the U.S. if they could!


Anyone currently aligned against The Rutherford Reader or Sen. Ketron’s Anti-Sharia Legislation is standing on the wrong side of history. The numerous glaring inaccuracies of The Tennessean, the DNJ, Bell and the MTRF have left them with zero credibility, while The Reader has consistently delivered excellent and accurate information regarding the Islamization of America, Sharia Law and Islam with a sense of honor, moral certainty, community and traditional American family values. In the world of Gannett Press and critics of The Reader, every deviation of the real world from the tidiness of their anti-American sentiments is considered to be someone else’s fault; if a terrorist did not have a happy childhood, then that becomes a reason to release him back in the Middle East, so he can return immediately to killing U.S. soldiers. If ever we needed guardians of liberty…if ever there was a time to stand upright and firm for American values and the Founding Father’s principles, the time is now! God Bless America and God Bless Our Republic!

______________________________…My Legitimate, Dutiful and Right War

Justin O. Smith writes from Murfreesboro, Tennessee:


Islam is not a meek, loving, beautiful and merciful ideology nor religion as the many collaborationists and traitors to America depict it. Islam is more dangerous and repressive than Stalin’s Communism or Hitler’s National Socialism and the Koran is the ‘Mein Kampf’ of a “religion” that seeks to destroy all others, as so ably noted by the late Oriana Fallaci (2006- may God rest her beautiful soul).


Islam hears the word “democracy” and does not readily see a constitutional representative democracy as displayed in the U.S. Islam views democratic governance in the context of majority/”mob rule”, because this works to its benefit in order to establish the theocracy it demands on a world-wide scale. Islam represents an evil, incarnate, totalitarian ideology that excludes free thought and choice for individuals.


Just look at the recent “Arab Spring” touted as a “student led movement for democracy” by commentators such as Anderson Cooper of CNN. Five short weeks after Egyptian Pres. Hosni Mubarak was forced from power, the Egyptian military aligned itself with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafists (jihadists) and other fundamental Muslims were killing the Coptic Christians of Qena Province. Qena Province has a Coptic Christian majority, and a Coptic Christian was appointed by the military in April to govern Qena; however, the Salafists/Islamists are demanding the appointment of a Muslim governor.


A sufficiently large enough Muslim population within the U.S. would act in the exact same manner as the Muslim majority in Cairo, Egypt, because the Koran dictates the conversion or death of all non-believers, Christians and Jews. Think of how often the world has witnessed violence and rioting from the large Muslim populations in nations such as France, the UK and the Netherlands over imagined insults to Islam, in order to solicit for Muslim demands through violence as political blackmail. In today’s politically correct atmosphere, we are already seeing our own leader’s propensity to appease Muslims in conjunction with the current advocacy for Sharia Law by CAIR and other Muslim groups.


Quite often Americans hear that the U.S. has a “melting-pot” environment that encourages the assimilation of Muslims. However, more often the facts show an entirely different situation. New immigrants and second generation Muslims are becoming more isolated, largely due to the same sort of multiculturalism policies and agendas recently rejected by Germany but still embraced by the political left and the Obama Administration. An increasing number of young Muslims are attending Islamic schools and lectures sponsored by mosques with a “radical” fundamental Islamic agenda.


In 2004 at the Dix Mosque in Dearborn, MI, a group of university educated Muslim women voiced their opinions on assimilation. One woman, a computer scientist, stated, “At work, I get up from my desk and go pray. I thought I would face opposition from my boss. Even before I realized he didn’t mind, I thought, ‘I have a right to be Muslim, and I don’t have to assimilate.’ ” This seems to be a common sentiment among Muslims, however, the only reason any self-respecting woman would want to be a part of this system relies on the fact that most of them are indoctrinated from birth and the converts don’t know any better; Islam does not allow women to go to school or even a doctor, and Islam as written by “the Prophet” actually forbids women to laugh or sing.


In 1883 when Emma Lazarus, a Jewish scholar, wrote, “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore”, she probably expected, as do many of us, that they would all truly desire to live free in America and keep these liberties we cherish safe for future generations and all eternity. Instead, once again the U.S. was subjected to betrayal; on June 1, 2011, two Iraqi men from Bowling Green, KY were charged with conspiracy to kill U.S. nationals abroad (U.S. soldiers in Iraq), attempting to provide material support for Al Qaeda in Iraq, as well as to transfer, possess and export Stinger missiles!


Then on June 8th, Ayman al Zawahiri, Al Qaeda’s new leader as of June 16th, released a videotape calling on all Muslims in the U.S. to rise up and “destroy New York” and “bury Washington (DC)”. Zawahiri continued with, “Today, praise God, America is not facing an individual, a group or a faction. It is facing a nation that is in revolt, having risen from its lethargy to a renaissance of jihad.”


On June 16th, 2011 the authorities also arrested an Ethiopian Muslim who is also a U.S. Marine and a naturalized U.S. citizen, while he was attempting to make an ammonium-nitrate bomb and plant it near the Pentagon. It is now more than obvious that Muslim militants are infiltrating our Armed Forces, and they are lying in order to do so when they take the oath to protect and defend the U.S. and our U.S. Constitution.


America is in the fight of Her life, because Islam has declared war on Her. Not only does Islam seek our deaths, it wants to strike our souls. Its leaders want to destroy our way of life, our philosophy of life and our entire culture. They demand the death of our freedom and our Western civilization’s concepts of democracy.


In 1972, a rival of Yasser Arafat, George Habash, the man responsible for the bloodiest terror attacks in Europe, stated, “…the entire Arab Nation must go to war against Europe and America.” Habash concluded with, “To advance step by step, millimeter by millimeter, year after year, decade after decade…determined, stubborn, patient. This is our strategy. A strategy that we shall expand throughout the whole planet.” Habash was speaking of more than terrorism and massacres; he also meant the cultural war, the demographic war, and a religious war waged by stealing a nation from its citizens.


Look north to Bowling Green, KY and we find Islamic terrorism in our own backyard; look south to Shelbyville, TN and one sees Somali Muslims, immigrants from a terror sponsoring nation with deep connections to Al Qaeda, who have little respect for our laws or culture. Since 2000 the Muslim population in the U.S. has increased by 156%. The current Islamic invasion of America is nothing more than the revival of Islam’s centuries old expansionism, imperialism and colonialism.


I close my eyes and I see mosques from Cologne and Turin to Miami and Falls Church overflowing with terrorists. I see those sons of Mohammed destroying the Catholic Churches, burning Crucifixes and urinating on Madonnas in Beirut in 1982; I see the Bamiyan Valley Buddhas from the Third Century dynamited as the Talban rejected anything artistic, historic or not of Islam’s making. Finally, I recall the Twin Towers collapsing and the chill that crept down my spine as tears streamed down my cheeks.


I suspect that Muslim appeasers, the collaborationists and the traitors to America would somehow find a way to blame the victims of the slaughter in Constantinople in 1453. The Ottoman troops beheaded everyone in the cathedral, even babies; the massacre continued from dawn until afternoon, and four thousand nuns were raped and butchered in just a few hours. The murder abated only when the Grand Vizier spoke these words to the butchers from the pulpit of St. Sophia: “Rest. Now this temple belongs to Allah.” Not much has changed over the last six hundred years, has it?


I will not tolerate the intolerant. I will not tolerate the abuse and terrorism these Islamofascists are committing in my beloved America; I will not respect nor defend the Islamic culture that shows such a contempt for ours; I will not be intimidated or shut up by the politically correct or any son of Mohammed, because I am going to always defend my culture and America first! My war is right…legitimate, dutiful and right!