Are YOU Ready to be Manipulated by Technocratic Diktats?

John R, Houk, Blog Editor

© January 6, 2023

Yesterday while sharing on various Social Media Platforms I belong to, I came across a Bitchute video posted by In4mation. The pseudonymous In4mation shares on multiple platforms as I do. This particular video was borrowed from The Epoch Times TV and is narrated by Roman Balmakov (sadly, In4mation failed to include source info in the borrowing).

I am grateful In4mation “borrowed” because Epoch-TV can be a bit stingy on embed shares.

In4mation does not share the Epoch-TV description. Ergo, before I cross post the Bitchute version, here is the Epoch-TV title, narrator and description:

‘Operation Jigsaw’: Google’s 4 New Secret Methods of Online Censorship | Facts Matter

By Roman Balmakov

January 2, 2023

Google has a new initiative called “Info Intervention.” It’s a plan couched in the idea of keeping people safe from misinformation and harmful language—and the way to do that is to control ever more what we are able to see and say online.

Their official website bills this new initiative as a “set of approaches, informed by behavioral science research and validated by digital experiments, to build resilience to online harms.” This new initiative has Google essentially using the exact same methodology on the user that Pavlov used on the dogs during his experiments. However, while Pavlov was trying to get the dogs to salivate, Google is trying to make their users question anything that goes against what their fact-checkers determine to be misinformation.

This new “Info Intervention” initiative is being led by one of Google’s subsidiary companies—a company called Jigsaw. It is under complete Google management, and its mission statement is to “[apply] technological solutions, from countering extremism, online censorship and cyber-attacks, to protecting access to information.”

Episode Resources:

🔵 Moonshot:

🔵 Info Interventions:

🔵 Jigsaw:

Before I post the Bitchute version of the video, I feel compelled to offer some of my thoughts.

Balmakov talks of Google’s motivation is to expose Conspiracy Theory Misinformation. This is a Globalist-Leftist program. Thus you should be aware the Google-thinking is Leftist ideology is true-think and anything contradicting the Left is wrong-think.

Balmakov highlights Left-think enemies White Supremacists and Extremists. Which sounds like a great group to target and expose. The Problem is in Left-think definitions. For the Left White Supremacism encompasses more than bigoted racists such as Neo-Nazis (which is actually Leftist Extremism), the KKK, Skin Heads and the such usually labeled as White Supremacists. For the Left, if YOU are pro-Originalist Constitution, an American Patriot (American Exceptionalism, MAGA proponent, a Biblical Morality proponent and so on), anti-Illegal Immigration, Limited Government and such Conservative notions; THEN YOU are a White Supremacist Extremist.

THINK ON THAT! As you watch Roman Balmakov explain how OPERATION JIGSAW plans to program the American Sheeple into compliance.

Then as a bonus, I want to share a lengthy yet VERY important insights from the Substack-site A Lily Bit on Klaus Schwab-WEF intentions to transform the entire culture of the World into subservience to the diktats of a Technocratic Society. A hint: You will be told how to live, think and believe – AND BE HAPPY ABOUT IT!

And if this not upsetting enough, you should read a relatively short essay from Victor Davis Hanson:

JRH 1/6/23

Thank you to those who have stepped up!

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 Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!



Posted by In4mation

First Published January 5th, 2023 01:01 UTC


Schwabian Cyberpunk

I read Klaus Schwab’s book “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, so you don’t have to.

By Lily

January 6, 2023

A Lily Bit

Since the turn of the century, we have been in the midst of the “Fourth Industrial Revolution,” according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). Klaus Schwab, the Forum’s founder and CEO, describes this as a technical revolution accompanied by nothing less than a dramatic transformation of human civilization that “will radically affect the way we live, work, and engage with each other.” This transformation will usher in an entirely “new chapter in human development.”

The availability and fusion of new, “quite astonishing technology,” according to Klaus Schwab, is a distinguishing aspect of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. This, he claims, will eventually result in “the blurring of the boundaries between the physical, digital, and biological domains.” This mostly pertains to the application of bio- and neurotech, implantable technologies, and the Internet of Bodies (IoB).

The Cyborgization of Society: How the WEF seeks to turn you into a spineless drone

These are technologies that are less concerned with the human surroundings and more concerned with transforming the human person itself, having a long-term impact on its being and identity. With the Fourth Industrial Revolution—according to Klaus Schwab—we are facing “a metamorphosis of the human being the likes of which we have never encountered before”.


Schwab clearly can hardly contain his excitement about the impending technological breakthroughs and mechanization of man he predicts. He anticipates that humans would soon begin “integrating digital technologies into our bodies.” The new technology may “actually become a part of us” in the process. This, he claims, will blur the distinction between technologies and living beings. He builds his technocratic ideal of a new human being, alluding to the “cyborg” metaphor, and predicts that in the future there will be “strange hybrids of digital and analog life that redefine our very being.”

Schwab’s statements speak of the traditional dream of a new, more ideal human being. This is a long-standing dream. It is nothing novel or special. A diverse range of intellectuals often aspired for a more perfect human being, while remaining confident of humanity’s unending growth. This conviction in development was sometimes accompanied by an unwavering faith in scientific advances and, later, in the potential connected with the widespread application of technology.

The new man of the Fourth Industrial Revolution, on the other hand, differs fundamentally from prior ideas of man created by Friedrich Nietzsche, or even Karl Marx, for example. Moral ideals, character structure, and societal conditions have all been replaced by technology. Humans are supposed to progress simply through the successful application of new technologies, rather than through education, upbringing, practical experience, or revolutionary action. According to the World Economic Forum’s stated intention, the human being emerging from the future economic transition will predominantly be the result of new technology. This transhumanist future vision seeks to perfect and further perfect man through the application of new technology processes and technological interventions in his body. It promotes an elitist and repressive technocratic image of man, the repercussions of which cannot even be estimated at this time.


According to the World Economic Forum, neurotech is at the heart of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. After all, they provide for “unique insights—not only into how the brain interacts with its physical and social environment, but also into novel ways of experiencing life.” They could also assist to “advance the industry of mechanizing the human body” by tackling a variety of neurological illnesses and physical limitations.

It is not uncommon for the military to provide the required financing for neurotechnologies and other cutting-edge research. There, they are initially placed in the “defensive context,” and then their results are used. As a result, the human brain—particularly “in the border area of war and security”—is the focus of attention. According to Schwab, crossing a national border may need a comprehensive brain scan in the future to assess a person’s security risk.

Employers will be increasingly interested in using neurotechnologies to boost performance, as well as to evaluate job applicants and monitor staff. The usage of biometric technology in the workplace, as well as tracking via radio frequency identification (RFID), may lead to “employers directly or indirectly monitoring the brains of employees” in the future. Increased use of brain-monitoring gadgets is also on the horizon for the retail sector. This would allow firms to see through key consumer decision-making tendencies and more readily encourage consumers to behave in a desired manner.

Fundamentally, neurotechnologies are proving to be ideal for affecting people’s awareness and thinking. Furthermore, such technology can aid in decoding ideas, repairing “errors” in the brain, and “enhancing” its function. In a society driven by algorithms and pervasive data collecting, access to even a person’s most private thoughts cannot be ruled out.


The World Economic Forum also sees biotechnologies as having a great potential for increasing mechanization of humans. They provide critical tools and techniques for fundamentally reframing man’s connection with nature. Recent advances in biology, particularly genetics, have been remarkable. For example, there has been significant advancement in gene editing. Researchers from Yatsen University in Guangzhou presented the world’s first scientific publication on modifying the DNA of human embryos in April 2015. As a result, it is now possible to “precisely modify the DNA even in living embryos.” All of this, Schwab explained, “means that in the future, designer babies with exceptional features or illness resistance can be born.”

The Forum then sees the next logical step as the broad application of synthetic biology, which results in the production of designer creatures. This would eventually usher humanity into “a whole new age of metabolic engineering and synthetic biology.” This should allow one to create organisms for oneself. “They can be customized by writing their DNA. Ultimately, this is about nothing less than interfering with future generations’ genetic code,” according to Schwab.


Computer technology will no longer be worn or carried around on the body (wearables), but will instead be implanted directly into the human body with implantable technologies. This will largely help to increase communication as well as to identify people and track their behavior, in addition to medical needs. In this regard, Klaus Schwab refers to “active implantable microchips that break through our body’s epidermal barrier and generate exciting alternatives.” These range from “possibilities for maximizing and enhancing human capabilities” to “integrated therapeutic systems” (human enhancement). Small computers will be integrated into the human body in this manner and “gradually become a physical part of us.” It is thus an issue of technological intervention in the body, which will essentially result in the merger of man and machine. The goal is to enable purely technological further development and optimization of the human being, which should contribute to an increase in performance.

The World Economic Forum has been discussing an Internet of Bodies (IoB) in its publications for several months. Recent technological advancements have heralded the IoB’s new era. This period is distinguished by an unparalleled number of networked devices and sensors that can be attached to the human body (non-invasively), implanted, or otherwise introduced into the body (invasive). Invasive technologies include digital pills, the first use of which was allowed in the United States in 2017. They have microscopic sensors that are linked to a medicine, activated in the patient’s stomach, and provide data.

The Internet of Bodies makes it fundamentally possible to generate massive amounts of biometric and behavioral data. The human body will be changed into some kind of “technology platform” as a result of this process. However, not everyone will be able to pay the sometimes prohibitively expensive technical optimization of their physical and mental processes, which will inevitably lead to additional discrimination against specific groups and hence a widening of society’s already existent social divide. In this event, “a gap is likely to grow up between all those who technically enhance their bodies and those who are left behind,” according to Schwab.


The Earth is currently “on the verge of major structural transformation,” the World Economic Forum continues. As a result, the globe is more polarized “between those who embrace change and those who resist it.” The resulting “ontological inequality separates those willing and competent to adapt from those refusing to adapt,” thereby defining who will succeed and who will lose in this process. While the victors would gain from “some forms of radical human optimization,” such as genetic engineering, the ‘losers’ would not—I am so sad! The resultant tensions promote the creation of “class conflicts and other disagreements unlike anything we have ever known.” As a result, there is a significant risk of “greater fragmentation, exclusion, and social instability in a hyperconnected world of increasing inequality.” Klaus Schwab sure did read his Cyberpunk.

In 2016 Schwab wrote that there is a “dearth of a cohesive, optimistic, and unified narrative that highlights the prospects and challenges of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.” However, he believes that the existence of such a narrative would be necessary if various people and communities are to be encouraged to play an active role in defining it while avoiding “a broad social backlash against the basic changes.” Under such conditions, the Fourth Industrial Revolution’s present potential cannot be efficiently and thoroughly harnessed. In numerous instances, politicians lack the essential leadership and awareness of the changes that are occurring. Furthermore, “the required institutional regulatory structure is either insufficient or non-existent.” Aha, thanks Klaus. And who again told you that you are supposed to come up with that narrative?


With the outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic and the resulting constraints on public life, the digital transformation of society has found its “impetus,” as Klaus Schwab and Thierry Malleret write in their book “Covid-19: The Great Reset” which I have analyzed for you here:

‘Covid-19: The Great Reset’ is the Perfect Manual for Tyranny: I read Klaus Schwab’s infamous book, so you don’t have to. Here’s what I found.

As a result, they regard the pandemic as a “fundamental turning point” in global development. They claim that the time has finally come for a paradigm shift. In the following decades, “a new world with a new normal may develop.”

The World Economic Forum’s organizers regard the crisis caused by the Coronavirus pandemic as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to carry out a “Great Reset” of the capitalist economic order. They are concerned with the global implementation of far-reaching economic and social reforms, which will result in a fundamental upheaval of the entire previous economic and lifestyle system. They rely on enhanced centralism with strong authoritarian elements in the measures they intend to implement to build their technocratic agenda. Within a global regulatory framework (global governance), “‘bequeathed’ actors must consider themselves as elements of a globally ramified power system that can only succeed through increasingly cooperative forms of engagement.”

Concerning the worldwide ‘catastrophe’ caused by the pandemic, Schwab and Malleret believe that it is precisely deep, existential crises that “carry the promise for change.” They even have the nerves to say that the Corona pandemic is similar to World War II in terms of transformative force because “both have the potential of a transformative crisis of previously unknown dimensions.” Just as the Second World War caused a “fundamental transformation in the world order and the world economy,” the “moment for a paradigm shift” has arrived today. The pandemic expedited this transformation by acting as a catalyst for technology changes that had already begun before the crisis, Schwab continues.

The thesis of the close relationship between a crisis and later social change dates back to economist Milton Friedman, who died in 2006 and was one of the most important economists of recent decades.

“Only a crisis, genuine or perceived, leads to meaningful change. What happens next in such a crisis is determined by the ideas that are in circulation.” — Milton Friedman

This speech by Friedman is referred to by Naomi Klein as the key strategic ideology that would become a kind of chant for his movement: the shock doctrine. He claims that the strategy entails “using periods of communal traumatic experience to compel dramatic social and economic change.” Here’s how the shock doctrine works:

An initial disaster shocks practically the whole society, softening it for the transformations that will follow. “Shocked cultures frequently accept things they would otherwise strongly reject. Companies and politicians would take advantage of people’s fear and disorientation as a result of the ‘shock’ to impose an economic shock therapy. A severe collective trauma that either temporarily suspends or completely stops democratic activities is required for this to be implemented without restriction.” This necessitates authoritarian settings and the focused deployment of the state’s regulatory agencies.

A cabinet strategy paper on COVID-19 containment, initially confidential, adopts and applies Friedman’s shock strategy. The study was written by a group of academics, the bulk of whom were economists, and it is likely that it influenced the federal government’s decision to impose the lockdowns, which restricted the economy and fundamental rights. Instead of presenting individuals with real information and educating them to build trust and alleviate existing worries, the scientists took an entirely different strategy. Thus, they openly support a policy whose purpose must be to instigate terror in the peoples’ minds through a “desired shock effect.”

Schwab and Malleret saw the shock effect of a crisis on people as a wonderful opportunity for social reform to occur. The Corona pandemic, for example, is “a huge shock” that “brings with it the uneasy confidence that it will have both unexpected and extraordinary implications.” Despite the difficulty of the changes ahead, Schwab believes the pandemic will hasten a systemic transition that was already underway before the crisis. These include “increasing technological power” and rapid automation. For many individuals, this means that the technologization of their lives will accelerate quickly, as a result of which “life as they have known it up to now will rip apart at the seams with alarming speed”. At the same time, however, “the technologization of life provides an opportunity, and this is also the real meaning of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”


In the aftermath of the Corona crisis, representatives and supporters of the World Economic Forum see a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to implement a comprehensive mechanization of man, as well as the system change they forecast and consider essential, in an accelerated and non-violent manner worldwide. According to Schwab, the drastic system transformation envisaged necessitates people constantly adapting to the changes that are occurring. However, it is unclear “how the constant integration of technology into our lives will influence our idea of identity and whether it would damage key human capacities such as self-reflection, empathy, and sympathy.”

Furthermore, governments face a genuine risk of combining technologies to undermine civil society organizations and citizen groups that demand for transparency in government and economic activity. Finally, constraining such organization’s’ independence and operations through laws and other measures further reduces the space for civil society. As a result, the instruments of the Fourth Industrial Revolution enable “new types of surveillance and new control possibilities that run antithetical to healthy, open communities.” Additionally, as the digital world developed and evolved, the Corona pandemic improved options for human observation and control.

In this context, “contact tracing,” which was supposedly critical in countering COVID-19, appears to be on track to becoming “a facilitator of mass surveillance.”

Corporations, in particular, have become increasingly interested in tracking their employees’ health. As a result, it is reasonable to expect increased surveillance of dependent employees in the future. This could be attributed to concerns about their health and safety. According to Schwab and Malleret, technical surveillance tools will most likely stay in place even after the pandemic. This is evident, they write because “employers have no reason to remove a monitoring system once it has been installed, especially if one of the indirect benefits of monitoring is to check worker productivity.”

Technical solutions implemented to contain a pandemic, on the other hand, are also ideal for expanding a surveillance state. They can also be employed as political surveillance technology, allowing for greater human control as well as additional coercive tactics. Schwab and Malleret even advocate for “a global surveillance network” in their book. According to them, “once released,” “the genie of technical monitoring” will not be “put back into the bottle” in the post-pandemic period and will thus be with communities for a long time. Hooray.


Both authors also predict that “the number of those who are unemployed, concerned, dissatisfied, indignant, unwell, and hungry today (will) increase considerably” following the pandemic. They also note that “two types of people” will confront a “particularly bleak employment situation”: “young people entering the pandemic-ravaged labor market for the first time and workers who may be displaced by machines.”

There will also be personal tragedies, as well as the hatred and despair of people from all walks of life. The emergence of social unrest must thus be seen as one of the most serious threats, with such a development—in their opinion—even “generating to social breakdown and political collapse” in extreme situations. However, history has shown that prospects of eliminating current inequities “are unlikely without accompanying severe social disturbance.”

To be sure, governments and corporations had employed “increasingly sophisticated technologies to monitor and occasionally control citizens and employees” in earlier years. However, the potential offered by the Corona crisis could have a considerably greater influence on individual rights and liberties, making it a “watershed moment in surveillance history.” Such a scenario would result in the growth of authoritarian tendencies and more repression. Perhaps some individuals will soon discover that “their country has suddenly turned into a place where they no longer want to live,” as Schwab and Malleret rightfully worry.

