An Intro to Justin Smith’s ‘A Monstrous Conspiracy’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

By Justin O. Smith

© March 29, 2019


We Americans who are not gullible or not brainwashed by the self-destructive Left, fully realize that political corruption has been transforming American culture, morals and thoughts for quite some time. That corruption is so pervasive that elitists would protect that transformation at any cost. Trump’s election as President undoubtedly is viewed as a threat to further change.


Hence, Leftist elites and GOP RINOs were (and still are) willing to break the law to keep Americans in submission to transformation. If you are an American willing to abandon the foundational principles that has been the cornerstone of the American rule of law under a Christian moral influence, simply keep looking the other way when the Mainstream Media and Left-Wing Dems LIE about Trump to keep their change progressing.

If you want a return to what has made America great and good, then fight with your voice and vote. If your voice and vote is rendered useless by Leftist transformative laws ignoring the Constitution and your Bible, then it will be time to take a page from Leftist activism. FLOOD YOUR STREETS with voice and action. Even if that action includes taking up arms, then remember our Declaration of Independence:


When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.


… That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. …


HOPEFULLY the obvious stated by Justin Smith helps you to wake up that a Dem Party dominated government becomes destructive to the Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness bestowed on every human life by the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God is under threat.


JRH 3/29/19

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A Monstrous Conspiracy

Sedition, Espionage and Near Treason 


By Justin O. Smith

Sent  3/28/2019 10:37 PM


The Mueller probe was based on dark and black propaganda lies and a sinister machination started in late 2015 by the Obama Administration and presidential candidate, former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton to subvert and undermine candidate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the political system and our Republic. The investigation was a sham; and even though it recently found collusion had not occurred between President Trump and Russia to influence the 2016 election, Mueller’s investigation was part and parcel of a deliberate attempt by the powerful establishment ruling class to hold onto power, through the use of the levers of government to effect a soft coup.


CNN, MSNBC and The New York Times struggled to digest the parting spoiled meal Robert Mueller served them, accelerating the death throes of the Obama and Clinton manufactured false narrative surrounding RussiaGate. And while many Democrats and other socialist and communist anti-Americans, such as former CIA Director John Brennan, are left eating crow flavored french fries, Mueller did leave one last poison pill in his statement, as he stated that “while this report does not conclude the President committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”


From late 2016, political operatives with deep ties to the Clinton family circulated two different dossiers smearing President Trump as a Russian puppet and traitor to America, while useful idiots in both parties assisted in advancing the false Russian collusion narrative into the upper echelons of Obama’s Intelligence Community. CIA Director John Brennan, DNI head James Clapper and FBI Director James Comey leveraged the false dossiers to operate an illegal surveillance campaign against Donald Trump and his inner circle. And after Donald Trump’s victory, the operation continued as an effort to neutralize the election results and unseat President Trump as an illegitimate president and a traitor to America.


“Russian collusion” and numerous leaks from Comey, Brennan, Susan Rice and the creation of a special counsel were all part of a preemptive defense of assorted crimes committed by Obama officials, such as illegally leaking classified information to the media, deceiving the FISA court, lying to the FBI and Congress and obstructing justice. All of this was to divert attention from their wrongdoing, and there never existed any evidentiary reason to appoint a special counsel, other than to make a crime fit the man, Donald Trump, just like they used to do in the old Soviet Union.


Does the full Mueller Report mention that the Steele Dossier, the document that formed the basis for his investigation, was manufactured and bought by Hillary Clinton associates and employees? Does it note the repeated use of this falsified document to improperly and illegally prolong the inquisition? How could Mueller not acknowledge such revelations? And if not, what sort of investigation has this been?


By May of 2017 and the beginning of Mueller’s investigation, the Steele Dossier was already denounced as a fraud. FISA transcripts of surveillance conversations had already revealed no direct evidence of collusion, as FBI agent Peter Strzok warns his lover and fellow FBI agent Lisa Page that “there’s no big there there“.


How many legitimate investigators and how many Americans are asking: Was the FISA judge in on this conspiracy, or was he unaware of it? America has already witnessed numerous activist liberal Leftist judges try to stonewall legitimate executive orders from President Trump designed to protect America, revealing serious questions about our judicial system and the rule of law.


