Mind Control is used by U.S. Government

Mind Control Mechanics


John R. Houk

© December 4, 2013


On November 10, 2013 I posted some miniscule research in relation to some information sent to me by my friend Soleilmavis Liu pertaining to mind control. I combined the small amount of research I glazed over with Soleilmavis promotion of her eBook “Twelve Years in the Grave – Mind Control with Electromagnetic Spectrums, the Invisible Modern Concentration Camp”. I titled my portion of the post “Is Remote Mind Control Causing Gunman Massacres?


The whole post is about the U.S. government utilizing Mind Control experimentation on foreign and domestic subjects. In Soleilmavis’ case the Mind Control began as a foreign test subject. The experimentation is not on a voluntary basis. The person’s mind is experimented on clandestinely. Now just be clear was not posting this as a denigration of the USA. In spite of Obama’s attempts to dilute the personal Liberties embedded in our Constitution, the USA is still the freest nation on earth and to date in history. You do realize at the very least that nations that are very powerful and anti-American are also involved with nefarious experimentation (cough like China and Russia). The difference being domestically is that U.S. citizens are Constitutionally protected from such invasions at least on an unwilling basis. So my concern is will the U.S. government utilize the exploitation of our Intelligence networks to ignore the Constitution?


President Obamasiah’s Administration has been caught with his hands in the cookie jar of Constitutional Privacy utilizing the NSA on all Americans and the IRS to intimidate Conservative organizations that do not like the President’s concept of transforming America. AND the multiple other scandals (long list) coming to light and being denied as scandalous by the Obama Administration has to make Americans question what Barack Hussein Obama is up to, right?


Do you know what DARPA is? You should find out if you do not know.


DARPA – Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency is:


… an independent agency of the United States Department of Defense (DOD) that focuses on developing cutting edge technology to ensure that the United States remains ahead of its enemies. The organization has contributed a number of technologies to the United States military and the world in general, including the groundwork for the Internet. Many of the workings of this agency are kept concealed from the public, in the interests of keeping its technology under wraps so that it is not exploited by other nations.


The agency was founded in 1958, after the Soviet Union launched Sputnik, the first satellite. The United States government realized that it needed a small, mobile, independent research organization if it wanted to meet threats to American security quickly and decisively. Initially, the agency was called the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), and it focused on aerospace research and threats to national security such as nuclear testing by other nations.


By 1972, the organization’s mission had evolved, and the government had added “Defense” to the title, turning it into DARPA. It began to focus on looking forward into the future, working on highly experimental technology in small, focused groups. This system continues to be used by the agency today, with it focusing on goal-oriented projects that are intended to improve America’s military and defense systems.


DARPA has a number of divisions that are divided into smaller teams focusing on a variety of issues. Information technology is an important part of its research, for example, as are tools that are used on the battlefield, such as drones, armored vehicles, and communications jamming equipment. The agency also focuses on the threat of weapons of mass destruction, and it counters emerging threats to American security and information awareness. It has many small but very dedicated groups of active researchers and experiments, who may work together for up to five years developing a project and delivering a prototype.


Because DARPA technology is used to protect national security and make the United States more effective militarily, it is largely classified. It is also extremely advanced, since the organization focuses on technological superiority. Periodically, information about agency projects does reach the public, but the details are usually deliberately obscured. Civilians, for example, might be aware that it is working on a cloaking device for camouflaging soldiers, but they will not be aware of the mechanics of the system. (What is DARPA? wiseGEEK)


DARPA is so secretive that Conspiracy Theories abound which are on the fantastic side of belief. So when a Conspiracy Theory is true about DARPA, it is so muddled with the fantastic that incredulity reigns supreme.


There is a DARPA invention that Christians should be aware of. Former DARPA Director now working for Google does an interview talking about electronic tattoos being placed on the human skin in which data and fiscal information is embedded for scanning like for the doctor, purchasing, Regina Duganbanking and so on. On the Oath Keepers website an interview was posted with Regina Dugan explaining how the tattoo would work. Here is a small intro just before the video:


Regina Dugan, the former Director of DARPA, and current executive at Google describes, with confidence, the coming Beast Tech smart tattoos and ingestible biochips that are ALREADY FDA APPROVED, that people will want to receive (and then be required to receive) by 2017.


Note, if you will, the audience applauding this new technology.


VIDEO: Former DARPA director on research into Beast Tech


(Former DARPA Director On Research Into Beast Tech; Oath Keepers;

December 3rd, 2013)


My fellow Christians, can you say Mark of the Beast? I don’t care how convenient it is made out to be, I’m staying old school against that piece of technology.