Overall, it “all comes down to individuals and values,” summarizes Klaus Schwab. That is why it must be feasible to create a future worth living in because “in its worst, dehumanized form, the Fourth Industrial Revolution does certainly have the ability to turn people into machines without a heart or a soul,” says Schwab. Furthermore, there had never been a moment “that arrived with more promise, but also with such immense looming doom.” As a result, the utopia of mankind’s technological perfection may lead sooner than predicted to a dystopian society that offers no future worth living for humans.

The yearning for a new, designed human being did not emerge accidentally, but rather as a result of a protracted historical evolution. However, such a growth is not predetermined nor necessarily imperative for humanity. As a result, it is correctable. Nobody has to accept it as fate. We’ve been warned!

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© 2023 Consolidated Frontiers – A Lily Bit HOMEPAGE

Do YOU Want Liberty or No Liberty?

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

May 26, 2022

I’ve got three cross posts I hope you find interesting enough to digest to comprehend the world the American Founding Fathers hoped to frame has been whittled away for decades. Whittled so grotesquely that the whittlers of Liberty’s total annihilation DO NOT even hide their actions any longer believing the Sheeple are so hooked to obedience, total transformation of the masses is nearly complete.

Perhaps there are still enough naysayers willing to withstand the onslaught of complete tyranny – I DON’T KNOW? Do you?

JRH 5/26/22

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Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!


Welcome to the totalitarians’ “New World Order”

Earth NWO

By Frank Gaffney, Jr.

May 26, 2022

Center for Security Policy

The global governance crowd is on a roll in destroying the sovereignty of nations like ours and freedoms guaranteed by our Constitution. The Global Resetters and their Chinese Communist allies have recently revealed three initiatives designed to catalyze a New World Order.

First, with the Biden administration’s connivance, the World Health Organization is beavering away in Geneva on agreements that will empower its Chinese-appointed, Marxist director-general to dictate public health policies here and elsewhere.

Second, on Tuesday, China’s Alibaba conglomerate announced at Davos that it will produce a “personal carbon footprint tracker” to monitor everyone’s contribution to climate change – and everything else.

Then, yesterday, German-owned T-Mobile boasted at the World Economic Forum that the World Health Organization has selected it to provide universal Global Digital Health Passports, yet another building-block for insinuating worldwide China’s totalitarian Social Credit System.

God help us.

This is Frank Gaffney.

CSP VIDEO: Welcome to the totalitarians’ “New World Order”

© 2022 Center for Security Policy


Defending Sovereignty: The Fight of our Lifetime

Continuous vigilance and vigorous support of States’ Constitutional rights is critical

Madison Quote on Abridged Freedom

By Robert W Malone MD, MS

May 25, 2022

Who Is Robert Malone

A gradual and silent encroachment of our freedom and Federal, States’ and individual sovereignty by a globalist financial corporate cartel continues to proceed. One key aspect of our current political reality in the US is that many of our laws at the Federal level have been placed there by corporate stakeholders. Corporate lobbyists work tirelessly and relentlessly to insert legislation that benefits their industries and increases the wealth of their corporate clients and associated “stakeholders” into our federal laws and regulations, and to twist existing legislation so that it becomes a more perfect tool of their clients’ corporate interests. In parallel, within the many branches of the US Federal bureaucracy, regulatory capture has become the norm. Furthermore, it has become increasingly clear that it is grossly naive to expect solutions to these corrupting influences to come from either Congress or the entrenched and captured bureaucracy. And one hard truth learned by the first Trump administration is that the executive branch lacks the power and authority required to replace the entrenched bureaucrats that have become the ruling lords and ladies of the new inverted Totalitarian reality which is the entrenched Federal bureaucracy.

In this new Federal reality, where the culture of government institutions and agencies is damaged beyond repair, real change cannot occur by replacing one figurehead for another. Corrupted policy can’t be easily replaced with good policy. The ideology, the rule of law, the subverted corporatist regulations are baked in. The system is rigged. The unknown (or known) bureaucrats controlling the levers aren’t going to let go of that easily. When they have done their time, most likely those employees will move into corporate leadership positions so long as they have protected corporatist interests during what has all too often become a form of internship-as-prelude prior to landing a “good job”. As most federal employees at the top-tier are well aware of their future career opportunities, they have no incentives to try to change the status-quo and upset their potential future employers . Government institutions that are intrinsically controlled by outside interests cannot be reformed from within, so it is important to not waste too much energy trying. That’s why many argue that a “siege strategy” or even the creation of completely new institution(s) may be the answer.

Those of us fighting for freedom have come full circle and now confront the issue of state’s rights. This is a fundamental principle of our republic (often incorrectly referred to as “our democracy”). Each state has the ability to govern itself, within the confines of the Constitution, Federal law and the Bill of Rights. Those powers are vast but frequently under-utilized. States have the power to ensure that a strong federalized governance is not the norm.

State Dept Logo

In 2012, Obama lifted restrictions from the Smith-Mundt Act (passed in 1948) that allowed domestic dissemination of government-funded media. Then the Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act, introduced by Republican Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio in 2016, established the Global Engagement Center under the State Department, with the following Mission and Vision statements:

Core Mission: To direct, lead, synchronize, integrate, and coordinate efforts of the Federal Government to recognize, understand, expose, and counter foreign state and non-state propaganda and disinformation efforts aimed at undermining or influencing the policies, security, or stability of the United States, its allies, and partner nations.

Vision: A data-driven Mission Center leading U.S. inter-agency efforts to proactively address foreign adversaries’ attempts to use disinformation and propaganda to undermine U.S. interests.

For examples of how this is being operationalized, please see the associated COVID-19 recovery policy page for this organization.

This center authorizes grants to non-governmental agencies to help “collect and store examples in print, online, and social media, disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda” directed at the U.S. and its allies, as well as “counter efforts by foreign entities to use disinformation, misinformation, and propaganda to influence the policies and social and political stability” of the U.S. and allied nations. These laws have worked to loosen the controls previously placed on the Federal government regarding its ability to push propaganda. The very fact that we have an ex-president of the USA, the very same one who presided over the lifting of restrictions of the Smith-Mundt Act calling for censorship of the press to “PROTECT OUR DEMOCRACY” and this he is SUPPORTED in this call by so many on the left is chilling.

When the changes to Smith-Mundt Act are combined with the Global Engagement Center, it is interesting to speculate how the US population might be manipulated. The CDC has spent a billion dollars on propaganda and censorship to ensure vaccine compliance through media buys, and one has to wonder just what sort of propaganda will be pushed on the American people in the future.

But what happens when a state like Florida becomes a threat to the Federal government exceeding its enumerated powers, and seizing control of more powers that have been traditionally assigned to the states?  The back and forth between President Biden and Governor DeSantis over Florida’s COVID policies make clear the power that the Federal government has developed over states by leveraging the distribution (and ability to withhold) Federal Tax dollars. The actions of Governor DeSantis of Florida are so harshly criticized by those who control the levers of the Federal government (as well as purchased main stream media) because he has refused to comply with the Biden administration’s HHS bureaucratic edicts.

After the Biden administration admonished Florida for stagnant vaccination rates in Florida, the Feds then decided to federalize the distribution of monoclonal antibodies so that those who don’t get the vaccine have no alternative treatment option. This is a prime example of the retaliatory tools available to the Federal government, and illustrates that the Federal government is able and willing to compromise the health of US citizens to punish a state that choses to be noncompliant. Remember, the states regulate medicine and public health policy within that state. Biden refusing to send lifesaving medicine is a clear abuse of Federal power. The 10th Amendment of the United States Constitution authorizes states to establish laws and regulations protecting the health, safety, and general welfare of their citizens. The practice of medicine is not an inherent right of an individual, but a privilege granted by the people of a state acting through their elected representatives. For further details please see the Federation of State Medical Boards statement “About State Medical Boards”.

It is state’s rights – as imperfect as that system is, that protects us from the WHO/globalist power grab to leverage public health to compromise the sovereignty of the United States. The current strategic agenda of those seeking to advance globalism and global governance policies at the expense of the autonomy of nation-states is often referred to as the New World Order. Those advocating for the New World Order include the World Economic Forum, transnational corporations/globalized investment capital, the UN, World Trade Organization, World Bank and now the World Health Organization. These entities have, to a more or lesser extent, gained control of the Federal government through leveraging the regulatory capture of our federalized agencies, departments and institutions. Money from these entities flows into the coffers of Congress to influence law makers. Often, treaties and agreements on the global level codify these arrangements. This ensures that our federal government is coopted by these entities.

Our federal government believes that it will be stronger when states have little or no control over the rules and regulations of the state. This is not what our founding fathers intended, and this is when the rights of all of us are trampled on. Our constitution codifies that each state maintains its own set of laws, rules and regulations. The beauty of this system is the diversity of cultures can be maintained within states. Living in Texas is very different than living in New Hampshire, and I believe that this is a good thing. Although states are stronger when there is a federal government appropriately assuming and defending those responsibilities enumerated under the US Constitution, they are also guaranteed the freedom to have their own cultural identity and rule of law. This is the beauty of our Constitution and Bill of Rights. This interweaving of states rights under the limited umbrella of a Federal government.

For many, the erosion of each states’ right to monitor and control federal elections, as guaranteed in the constitution, is the easy example to reach for as that line is also being repeatedly crossed. But the depth of this problem is much, much deeper than this single issue.

The use of federal tax dollars to control states may be a more persistent and pernicious issue. As an example, the Department of Transportation allocates funds for states that comply with seat belt laws or speeding limits, but will withhold such funds for states that don’t. The Department of Education allocates taxpayer funds based on the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) goals or other “reforms”, thereby controlling and harmonizing certain aspects of education in the USA across all states. In the example of COVID lock down policies and masking, it is quite clear that the CDC and the NIH have overstepped Federal powers again and again by leveraging Federal Tax Dollars to create perverse financial incentives within hospitals and to promote mis- dis- and malinformation and to promote propaganda in both old and new media. It is time to return to the rule of law, and return the power back to the state to regulate medicine and public health.

States must remember that Federal funding is not the be all, end all. If a state can develop the political will to refuse such funds, sovereignty can be re-established. This requires that plans can be made to mitigate the impact of such an action. These Tax kickbacks are often weaponized in an arbitrary and capricious way by the Federal Executive branch to illegally control state policies, including public health policies. State leaders who are willing to walk away from federal funding, who are willing to work with other states and congress to negotiate better terms for federal dollars, may offer the best hope for breaking this Federal overreach.

This is why the upcoming ruling on Roe v. Wade is so important, as this ruling by the Supreme Court appears to reset the constitutionally correct relationship between the Federal government and the States in a wide range of ways, including regulation of health care. IF they are willing to plan for and mitigate the risks associated with taking back their Constitutionally-granted powers, States can leverage this new ruling to enable something closer to the intended balance of powers. “We the People” need to insist that they do so by electing strong and independent leaders at the state level, leaders who will fight for the right of each state to govern itself as our founding fathers intended. Governor Ron DeSantis and Attorney General Jeff Landry are two leaders leading the fight on this front. We must support them, so that they can continue to restore and protect the Constitutional rights of each State in the Union. Other states will follow their example. I believe that it is critical to the future success of our nation to have these great leaders paving the way, being brave and setting an example for other state leaders to follow, so that the attempts of the Globalist cabal to empower the WHO to subvert Constitutionally-granted States Rights can be thwarted.

Governor DeSantis Swamp Loaded with Snakes Meme

The federal government has been intentionally infiltrated by Globalists trained by the World Economic Forum. Make no mistake. The elites and transnational corporations have and continue to undermine our institutions and our very Constitution. President Trump has taught us that we can’t pull our punches, we must act aggressively and give no quarter. That means utilizing every tool available; these tools include using the judicial branch (the courts), working to elect and educate legislators and of course, educating and mobilizing the populace.

Individuals can have a huge role in working to ensure our freedoms, our sovereignty as a nation by writing letters, phoning legislators, publishing independent articles and memes. Even just re-posting on social media can help. We are all in this fight together. Individuals must organize, join groups and organizations, and create new groups and organizations.

Having an independent and free press that can report on our government and institutions is critical. It is how we can help Americans make informed decisions when voting. That means replacing the captured and outdated old media with new media outlets that are censorship free. Using block chain to create new social media outlets that cannot be subjected to propaganda and censorship is a good step in the right direction.

Organizing into groups that can work collectively to get the truth out is another way to help save the Sovereignty of our great nation, and that of all of the independent nations of the world. We must fight against the narratives that are being constantly pushed by government agencies that have been subverted by the Globalists. They do not want their corruption exposed. What we have learned over the past two years is that they will do whatever it takes to hide their dirty dealings from the American and world public.

So, get ready patriots – we have a lot of work to do in the coming months. First and foremost – let’s take back the House and Senate in November and flip as many states as possible to RED. We must have as many congress people as possible who are committed and aware that our nation is in danger. 

Fire up your engines – and let’s get to work!

© 2022 Robert W Malone, MD


Exposing the ‘Digital ID is a Human Right’ Scam

Phone Alien (Digital ID)

Posted by Billy M | NwoReport

By Derrick Broze

May 26, 2022

NWO Report

A major component of the Great Reset-Technocratic Agenda is the implementation of a worldwide digital identity scheme. One of the first steps to realize this goal is to convince the public that digital identity programs are a “human right” worth fighting for.

Why is the push for digital identity absolutely vital to the Technocrats visions?

The world of 2030 — the one in which the World Economic Forum imagines “you will own nothing and be happy” — depends on an all-encompassing digital id program. This digital ID will allow a track and trace society where the authorities can see every purchase and every move you make.

One could argue much of society has already handed over this data with the ubiquitous use of credit cards which track purchases, and phones which log GPS data.

However, the digital ID scheme will also be linked to a digital wallet holding the local Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC), the digital currency of governments which will be needed for all legal transactions. Eventually, this digital ID and the digital wallet will be connected to, and impacted by, your individual social credit score.

As I have reported since March 2020, these initiatives were already in the works prior to COVID-19. However, it was the beginning of the COVID-19 panic that allowed governments around the world to push further towards their vision of Technocracy.

For example, we have been told that use of cash should be greatly reduced or eliminated altogether because of reports claiming COVID-19 spread through dirty old money. This conveniently leads into the calls for digital currency programs such as CBDCs.

Of course, we see the push for “contact tracing” apps to track the alleged spread of disease, and jjab passport/health passport apps have begun to acclimate the public to carrying a digital ID card with them everywhere they go.

The jjab passport is simply a gateway to a digital identity which has already been in the works in the United States, to one degree or another, since at least 2005 with the passing of the controversial REAL ID Act.

UN Sustainable Development Goal 16

This push towards a digital identity has its roots in the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda. The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 interlinked objectives adopted by the United Nations in 2015 with the ostensible goal of ending poverty, protecting the planet, and spreading peace and prosperity to all people by 2030. Their actions, however, regularly belie their stated intentions.

The SDGs were part of a larger resolution known as the 2030 Agenda, or Agenda 2030, with the stated purpose of fighting climate change.

While the United Nations SDGs and Agenda 2030 are often touted as a tool for establishing healthy multilateral relationships between nations, in truth, they are based in a deeper agenda to monitor, control, and direct all life on the planet.

The 17 SDGs each tackle a different area of their ostensible fight for justice and equality. UN SDG 16 focuses on “Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions” and states that “by 2030, provide legal identity for all, including birth registration.”

One document from the United Nations titled “United Nations Strategy for Legal Identity for All” further defines what is meant by “legal” and “digital identity.” A legal identity is essentially a form of registration with a civil body (a government).

The UN document makes it clear that “legal identity is widely acknowledged to be catalytic for achieving at least ten of the SDGs“, and the data generated by the registration supports the measurement of more than 60 SDG indicators. “Legal identity has a critical role to ensure the global community upholds its promise of leaving no one behind as espoused in the 2030 Agenda,” the UN report states.

When it comes to digital identity, the document says digital identity is generally understood as a unique and constant identity — a virtual identification card, for example — assigned to individuals that authenticates them as users of all their portable digital devices.

This identity can apply to the digital and physical worlds. Using a digital identity involves passwords, cryptographic key, biometrics such as fingerprint or iris scanning.

Digital Identity as a Human Right

As we approach 2030 the “digital identity as a human right” meme is increasingly being planted in the minds of the masses. I would expect this trend to become a standard talking point amongst corporate media hacks and their followers.

Not only is the public being primed to accept digital identity as a method of tracking illness (and the population), but digital identity is being sold to the bleeding hearts of the Western world as a necessity for helping the so-called “unbanked” of the world and bringing them into modern financial systems.

The term unbanked refers to those people who, for one reason or another, lack bank accounts and credit cards. This apparent lack is often reported as a flaw of modern society, an example of another poor population being left behind. What goes unquestioned is whether integration into the banking system is the best thing for an individual or not.

It is assumed that all people should need or want to be involved in the debt based banking system, allowing the criminal banks behind The Great Reset to fund their projects with the people’s money.

Many of these people live in the developing world, and in places like Mexico there exists a thriving counter or informal economy of people trading, buying, and selling goods without taxes, regulations, or a digital record of any kind.

This type of economic and social activity is the exact behavior the Technocrats want to eliminate, precisely because it flies in the face of the Great Reset vision.