Thirty million dollars and two and a half years later and after 2800 subpoenas, 500 warrants, and 500 witnesses, America is notified there wasn’t any Russian collusion or any obstruction of justice, and that in and of itself is, ipso facto, an exoneration. Whatever Mueller’s intention, his innuendo absent of formal charges was a transgression against the spirit of the American justice system. It will be most interesting to hear any forthcoming explanation, before the House Judiciary Committee.


Just hours after the release of the Mueller Report, President Trump exclaimed: “It began illegally. And hopefully somebody is going to look at the other side. This was an illegal takedown that failed … “.


Representative Devin Nunes has promised to make criminal referrals to Attorney General Barr on FBI and DOJ officials who perpetrated this RussiaGate hoax. Nunes stated: “This is the unraveling of the biggest political scandal in American history … this dates back to late 2015 … this began as … nothing less than a Clinton/ Obama operation with a bunch of dirty cops at the FBI and career DOJ officials.”


Paul Sperry, author and former fellow at the Hoover Institute, rightfully notes: “President Trump called the investigations of him and his advisers ‘illegal’. That is not hyperbole. What the Obama FBI and DOJ pulled was worse than Watergate. AG Barr must now hold the dirty agents to account by impaneling a grand jury investigation of the investigators.”


In the end, Watergate brought down a president over a far less serious crime than the numerous crimes that have occurred at the direction of Obama underlings. Does anyone really believe President Obama was completely in the dark regarding the sedition, espionage and near treason being perpetrated against the nation?


Every quisling and each person and each organization that perpetrated and advance the Russia hoax, literally the entire Democratic Party in both houses of Congress and every news media personality at The New York Times, the Washington Post, ABC, CNN, NBC, and CBS should go out in their back yards and blow their brains out, or slit their wrists in a warm bath, but they won’t, because they know no shame over their attempted treasonous coup. So, they should be rounded up in busses at the FBI and DOJ for criminal conspiracy; continue on to the Democratic National Committee, and arrest every member of the Clinton campaign with the knowledge of this monstrous conspiracy; and, prosecute them all in batches just like Nazis at Nuremberg.


President Trump should do all he can to encourage U.S. Attorney William Barr to prosecute Hillary Clinton on anything associated with this conspiracy, including a renewed and deeper look into the mishandling of the Clinton email investigation, investigating the investigators. They must pursue the criminals and traitors to America and get to the bottom of the FISA warrant abuses and RussiaGate. They must release the FISA applications, FBI 302 forms and 1023 counterintelligence documentation that is still classified, because it will take these actions and President Trump acting with the iron will of Andrew Jackson and Ulysses S. Grant to completely drain this modern political swamp and physically wrest our beloved America from that rapidly approaching iron grip of tyranny.


The instigators of this coup attempt have damaged America in untold ways and they must be brought down and exposed, along with their collaborators. From start to finish, this sorry episode in history has shown Americans that two sets of rules exist in America, one for the elite and one for the common average American, and that the justice system works to punish anyone challenging the rule of the establishment elite. That’s poison to our freedom and liberty in America.


By Justin O. Smith


An Intro to Justin Smith’s ‘A Monstrous Conspiracy’

Intro by John R. Houk, Blog Editor

By Justin O. Smith

© March 29, 2019


A Monstrous Conspiracy

© Justin O. Smith


Edited by John R. Houk

Source are Links by the Editor


Looking at the Incel Movement

John R. Houk

© April 27, 2018


Alek Minassian of the Toronto Massacre infamy, had his day in a Canadian Court where the interested found out he is being charged with 10 counts of murder and 13 counts of attempted murder. As far as I know Minassian has not confessed to the reason for the attack. This post is based on the speculative motive for the massacre. That being Minassian was a part of the subculture group of mostly men who believe they are a part of the Incel Movement. Incel = involuntarily celibate.