NONETHELESS, there is one story about DARPA inventiveness that seems to be getting traction for the reason a whistleblower has released classified documents and has given interviews that talk about the super-secret organization is actively experimenting with the kind of Mind Control that Soleilmavis has written about concerning her personal experiences.


The whistleblower claims (if his documents are true) that DARPA has granted Arizona State University’s (ASU) classified research program called Center for Strategic Communication (CSC) a grant of 6.1 MILLION DOLLARS to use Remote Mind Control against enemy soldiers. A friend of mine sent a Youtube interview between Ben Swann and the Whistleblower. I am going to cross page 1 and page 2 of the text of interview followed by the video itself. On the Swann’s website he places the video first, but I think if you read the text first it will sink in about what is going on. You should note that this story broke in October 2013 and many other blogs and websites picked up Ben Swann’s original story in which they provided links to the leaked documents. As of today anyway, those documents have been removed because Arizona State University complained of copyright infringement. That leads me to suspect the leaked documents are real and not faked. If you are lucky maybe you can find another website or blog that has not been intimidated by a government agency about posting the leaked documents.


In the Swann interview you will hear such things as Narrative Theory and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. The later term first got my attention from Soleilmavis Liu.


JRH 12/4/13 (Hat Tip: Judge Bob)

Please Support NCCR


Ben Swann showing the ASU - CSC mind control plan


Exclusive: Government Program to Control Religious Thought?


By Ben Swann

October 16, 2013



Truth in Media: Government Program to Control Religious Thought?


Is the U.S. Government working on a program to…well…program the way you view religion?


A whistleblower who has worked on that program says yes and he wants you to know exactly what has been going on.


The first step towards truth is to be informed.


If I told you that the Defense Department was using taxpayer dollars to learn how to influence people with religious beliefs in order to control those beliefs, would it really surprise you?


Would you think that I am a tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist?


Would you care if I told you that the program was aimed at controlling fundamentalist Muslims?


How about fundamentalist Christians?


Here’s the backstory. In 2012, Arizona State Universitys Center for Strategic Communication or CSC was awarded a $6.1 million dollar research grant by DARPA or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency.


The goal of the project according to ASUʼs website is to study the neurobiology of narrative comprehension, validate narrative theories and explore the connection between narrative and persuasion.”


A lot of technical talk there, so lets (sic) dig into the details.


The CSC program is actually about creating narratives. Using effective communication, largely video, to control the thought process of groups of people. And ultimately to be able to trigger narratives through magnetic stimulation. At its core, the program is focused on how to win the narrative against Muslim extremism. It’s a fairly interesting concept.


According to documents leaked to us, this project integrates insights from three mutually-informing theoretical terrains.

In short, the goal of the program is to combat and change religious narratives because of their role in “extremist behavior.” The whistleblower who revealed this program to us, worked for several years on the program. They asked not to be identified.


Ben: What were you told about the proposal as you began working through it?


Whistleblower: Yeah, I thought that it was benign. They told me it was about trying to figure outwhat (sic) parts of the brain are affected by narrative persuasion. Just to figure it out just for academic reasons. So we looked at narrative transportation which is basically how an individual is transported into a narrative, how they understand it…kind of like when you read a good book you get really enthralled with it.


At its core, the program attempts to map the brain to determine which portions of the brain allow you to accept a narrative presented to you. It’s called narrative theory.


Mapping this network will lead to a fuller understanding of the influence narrative has on memory, emotion, theory of mind, identity and persuasion, which in turn influence the decision to engage in political violence or join violent groups or support groups ideologically or financially.


You see, the project is focused on the belief that the reason Muslims in the Middle East are swayed to religious violence is not because of the reality of what is going on around them per se, but because they are believing a local or a regional narrative.


Ben: The local and regional narrative then is that the brain automatically assumes things because of a narrative we’ve been taught since our childhood, is that it?


Whistleblower: Right yeah that’s true. We call those master narratives. So in America we have this “rags to riches” master narrative where if you work really hard you can become successful and make a ton of money. So in the Middle East, they always use the example of the Pharaoh. That’s the master narrative that’s in the Qur’an, where there’s this corrupt leader that, you know, is really bad for society. And they use the example of Sadat who was assassinated. When the assassin killed him, he said, “I have killed the Pharaoh, I have killed the Pharaoh.” So they assume that he was relying upon this Islamic master narrative to fuel his actions.


So how does the program change this? Again a lot of technical speak here so stay with me. But it’s broken into three phases.




Phase I is to map the Narrative Comprehension Network using a set of stimuli designed from the point of view of two different religious cultures.