Thus the media must do its job to convince the public that colonization is not colonization when it involves sustainability and diversity. The people need to be convinced that those poor Mexican farmers won’t be complete until they have a digital ID, with a digital wallet for receiving the digital currency as part of the Universal Basic Income program. These gushing stories promoting digital identity as the savior of the developing world fail to mention the dark side to the digitization of all life, specifically the coming terror of social credit and social impact finance tools.

Instead we get headlines like, “Digital Inclusion. The Human Right to Have an Identity” from the Thales Group, a French multinational with ties to the French government and one of the largest military weapons contractors in the world.

“The lack of identity is not just a loss in terms of being seen by the system and society. It is an exclusion that prevents people from achieving their full potential. They cannot be educated, they cannot access healthcare services, and their children inherit this legacy as they’re born outside the system,” the group wrote in February 2021. Again, the general assumption is that there is no life to be had “outside the system”.

Meanwhile, Impakter Magazine, known for promoting the SDGs, published a piece titled “Digital Identity As a Basic Human Right” in May 2018. The Impakter piece promotes blockchain based ID’s and putting children’s birth certificates on the blockchain as well.

Thankfully there are some examples of pushback to the commonly held narratives surrounding digital id.

In April 2021, the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice published a skeptical piece titled “Everyone Counts! Ensuring that the human rights of all are respected in digital ID systems.” This article looked at some of the ways marginalized populations are further marginalized by digital systems. They warn of the “need for the human rights movement to engage in discussions about digital transformation so that fundamental rights are not lost in the rush to build a ‘modern, digital state’.”

The group Access Now published a report, Busting the dangerous myths of Big ID programs: cautionary lessons from India, focused on the concerns surrounding India’s implementation of their digital ID system, Aadhaar. The report concludes that so-called “Big ID programs” — that is programs implemented by governments with the help of Big Tech — are not needed to give people a legal identity. Further, the report found that Big ID creates space for surveillance to flourish, as demonstrated by India’s Aadhaar system.

In May 2021, the ACLU released a blog in response to concerns around jab passports. The ACLU warned about digital identities, including recent efforts to mandate digital drivers licenses“A move to digital IDs is not a minor change but one that could drastically alter the role of identification in our society, increase inequality, and turn into a privacy nightmare,” the ACLU wrote.

Finally, the organization Privacy International directly challenged the United Nations SDGs and asked, “The Sustainable Development Goals, Identity, and Privacy: Does their implementation risk human rights?.” The report states:

“If actors fail to consider the risks, ID systems can themselves threaten human rights, particularly the right to privacy. They can become tools for surveillance by the state and the private sector; they can exclude, rather than include.

There are thus risks in the implementation of an ID scheme – not only that it fails to meet the promise of SDG 16.9, but that it also builds a system for surveillance and exclusion. It is thus essential to critically engage with the interpretation of the goal, and the uses to which it has been put.”

The World Economic Forum, the United Nations, and The World Bank

The United Nations is not the only supranational body lobbying for digital identity. In January 2021, the World Economic Forum met for their annual meeting to discuss the “Davos Agenda.” As TLAV previously reported, the January meeting was focused on restoring trust and outlining the plan for The Great Reset. In the lead up to the January 2021 meeting the WEF published an article titled “How digital identity can improve lives in a post-COVID-19 world.”

The article notes, “while government’s role is key, regulators have understood that they don’t hold all the cards and that solutions are needed across the public and private sectors. Digital identity trust frameworks led by governments working with the private sector are emerging.” This discussion of “frameworks led by governments working with the private sector” is exactly the public-private partnership the WEF has been promoting for decades.

We should also remember that the WEF was one of the first organizations to begin promoting the idea of jjab passports as part of a “new normal.” The WEF would officially announce The Great Reset initiative in June 2020, only 3 months into the COVID-19 panic.

Of course, the WEF’s Great Reset plan is ultimately a refinement of the UN’s Agenda 2030 and SDGs. Thus it should come as no surprise that the UN is also working on a form of digital identity. The UN Digital Solutions Centre (UN DSC) has developed an “innovative digital identity solution for UN personnel.”

The UN DSC, a pilot project of the UN World Food Programme (WFP) and the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), says they are working on a suite of digital solutions that can be shared among UN Agencies to “transform common business operations and streamline time-consuming transactional tasks.”

The UN Digital ID will use blockchain and some form of biometrics. It has been described as a digital wallet for UN personnel. The UN DSC website describes the project as “based on a blockchain, biometrics and a mobile app solution, this pilot will look to offer a unique digital ID for every UN employee for end-to-end lifecycle management from on-boarding through to retirement that will be immutable, protected, transparent and portable.”

While the UN and WEF have been promoting the acceptance of digital identity, the World Bank has been funding the development of such programs as part of the Identification for Development (ID4D) initiative. The World Bank is funding digital biometric ID programs in Mexico, pushing digital ID in poorer countries with the ostensible goal of providing legal identity to the 1.1 billion people who do not currently have one.

Luis Fernando García, the director of the Mexican digital rights organization R3D, says the programs are being funded by those interested in exploiting Mexico’s human data. “Sophisticated intelligence agencies in rich countries are delighted that poor countries are creating these databases of people that they can exploit for their benefit. They have offensive capabilities that allow them to attack, obtain, and collect information that less-developed countries create through these databases,” he stated in a 2021 interview.

“Like many other Global South national identity projects — whether in Kenya, Uganda, or Mexico — the World Bank is behind it. The World Bank is giving Mexico a loan of $225 million to implement the system. It is not promoting this approach in Germany or Canada or the U.S.: countries that do not have a national identity system. But they are promoting it in the Global South, which is very telling.”

At the same time an alliance of Microsoft, GAVI — the Global Vaccine Alliance which is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — and the Rockefeller Foundation have organized their efforts under the ID2020 project. The ID2020 project is an attempt to create digital identification for every single person on the planet. In 2018, Microsoft announced a formal partnership with the ID2020 project at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland.

The usual cast of characters — the WEF, the UN, the World Bank, the Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation — have spent the recent years lobbying for the need to create a digital identity for every person on the planet. During the COVID-19 crisis, these organizations promoted the use of jjab passports, which itself is a form of a digital identity.

Now, they are poised to use economic turmoil and fears of pandemic 2 to promote the value of digital identity, whether to receive a digital currency in exchange for dollars, or to prove vaccination status. One way or another, the Technocrats will force their digital identity prisons on the masses.

Colonization 3.0 and the Future of Identity

The colonization of the Americas and Africa took place in the obvious forms — physical slavery, murder, rape, erasing of language, customs, and culture, etc. — and in less obvious ways — psychological trauma, isolation, loss of identity. The exploits of the European empires were the first wave of the colonization, with later colonization in the form of weaponized financial aid and assistance designed to trap developing nations in debts which require them to sell their natural wealth and resources.

Now, digital colonization is on the horizon. Once again, Africa and Latin America are on the list of targets for digital id schemes. As Impakter Magazine reported, there are plans for placing infant identity on a blockchain so there may be a permanent record of the person. These programs are already taking place in South Africa. Dr. Aaron Ramodumo says the country is on a “progressive transition” towards using biometrics for an infant identity with unique ID numbers.

South Africa’s new program will begin in 2024, and provide capabilities for palm prints, fingerprint, footprint, face and iris biometrics. Ramodumo told Biometric Update he hopes it will be available for infants soon. “While we want to build a policy around biometric capture of infants and children, we still have not made a selection of the specific technology,” Ramodumo said. “And that continues to be a subject of research, and I hope researchers will provide other options to choose from.”

Another organization which has been calling for a “legal identity” in Africa is ID4Africa. Coincidentally, the organization received 3 grants totaling $600,000 USD from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation in 2019 and 2021.

Despite the attempts to colonize Africa with digital identity, there is some hope. In late 2021, Kenya’s digital ID program, the National Integrated Identity Management System (NIIMS), was ruled illegal by the highest court because the government did not clearly establish the data privacy risks, nor did they outline a strategy for measuring and mitigating risks.

Ultimately, the crux of this discussion centers around identity and what is needed for a person to operate in the world today.

For example, in many nations a person already cannot open a bank account, attend school, rent a house, take out a loan, or drive a vehicle legally without presenting some form of identification. These are conditions that many people in the modern world have come to accept as norms.

However, there is a growing skepticism of the incoming digital systems, and, in some cases, even the “traditional” systems most people are familiar with.

Why should we have to show a government approved ID to be recognized as a person? Why must we submit to the government sanctioned identity if we do choose to carry a form of identity (digital or physical)?

These are important questions to ask and the assumptions we hold must be questioned. As we push further into the digital world of 2030, I encourage all readers to alert your friends and family to the dangers posed by digital identity.

Help them understand how digital id will inevitably be connected to digital currency, and eventually, a social credit score. This infrastructure, along with widespread facial recognition cameras, will be the invisible enforcement arm of the Technocratic State.

Together, facial recognition, digital identity, digital currency, and social credit scores represent a giant leap forward towards digital totalitarianism.



Depopulation Gates was involved in pre-COVID conspiracy to censor vaccine-alerters especially via Social Media. Consider this Blacklisted News title and link.


JRH 3/16/21 (H/T SeaShell)

I need your generosity in 2021 via – credit cards, check cards

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account:

Please Support NCCR

Or if donating you can support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!




By Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

March 14, 2021

Black Listed News

Originally The Defender – Children’s Health Defense News & Views (3/11/21)


In October 2019, shortly before the COVID outbreak, Gates and other powerful individuals began planning how to censor vaccine safety advocates from social media during a table-top simulation of a worldwide pandemic, known as Event 201.


Bill Gates Event 201 feature



Over the last two weeks, Facebook and other social media sites have deplatformed me and many other critics of regulatory corruption and authoritarian public health policies. So, here is some fodder for those of you who have the eerie sense that the government/industry pandemic response feels like it was planned — even before there was a pandemic.


The attached document shows that a cabal of powerful individuals did indeed begin planning the mass eviction of vaccine skeptics from social media in October 2019, a week or two before COVID began circulating. That month, Microsoft founder Bill Gates organized an exercise of four “table-top” simulations of a worldwide coronavirus pandemic with other high-ranking “Deep State” panjandrums. The exercise was referred to as Event 201.


Gates’ co-conspirators included representatives from the World Bank, the World Economic Forum (Great Reset), Bloomberg/Johns Hopkins University Populations Center, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various media powerhouses, the Chinese government, a former Central Intelligence Agency/National Security Agency director (there is no such thing as a former CIA officer), vaccine maker Johnson & Johnson, the finance and biosecurity industries and Edelman, the world’s leading corporate PR firm.


At Gates’ direction, these eminences role-played members of a Pandemic Control Council, wargaming government strategies for controlling the pandemic, the narrative and the population. Needless to say, there was little talk of building immune systems, off-the-shelf remedies or off-patent therapeutic drugs and vitamins, but lots of chatter about promoting uptake of new patentable antiviral drugs and vaccines.


But the participants primarily focused on planning industry-centric, fear-mongering, police-state strategies for managing an imaginary global coronavirus contagion culminating in mass censorship of social media.


Oddly, Gates now claims that the simulation didn’t occur. On April 12, 2020, Gates told BBC, “Now here we are. We didn’t simulate this, we didn’t practice, so both the health policies and economic policies, we find ourselves in uncharted territory.”


Unfortunately for that whopper, the videos of the event are still available across the internet. They show that Gates and team did indeed simulate health and economic policies. It’s hard to swallow that Gates has forgotten.


Gates’s Event 201 simulated COVID epidemic caused 65 million deaths at the 18-month endpoint and global economic collapse lasting up to a decade. Compared to the Gates simulation, therefore, the actual COVID-19 crisis is a bit of a dud, having imposed a mere 2.5 million deaths “attributed to COVID” over the past 13 months.


The deaths “attributed to COVID” in the real-life situation are highly questionable, and must be seen in the context of a global population of 7.8 billion, with about 59 million deaths expected annually. The predictions of decade-long economic collapse will probably prove more accurate — but only because of the draconian lockdown promoted by Gates.


Gates’ Event 201 script imagines vast anti-vaccine riots triggered by internet posts. The universal and single-minded presumption among its participants was that such a crisis would prove an opportunity of convenience to promote new vaccines, and tighten controls by a surveillance and censorship state.


Segment four of the script — on manipulation and control of public opinion — is most revealing. It uncannily predicted democracy’s current crisis:


  • The participants discussed mechanisms for controlling “disinformation” and “misinformation,” by “flooding” the media with propaganda (“good information”), imposing penalties for spreading falsehoods and discrediting the anti-vaccination movement.


  • Jane Halton, of Australia’s ANZ Bank, one of the authors of Australia’s oppressive “no jab, no pay” policy, assured the participants that Gates Foundation is creating algorithms “to sift through information on these social media platforms” to protect the public from dangerous thoughts and information.


  • George Gao, the prescient director of the Chinese Center for Disease Control, worries about how to suppress “rumors” that the virus is laboratory generated: “People believe, ‘This is a manmade’… [and that] some pharmaceutical company made the virus.”


  • Chen Huang, an Apple research scientist, Google scholar and the world’s leading expert on tracking and tracing and facial recognition technology, role-plays the newscaster reporting on government countermeasures. He blames riots on anti-vaccine activists and predicts that Twitter and Facebook will cooperate in “identify[ing] and delete[ing] a disturbing number of accounts dedicated to spreading misinformation about the outbreak” and to implement “internet shutdowns … to quell panic.”


  • Tara Kirk Sell, a senior scholar at Bloomberg School of Health’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, worries that pharmaceutical companies are being accused of introducing the virus so they can make money on drugs and vaccines: “[We] have seen public faith in their products plummet.” She notes with alarm that “Unrest, due to false rumors and divisive messaging, is rising and is exacerbating spread of the disease as levels of trust fall and people stop cooperating with response efforts. This is a massive problem, one that threatens governments and trusted institutions.”


Sell reminds her fellow collaborators that “We know that social media is now the primary way that many people get their news, so interruptions to these platforms could curb the spread of misinformation.” There are many ways, Sell advises, for government and industry allies to accomplish this objective: “Some governments have taken control of national access to the Internet. Others are censoring websites and social media content and a small number have shut down Internet access completely to prevent the spread of misinformation. Penalties have been put in place for spreading harmful falsehoods, including arrests.”


  • Matthew Harrington, CEO of Edelman Public Relations agrees that social media must fall in line to promote government policy: “I also think we’re at a moment where the social media platforms have to step forward and recognize the moment to assert that they’re a technology platform and not a broadcaster is over. They in fact have to be a participant in broadcasting accurate information and partnering with the scientific and health communities to counterweight, if not flood the zone, of accurate information. Because to try to put the genie back in the bottle of misinformation and disinformation is not possible.”


  • Stephen Redd, the Admiral of the Public Health Service, has the sinister notion that government should mine social media data to identify people with negative beliefs: “I think with the social media platforms, there’s an opportunity to understand who it is that’s susceptible … to misinformation, so I think there’s an opportunity to collect data from that communication mechanism.”


  • Adrian Thomas of Johnson & Johnson announces “some important news to share from some of “our member companies [Pharma]”: We are doing clinical trials in new antiretrovirals, and in fact, in vaccines!” He recommends a strategy to address the problems to these companies when “rumors were actually spreading” that their shoddily tested products “are causing deaths and so patients are not taking them anymore.” He suggests, “Maybe we’re making the mistake of reporting and counting all the fatalities and infections.”


  • Former CIA deputy director, Avril Haines unveiled a strategy to “flood the zone” with propaganda from “trusted sources,” including “influential community leaders, as well as health workers.” He warns about “false information that is starting to actually hamper our ability to address the pandemic, then we need to be able to respond quickly to it.”


  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman CEO) observes that the Internet — which once promised the decentralization and democratization of information — now needs to be centralized: “I think just to build a little bit on what Avril said, I think as in previous conversations where we’ve talked about centralization around management of information or public health needs, there needs to be a centralized response around the communications approach that then is cascaded to informed advocates, represented in the NGO communities, the medical professionals, et cetera.”


  • Tom Inglesby (John Hopkins biosecurity expert advisor to the National Institutes of Health, the Pentagon and Homeland Security) agrees that centralized control is needed: “You mean centralized international?”


  • Matthew Harrington (Edelman) replies that information access should be: “Centralized on an international basis, because I think there needs to be a central repository of data facts and key messages.”


  • Hasti Taghi (Media Advisor) sums up: “The anti-vaccine movement was very strong and this is something specifically through social media that has spread. So as we do the research to come up with the right vaccines to help prevent the continuation of this, how do we get the right information out there? How do we communicate the right information to ensure that the public has trust in these vaccines that we’re creating?”


  • Kevin McAleese, communications officer for Gates-funded agricultural projects, observes that: “To me, it is clear countries need to make strong efforts to manage both mis- and disinformation. We know social media companies are working around the clock to combat these disinformation campaigns. The task of identifying every bad actor is immense. This is a huge problem that’s going to keep us from ending the pandemic and might even lead to the fall of governments, as we saw in the Arab Spring. If the solution means controlling and reducing access to information, I think it’s the right choice.”


  • Tom Inglesby, director of Bloomberg’s Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security concurs, asking if “In this case, do you think governments are at the point where they need to require social media companies to operate in a certain way?”


  • Lavan Thiru, Singapore’s Finance Minister suggests that the government might make examples of dissidents with “government or enforcement actions against fake news. Some of us, this new regulations are come in place about how we deal with fake news. Maybe this is a time for us to showcase some cases where we are able to bring forward some bad actors and leave it before the courts to decide whether they have actually spread some fake news.”