These dudes feel that beautiful women will only form relationships with hunky men leaving out in the cold plain nerd-like socially maladjusted men. You’d almost feel sorry for these lost souls except they have evolved from a self-pitying lot to a hate group that despises primarily gorgeous gals. Sam Louie MA, LMHC writing for Psychology Today demonstrates the sympathetic element:


They’re teased for being virgins (“virgin-shaming”).  This is a new societal shift that has radically changed within the past two decades.  It wasn’t long ago when you may have been shamed for being sexual outside of marriage, now you’re shamed if you haven’t had sex before marriage. … In short, the worldview is if you haven’t had sex by 30, you must be not only sexually inadequate, defective, and inept but also socially.


They’re also teased or bullied for being socially awkward or being different.  This oftentimes can be due to physical disabilities, physical characteristics (weight, height, facial features, acne, etc.), and a lack of understanding social cues (not knowing when to start or stop talking, not knowing how much to share and possibly over-sharing in certain situations to name a few).


Combine this with their social isolation along with hobbies and interests that lend themselves to public mockery … Incels (short for involuntary celibate) have a tendency to gravitate towards activities that are less socially threatening thus online role-playing games and activities where your profile can be anonymous such as World of Warcraft are very popular within this demographic.  Other interests include collecting comic books, interest in Pokemon, and Japanese Manga.  And for some, they’ve also have had the additional burden of being ostracized for their ethnic background.


READ ENTIRETY (The Incel Movement: The sexual, social, recreational, and racial implications; By Sam Louie; Psychology Today; 4/25/18)


If you Google the Incel Movement, you will discover many Leftist MSM and extreme Leftist sources that more than happy to describe the movement’s characteristics. The reason being Incels are not only social awkward misogynists, but also these same guys tend to be extremely Right Wing often described as the Alt-Right (which Left loves to group Neo-Nazis, Skin Heads, KKK, White Nationalists and so on). Source – found a Youtube video that profiles the typical Incel:


VIDEO: Elliot Rodger: His Biographical Manifesto


Posted by Wall Street Journal

Published on May 26, 2014


Elliot Rodger, accused of killing six people and injuring 13 others in a rampage in which he also died, published a 140-page, biographical manifesto. In it, he chronicles the evolution of his own hate and despair. WSJ’s Jason Bellini reports.


Thanks to Left-leaning Google I found some unpleasant info on the Incel Movement and its early development. I’m going to cross post a thoughts. I know nothing about, but its home page seems to emphasize the entertainment industry. Then I am going to cross post the National Post’s rather lengthy profile of Alek Minassian.

Other interesting posts on the Incel Movement:


Spreading terror: How the Toronto attack echoes recent trends in extremist violence; By Chris Meserole; Brookings Institute; 4/25/18


Incel – the movement linked to Toronto suspect; By Georgia Arlott; Sky News; 4/26/18


A Quick Explainer of the Incel Movement, the Saddest Bunch of Hateful Dorks on the Internet; By Matt Keeley;; 4/7/18


JRH 4/27/18

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What You Need to Know About the Incel Movement & Its Potential Role in the Toronto Van Attack


By Sarah Boesveld, Chatelaine

Apr 26, 2018


A post about an “Incel Rebellion” appeared on suspect Alek Minassian’s Facebook page moments before the Toronto attack. But what does the term “incel” even mean—and what, if anything, did it have to do with his motivations?


Memorializing Toronto Massacre Victims. Photo- STEVE RUSSELL


As details of the van attack that claimed 10 lives and injured 15 in Toronto earlier this week continued to unfold, the term “incel” started appearing in headlines.


The term is Internet slang and shorthand for “involuntarily celibate,” which refers to a person (usually a man) who is not having sex or who is not in a romantic relationship because women have rejected him. It’s been co-opted by the “manosphere,” an online community that harbours a deep hatred and resentment of women, as an ideology that justifies hostility towards the opposite sex.


At a news conference Tuesday, Toronto Police Det-Sgt. Graham Gibson said Alek Minassian has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder. Gibson also said police were aware of and are investigating a “cryptic” Facebook post that referred to “incels” and was allegedly shared on the 25-year-old suspect’s account just before the killings. (Questions remain as to whether or not Minassian wrote the post himself.)  Despite the fact that most of the 10 victims in the attack were women, police said there is no evidence so far that Minassian was targeting women in particular. However, the investigation will consider whether or not the attack was motivated by misogyny.


Here’s what you need to know:


Where did the term “incel” come from to begin with?