Phase II will test hypotheses generated in Phase I, adding two additional manipulations of narrative validity and narrative transportation.


Phase III, it investigates possibilities for literally disrupting the activity of the NCN through Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.


Ben: Phase III is fairly interesting. I noticed in the documentation it says lets (sic) not talk too much about this because who knows if we’ll ever get there. But when you do read what Phase III is it is a little surprising, it’s called Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. This is not something that’s science fiction, it’s not something they’ve cooked up. This is a real technique that’s already been used in the past, correct?


Whistleblower: Yes, it started out in the psychiatry field when people were depressed and when you’re depressed certain parts of your brain are not functioning correctly. So they created this technology, which is basically a big magnet, and you put it on their brain and it turns off that part of the brain that’s bad or wrong and it would help them with their depression for several weeks to a month and they’d go back and do it again. So this technology has been around for ten or fifteen years.


Ben: So it’s very high tech propaganda, what we’re talking about.


Whistleblower: High tech and validated propaganda, yes. So if they’re able to turn off a part of the brain and get rid of that master narrative that will make you not believe in a particular statement, they would have validated this propaganda. So if they turn off portion X, they know that the propaganda is going to work and the individual is going to believe whatever is being told to them.


So why do all this? Because the project is based on the idea that despite the good work of the U.S. in the Middle East, the message of the work is not being received.


“The frequent rejection of US messaging by local populations in the Middle East, despite US insistence on the objective truth of the US message, illustrates the narrative paradigm at work. The well documented ‘say-do gap’ between US messages and US actions is seen by some as contributing to a lack of narrative validity in stories produced by the US. Similarly, stories of US aid do not ring true in a culture wherein Christian foreigners, since the 11th Century, have been invaders and sought to destroy and rule.”


So how to fix this?


Ben: How do you move someone from simply watching a video or seeing a video all the way down that line to behavior? It’s a pretty powerful tool if you’re able to do that.


Whistleblower: Right, so they think that maybe an extremist statements or a video like Al Qaeda puts out will lead to some individuals doing a suicide bombing, for example. So they’re trying to look at this video or the statements and take away a part of your brain that will think that it fits in with your culture or master narrative and that will hopefully lead you to not do these extremist, violent acts.

So what you need to know is that this program boils down to one central idea. If people aren’t reaching the conclusions the U.S. government would like them to reach, there must be a way to force them to accept these narratives.


Remember that the claim is that the U.S. despite giving aid is viewed in the Middle East as invaders. That, according to the program research is the product of embedded narrative, not a result of action.


So the view of the U.S. as invaders in countries where we have standing armies, dozens of military bases, the U.S. paying off drug lords in Afghanistan or regional warlords in Iraq or where we consistently bomb via drone strike in Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia or where we fund dictators until those dictators are overthrown and then attempt to fund the rebels, who end up becoming dictators.


All of that has nothing to do with the U.S. view of Muslims in the Middle East because clearly they are missing the fact that the U.S. gives aid.


The next step, control the narrative and if necessary, use magnetic stimulation to force people to accept the view of the U.S. that we desire them to have.


After all, aren’t extremist Muslims dangerous? Extremist Christians? See the problem with the question is who gets to define extremist? Who decides if religious beliefs are inherently dangerous?


And if we believe that government should have the power to control how the extremist thinks… wouldn’t they have the authority to decide how and what we all think?



We cannot post the leaked documents from program here because ASU has claimed intellectual property infringement.


Note: I contacted Arizona State University’s CSC Department requesting an interview about this program.  A spokesperson told me that the University would not comment on the program. That all inquires (sic) should be sent to DARPA.


VIDEO: Government Program To Control Religious Thought?



Mind Control is used by U.S. Government

John R. Houk

© December 4, 2013


Exclusive: Government Program to Control Religious Thought?


Copyright 2013 Ben Swann


Ben Swann Bio


I have spent 14 years working as a journalist in broadcast news.  I won’t bore you with all the details but suffice to say I began my career as a news photographer and moved up the ladder to reporter, morning anchor/reporter, prime time anchor/reporter.  Along the way I won two Emmy Awards and two Edward R. Murrow awards.  For a number of years I covered Mexico’s drug war.  At that time, I realized that national media was not interested in the truth of what was happening in Mexico or the problems associated with the failed “war on drugs” in the United States.


In 2010, I moved north to Cincinnati, Ohio to take a prime time anchor job with WXIX and there I became the producer/writer/anchor of a segment called “Reality Check”.  It was while covering the 2012 Republican Presidential primary that I began to confront the problems in the American electoral process, the stranglehold of America’s two party system and …



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