Read the attached transcript to see how Gates and his government, pharma and intelligence apparatus telegraphed their plans to censor and control the media during the pandemic. In yet another uncanny coincidence, COVID-19 began circulating among global populations within days of Gates’ meeting.


Blacklisted News


© 2016 – 2021 Children’s Health Defense® • All rights Reserved


A Look at ASOG Dominion Election Software Exposé

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

© December 21, 2020


On 12/13/20 the Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) had their report Antrim County in the State of Michigan usage of Dominion software voting system okayed to be released to the public by a Judge. I might add to the vigorous objection of Dem-Marxists trying to hide truth from the public. I downloaded that PDF of that report. I then ran a PDF-to-Word program to that report. I am cross posting on this blog the Word version of the PDF. If there is any misspelling or photo glitches, chalk it up to the software not to ASOG.


As I was looking for ASOG’s website, I noticed they dedicated a page to Election/Voter Fraud which I am cross posting first.


Read, watch and be educated to refute the lies the Dem-Marxists and their propaganda MSM arms are trying to brainwash YOU with the deception of ‘NOTHING-TO-SEE-HERE’.


JRH 12/21/20

I need your generosity via – credit cards, check cards 

& debit cards are accepted by my PayPal account: 

Please Support NCCR

Or support by getting in the Coffee from home business making yourself extra cash – OR just buy some FEEL GOOD coffee, that includes immune boosting products. Big Tech Censorship is pervasive – Share voluminously on all social media platforms!




Allied Security Operations Group


One of our greatest liberties as American Citizens is the right to vote and have our voices heard.  And when this freedom is tampered with, we must fight to protect it.


Allied Security Operations Group has become a center of expertise in investigating and proving up vulnerabilities in U.S. election equipment and reporting. We have become a “go-to” source of information for local, state, and federal election officials, politicians, law enforcement, media outlets, and ordinary citizens.  We will be updating our site with interviews and resources from our Election Fraud experts. Check back often for more information.


Election Fraud Interviews


Host L Todd Wood reveals the mechanics behind the electronic vote steal operation in an interview with powerful source:



Posted by Banned Youtube Videosspecializedtom

 November 8th, 2020 11:02 UTC


Host L Todd Wood reveals the mechanics behind the electronic vote steal operation in an interview with powerful source.


An interesting side-note to the QSnatch malware that was mentioned :


Vote switching isn’t an isolated case. There’s this:


  1. I cannot vouch to the videos’ veracity nor its accuracy. I am simply rescuing this video from been censored by YT as I believe this information needs to be available for others to be informed, and for them to draw their own conclusions about the US election process – be it factual or not.


Update : – nslookup, geoip lookup, ip address – all checks out. Their WordPress website resides on Amazon WebServices infrastructure.


Source :]


Economic War Room’s host Kevin Freeman interview ASOG and other sources:


Latest Information on Voter Fraud


  • Find the latest information on fraudulent and non-fraudulent votes by state.


  • Report Voter Fraud– If you have experienced voter fraud, please go to this website to give information that you deem pertinent to the investigation.


  • Read Stories on Voter Fraud


  • Fraud PH shows common ways that vote or ballot fraud can occur in an election


Please contact us for more information! [Blog Editor: For some reason this “contact” link goes to Go Daddy. Since I don’t understand that – here is the ASOG Contact Page.]


[Blog Editor: AND NOW ASOG report on Dominion Voting System Software Fraud. In this document Dem-Marxist talked a Judge to redact some of the proof. As of 12/21/20 I am uncertain if the redactions were removed. The PDF link used to transfer to a Word document:]


Allied Security Operations Group


Antrim Michigan Forensics Report


Report Date 12/13/2020




Client: Bill Bailey

Attorney: Matthew DePerno




  1. My name is Russell James Ramsland, Jr., and I am a resident of Dallas County, Texas. I hold an MBA from Harvard University, and a political science degree from Duke University. I have worked with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), among other organizations, and have run businesses all over the world, many of which are highly technical in nature. I have served on technical government panels.


  1. I am part of the management team of Allied Security Operations Group, LLC, (ASOG). ASOG is a group of globally engaged professionals who come from various disciplines to include Department of Defense, Secret Service, Department of Homeland Security, and the Central Intelligence Agency. It provides a range of security services, but has a particular emphasis on cybersecurity, open source investigation and penetration testing of networks. We employ a wide variety of cyber and cyber forensic analysts. We have patents pending in a variety of applications from novel network security applications to SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) protection and safe browsing solutions for the dark and deep web. For this report, I have relied on these experts and resources.




  1. The purpose of this forensic audit is to test the integrity of Dominion Voting System in how it performed in Antrim County, Michigan for the 2020 election.


  1. We conclude that the Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed with inherent errors to create systemic fraud and influence election results. The system intentionally generates an enormously high number of ballot errors. The electronic ballots are then transferred for adjudication. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency, and no audit trail. This leads to voter or election fraud. Based on our study, we conclude that The Dominion Voting System should not be used in Michigan. We further conclude that the results of Antrim County should not have been certified.


  1. The following is a breakdown of the votes tabulated for the 2020 election in Antrim County, showing different dates for the tabulation of the same votes.



2020 election in Antrim County Chart screen capture


  1. The Antrim County Clerk and Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson have stated that the election night error (detailed above by the vote “flip” from Trump to Biden, was the result of human error caused by the failure to update the Mancelona Township tabulator prior to election night for a down ballot race. We disagree and conclude that the vote flip occurred because of machine error built into the voting software designed to create error.


  1. Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s statement on November 6, 2020 that “[t]the correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape . . . .” was false.


  1. The allowable election error rate established by the Federal Election Commission guidelines is of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%). We observed an error rate of 68.05%. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.


  1. The results of the Antrim County 2020 election are not certifiable. This is a result of machine and/or software error, not human error.


  1. The tabulation log for the forensic examination of the server for Antrim County from December 6, 2020consists of 15,676 individual events, of which 10,667 or 68.05% of the events were recorded errors. These errors resulted in overall tabulation errors or ballots being sent to adjudication. This high error rates proves the Dominion Voting System is flawed and does not meet state or federal election laws.


  1. These errors occurred after The Antrim County Clerk provided a re-provisioned CF card with uploaded software for the Central Lake Precinct on November 6, 2020. This means the statement by Secretary Benson was false. The Dominion Voting System produced systemic errors and high error rates both prior to the update and after the update; meaning the update (or lack of update) is not the cause of errors.


  1. In Central Lake Township there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. All reversed ballots are sent to adjudication for a decision by election personnel.


  1. It is critical to understand that the Dominion system classifies ballots into two categories, 1) normal ballots and 2) adjudicated ballots. Ballots sent to adjudication can be altered by administrators, and adjudication files can be moved between different Results Tally and Reporting (RTR) terminals with no audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicates (i.e. votes) the ballot batch. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity because it provides no meaningful observation of the adjudication process or audit trail of which administrator actually adjudicated the ballots.


  1. A staggering number of votes required adjudication. This was a 2020 issue not seen in previous election cycles still stored on the server. This is caused by intentional errors in the system. The intentional errors lead to bulk adjudication of ballots with no oversight, no transparency or audit trail. Our examination of the server logs indicates that this high error rate was incongruent with patterns from previous years. The statement attributing these issues to human error is not consistent with the forensic evaluation, which points more correctly to systemic machine and/or software errors. The systemic errors are intentionally designed to create errors in order to push a high volume of ballots to bulk adjudication.


  1. The linked video demonstrates how to cheat at adjudication:


  1. Antrim County failed to properly update its system. A purposeful lack of providing basic computer security updates in the system software and hardware demonstrates incompetence, gross negligence, bad faith, and/or willful noncompliance in providing the fundamental system security required by federal and state law. There is no way this election management system could have passed tests or have been legally certified to conduct the 2020 elections in Michigan under the current laws. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures – Michigan requires full compliance with federal standards as determined by a federally accredited voting system laboratory.


  1. Significantly, the computer system shows vote adjudication logs for prior years; but all adjudication log entries for the 2020 election cycle are missing. The adjudication process is the simplest way to manually manipulate votes. The lack of records prevents any form of audit accountability, and their conspicuous absence is extremely suspicious since the files exist for previous years using the same software. Removal of these files violates state law and prevents a meaningful audit, even if the Secretary wanted to conduct an audit. We must conclude that the 2020 election cycle records have been manually removed.


  1. Likewise, all server security logs prior to 11:03 pm on November 4, 2020 are missing. This means that all security logs for the day after the election, on election day, and prior to election day are gone. Security logs are very important to an audit trail, forensics, and for detecting advanced persistent threats and outside attacks, especially on systems with outdated system files. These logs would contain domain controls, authentication failures, error codes, times users logged on and off, network connections to file servers between file accesses, internet connections, times, and data transfers. Other server logs before November 4, 2020 are present; therefore, there is no reasonable explanation for the security logs to be missing.


  1. On November 21, 2020, an unauthorized user unsuccessfully attempted to zero out election results. This demonstrates additional tampering with data.


  1. The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with new ballot programming on 10/23/2020 and then again after the election on 11/05/2020. These system changes affect how ballots are read and tabulated, and our examination demonstrated a significant change in voter results using the two different programs. In accordance with the Help America Vote Act, this violates the 90-day Safe Harbor Period which prohibits changes to election systems, registries, hardware/software updates without undergoing re-certification. According to the National Conference of State Legislatures – Michigan requires full compliance with federal standards as determined by a federally accredited voting system laboratory.


  1. The only reason to change software after the election would be to obfuscate evidence of fraud and/or to correct program errors that would de-certify the election. Our findings show that the Central Lake Township tabulator tape totals were significantly altered by utilizing two different program versions (10/23/2020 and 11/05/2020), both of which were software changes during an election which violates election law, and not just human error associated with the Dominion Election Management System. This is clear evidence of software generated movement of votes. The claims made on the Office of the Secretary of State website are false.


  1. The Dominion ImageCast Precinct (ICP) machines have the ability to be connected to the internet (see Image 11). By connecting a network scanner to the ethernet port on the ICP machine and creating Packet Capture logs from the machines we examined show the ability to connect to the network, Application Programming Interface (API) (a data exchange between two different systems) calls and web (http) connections to the Election Management System server. Best practice is to disable the network interface card to avoid connection to the internet. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. Because certain files have been deleted, we have not yet found origin or destination; but our research continues.


  1. Because the intentional high error rate generates large numbers of ballots to be adjudicated by election personnel, we must deduce that bulk adjudication occurred. However, because files and adjudication logs are missing, we have not yet determined where the bulk adjudication occurred or who was responsible for it. Our research continues.


  1. Research is ongoing. However, based on the preliminary results, we conclude that the errors are so significant that they call into question the integrity and legitimacy of the results in the Antrim County 2020 election to the point that the results are not certifiable. Because the same machines and software are used in 48 other counties in Michigan, this casts doubt on the integrity of the entire election in the state of Michigan.


  1. DNI Responsibilities: President Obama signed Executive Order on National Critical Infrastructure on 6 January 2017, stating in Section 1. Cybersecurity of Federal Networks, “The Executive Branch operates its information technology (IT) on behalf of the American people. The President will hold heads of executive departments and agencies (agency heads) accountable for managing cybersecurity risk to their enterprises. In addition, because risk management decisions made by agency heads can affect the risk to the executive branch as a whole, and to national security, it is also the policy of the United States to manage cybersecurity risk as an executive branch enterprise.” President Obama’s EO further stated, effective immediately, each agency head shall use The Framework for Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity (the Framework) developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.” Support to Critical Infrastructure at Greatest Risk. The Secretary of Homeland Security, in coordination with the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, the Director of National Intelligence, the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the heads of appropriate sector-specific agencies, as defined in Presidential Policy Directive 21 of February 12, 2013 (Critical Infrastructure Security and Resilience) (sector-specific agencies), and all other appropriate agency heads, as identified by the Secretary of Homeland Security, shall: (i) identify authorities and capabilities that agencies could employ to support the cybersecurity efforts of critical infrastructure entities identified pursuant to section 9 of Executive Order 13636 of February 12, 2013 (Improving Critical Infrastructure Cybersecurity), to be at greatest risk of attacks that could reasonably result in catastrophic regional or national effects on public health or safety, economic security, or national security (section 9 entities);


This is a national security imperative. In July 2018, President Trump strengthened President Obama’s Executive Order to include requirements to ensure US election systems, processes, and its people were not manipulated by foreign meddling, either through electronic or systemic manipulation, social media, or physical changes made in hardware, software, or supporting systems. The 2018 Executive Order. Accordingly, I hereby order:


Section 1. (a) Not later than 45 days after the conclusion of a United States election, the Director of National Intelligence, in consultation with the heads of any other appropriate executive departments and agencies (agencies), shall conduct an assessment of any information indicating that a foreign government, or any person acting as an agent of or on behalf of a foreign government, has acted with the intent or purpose of interfering in that election. The assessment shall identify, to the maximum extent ascertainable, the nature of any foreign interference and any methods employed to execute it, the persons involved, and the foreign government or governments that authorized, directed, sponsored, or supported it. The Director of National Intelligence shall deliver this assessment and appropriate supporting information to the President, the Secretary of State, the Secretary of the Treasury, the Secretary of Defense, the Attorney General, and the Secretary of Homeland Security.


We recommend that an independent group should be empaneled to determine the extent of the adjudication errors throughout the State of Michigan. This is a national security issue.


  1. Michigan resident Gustavo Delfino, a former professor of mathematics in Venezuela and alumni of University of Michigan, offered a compelling affidavit [Exhibit 2] recognizing the inherent vulnerabilities in the SmartMatic electronic voting machines (software which was since incorporated into Dominion Voting Systems) during the 2004 national referendum in Venezuela (see attached declaration). After 4 years of research and 3 years of undergoing intensive peer review, Professor Delfino’s paper was published in the highly respected “Statistical Science” journal, November 2011 issue (Volume 26, Number 4) with title “Analysis of the 2004 Venezuela Referendum: The Official Results Versus the Petition Signatures.” The intensive study used multiple mathematical approaches to ascertain the voting results found in the 2004 Venezuelan referendum. Delfino and his research partners discovered not only the algorithm used to manipulate the results, but also the precise location in the election processing sequence where vulnerability in machine processing would provide such an opportunity. According to Prof Delfino, the magnitude of the difference between the official and the true result in Venezuela estimated at 1,370,000 votes. Our investigation into the error rates and results of the Antrim County voting tally reflect the same tactics, which have also been reported in other Michigan counties as well. This demonstrates a national security issue.




We visited Antrim County twice: November 27, 2020 and December 6, 2020.


On November 27, 2020, we visited Central Lake Township, Star Township, and Mancelona Township. We examined the Dominion Voting Systems tabulators and tabulator roles.


On December 6, 2020, we visited the Antrim County Clerk’s office. We inspected and performed forensic duplication of the following:


  1. Antrim County Election Management Server running Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5.3-002;


  1. Compact Flash cards used by the local precincts in their Dominion ImageCast Precinct;


3. USB memory sticks used by the Dominion VAT (Voter Assist Terminals); and


  1. USB memory sticks used for the Poll Book.


Dominion voting system is a Canadian owned company with global subsidiaries. It is owned by Staple Street Capital which is in turn owned by UBS Securities LLC, of which 3 out of their 7 board members are Chinese nationals. The Dominion software is licensed from Smartmatic which is a Venezuelan owned and controlled company. Dominion Server locations have been determined to be in Serbia, Canada, the US, Spain and Germany.




  1. On November 27, 2020, part of our forensics team visited the Central Lake Township in Michigan to inspect the Dominion ImageCast Precint for possible hardware issues on behalf of a local lawsuit filed by Michigan attorney Matthew DePerno on behalf of William Bailey. In our conversations with the clerk of Central Lake Township Ms. Judith L. Kosloski, she presented to us “two separate paper totals tape” from Tabulator ID 2.


  • One dated “Poll Opened Nov. 03/2020 06:38:48” (Roll 1);


  • Another dated “Poll Opened Nov. 06/2020 09:21:58” (Roll 2)


  1. We were then told by Ms. Kosloski that on November 5, 2020, Ms. Kosloski was notified by Connie Wing of the County Clerk’s Office and asked to bring the tabulator and ballots to the County Clerk’s office for re-tabulation. They ran the ballots and printed “Roll 2”. She noticed a difference in the votes and brought it up to the clerk, but canvasing still occurred, and her objections were not addressed.


  1. Our team analyzed both rolls and compared the results. Roll 1 had 1,494 total votes and Roll 2 had 1,491 votes (Roll 2 had 3 less ballots because 3 ballots were damaged in the process.)


  1. “Statement of Votes Cast from Antrim” shows that only 1,491 votes were counted, and the 3 ballots that were damaged were not entered into final results.


  1. Ms. Kosloski stated that she and her assistant manually refilled out the three ballots, curing them, and ran them through the ballot counting system – but the final numbers do not reflect the inclusion of those 3 damaged ballots.


  1. This is the most preliminary report of serious election fraud indicators. In comparing the numbers on both rolls, we estimate 1,474 votes changed across the two rolls, between the first and the second time the exact same ballots were run through the County Clerk’s vote counting machine – which is almost the same number of voters that voted in total.