This term now associated with misogyny was actually coined by a Toronto woman who craved a label for lacking sexual and romantic experience as she figured out her sexuality in university. The then-Carleton University student named Alana (she’s now in her 40s) created a website—Alana’s Involuntary Celibacy Project—which she hoped would be an inclusive space where women and men could share their experiences of being unwillingly alone. But the site quickly became dominated by men complaining about women being unwilling to sleep with them. She eventually abandoned the page, turned the URL over to a stranger and never followed up. “It feels like being the scientist who figured out nuclear fission and then discovers it’s being used as a weapon for war,” she told the Globe and Mail this week. “It’s not a happy feeling.”


Where did the movement go from there?


A lot of the men drawn to the incel world came from the pick-up artist community, which purports to teach men how to get women to date them. But according to the New York Times, incels are more extreme than so-called pick-up artists, believing the pick-up artists to be too “humanizing” of women. The most extreme incels have advocated for violence against women, including rape. They are also different from men’s rights activists, according to Arshy Mann, a DailyXtra writer who has been reporting on the Toronto “manosphere” and tweeted about the community on Tuesday.


Who are Stacy and Chad?


Incels have a code, referring to women as “Stacys” and sexually active men as “Chads.” They also deride sexually active people as “normies,” and seek to dehumanize them. Incel members have spread these ideas through Reddit and a site called 4chan—which is notorious for encouraging threatening behaviour such as doxxing (i.e., hacking and publishing personal information) women online.


What does this have to do with the Toronto attack?


It all comes back to the Facebook post Toronto police acknowledged in their press conference Tuesday. Posted on Minassian’s legitimate account allegedly minutes before the attacks was a message: “The Incel Rebellion has already begun!” The post read: “We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”


Who is Elliot Rodger?


In May 2014, 22-year-old Rodger killed six people and injured 14 others near the University of California in the Santa Barbara community of Isla Vista before killing himself in his car. Before heading out on his killing spree, Rodger uploaded a video to YouTube titled “Elliot Rodger’s Retribution,” in which he detailed the future attack and said he wanted to punish women for rejecting him, and slay sexually active men out of envy. Rodger has since become a hero in the incel community.


Why are there still questions about the Facebook post?


While Facebook confirmed the post came from an account registered to Minassian and the police acknowledged they are looking into it, it’s not 100 percent clear that Minassian wrote the post himself—it could be a hack or a hoax (online hoaxes have become common in the wake of mass killings, and the Toronto attack did come with the spread of misinformation and fake news online). Some incels online have celebrated the movement’s association with the killings. “I really want it to be true that the guy was an incel lmao,” the Toronto Star reported one commenter posting on the forum. But the forum’s administrator this week said that, to their knowledge, Minassian had never posted on the site, nor did the community know him.


If Minassian was in fact influenced by the incel movement, it would strengthen the link between mass murder and hatred and violence toward women that has garnered greater attention in recent years.


Toronto van attack suspect Alek Minassian’s interest in ‘incel’ movement the latest sign of troubled life


The story of Minassian’s ‘sad and confusing’ life comes fragmented from a cluster of people who knew him, but none who appear to have known him well


By Adrian Humphreys AND Jake Edmiston

April 24, 2018 9:27 PM EDT

Last Updated April 26, 2018 12:47 PM EDT

National Post


VIDEO: Alek Minassian: What we know about Toronto van attack suspect


Posted by National Post

Published on Apr 26, 2018


TORONTO — The distressing scope of criminal allegations against Alek Minassian were revealed in a packed Toronto courtroom — 10 counts of first-degree murder and 13 counts of attempted murder — as glimpses of the man and a possible motive emerged after a rental van mowed through pedestrians along Toronto’s Yonge Street.


Just “minutes before” the van started its awful rampage along the sidewalks of one of Canada’s best known streets, deliberately striking pedestrians, Minassian posted a “cryptic message” on Facebook, said Toronto police Det.-Sgt. Graham Gibson.


The message says: “Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010, wishing to speak to Sgt 4chan please. C23249161. The Incel Rebellion has already begun! We will overthrow all the Chads and Stacys! All hail Supreme Gentleman Elliot Rodger!”


Infamous Alek Minassian Facebook Post


Decoding the post suggests a spark for the deadly trek may have been frustration over an inability to attract female companionship. The majority of the victims struck by the van were women, adding to the potential importance of the post.


Toronto police are investigating whether Minassian’s mental health or an interest in the incel movement are related to the van attack.


At 25, Minassian, who lived with his parents and his brother in a detached two-storey home in suburban Richmond Hill, just north of Toronto, is variously described as a failed solider who dropped out of basic training, a socially awkward student in a special needs class in high school where he was known for acting like a cat, a long-standing college student, a computer whiz and app developer, video game enthusiast and a self-declared “incel.”


VIDEO: Military saw no red flags about Toronto attack suspect Sajjan…Unlisted

Posted by The Canadian Press

Uploaded on Apr 24, 2018


Harjit Sajjan is defending the militarys selection process after it was revealed that the Toronto van attack suspect was briefly a Forces member. The defence minister said Alek Minassian served for two months. Video provided by The Canadian Press…


It is his apparent embrace of the incel movement that helps decipher his odd Facebook post, which Facebook has confirmed as a legitimate post from Minassian’s account that has since been taken down by the company.


An “incel” is a portmanteau of “involuntary celibate” and came into wide recognition in 2014 after Elliot Rodger, 22, killed six and injured 14 in Isla Vista, California, before killing himself. In a manifesto, he said he needed to punish women for rejecting him and sexually active men for their success where he failed.


Within the incel subculture, which typically veers towards deep misogyny, “Chads” refer to the sexually successful men and “Stacys” to unattainable women.


Alek Minassian, a 25-year-old Richmond Hill, Ont., man is shown in this image from his LinkedIn page. A man accused of driving a van into pedestrians along a stretch of a busy Toronto street has been charged with 10 counts of first-degree murder. Alek Minassian, of Richmond Hill, Ont., is also facing 13 counts of attempted murder. Handout via CP


As news of Minassian’s connection spread, some self-professed incels embraced it as a call to arms.


Some members of an incel-dedicated forum branded him “Saint Alek” and “St. Minassian.” Some suggested other ways to continue the attacks so the world of the sexually active would fear them.


“It is a good time to be an incel. Our brothers are launching their counter-attack, getting their revenge. Thank you,” one post reads. “They should be scared, this is what happens when you deny so many men love and affection for their entire lives,” said another.


“Well, he certainly got us noticed,” one member wrote. “It will be interesting to read about Alek’s story as more details about his life unfold. I’d love to know what exactly made him think he was an incel.”


A police officer walks past a van used in a deadly attack on pedestrians in Toronto on April 23, 2018. Craig Robertson/Postmedia Network


That story may one day become known, but for now, Minassian’s story comes fragmented from a cluster of people who knew him, but none who appear to have known him well.


Despite the violent language of some incels online, those who knew Minassian personally did not pin him as a violent character. Oddball, challenged, awkward, weird, infantilized, but not violent.


When Minassian was a student at Thornlea Secondary School​ in nearby Thornhill, Ont., he stood out for his unorthodox behaviour.


“I had classes with him. He was mentally unstable back then. He was known to meow like a cat and try to bite people; this is one sad and confusing story,” Alexander Alexandrovitch said of his former classmate in a Facebook post.


A photo of Alek Minassian from his Grade 9 yearbook.


Minassian was “never intentionally violent” in school, he added.


Reza Fakhteh said he overlapped with Minassian for two years at Thornlea. He described Minassian as a special education student who rarely socialized and had no obvious friends.


“I never heard him speak beyond meowing at people,” Fakhteh wrote in a Facebook message. “His movements were erratic and just strange overall. He acted like a cat in every way.”


Fakhteh said he was shocked to hear that Minassian was named as a suspect in this kind of attack.


“The guy I remember from high school definitely wouldn’t be driving,” he said.


A man believed to be the father of Alek Minassian is escorted by Toronto Police from the 1000 Finch Avenue West Court Tuesday April 23, after the first court appearance of Minassian, who has been charged with murder and attempted murder in the Yonge and Finch van attack yesterday. Peter J Thompson/National Post


Ari Blaff, another former classmate said he was “an odd guy.”