  • 742 votes were added to School Board Member for Central Lake Schools (3)


  • 657 votes were removed from School Board Member for Ellsworth Schools (2)


  • 7 votes were added to the total for State Proposal 20-1 (1) and out of those there were 611 votes moved between the Yes and No Categories.


  1. There were incremental changes throughout the rolls with some significant adjustments between the 2 rolls that were reviewed. This demonstrates conclusively that votes can be and were changed during the second machine count after the software update. That should be impossible especially at such a high percentage to total votes cast.


  1. For the School Board Member for Central Lake Schools (3) [Image 1] there were 742 votes added to this vote total. Since multiple people were elected, this did not change the result of both candidates being elected, but one does see a change in who had most votes. If it were a single-person election this would have changed the outcome and demonstrates conclusively that votes can be and were changed during the second machine counting. That should be impossible.


[Image 1]:


Image 1 – Recount 11-6 & Election 11-3 screen capture


  1. For the School Board Member for Ellsworth Schools (2) [Image 2]


  • Shows 657 votes being removed from this election.


  • In this case, only 3 people who were eligible to vote actually voted. Since there were 2 votes allowed for each voter to cast.


  • The recount correctly shows 6 votes.


But on election night, there was a major calculation issue:


[Image 2]:


Image 2 – Recount 11-6 & Election 11-3 screen capture


  1. In State Proposal 20-1 (1), [Image 3] there is a major change in votes in this category.


  • There were 774 votes for YES during the election, to 1,083 votes for YES on the recount a change of 309 votes.


  • 7 votes were added to the total for State Proposal 20-1 (1) out of those there were 611 votes moved between the Yes and No Categories.


[Image 3]:


Image 3 – Recount 11-6 & Election 11-3 screen capture


  1. State Proposal 20-1 (1) is a fairly technical and complicated proposed amendment to the Michigan Constitution to change the disposition and allowable uses of future revenue generated from oil and gas bonuses, rentals and royalties from state-owned land. Information about the proposal: proposal-20-1-michigan-naturalresources-trust-fund


  1. A Proposed Initiated Ordinance to Authorize One (1) Marihuana (sic) Retailer Establishment Within the Village of Central Lake (1). [Image 4]


  • On election night, it was a tie vote.


  • Then, on the rerun of ballots 3 ballots were destroyed, but only one vote changed on the totals to allow the proposal to pass.


When 3 ballots were not counted and programming change on the tabulator was installed the proposal passed with 1 vote being removed from the No vote.


[Image 4]:


Image 4 – Recount 11-6 & Election 11-3 screen capture


  1. On Sunday December 6, 2020, our forensics team visited the Antrim County Clerk. There were two USB memory sticks used, one contained the software package used to tabulate election results on November 3, 2020, and the other was programmed on November 6, 2020 with a different software package which yielded significantly different voting outcomes. The election data package is used by the Dominion Democracy Suite software & election management system software to upload programming information onto the Compact Flash Cards for the Dominion ImageCast Precinct to enable it to calculate ballot totals.


  1. This software programming should be standard across all voting machines systems for the duration of the entire election if accurate tabulation is the expected outcome as required by US Election Law. This intentional difference in software programming is a design feature to alter election outcomes.


  1. The election day outcomes were calculated using the original software programming on November 3, 2020. On November 5, 2020 the township clerk was asked to re-run the Central Lake Township ballots and was given no explanation for this unusual request. On November 6, 2020 the Antrim County Clerk, Sheryl Guy issued the second version of software to re-run the same Central Lake Township ballots and oversaw the process. This resulted in greater than a 60% change in voting results, inexplicably impacting every single election contest in a township with less than 1500 voters. These errors far exceed the ballot error rate standard of 1 in 250,000 ballots (.0008%) as required by federal election law.


  • The original election programming files are last dated 09/25/2020 1:24pm


  • The updated election data package files are last dated 10/22/2020 10:27 am.


  1. As the tabulator tape totals prove, there were large numbers of votes switched from the November 3, 2020 tape to the November 6, 2020 tape. This was solely based on using different software versions of the operating program to calculate votes, not tabulate votes. This is evidenced by using same the Dominion System with two different software program versions contained on the two different USB Memory Devices.


  1. The Help America Vote Act, Safe Harbor provides a 90-day period prior to elections where no changes can be made to election systems. To make changes would require recertification of the entire system for use in the election. The Dominion User Guide prescribes the proper procedure to test machines with test ballots to compare the results to validate machine functionality to determine if the Dominion ImageCast Precinct was programmed correctly. If this occurred a ballot misconfiguration would have been identified. Once the software was updated to the 10/22/2020 software the test ballots should have been re-run to validate the vote totals to confirm the machine was configured correctly.


  1. The November 6, 2020 note from The Office of the Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson states: “The correct results always were and continue to be reflected on the tabulator totals tape and on the ballots themselves. Even if the error in the reported unofficial results had not been quickly noticed, it would have been identified during the county canvass. Boards of County Canvassers, which are composed of 2 Democrats and 2 Republicans, review the printed totals tape from each tabulator during the canvass to verify the reported vote totals are correct.”



  1. The Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s statement is false. Our findings show that the tabulator tape totals were significantly altered by utilization of two different program versions, and not just the Dominion Election Management System. This is the opposite of the claim that the Office of the Secretary of State made on its website. The fact that these significant errors were not caught in ballot testing and not caught by the local county clerk shows that there are major inherent built-in vulnerabilities and process flaws in the Dominion Election Management System, and that other townships/precincts and the entire election have been affected.


  1. On Sunday December 6, 2020, our forensics team visited the Antrim County Clerk office to perform forensic duplication of the Antrim County Election Management Server running Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5.3-002.


  1. Forensic copies of the Compact Flash cards used by the local precincts in their Dominion ImageCast Precinct were inspected, USB memory sticks used by the Dominion VAT (Voter Assist Terminals) and the USB memory sticks used for the Poll Book were forensically duplicated.


  1. We have been told that the ballot design and configuration for the Dominion ImageCast Precinct and VAT were provided by which is which is owned by MC&E, Inc of Grand Rapids, MI.




  1. In Mancelona township, problems with software versions were also known to have been present. Mancelona elections officials understood that ballot processing issued were not accurate and used the second version of software to process votes on 4 November, again an election de-certifying event, as no changes to the election system are authorized by law in the 90 days preceding elections without re-certification.


  1. Once the 10/22/2020 software update was performed on the Dominion ImageCast Precinct the test ballot process should have been performed to validate the programming. There is no indication that this procedure was performed.




  1. Pursuant to a court ordered inspection, we participated in an onsite collection effort at the Antrim County Clerk’s office on December 6, 2020.


[Image 5]:


Image 5 – Election Management Server (EMS) with Democracy Suite screen capture


Among other items forensically collected, the Antrim County Election Management Server (EMS) with Democracy Suite was forensically collected.


[Images 6 and 7].


Images 6 and 7 – EMS- Dell Precision Tower 3420 – Service Tag: 6NB0KH2 screen capture


The EMS (Election Management Server) was a:


Dell Precision Tower 3420.

Service Tag: 6NB0KH2


The EMS contained 2 hard drives in a RAID-1 configuration. That is the 2 drives redundantly stored the same information and the server could continue to operate if either of the 2 hard drives failed. The EMS was booted via the Linux Boot USB memory sticks and both hard drives were forensically imaged.


At the onset of the collection process we observed that the initial program thumb drive was not secured in the vault with the CF cards and other thumbdrives. We watched as the County employees, including Clerk Sheryl Guy searched throughout the office for the missing thumb drive. Eventually they found the missing thumb drive in an unsecured and unlocked desk drawer along with multiple other random thumb drives. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.




We used a built for purpose Linux Boot USB memory stick to boot the EMS in a forensically sound mode. We then used Ewfacquire to make a forensic image of the 2 independent internal hard drives.


Ewfacquire created an E01 file format forensic image with built-in integrity verification via MD5 hash.


We used Ewfverify to verify the forensic image acquired was a true and accurate copy of the original disk. That was done for both forensic images.




X-Ways Forensics: We used X-Ways Forensics, a commercial Computer Forensic tool, to verify the image was useable and full disk encryption was not in use. In particular we confirmed that Bit locker was not in use on the EMS.


Other tools used: PassMark – OSForensics, Truxton – Forensics, Cellebrite – Physical Analyzer, Blackbag-Blacklight Forensic Software, Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, Virtual Box, and miscellaneous other tools and scripts.




  1. Our initial audit on the computer running the Democracy Suite Software showed that standard computer security best practices were not applied. These minimum-security standards are outlined the 2002 HAVA, and FEC Voting System Standards – it did not even meet the minimum standards required of a government desktop computer.


  1. The election data software package USB drives (November 2020 election, and November 2020 election updated) are secured with bitlocker encryption software, but they were not stored securely on-site. At the time of our forensic examination, the election data package files were already moved to an unsecure desktop computer and were residing on an unencrypted hard drive. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity. Key Findings on Desktop and Server Configuration: – There were multiple Microsoft security updates as well as Microsoft SQL Server updates which should have been deployed, however there is no evidence that these security patches were ever installed. As described below, many of the software packages were out of date and vulnerable to various methods of attack.


a) Computer initial configuration on 10/03/2018 13:08:11:911

b) Computer final configuration of server software on 4/10/2019

c) Hard Drive not Encrypted at Rest

d) Microsoft SQL Server Database not protected with password.

e) Democracy Suite Admin Passwords are reused and share passwords.

f) Antivirus is 4.5 years outdated g) Windows updates are 3.86 years out of date.

h) When computer was last configured on 04/10/2019 the windows updates were 2.11 years out of date.

i) User of computer uses a Super User Account.


  1. The hard drive was not encrypted at rest – which means that if hard drives are removed or initially booted off an external USB drive the files are susceptible to manipulation directly. An attacker is able to mount the hard drive because it is unencrypted, allowing for the manipulation and replacement of any file on the system.


  1. The Microsoft SQL Server database files were not properly secured to allow modifications of the database files.


  1. The Democracy Suite Software user account logins and passwords are stored in the unsecured database tables and the multiple Election System Administrator accounts share the same password, which means that there are no audit trails for vote changes, deletions, blank ballot voting, or batch vote alterations or adjudication.


  1. Antivirus definition is 1666 days old on 12/11/2020. Antrim County updates its system with USB drives. USB drives are the most common vectors for injecting malware into computer systems. The failure to properly update the antivirus definition drastically increases the harm cause by malware from other machines being transmitted to the voting system.


  1. Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) Offline Update is used to enable updates the computer – which is a package of files normally downloaded from the internet but compiled into a program to put on a USB drive to manually update server systems.


  1. Failure to properly update the voting system demonstrates a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.


  1. There are 15 additional updates that should have been installed on the server to adhere to Microsoft Standards to fix known vulnerabilities. For the 4/10/2019 install, the most updated version of the update files would have been 03/13/2019 which is 11.6.1 which is 15 updates newer than 10.9.1


This means the updates installed were 2 years, 1 month, 13 days behind the most current update at the time. This includes security updates and fixes. This demonstrated a significant and fatal error in security and election integrity.


  • Wed 04/10/2019 10:34:33.14 – Info: Starting WSUS Offline Update (v. 10.9.1)


  • Wed 04/10/2019 10:34:33.14 – Info: Used path “D:\WSUSOFFLINE1091_2012R2_W10\cmd\” on EMSSERVER (user: EMSADMIN)


  • Wed 04/10/2019 10:34:35.55 – Info: Medium build date: 03/10/2019


  • Found on c:\Windows\wsusofflineupdate.txt


  • *WSUS Offline Update (v.10.9.1) was created on 01/29/2017


*WSUS information found here


  1. Super User Administrator account is the primary account used to operate the Dominion Election Management System which is a major security risk. The user logged in has the ability to make major changes to the system and install software which means that there is no oversight to ensure appropriate management controls – i.e. anyone who has access to the shared administrator user names and passwords can make significant changes to the entire voting system. The shared usernames and passwords mean that these changes can be made in an anonymous fashion with no tracking or attribution.




  1. We reviewed the Tabulation logs in their entirety for 11/6/2020. The election logs for Antrim County consist of 15,676 total lines or events.


  • Of the 15,676 there were a total of 10,667 critical errors/warnings or a 68.05% error rate.


  • Most of the errors were related to configuration errors that could result in overall tabulation errors or adjudication. These 11/6/2020 tabulation totals were used as the official results.


  1. For examples, there were 1,222 ballots reversed out of 1,491 total ballots cast, thus resulting in an 81.96% rejection rate. Some of which were reversed due to “Ballot’s size exceeds maximum expected ballot size”.


  • According to the NCSL, Michigan requires testing by a federally accredited laboratory for voting systems. In section 4.1.1 of the Voluntary Voting Systems Guidelines (VVSG) Accuracy Requirements a. All systems shall achieve a report total error rate of no more than one in 125,000.



  • In section Memory Stability of the VVSG it states that Memory devices used to retain election management data shall have demonstrated error free data retention for a period of 22 months.


  • In section Paper-based System Processing Requirements subsection a. of the VVSG it states “The ability of the system to produce and receive electronic signals from the scanning of the ballot, perform logical and numerical operations upon these data, and reproduce the contents of memory when required shall be sufficiently free of error to enable satisfaction of the system-level accuracy requirement indicated in Subsection 4.1.1.”


  • These are not human errors; this is definitively related to the software and software configurations resulting in error rates far beyond the thresholds listed in the guidelines.


  1. A high “error rate” in the election software (in this case 68.05%) reflects an algorithm used that will weight one candidate greater than another (for instance, weight a specific candidate at a 2/3 to approximately 1/3 ratio). In the logs we identified that the RCV or Ranked Choice Voting Algorithm was enabled (see image below from the Dominion manual). This allows the user to apply a weighted numerical value to candidates and change the overall result. The declaration of winners can be done on a basis of points, not votes.


[Image 8]:


Image 8 – Winners Chosen by Points NOT Votes screen capture


  1. The Dominion software configuration logs in the Divert Options, shows that all write-in ballots were flagged to be diverted automatically for adjudication. This means that all write-in ballots were sent for “adjudication” by a poll worker or election official to process the ballot based on voter “intent”. Adjudication files allow a computer operator to decide to whom to award those votes (or to trash them).


  1. In the logs all but two of the Override Options were enabled on these machines, thus allowing any operator to change those votes.


[Image 9]:




  1. In the logs all but two of the Override Options were enabled on these machines, thus allowing any operator to change those votes. This gives the system operators carte blanche to adjudicate ballots, in this case 81.96% of the total cast ballots with no audit trail or oversight.


[Image 10]:




  1. On 12/8/2020 Microsoft issued 58 security patches across 10+ products, some of which were used for the election software machine, server and programs. Of the 58 security fixes 22, were patches to remote code execution (RCE) vulnerabilities.


[Image 11]:



Image 11 – Democracy Suite Basic EMS Work Flow screen capture


  1. We reviewed the Election Management System logs (EmsLogger) in their entirety from 9/19/2020 through 11/21/2020 for the Project: Antrim November 2020. There were configuration errors throughout the set-up, election and tabulation of results. The last error for Central Lake Township, Precinct 1 occurred on 11/21/2020 at 14:35:11 System.Xml.XmlException System.Xml.XmlException: The ‘ ‘ character, hexadecimal value 0x20, cannot be included in a name. Bottom line is that this is a calibration that rejects the vote (see picture below).


[Image 12]:




Notably 42 minutes earlier on Nov 21 2020 at 13:53:09 a user attempted to zero out election results. Id:3168 EmsLogger – There is no permission to {0} – Project: User: Thread: 189. This is direct proof of an attempt to tamper with evidence.




  1. The Election Event Designer Log shows that Dominion ImageCast Precinct Cards were programmed with updated new programming on 10/23/2020 and again after the election on 11/05/2020. As previously mentioned, this violates the HAVA safe harbor period.


Source: C:\Program Files\Dominion Voting Systems\Election Event Designer\Log\Info.txt


  • Dominion Imagecast Precinct Cards Programmed with 9/25/2020 programming on 09/29/2020, 09/30/2020, and 10/12/2020.


  • Dominion Imagecast Precinct Cards Programmed with New Ballot Programming dated 10/22/2020 on 10/23/2020 and after the election on 11/05/2020


Excerpt from 2020-11-05 showing “ProgramMemoryCard” commands.




  1. Analysis is ongoing and updated findings will be submitted as soon as possible. A summary of the information collected is provided below.


10|12/07/20 18:52:30| Indexing completed at Mon Dec 7 18:52:30 2020 12|12/07/20 18:52:30| INDEX SUMMARY

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Files indexed: 159312

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Files skipped: 64799

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Files filtered: 0

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Emails indexed: 0

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Unique words found: 5325413

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Variant words found: 3597634

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Total words found: 239446085

12|12/07/20 18:52:30| Avg. unique words per page: 33.43

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Dated: December 13, 2020


Signature Screen Capture:





Russell Ramsland


Kraken Explained – If True

John R. Houk, Blog Editor

November 29, 2020


I found a couple of posts relating to the power of American Intel agencies utilizing cyber-spy programs capable of manipulating elections designed to use on foreign interests but have been turned on the American election process by nefarious Intel actors doing the bidding of the Dem-Marxists to gain power in the USA.


The problem: To my knowledge there is no verifiable paper trail – yet. Either the info is from in-the-know insiders or the info is fabricated to assuage the anger of Conservatives yet with no favorable outcome.