“He had several tics and would sometimes grab the top of his shirt and spit on it, meow in the hallways and say, ‘I am afraid of girls.’ It was like a mantra.” While Minassian did not express strong ideological views or harass women, he was isolated and others privately made fun of him, Blaff said.


While in high school, he was an avid videogamer. A defunct Steam account, a video game software platform, that appears to be Minassian’s says he is better at shooting games than strategy games. It says he loves the Halo series — a franchise of science fiction-based first-person shooter games — and adds the gamer names of three players who he says are his “real life friends.”


Provincial records show the house, now guarded by police, belongs to Vahe and Sona Minassian. They bought the property in 1998 for $330,000.


The home (centre) of alleged van attack suspect Alek Minassian in Richmond Hill on Tuesday April 24. Peter J Thompson/National Post


In a story published in the Richmond Hill Liberal in 2009, a woman named Sona Minassian praised a local program for special needs children. The story said her son, who isn’t named, lived “with a form of autism known as Asperger’s syndrome.” He used the program, called Helpmate, to earn experience in an office setting.


In 2011, after high school graduation, Minassian enrolled at Seneca College in Toronto. His computer skills were put to use.


He worked as a paid research assistant, roughly four years ago, on a joint project with the college and an external business partner to develop an application to deal with data produced by health and wellness devices similar to Fitbits.


A man believed to be the father of Alek Minassian is escorted by Toronto Police from the 1000 Finch Avenue West Court Tuesday April 23, after the first court appearance of Minassian, who has been charged with murder and attempted murder in the Yonge and Finch van attack yesterday. Peter J Thompson for the National Post


A staff member at Seneca who had a few encounters with Minassian several years ago said he seemed to struggle with social interaction.


“He could have sort of normal conversation, but you could tell it wasn’t his strength,” said the staff member, who did not wish to be named. “It’s completely surreal to realize you know someone who (allegedly) killed 10 people.”


Seneca President David Agnew acknowledged his school’s connection Minassian in an email to students and staff Tuesday afternoon, obtained by the National Post.


“The reports associating the driver with Seneca are extremely troubling,” Agnew wrote. “Yet it is vital that we do not let this terrible act undermine our determination to be the peaceful, tolerant and inclusive society that is admired around the globe. We must grieve, and we must heal, but we must also resolve to carry on.”


Police arrest Alek Minassian after a van fatally struck pedestrians in Toronto on Monday. FTV_Huazhang/Twitter


One of the victims was a student at Seneca. “Our thoughts are with all those affected, including the family and friends of one of our students who died as a result of the tragic incident. Along with the rest of the city, and world, we are extremely troubled by yesterday’s events,” a statement for the college says.


Minassian’s LinkedIn page lists him as enrolled at Seneca from 2011 to 2018. Asked whether seven years was a peculiar length of study, Seneca spokeswoman Kayla Lewis said she couldn’t confirm any student’s enrolment due to privacy concerns, but did offer that “there’s no one-size-fits-all with students and their educational journeys.”


Minassian also appears to have been an aspiring software developer. Someone with that name registered an online Toronto parking app on Google Play.


A police officer adjusts a tarp covering a body on the sidewalk along Yonge Street near Finch Avenue after a man drove a rental truck down the sidewalk and hit and killed multiple pedestrians in Toronto, Ontario, April 23, 2018. Tyler Anderson/NATIONAL POST


Recently, Minassian joined the Canadian Armed Forces. A Department of National Defence spokesperson said he joined the army on Aug. 23, 2017, started his basic training at the military facility at Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Que., that September and left the military on Oct. 25.


He had not progressed to weapons training by the time he was released.


“He did not complete his recruit training and requested to be voluntarily released from the CAF after 16 days of recruit training,” a DND spokesperson said.


His brief stint in the military also may shed light on his cryptic Facebook post. He identified himself as “Private (Recruit) Minassian Infantry 00010” — that would have been his rank as a newly recruited soldier and 00010 is the military’s designation for an infantryman.



The military’s job description for a 00010 Infantryman states: “Must close with and destroy the enemy. They come into direct contact with the enemy and hand-to-hand combat is likely.”


Neighbours said they did not know the family well but often saw them while out and about.


Elaha Jamal, who lives nearby, said it was as if the parents had to supervise Minassian and his brother constantly, and would not let them roam free, sometimes even holding his brother by the shirt at the scruff of the neck.


“They were not OK,” she said. “They were an older couple but they took care of these boys like they were babies.”


— With files from Richard Warnica, Joseph Brean and David Pugliese


Police officers stand by a covered body in Toronto after a van was driven into a crowd of pedestrians, killing at least 10, on April 23, 2018. Aaron Vincent Elkaim / AP


Looking at the Incel Movement

John R. Houk

© April 27, 2018


What You Need to Know About the Incel Movement & Its Potential Role in the Toronto Van Attack


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Toronto van attack suspect Alek Minassian’s interest in ‘incel’ movement the latest sign of troubled life


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Obama, Hillary, et al – Nefarious Intentions

John R. Houk

© July 10, 2015

Remember Lois Lerner, the persecutor of Tea Party organizations and Conservative if they opposed the Obama agenda? Katie Pavlich gleaned some info from Judicial Watch that demonstrates that Lerner (as in the IRS) and the Department of Justice (as in – at the time – Obama’s buddy and confidante Attorney General Eric Holder) actually conspired to take out criminal action against any organization opposed to Barack Hussein Obama.

If you are a true American and purport to be a Democratic Party supporter, here is a good reason to at least write your Senator and District Representative to urge prosecution for these kinds of political dirty tricks. These kind of antics definitely the qualifications for Impeachment under the categories of High Crimes and Misdemeanors. Trust me, if you the Constitution, what qualifies as an impeachable Misdemeanor is quite broad under the Original Intent of the Framers of the U.S. Constitution.

The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.ARTICLE II, SECTION 4 (Standards for Impeachment; The Heritage Guide to The Constitution)

From the Wall Street Journal:

On one end of the debate, Roger Sherman believed that a president should be removed “at [the] pleasure” of Congress. Likewise, George Mason offered the standard of “maladministration.” At the other end of the debate, Charles Pinckney suggested that a president should not be subject to impeachment for any offense. Other delegates used vague language that only fuels the modern debate as to their true intentions. James Madison objected to a standard of “maladministration” as too ambiguous but he also stated that impeachment was a necessary precaution against “the incapacity, negligence or perfidy of the chief Magistrate.” For his part, Alexander Hamilton referred to impeachable offenses as “those offences which proceed from the misconduct of public men, or in other words, for the abuse or violation of some public trust.”

Franklin viewed impeachment as a process by which public concerns over presidential misconduct could be resolved and the legitimacy of a presidency restored. He noted that there are times when a president’s conduct is viewed as “obnoxious” and demands a process of public review and decision. The impeachment process, he concluded, is “the best way . . . to provide in the Constitution for the regular punishment of the Executive when his misconduct should deserve it, and for his honorable acquittal when he should be unjustly accused.” (High Crimes and Misdemeanors, According to the Framers; Jonathan Turley; WSJ; Updated 11/9/98 12:01 a.m. ET)

As a Conservative my sense is Obama and many of the cohorts of his Administration probably have treasonous acts that may never be proven as a high crime. However, maladministration and malicious acts are very provable. The only hindrance are the Democrats of the House – in impeachment proceedings – and in the Senate doing their due diligence for their constituents and the Constitution – in convicting for malicious acts that may fall more under Misdemeanors than High Crimes.

The focus of this post is Hillary Clinton – the current favorite to win the Dem Party nomination for POTUS, but President Barack Hussein Obama is certainly has had unclean hands from his 2008 election campaign through to the present. His campaign was full of image lies portraying to Americans he was the epitome of hope and change. The reality was and still is a connection to Marxist idealism (HERE, HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE) and the racism involve with Black Liberation Theology (HERE, HERE, HERE and HERE) . This reality includes a host of Marxist mentors and admirations on the Leftist side and a load of hate-Whitey BLT supremacists.

Impeach the Leftist cronies, Prosecute them or both.

JRH 7/10/15

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New Documents Show Extensive Collaboration Between IRS, DOJ to Criminally Prosecute Conservative Groups

By Katie Pavlich

July 07, 2015

Last year emails revealed former IRS official Lois Lerner was in contact with the Department of Justice Criminal Division about criminally prosecuting conservative tea party groups for pursuing political activity (opposed to President Obama’s agenda) by “posing” as non-profit organizations.