THERE IS ONLY one way to see some accuracy at this point. If the info herein is accurate, Donald Trump is inaugurated as President on January 20. If the info is wishful thinking to temporarily placate cheated Conservatives/Patriots of the Republic, then Quid Pro Beijing Crooked Joe is inaugurated as President on January 20.


NOW for your consideration, the two posts.


JRH 11/29/20

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Releasing the Kraken means releasing Election 2020 truths


Ancient Kraken Attacking Ship


By Joseph Ragonese 

Nov 27, 2020

Communities Digital News


When attorney Sidney Powell first told reporters that she was about to “release the Kraken,” this writer, like many others, thought that she was about to release a mythical sea monster upon the ship of globalist tyranny. However, while she is attempting to sink them by exposing their villainous plot to steal our 2020 election, the Kraken she referred to is a real entity that is about to be exposed. Once this information is released, if it contains proof of wrongdoing, it will shake the foundations of this nation.


The “Kraken” is a cyberwarfare program run by the Department of Defense that tracks and hacks various other systems to acquire evidence of nefarious actions by our enemies, both foreign and domestic. Sidney Powell says that, “an algorithm was plugged in to steal votes from President Trump during the election.”  And the Kraken program will prove that.


The DoD is not the primary user of the Kraken program.


Rather it was developed by the CIA, and they allow the Defense Department access. It is used to get information about the nation’s enemies, by hacking computers and cellphones. This could be a problem to the enemies of America if there is a conspiracy to hack into voting machines, like those from Dominion Voting Systems.


What the developers of Dominion, and its software, didn’t count on when developing the program to shift votes, were the overwhelming numbers of Trump voters on election day. Trump voters turned out in record numbers on November 3rd due to fear of their ballots being trashed before being counted.


[Dominion’s Smartmatic: Chávez-built cornerstone of Trump’s fight in court]


That phenomenon, many allege, caused the voting machines’ software to crash while trying to shift votes from Trump to Biden. The huge numbers of Trump voters were not figured into the algorithm. It caused all of their elaborate planning to go out the window and forced them to communicate in real-time. While the voting was still ongoing. Those communications, it is being surmised, were captured by Kraken.


Smartmatic software program


As the Smartmatic software program was used to flip votes from one candidate to the other, Trump votes to Biden, the Smartmatic software was also overwhelmed in the early stages of election day. Purportedly causing voting machines, in certain districts, like Atlanta and Philadelphia, to mysteriously shut down. Trying to hide the truth, the MSM, at the insistence of knowing Democrats, called the shutdowns simple glitches. (Voting Machines ‘Down, Locked, Broken’ in Districts That Voted Trump in 2016 in Philly, Pennsylvania, New York, Georgia)


The same thing happened in Antrim County, Michigan, where a voting supervisor caught the problem.


At first, the glitches, the broken water pipes, and other issues appeared to be isolated and random. But if Sidney Powell is correct, it was a planned and calculated strategy to steal this election across all the states using Dominion. As the glitches mounted, those panicked co-conspirators must have contacted one another to rectify the problem.


Enter the Kraken


Kraken programs in CIA and DoD facilities would pick up that information as the conspirators communicated by cell phone, text, and computer. Like the CIA / DoD facility in Germany might have.


Why target Germany, one might question? Because CIA facilities overseas are under the control of the DoD. This is important because the CIA is still a part of the deep state that tried to topple our elected president.


Many within the CIA are quaking in their boots and high heels because of their fear over the Durham investigation into the coup attempt on President Trump. That is why all requests for information from the CIA have been slow-walked. They knew that they could steal this election, and when Biden became president, all investigations would end. So President Trump could not trust the CIA to provide the information.


He had to think outside of the box in order to prove a second coup attempt on voters.


[Biden and Susan Rice ran the Obama-Brennan coup plot against Trump]


Information about Kraken has been around for several years, however, only a few paid attention. Except those persons intent on stealing this election. In 2017, WikiLeaks released numerous CIA documents detailing “Kraken.”


They included orders to spy on all major candidates in France’s 2012 presidential election, including the incumbent at the time, Nicholas Sarkozy. Some might remember that Obama, the president then, did not like Sarkozy because he was too conservative for the far-left president. (Complete List of the Many Times Obama Spied on Candidate and President Trump and Numerous Others)


According to the leaked documents, Kraken would provide information on each party’s election strategy, each candidate’s private conferences, and the ability to influence political decisions. If it were used against France in 2012, it could have been used against the hapless Mitt Romney that same year. Was that election stolen too?


If I had a Hamr


The CIA uses another program in conjunction with Kraken, called Hamr” (or hammer) also in the files WikiLeaks released, which Powell referenced. Hamr spies on protected networks without being detected.


After Powell first mentioned Kraken, reports began circulating about an American operation in Germany, where servers were confiscated. At first, many thought the servers belonged to two election technology firms, Dominion and Scytl.


But the servers that were taken apparently belong to the CIA, which has a field office in Frankfurt. The State Department also operates a consulate in that city. Yet the CIA is not loyal to the Constitution, everybody knows this as they operate above the law.


Most recently it has been subverted into the radical left-wing political arena.


The CIA has been part of the deep state that has hindered investigating the coup conspiracy of 2016, and the undermining of President Trump for his entire four years in office. The last head of the CIA, John Brennan, once threatened Trump, stating that he couldn’t understand the power of the intelligence community.


The CIA is an untrustworthy part of the globalist deep state trying to circumvent the Constitution.


The FBI is right there with them. So how do patriots secure evidence of wrongdoing from them? The out-of-box program for justice all began to unfold when President Trump dismissed the Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper, replacing him with Christopher C. Miller. Miller was a Green Beret and is a loyal patriot.


His first action as Acting Secretary of Defense was to move control of Special Operations Command away from General Milley, Chief of Staff at the Pentagon, and go directly to him. A few days later word of servers being seized in Germany began to circulate. No one knew whose servers, or why or who conducted the seizure.


It now appears those CIA servers were located inside a military installation in Frankfurt. The U.S. military has full authority to do this because any CIA activity in the European theater is being conducted using military cover. In other words, CIA officers would be identified to the German government (and anyone else asking) as military employees or consultants.


To use information from these servers in an American court, law enforcement would have to have been involved.


We know the loyalty of the FBI is suspect, so perhaps assistant U.S. Attorneys were a part of the seizure. In that case, the evidence obtained can be used in a U.S. court.


While there is no notification of who seized the servers, we can speculate that law enforcement was aided by Special Operations Forces, who report directly to Miller.


It has been reported that neither CIA Director, Gina Haspel, nor FBI Director, Christopher Wray knew about the operation. Therefore, law enforcement must have been some other agency under the DOJ, or the Assistant Federal Attorneys in person. Since Dominion owns servers in Germany and Scytl operates them in Spain, data collection overseas is vital to proving any case of vote manipulation in the U.S.A.


Remarkably, voting data was available to Dominion and Scytl prior to anyone in the U.S. Those overseas databases played a pivotal role in the outcome of that day’s voting. And maybe those confiscated servers in Frankfurt hold information about Dominion and Scytl’s actions on election day.


While this is still unfolding, it is reported that President Trump now has all the evidence of voter fraud and election-related treason needed to stop those tainted votes from being counted.


The path to the White House in 2020


The path to a Trump second term now rests first in the courts. If it is proven that this election is so tainted that the votes in 28 states using Dominion Voting Systems machines cannot be counted, then the House of Representatives will determine the next President.


This scenario is the likely path moving forward. First, the electors in enough states, those using Dominion, must not be counted. Which would mean that neither candidate earned the 270 electoral votes necessary to become President. Then, according to our Constitution, the House votes for the President.


While Democrats are the majority in the house, according to the Constitution, each state only gets one vote each. There are 37 states with a majority of Republican Congressmen. It would mean a second term for the duly elected President, and evil would have been defeated again; only because we elected a fighter as our President.


Like his style or not, Trump is the only person who could have carried out the defeat of so much evil: twice.


About the author:


Joseph Ragonese is a veteran of the United States Air Force, a retired police officer, has a degree in Criminal Justice, a businessman, journalist, editor, publisher, and fiction author.


His last book, “The Sword of Mohammad,” can be purchased at in paperback or kindle edition.

Follow Joseph on Parler @writerworks9


Image:  RUBENHC Posted in Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.


Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe


cyberwar (Natural News label)


By Mike Adams

November 27, 2020

Natural News


(Natural News) At this very minute, a covert war is raging across the globe, pitting Trump’s DoD and DIA (Defense Intelligence Agency) against black hat deep state factions running the CIA.


The good news is: Trump is winning.


As you know by now, the DoD launched a raid on a CIA-run server farm in Frankfurt, Germany, to secure servers that contain proof of CIA interference with the 2020 election (i.e. backdoor manipulations of election results via Dominion voting machines). But new information is now surfacing that indicates there was a firefight at the server farm facility, involving US Army Special Forces units, engaging with CIA-trained paramilitary units that were flown in from Afghanistan in an emergency effort to defend the facility.


One CIA officer was killed during the firefight, and he is now being reported across the mainstream media as being “killed in Somalia.” Five US Army soldiers were also killed, and they are being explained away as dying in a “helicopter crash” in Egypt.


Despite the deaths, the servers were successfully acquired by the DoD, and those servers were turned over to President Trump’s private intelligence group, which is now once again led by Gen. Michael Flynn, recently pardoned and now allowed to process top secret information, since his security clearance has been restored.


Here’s where this gets good:


Sidney Powell is about to roll out expert witnesses in the Georgia and Michigan lawsuits. One of these witnesses has been handed details of the vote theft which were acquired through two means: 1) The “Kraken” cyberwarfare program run by the DoD, and 2) Information found in the servers which were acquired during the multiple raids. (There were also server farm raids in Barcelona and Toronto, we are told.)


One of these witnesses is Dr. Keshavarz-Nia, a well-known cybercrimes investigator, who has a long history of working with U.S. military counterintelligence, as well as the NSA and CIA.


He has now offered sworn statements to Sidney Powell, which can be viewed at this link.


His statements include:


I have previously discovered major exploitable vulnerabilities in DVS and ES&S that permit a nefarious operator to perform sensitive functions via its built-in covert backdoor. The backdoor enables an operator to access to perform system updates and testing via the Internet without detection. However, it can also be used to conduct illicit activities such as shifting votes, deleting votes, or adding votes in real-time… I conclude with high confidence that the election 2020 data were altered in all battleground states resulting in a hundreds of thousands of votes that were cast for President Trump to be transferred to Vice President Biden.


And so the circle is complete: DoD forces deploy cyber warfare weapons (“Kraken”) as well as kinetic troops (Special Forces, under the US Army) to acquire physical servers, all the information derived from these operations is extracted by DIA forensic analysts, it is then handed over to various expert witnesses who are prepared to testify under oath, resulting in the courts nullifying the fraudulent vote manipulations in the swing states.


This is how Trump gets to 300+ electoral votes and secures his second term as President. If successful, these revelations will also utterly destroy the Democrat party and result in thousands of treasonous actors going to prison for their roles in this attempted cyber warfare election theft to overthrow the United States government.


Listen to my full Situation Update for the full, point-by-point explanation of all the details:


Brighteon VIDEO: Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war RAGES

[Posted by Health Ranger Report



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See previous day’s Situation Update podcasts at the Health Ranger Report channel on


I will also be posting another Situation Update tomorrow (Saturday), based on all the intelligence being gathered today.


About the author: Mike Adams (aka the “Health Ranger”) is a bestselling author (#1 bestselling science book on called “Food Forensics”), an environmental scientist, a patent holder for a cesium radioactive isotope elimination invention, a multiple award winner for outstanding journalism, a science news publisher and influential commentator on topics ranging from science and medicine to culture and politics. Follow his videos, podcasts, websites and science projects at the links below.


Mike Adams serves as the founding editor of and the lab science director of an internationally accredited (ISO 17025) analytical laboratory known as CWC Labs. There, he was awarded a Certificate of Excellence for achieving extremely high accuracy in the analysis of toxic elements in unknown water samples using ICP-MS instrumentation. Adams is also highly proficient in running liquid chromatography, ion chromatography and mass spectrometry time-of-flight analytical instrumentation. He has also achieved numerous laboratory breakthroughs in the programming of automated liquid handling robots for sample preparation and external standards prep.


… Go to end of article to read more about Mike Adams


Releasing the Kraken means releasing Election 2020 truths


©2017, Communities Digital News, LLC. The opinions of the author are their own. The author and Communities Digital News owns the whole copy write of this article and it may not be duplicated without express permission. [Blog Editor: Which I did not seek ergo, if asked, this portion of the post will be removed]


Situation Update – Nov. 27th – DoD vs. CIA firefight in Frankfurt as covert war against the deep state RAGES across the globe


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Social Media Exclusion of Conservative Thought

John R. Houk

© April 18, 2018


If you are a stalwart American Conservative you are fully aware the largest social media platforms have been operating a stealth war that favors Leftists (aka Liberal, Progressive but maybe better described as Moonbat, Snowflake, etc.). With this understanding of Social Media, I received an email from ACT for America notifying readers that PayPal is now not allowing donations via its online platform evidently citing the erroneous “hate-speech” label on lists from organizations such as the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The SPLC is as close to a Leftist Communist organization as it can be without admitting so.


Left-Wing organizations such as the SPLC are heavily invested in fundamentally transforming American away from American-Christian values into a brainwashed society that believes and acts as the State would have society (i.e. YOU) believe.


I am pretty vocal as a mouthpiece to preserve the fundamental Rights that have inalienably been endowed by the Creator of all that exists and intended to be protected by the Founding Fathers’ founding documents that define citizens of the USA as Americans.


I am vocal but small potatoes as far as the Leftist multi-conglomerate Social Platforms are concerned. Take heed, once the Leftist controlled Social Media giants deceptively limit and remove the dissemination of Conservative thought, the small potato bloggers will soon follow. Start massively complaining to these giants, because advertisers are interested in targeting potential Conservative customers as much as Liberal customers. Barring that, pray some Conservative geeks develop a social platform that is competitive and simple to use as the geeks that lean Left.


Find ways to donate to Conservative organizations being stifled by Facebook, Google, Youtube, Twitter and PayPal. In the meantime, support the small potato Conservatives who would be the next target if not already so. On a personal level, I’ve been in Facebook jail thrice, Google+ jail once, I’ve had a couple Youtube videos removed with a warning about my channel’s existence, yet I have escaped Twitter and Paypal’s notice to date.


I operate three blogs but only one has a PayPal buttonSlantRight 2.0, Paypal has graciously allowed my NCCR blog (WordPress platform) a donation link and if you visit the Overblog platform (European origin) – you could use this “Support SlantRight 2.0” support this small potato Conservative voice.


ACT’s email emphasizes how Left Oriented Social Media giants are targeting Conservative and Counterjihad organization using hate lists as those developed by the SPLC as an excuse to target Conservatives and Counterjihadists. Because of what PayPal has done to ACT for America, here is an embedded link to support ACT’s work in educating Americans about threats to their lives and communities: DONATE to ACT for America. This donation link by-passes PayPal.


Below is the ACT email. The email included the entire text of a post about this war on Conservatives. However, I am cross posting from WND rather than the email.


JRH 4/18/18

Please Support NCCR


ACT for America is Under Attack!


Sent by ACT for America

Sent 4/18/2018 6:09 AM


Dear John,


A new study published from our friends at the Media Research Center confirms what we already knew. Conservative organizations are facing an existential threat from tech companies that are founded and run by leftists. You see, companies like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Google are more than just tech companies, they also control how and when we get our news.


Further, tech companies partner with leftists including the Southern Poverty Law Center to attack organizations, like ACT for America, who have been wrongly labeled a hate group. Cited in this article below is a specific example of how leftists used the SPLC to pressure Paypal into dropping us as a client. Because of these scare tactics, we can no longer accept donations through Paypal – a leftist run tech company.


The left’s mission is to silence any ideas differing from their own and with control of the most influential tech companies in the world – they are off to a great start.


For Freedom,

ACT for America



‘If the right is silenced, billions of people will be cut off’



April 16, 2018





A new study from the Media Research Center says conservatives, and their ideas, right now are facing an existential threat from tech companies founded and run by liberals who have decided that only their voice should be heard on disputed issues.


“The conservative movement is facing a threat to its very existence – a new, insidious form of media censorship,” the MRC report, available starting Monday, said.


“Media bias has always been an enemy of the right. Liberal journalists relied on talking points and talking heads that agreed with for their stories. Conservatives were typically ignored or even targeted by old-school media monopolies but while conservatives were excluded, their organizations were still allowed to function and even flourish. The internet gave the right new tools to go around traditional media – websites, email, video and social media. Conservatives’ power online continued to grow as groups expanded their base of supporters and were even able to flourish online.


“Now, all of that is under threat,” the report states.




It’s not complicated. If the liberals who run the big companies, like Facebook, Google, Youtube and Twitter, all suppress conservative speech, and the report concludes they are, no messages that contradict leftist propaganda will be heard.


“Like it or not, social media is the communication form of the future – not just in the U.S., but worldwide. Just Facebook and Twitter combined reach 1.8 billion people. More than two-thirds of all Americans (68 percent) use Facebook. YouTube is pushing out TV as the most popular place to watch video. Google is the No. 1 search engine in both the U.S. And the world,” the study finds.


And those organizations are not about transparency and fairness.


“War is being declared on the conservative movement in this space and conservatives are losing – badly. If the right is silenced, billions of people will be cut off from conservative ideas and conservative media.


“It’s the new battleground of media bias. But it’s worse. That bias is not a war of ideas. It’s a war against ideas. It’s a clear effort to censor the conservative worldview from the public conversation,” the study said.


Among the key findings in the study is that Twitter leads in censorship – and Project Veritas even caught staffers boasting on hidden camera they had been censoring conservatives through a technique known as shadow banning.


There, users think their content is being seen widely, while Twitter deliberately suppresses it.


On Facebook, its trending feed has been caught hiding conservative topics.


A 2016 Gizmodo story warned of the bias, with testimonies from former employees they’d been instructed to “hide conservative content.”


“On the other hand,” the study said. “the term ‘black lives matter’ had also been placed into the trending section even though it was not actually trending.”


Google’s search functions, the study said, simply help Democrats.


“Google and Youtube’s corporate chairman Eric Schmidt is known to have helped Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign,” the study said. “The company’s search engine had deployed a similar bias in favor of Democrats.”


And YouTube simply shuts down conservatives’ videos. That deprives them of monetization first, but also the publicity that successful videos generate.


“YouTube moderators must take their cues from the rest of Google – from shutting down entire conservative channels ‘by mistake’ to removing videos that promote right-wing political views. YouTube’s special creators for change section is devoted to people using their ‘voices for social change’ and even highlights the work of a 9/11 truther.”


Further, tech companies partner with leftists including the Southern Poverty Law Center, and more, to try to further their campaigns.


It cites the SPLC and the Anti-Defamation League.


“Both claim to combat ‘hate,’ but treat standard conservative beliefs in faith and family as examples of that hatred. George Soros-funded Propublica is using information from both radical leftist organizations to attack conservative groups such as Jihad Watch and ACT for America, bullying Paypal and other services to shut down their funding sources.”


Twitter’s “Trust and Safety Councli” [sic] has 12 liberals as members. Only one conservative.


And the “fact-checkers” that the companies, whose empire encompasses $3 trillion, use? All “anti-conservative,” the report says.


A strong commitment to transparency and fairness with a dedication to free speech likely is the only solution, the study notes.


The companies “must stop pretending” that disagreeing is the equivalent of “hate speech,” and the bias must be removed.


That means groups that routinely label core conservative values as “hate” need to be addressed.


“Tech companies can’t expect conservatives to trust a system that is so blatantly one-sided,” it said.


Included in the study was a quote from Niall Ferguson, Hoover Institute senior fellow: “Nothing has changed politics not only in the U.S., but worldwide more than the advent of companies like Facebook. Forty-five percent of Americans now get news from Facebook …. Mark Zuckerberg, who runs Facebook, has the power to tweak the algorithm that determines what gets into your news feed and my news feed. And that is an awesome power … because let’s face it Mark Zuckerberg’s politics are liberal politics. He has no desire to see 2016 happen again.”


The study, by Ashley Rae Goldenberg and Dan Gainor, documents, “The problem starts deep inside the liberal corporate cultures of the companies. Eric Schmidt recently stepped down as head of both Google and Youtube. While still in that role, he aided the Hillary Clinton campaign. … Zuckerberg has been a strong proponent of the Dream Act and LGBT issues.”


Then their employees reflect those biases.


Facebook workers donated 99 times more to Hillary Clinton than President Trump. For Google, it was 63 times.


A survey showed 89 percent of very conservative, 74 percent of conservative and 69 percent of libertarian workers are “hesitant of being themselves while at work for fear they might lose their jobs.”


Sen. Ted Cruz, the study notes, warned just weeks ago that if the companies are a neutral public forum, they cannot allow censorship. If they are not a neutral public forum, “the entire predicate for immunity under CDA (Community Decency A[c]t) is claiming to be a neutral public forum, so you can’t have it both ways.’


Social Media Exclusion of Conservative Thought

John R. Houk

© April 18, 2018


ACT for America is Under Attack!

We could not have accomplished any of this without your support.


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We Must Expose This Outrage!

Will UN Control Internet

Brigitte Gabriel is the head of what is probably the largest network of Counterjihad organizations in America. This makes her an admirable woman in my book. I just received an email from her that may have little to do with the typical Counterjihad writing exposing the true nature of what Islam means to a Liberty loving nation like the USA. Gabriel is using the weight of her ACT for America network to join many others in lobbying against President Barack Hussein’s evil design to turn control of the Internet over to the United Nations. Surely you have to be aware that the UN has a very different concept of what Liberty is than the American Constitution. We must keep Internet control under the auspices of the United States of America as long as our Constitution protects Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.


Ergo join Brigitte Gabriel and any number of any other organizations that want you to get behind pouring your displeasure with Obama’s intention to undermine the freedom the Internet now offers Americans.


JRH 3/27/17

Please Support NCCR


We Must Expose This Outrage!


By Brigitte Gabriel

Sent: 3/27/2014 7:59 AM

Sent from: ACT for America

Link date: 26 MARCH 2014 15:26


With the president’s reckless foreign policy, Obama’s disturbing and chilling move to turn over control of the Internet to the UN, Americans should be speaking up loudly – while they still can – without being sued for hate crimes by the UN. This move will allow the OIC, Saudi-dominated bloc of 57 Islamic nations along with the Shariah doctrine to which it adheres, to suppress free speech on a global basis via control of the Internet.

ACT For America isn’t going to take this lying down. If the Internet is silenced, liberty will be silenced. If those who oppose tyranny are prevented from delivering their message, it is the same as being bound and gagged.

We need your help to expose this. Can you help us reach our emergency fund goal of $250, 000 in the next 4 weeks?

Please click here to make a tax deductible donation of 25, 50, 100, or more today.

Below is the email sent two days ago in case you missed it.


Thank you again for your support.





Once again President Obama is putting you and your family at risk by giving power to the United Nations (UN) to control the Internet and muzzle YOUR freedom of speech, putting you at a risk of legal action just for expressing your view on the Internet.

If you’re a politician in Washington, and you want to bury bad news, you release an announcement late on Friday afternoon.

On Friday, March 14th, at 3:30pm, the Obama administration announced that America was surrendering control to the UN over key aspects of the Internet (control that America had because we built it in the first place).

Unfortunately, the largest voting bloc in the UN is the Organization for Islamic Cooperation (OIC), a Saudi-dominated bloc of 57 nations that has waged an aggressive campaign against free speech, freedom of the press and free expression.

For an American president to betray the American public, our founding fathers, our Constitution, and throw our freedom of speech at the feet of tyrants to decide what we can and cannot say under the threat of a law suit for hate crime is unconscionable – shameful – reckless and stretches the boundaries of betrayal.

Our founding fathers are turning in their grave.

We at ACT For America believe that truth is invincible. The truth cannot be silenced. We believe that if we can reach enough people with our message in defense of our security, our liberty and our values, America will prevail over those who want to destroy our way of life.

But in order to reach millions and keep at our work, we need your help. ACT for America needs to raise an emergency fund of $250, 000 in the next 4 weeks and we need your help to reach that goal.

Will you follow this link to make an emergency tax deductible donation of 25, 50, 100, or more right away?

We know that the Jihadists not only have our country, our values and our citizens in their crosshairs, but the truth itself. And Jihad is based on the belief that the truth must be hidden, bent and broken.

It is disturbing and chilling that the Obama administration could allow the OIC, along with the Shariah doctrine to which it adheres, to suppress free speech on a global basis via control of the Internet.

Up to now, American oversight of the Internet has ensured that it has run with efficiency and openness, without political pressure.

Authoritarian governments, such as those in Saudi Arabia and Iran, have already been working to control the Internet and now they will no doubt move to fill the power vacuum caused by America’s unilateral retreat.

In the future, domains could be banned and new ones not approved for groups deemed undesirable by the OIC or its members.

Let us never forget all that our founding fathers sacrificed so that we can enjoy the democratic freedoms we have today. Let us not forget how so many of them gave their lives for this and that many of them died destitute. They were willing to give everything they had. We cannot let them down. We must stand up, fight this, and inform Americans about what our president has just done. Please help us get this message out by following this link right away to make the most generous tax deductible donation you can afford.

Barbaric regimes from Khartoum to Tehran, and Damascus to Riyadh, have cut off their own citizens’ Internet access in the past, but they have been unable to undermine general access to the Internet, where no one needs any government’s permission to launch a website. This hallmark of Internet freedom is now endangered.

Dictators and tyrants, who have always silenced their critics and suppressed independent media, have long had a goal of “international” control over the Internet. Now the stage is set for them to achieve that goal.

UN members have called for a UN agency called the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) to replace America’s authority and challenge an open Internet. One critic calls the ITU “the chosen vehicle for regimes for whom the free and open Internet is seen as an existential threat.”

According to the Wall Street Journal, many UN member-nations want the ITU to outlaw anonymity on the Web (which would make it easier to identify dissidents) and to add a fee charged to providers when people gain access to the Web “internationally.” This, in effect, would create a tax on U.S.-based sites such as Google and Facebook. The unspoken aim is to discourage global Internet companies from giving everyone equal access.

ACT For America isn’t going to take this lying down. If the Internet is silenced, liberty will be silenced. If those who oppose tyranny are prevented from delivering their message, it is the same as being bound and gagged.

We must continue to confront the enemies of freedom at home and abroad.

This is why ACT For America is fighting back: in the court of public opinion, in the halls of Congress and in state legislatures from coast to coast. We continue to fight back by promoting important legislation like the Free Speech Defense Act and by spreading the word like a modern day Paul Revere about threats to our constitutional rights.

We have been in these trenches all along and we are prepared to fight this battle again and again. If we allow truth and liberty to be suffocated, lies and tyranny will rule us. We cannot allow that to happen.

Can I count on you to prevent liberty and truth from being silenced? Can our founding fathers count on us to protect what they have created? I say yes!

This is urgent. Please follow this link to donate 25, 50, 100 – whatever you can afford – to ACT for America.

Thank you for everything you do to support of ACT For America.

Always devoted,


Brigitte Gabriel
Founder & President


ACT for America is an issues advocacy organization dedicated to effectively organizing and mobilizing the most powerful grassroots citizen action network in America, a grassroots network committed to informed and coordinated civic action that will lead to public policies that promote America’s national security and the defense of American democratic values against the assault of radical Islam. We are only as strong as our supporters, and your volunteer and financial support is essential to our success. Thank you for helping us make America safer and more secure.


ACT for America
P.O. Box 12765
Pensacola, FL 32591


ACT for America Content, LLC. All Rights Reserved.


About Brigitte Gabriel

Leading Expert on Global Islamic Terrorism


Brigitte Gabriel is one of the leading terrorism experts in the world providing information and analysis on the rise of terrorism. She lectures nationally and internationally about terrorism and current affairs. Her expertise is sought after by world and business leaders. She has addressed the Australian Prime Minister, members of The British Parliament/House of Commons, members of the United States Congress, The Pentagon, The Joint Forces Staff College, The US Special Operations Command, The US Asymmetric Warfare group, the FBI, and many others. In addition, Gabriel is a regular guest analyst on Fox News Channel, CNN, MSNBC, and various top 100 radio stations across America. She serves on the board of advisors of the Intelligence Summit. Ms. Gabriel was Keynote speaker for Homeland Security Certification annual conference in 2009 in Las Vegas.

Ms. Gabriel is founder, president and CEO of ACT! for America, the largest grassroots citizen action network dedicated to preserving national security with 279,000 members. She’s the author of two New York Times Best Sellers, BECAUSE THEY HATE: A Survivor of Islamic Terror Warns America. And THEY MUST BE STOPPED: Why we must defeat radical Islam and how we can do it. Ms. Gabriel is named one of the top 50 most prominent speakers in America. She speaks Arabic, French, English and Hebrew.

Tony Newbill Emails 8-2 to 8-19-13

Obama- My work is done in Destroying USA


September 2, 2013


Here is one more installment of Tony Newbill emails. Newbill touches on Gun Rights, Obama railing on bad role modelling of celebrities (rather than the lack of celebrity moral role modelling), Benghazigate, Obama Rodeo clown mask, the seeming planned moral decay, economic collapse, National Security under Obama, the NWO of Netocracy and Obama’s destruction of the American Dream.



There is a lot of info here so you may wish to bookmark it to take your time in reading.



JRH 9/2/13

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Republican Party Rep Warns of Doomsday, Urges Ammo Stockpile

8/2/2013 10:36 AM


Republican Party Representative Matt Shea told a rally of patriots that they should stockpile weapons and ammunition in order to prepare for the “inevitable” occurrence of complete economic collapse in the United States.


Republican Party Representative Matt Shea told a rally of patriots that they should stockpile weapons and ammunition in order to prepare for the “inevitable” occurrence of complete economic collapse in the United States. “We need to prepare for the inevitable collapse that is going to happen,” Shea said. “You know it’s going to happen. That’s right, I am a politician and I am standing up here and saying that. … When it happens, we need to look at this as an opportunity, not a crisis. Whose job is liberty? That’s our job.”


At “The Northwest Patriot and Self-Reliance Rally” over the weekend, he began his speech with a nod to his beliefs. “It’s great to be in God’s country,” he said. “Our hope is not in man; our hope is in Jesus Christ. Amen?” The crowd answered “Amen!” just before Shea told them they should purchase thousands of rounds of ammunition and learn how to operate firearms.


He urged the rally participants to be ready for an altercation with the government, saying, “[B]e prepared at any given moment to give up your job to do what is right. You have to stand up for what is right – even if it means you have to stand up to your government.”


Shea had earlier stated that the United States government is planning to disarm all Americans and is actively building an extended network of camps. Shea was READ THE REST



This shows a Nation in decline!!!

8/2/2013 1:24 PM


Obama criticizes Kim Kardashian and Kanye West: President says ‘Keeping Up’ helps to create generation obsessed with wealth and celebrity.



President Barack Obama criticized Kim Kardashian and her family, saying their reality TV shows have helped create a generation of youngsters who are obsessed with wealth and celebrity. Obama singled out socialite Kim Kardashian and her rapper boyfriend Kanye West for particular criticism in a Kindle Singles interview during a visit to one of Amazon’s warehouses in Tennessee. Obama bemoaned the rise of reality TV shows and insisted celebrities who parade their wealth in front of fans have inadvertently changed the aspirations of young people. 


He said, “The American dream involved some pretty basic stuff — a good job where you felt some security, a good education … People felt if they worked hard they could get there … I don’t think people went around saying to themselves, ‘I need to have a 10,000-square-foot house’ … I think there has also been a shift in culture. We weren’t exposed to the things we didn’t have in the same way that kids these days are. There was not that window into the lifestyles of the rich and famous. Kids weren’t monitoring every day what Kim Kardashian was wearing or where Kanye West was going on vacation and thinking that somehow that was the mark of success.”  (READ ENTIRETY – if you choose to)


The question now becomes what is Obama trying to prepare us for by striking at the heart of Americanism????


[Editor: I believe Newbill’s above question is an excellent one. Obama castigates the likes of the Kim Kardashian and Kanye West over extravagant living with money they earned. That is indeed un-American. HOWEVER, the likes of Kardashian and West should not be looked upon as role models but not for the reason Obama implies. These people are not exactly model citizens in their lifestyles. President Obama that is something to criticize them about. A clean lifestyle is a good role model.]



The Benghazi Scandal has not made a Lot of Sense Until Now

8/14/2013 8:42 AM


The Benghazi scandal has not made a lot of sense until now.  Why would the Obama Regime spend so much time trying to cover it up?  There is one new shocking development that, if true, not only explains everything but if true, it means high ranking members of the Regime should be sent to prison.


What has happened?  Find out now on The Cold Hard Truth.


[Editor: The links above and below are to a podcast questioning the Benghazigate cover-up. It is time to connect to the people responsible to see if something illegal according to U.S. law and the U.S. Constitution. If the law was broken then a trial is long overdue. Let’s hold perpetrators in government accountable even if it goes up to President Obama.]



No way! Look who’s wearing Obama mask now

8/15/2013 11:23 PM


[Editor: Chelsea Schilling castigates the political hacks for the Leftist Sheeple criticism of a Rodeo Clown daring to make Obama jokes while wearing the President’s mask. The reason the title is such because Obama himself wore a mask of his own caricature and his audience laughed. A Clown was an Obama mask and he’s banned from Rodeo Clowning for life. What a load of hypocrisy, right? Even more idiotically is the Fair Officials which is a part of this Rodeo in Missouri has declare that ALL Clowns must go through sensitivity training. I think the Dems and Obama need to go through DESENSITIVITY training!]


Rodeo Clown Wearing BHO Mask


A rodeo clown who donned a President Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair was ridiculed, called a racist and banned for life – but when a similar mask was worn by Obama himself, the audience greeted him with enthusiastic cheers.


After the rodeo clown wore the mask Aug. 10 and teased the crowd about a bull coming to get Obama, fair officials called his stunt “unconscionable” and vowed he would never perform again.


The Missouri chapter of the NAACP demanded that the U.S. Department of Justice and Secret Service launch an investigation of the clown.


The president of Missouri’s rodeo-clown organization resigned after the incident, and fair officials declared that all clowns would be required to attend sensitivity training.


The clown was accused by a spectator of turning the event into “some kind of [Klu Klux] Klan rally.”