Now, new documents obtained by government watchdog Judicial Watch through two different Freedom of Information Act lawsuits show extensive collaboration between the IRS and DOJ (and subsequently the FBI) to go after conservative groups with criminal charges. The IRS likely violated federal law by illegally sharing 1.25 million pages of taxpayer information with DOJ, which were contained on nearly two dozen FBI backup tapes. Further, information shows DOJ wanted IRS officials who were scheduled to testify in front of Congress about the targeting scandal to turn over planned remarks to them first before delivering on Capitol Hill. From JW:

Judicial Watch today released new Department of Justice (DOJ) and Internal Revenue Service (IRS) documents that include an official “DOJ Recap” report detailing an October 2010 meeting between Lois Lerner, DOJ officials and the FBI to plan for the possible criminal prosecution of targeted nonprofit organizations for alleged illegal political activity.

The newly obtained records also reveal that the Obama DOJ wanted IRS employees who were going to testify to Congress to turn over documents to the DOJ before giving them to Congress. Records also detail how the Obama IRS gave the FBI 21 computer disks, containing 1.25 million pages of confidential IRS returns from 113,000 nonprofit social 501(c)(4) welfare groups – or nearly every 501(c)(4) in the United States – as part of its prosecution effort. According to a letter from then-House Oversight Committee Chairman Darrell Issa (R-CA) to IRS Commissioner John Koskinen, “This revelation likely means that the IRS – including possibly Lois Lerner – violated federal tax law by transmitting this information to the Justice Department.”

But the IRS wasn’t simply sending the DOJ information, Lerner herself was meeting with DOJ officials to discuss pursuing criminal charges.

On October 8, 2010, Lois Lerner, Joe Urban [IRS Technical Advisor, TEGE], Judy Kindell [top aide to Lerner], Justin Lowe [Technical Advisor to the Commissioner of Tax-Exempt and Government Entities], and Siri Buller met with the section chief and other attorneys from the Department of Justice Criminal Division’s Public Integrity Section, and one representative from the FBI, to discuss recent attention to the political activity of exempt organizations.

The section’s attorneys expressed concern that certain section 501(c) organizations are actually political committees “posing” as if they are not subject to FEC law, and therefore may be subject to criminal liability. The attorneys mentioned several possible theories to bring criminal charges under FEC law

Keep in mind Lerner previously and essentially stated in an email that at least one conservative group needed to be made a public example with prosecution.

“One IRS prosecution would make an impact and they wouldn’t feel so comfortable doing the stuff,” Lerner said in a 2013 email.

The goal was to stop the flow of other conservative non-profits, opposed to President Obama’s agenda, from applying for tax exempt status and therefore becoming more effective.

“These new documents show that the Obama IRS scandal is also an Obama DOJ and FBI scandal,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. “The FBI and Justice Department worked with Lois Lerner and the IRS to concoct some reason to put President Obama’s opponents in jail before his reelection. And this abuse resulted in the FBI’s illegally obtaining confidential taxpayer information. How can the Justice Department and FBI investigate the very scandal in which they are implicated?”

It’s no wonder Lerner’s hard drive magically “crashed,” “losing” thousands of emails sent and received during the time period when she was meeting with DOJ to pursue prosecution of American citizens exercising their constitutional right to free speech.

Washington Times Video: Lois Lerner Linked to DOJ for Potential Prosecution of Tax Exempt Groups

Obama, Hillary, et al – Nefarious Intentions

John R. Houk

© July 10, 2015


New Documents Show Extensive Collaboration Between IRS, DOJ to Criminally Prosecute Conservative Groups


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Diminished Mind

The pathways of my mind must be narrowing.
I find dullness in all that I see.
I find numbness and fog througout the inner trappings of my thoughts.
Inspiration is on the beach and the tides of mindlessnes sweeps it away into the vast ocean of dwindling emptiness.
Please Lord strike the flint that sparks the fire.
Rekindle a dark and wet mind to burn with Your heat inexhaustible.
I need the fire’s passion to overcome impending cessation.