Missouri’s elected officials condemned the clown’s act as (READ THE RESTNo way! Look who’s wearing Obama mask now; By Chelsea Schilling; WND; 08/15/2013 at 9:14 PM)



The Staged Collapse, It’s all Going to Plan……..

8/17/2013 12:31 PM


Why our cities are writhing in death-grip of crime, bankruptcy


“And they said, Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.


“And the LORD came down to see the city and the tower, which the children of men builded.


“And the LORD said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do.


“Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.


“So the LORD scattered them abroad from thence upon the face of all the earth: and they left off to build the city.


“Therefore is the name of it called Babel; because the LORD did there confound the language of all the earth: and from thence did the LORD scatter them abroad upon the face of all the earth.” (Genesis 11:4-9 KJV)


There is something a little strange about big cities.


The enigmatic biblical story of the tower of Babel revolves around this strange something that occurs when large numbers of people come together in one place and form a great hive.


It’s not that something bad has to happen – it doesn’t, especially if the people governing that city are highly principled and grounded in reality. But how often does that happen?


What, then, is this strange “something”? It’s what happens when deceitful and power-hungry people rise to positions of power to rule over their own little “kingdom.” On a more cosmic level, one might say it’s the futility and ultimate disintegration of anything – even a great city – built as a monument to man’s greatness rather than God’s.


Such sentiments are, of course (READ THE RESTWhy our cities are writhing in death-grip of crime, bankruptcy; By David Kupelian; WND; 08/16/2013 at 8:28 PM)


WARNING: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun, Everything Is Being Put Into Place For The Fierce Storm That Is Approaching.


VIDEO: Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun — Episode 138


The central bankers/US government have taken control over Egypt. They control the military by giving them aid, they control Saudi Arabia that supports the Egyptian armed forces. This was a take over (sic) to declare martial law and a dictatorship in Egypt to protect the US dollar as the reserve currency. The economic collapse is approaching quickly this fall. Everything is being put into place for the fierce storm that is approaching.


Is Slowing Money Supply Signalling (sic) Another Stock Market Crash?


According to Austrian Business Cycle Theory, when a central bank slows its money printing that has fueled a manipulated stock market boom, the stock market is very vulnerable to a crash. Murray Rothbard in his book America’s Great Depression explained how it occurred before the October 1929 crash:


It is generally acknowledged that the great boom of the 1920s began around July, 1921, after a year or more of sharp recession, and ended about July, 1929.


Production and business activity began to decline in July, 1929, although the famous stock market crash came (READ THE RESTInvestmentWatch; 8/16/13)



The End Times begin: Hathaway gets real and CNBC broadcasts him


Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:


The End Times began at 12:20 p.m. Eastern today.


The Tocqueville Gold Fund’s John Hathaway, a thoroughly respectable member of the financial establishment who only in recent weeks has begun to acknowledge the manipulation of the gold market by Western central banks, went on CNBC’s “Fast Money” program, declared that a short squeeze is under way in gold because the paper gold market is leveraged at 100 to 1, and was not cut off.


Of course the CNBC “analysts” who commented following Hathaway’s remarks completely missed the substance of what he said. Real financial journalism has not descended upon the West quite yet. But if reality about gold can come frankly out of Hathaway’s mouth and be spread throughout the world by CNBC, are even Reuters, Bloomberg News, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, and the Financial Times still safe for the Federal Reserve and Wall Street and their scheme of gold price suppression and currency market rigging?


Thanks to the Got Gold Report’s Gene Arensberg for calling attention to this earthquake with a preface on top of the CNBC video of Hathaway (READ THE REST [and watch Hathaway on CNBC] – By Chris Powell; GoldSeek; 8/16/13)



X22 Warning Report! Economic Collapse Countdown Has Begun


As awakened Americans await the economic collapse that we all know now we’ll be unable to avoid, the question has to be asked, has it already begun? This X22 Report examines this prospect closely and the facts before our eyes might lead all of us to believe that indeed, the economic collapse is already here, the countdown has begun. Back in 2008, Congressman Brad Sherman warned that if a bailout package was not passed, martial law would be declared in America. That video is the 2nd video below. Is this what all of the military preparation around the country is all about? It appears that we are now running out of time.


From X22: The central bankers/US government have taken control over Egypt. They control the military by giving them aid, they control Saudi Arabia that supports the Egyptian armed forces. This was a take over (sic) to declare martial law and a dictatorship in Egypt to protect the US dollar as the reserve currency. The economic collapse is approaching quickly this fall. Everything is being put into place for the fierce storm that is approaching.


[Editor: At this point the Before It’s News post includes the same 47 minute video posted above entitled, “Warning: The Countdown To The Economic Collapse Has Begun — Episode 138”. Then there is a very short video of Rep. Brad Marshall railing on White House for fear mongering to goad the GOP into passing all the bells and whistles Obama wants OR the Sequester could lead to Martial Law.]


VIDEO: Rep. Brad Sherman Martial Law

(X22 Warning Report! Economic Collapse Countdown Has Begun; Before It’s News; 8/17/13 3:57)



Is the Obama Doctrine the Rise of Netocracy??

8/19/2013 9:55 AM


Going around Congress with spending like Solyndra and many many other fascist operations that donated back lots of the funding to campaigns   and buying favors like waving taxes for Special Interests like for Obamacare is also why we see this Nation dissolving into a  Netocracy …. netocracy refers to a perceived global upper-class that bases its power on a technological advantage and networking skills, in comparison to what is portrayed as a bourgeoisie of a gradually diminishing importance.


See when we really look at what Obama and his Oligarchy Administration are entrenched in this Technology Rooted Global Upper Class telling the Bourgeoise (sic) Middle Class he’s looking out for them he actually has them in a Holding pattern while the Netocracy is growing stronger under his regime with the end runs around Congress and the Trillions that he and the Federal Reserve have been spilling out into the Netocracy Sphere of the rise of this super power Globalist Class that has consolidated all the wealth and resources.


It’s perfect for controlling the rate of social consumption of the majority of people on earth, the main goal of these Globalists who are also the Netocracy Environmentalist crowd.


Netocracy was a term invented by the editorial board of the American technology magazine Wired in the early 1990s. A portmanteau of Internet and aristocracy, netocracy refers to a perceived global upper-class that bases its power on a technological advantage and networking skills, in comparison to what is portrayed as a bourgeoisie of a gradually diminishing importance.


The concept was later picked up by the Swedish philosophers Alexander Bard and Jan Söderqvist for their book Netocracy — The New Power Elite and Life After Capitalism (originally published in Swedish in 2000 as Nätokraterna – boken om det elektroniska klassamhället, published in English by Reuters/Pearsall UK in 2002).


The netocracy concept has been compared with Richard Florida‘s concept of the creative class. Bard and Söderqvist have also defined an under-class in opposition to the netocracy, which they refer to as the consumtariat.




1 Other usage


2 See also


3 References


4 Further reading


5 External links


(You can click the compartmentalized links above to read more or Read The Rest HERE)


[Editor: This “Netocracy” is a new term to me. Since the concept is based on a book published in 2000 that makes me an Internet dinosaur. You can tell by the wording in Wikipedia the netocracy concept is a Marxist updated utopianism rolled over into the information age. Clearly netocracy is anti-Democracy (in the representative sense – perhaps Representative Republic best describes the USA) and anti-Capitalism (anti-Free Market, anti-laissez-faire {which is extreme Capitalism}, anti-Free Enterprise etc.). Netocracy in essence replaces a democratic-republican power structure with whatever Network Collective controls or has the best information with the goal of enhancing that particular Network Collective.


People like me that believe in individual rights and Liberty would be relegated to second class citizens stripped of the viability of property and entrepreneurial social-interpersonal relationships that involved human contact. The challenge for the Liberty-minded if the Information age via the Internet redefines social interaction is a way to maintain the protection of Property Rights, Individual Rights, Family Values (in my case Christian Values) and the right to be interpersonal rather than virtual.


Netocracy as envisioned by it developers socially and politically will develop into a hierarchal dictatorship in which the people at the top of the virtual pyramid will maintain an elitism within a Network not allowing achievement to allow for upward mobility.


Frankly lovers of the U.S. Constitution should not rail against the future of a pervasive Information but rather embrace the Network concept but apply the Network to a people that have an association based on laws rather than the monopoly of information that controls the ruling apparatus. A Republic of laws will always trump the fiat of an elitist collective. HERE is a great link explaining the socio-political nature of netocracy. The explanation is netocracy friendly.]


The State of our Nation’s Future Security Debate

8/19/2013 3:48 PM


I think this is important Information regarding the State of our Nation’s Future Security debate!!!!


TrentoVision – 8.14.13 – RYAN MAURO, National Security Analyst


About Clarion Project


There are times that require people to step out of their comfort zone, to step up for justice, tolerance and moderation. We know going in that the repercussions of taking action will draw a rain of accusations and attacks from the forces we are confronting.


We do it anyway. We do it because it must be done.


Founded in 2006, the Clarion Project (formerly Clarion Fund Inc) is an independently funded, non-profit organization dedicated to exposing the dangers of Islamic extremism while providing a platform for the voices of moderation and promoting grassroots activism.


Clarion’s award-winning movies have been seen by over 50 million people. They grapple with issues such as religious persecution, human rights, women’s rights, the dangers of a nuclear Iran and what the concept of jihad means for the West. Our dynamic website, viewed by over 450,000 people in 2012, covers breaking news and provides commentary on relevant issues.


The Clarion Project draws together Middle East experts, scholars, human rights activists and Muslims to promote tolerance and moderation and challenge extremism.


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American Dream Dying Under Obama

Sent: 8/19/2013 4:43 PM


Dear Barack Obama is the American dream dying under your Policies?


NEW YORK – Are you better off today economically than you were when President Obama took office in January 2009?


That question remains the litmus test for electoral politics as the U.S. prepares to move into the 2014 mid-term election cycle.


The economic scorecard for President Obama continues to provide reasons for alarm, despite Obama’s renewed attempt to emphasize yet again the plight of the U.S. economy and decline of the middle class.


Amid the most massive welfare state ever created in human history, four of five U.S. adults struggle with joblessness, near poverty, or reliance for at least part of their lives, according to a recent Associated Press report.



Even Obama-supporting Nobel Prize-winning economist and New York Times columnist Paul Krugman has acknowledged that terms such as “modest recovery,” “slow recovery” or even “recession” do not describe the economic malaise experienced under Obama’s presidency.


Arguing that the U.S. is in a “low-grade” depression, the liberal economist wrote July 5 that the U.S. economy may have entered “permanent stagnation,” a situation in which “high unemployment could become accepted as the new normal.”


Economist Peter Schiff, CEO of Euro Pacific Capital and author of the 2012 bestseller “The Real Crash: America’s Coming Bankruptcy – How to Save Yourself and Your Country” is even less sanguine.


Schiff believes it makes no difference whether Obama replaces Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve with Fed vice chair Janet Yellen, who favors continuing the Fed’s quantitative easing policy, or with former Obama economic adviser Larry Summers, who wants to end it.


“I think the U.S. economy is in trouble regardless of who President Obama chooses, because it’s going to be more of the same policies that have brought the country to the brink of economic ruin,” Schiff said this week.


WND’s independent investigation of 10 key economic measures confirms that economic conditions for millions of Americans have deteriorated substantially under the Obama administration.


Consider the following: (READ THE REST American dream dying under Obama? Scorecard of 10 indicators shows Americans worse off since 2009; By Jerome R. Corsi; WND; 08/18/2013 at 8:48 PM)



Edited by John R. Houk

© Tony Newbill

Some Editor comments in brackets

Tony Newbill Conspiracy Theory Emails – 1/30/13 to 2/2/13

Sustainable Dialectic of Tyranny

Tony Newbill sends emails to me relating to what many would call Conspiracy Theory. Too often the thought of ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is thought of in the pejorative sense. Most of the data that Tony Newbill sends me is something I agree with. Ergo, in my book a better description is Conspiracy Fact. Even so predictive conclusions are still theories even if they are credible predictions. So I will stick to ‘Conspiracy Theory’ yet in a positive predictive sense rather than the typical pejorative sense that status quo thinkers grudgingly stick to.


With no further adieu here are a series of Tony Newbill emails that should give you pause in future planning. I may include expansive excerpts of some of the links and/or include some of my thoughts along the way.


(Yup, this is the same introduction to a similar Tony Newbill post on 3/13/13.)


JRH 3/16/13

Please Support NCCR


CIA and FACEBOOK Working Together – Listen to Frame 3:00

Sent: 1/21/2013 7:26 AM



Here are some talking points…….

Sent: 1/30/2013 9:27 AM


Why are we sending Abrams tanks and F-16s to the Brotherhood when this is going on?


Islam and Cannibalism


In the future, the Egyptian Islamists will not only be conducting systematic violence, but cannibalism against Christians and moderates.


In a recent video interview, one Egyptian scholar exposed the high school curriculum coming from Al-Azhar University, the most reputable of all Islamic schools, showing that it condoned cannibalizing non-Muslims:


We allowed the eating of the flesh of dead humans… under necessary conditions. It [dead human flesh] must not be cooked or grilled to avoid Haram (wrongdoing) …and he can kill a murtadd (apostate) and eat him


The interviewer commented:


The book that is being taught to general high-school students mentions that those who don’t pray can be grilled & then eaten


VIDEO: Egypt Salafist University: It’s OK to kill unbelievers and eat them


Al-Azhar finds their support for cannibalism in Islamic authority According to Al-Shafie, who is considered to be the founder of Islamic jurisprudence:


One may eat the flesh of a human body. It is not allowed to kill a Muslim nor a free non-Muslim under Muslim rule (because he is useful for the society), nor a prisoner because he belongs to other Muslims. But you may kill an enemy fighter or an adulterer and eat his body (716 in volume 1, Al-Kortoby)




Is The Housing recovery is a Great Big LIE?


Would the Housing sector be growing if the Inventory that is on the Books at Fanny and Freddy was back on the market?


[SlantRight Editor: The above link no longer works. Below is the new about page to the website redirected toward – Homes For All]




The recent and ongoing financial crisis has revealed millions of residents of the United States experience housing insecurity, many of them for years at a time. Yet, housing policy in recent decades, whether implemented by government, the corporate sector, or some combination of the two, has contributed to a loss of affordable housing and has often displaced the members of our communities in the name of de-concentrating poverty. At the same time, corporations have shifted enormous amounts of investment into our cities, but their interest in property speculation and maximizing quarterly profits undermines our interest in long-term neighborhood stability.


And when the crisis hit, they got bailed out and we got left out.


With the latest wave of REO (Real Estate Owned) to rental properties being snatched up as the newest gambling scheme for hedge funds and private enterprise, we are on the cusp of READ THE REST


[SlantRight Editor: The above link is a page with a jpg of the 116 fact sheet on Fannie and Freddie which I will reproduce below.]






Is this what will happen in the USA?


Troops bulldoze homes, leave thousands homeless

Soldiers wearing U.N. logos evict whole towns in land grab


Thousands of poor Brazilian families are living in wretched conditions at make-shift refugee camps after being evicted from their homes at gunpoint by federal forces, some of whom were sporting United Nations logos, according to sources.


The massive operation, which left an estimated 7,500 or more people, including thousands of children, homeless was justified by authorities under the guise of creating an Indian reservation.


Towns literally have been wiped off the map, and no compensation was offered to the victims. About 400,000 acres of land were expropriated in the latest operation.


Residents in the Siua-Missu area in the state of Mato Grosso battled heavily armed federal police and military forces for weeks using sticks, rocks, Molotov cocktails and other crude weapons.


In the end, however, the powerful national government forces were overwhelming.


Virtually all of the residents have now been displaced, living in squalor, packed into school gymnasiums in nearby towns. Others are living on charity under plastic tarps propped up with sticks with no clean water or sewage services.


Leaders of the feeble resistance, meanwhile, are being hunted down by authorities for punishment.


It was in 1993, shortly after the first United Nations summit on sustainable development in Rio de Janeiro, when the scheme was proposed. The Brazilian government’s executive branch decreed that the land in question belonged to Indians.


READ THE REST (And trust me, you really want to read the rest)


[SlantRight Editor: Can you say UN Agenda 21? See HERE, HERE and HERE]


During the Clinton and Bush Years of regulators being told to look the other way on True Stock valuations of Corporations cooking the Books in their stock so what’s different this time?


U.S. Economy Unexpectedly Contracted in Fourth Quarter


The federal government helped bring the economic recovery to a virtual halt late last year as cuts in military spending and other factors overwhelmed the Federal Reserve’s expanded campaign to stimulate growth.


Disappointing data released Wednesday underscore how tighter fiscal policy may continue to weigh on growth in the future as government spending, which increased steadily in recent decades and expanded hugely during the recession, plays a diminished role in the United States economy.


Significant federal spending cuts are scheduled to take effect March 1, and most Americans are also now paying higher payroll taxes with the expiration of a temporary cut in early January.


The economy contracted at an annual rate of 0.1 percent in the last three months of 2012, the worst quarter since the economy crawled out of the last recession, hampered by the lower military spending, fewer exports and smaller business stockpiles, preliminary government figures indicated on Wednesday. The Fed, in a separate appraisal, said READ THE REST


[SlantRight Editor: The above link is to one of those web page videos that if you try to X out a pop-up asks you if you want to leave the page. Below is the excerpt that occurs when you click “stay”.]


His first five predictions have already come true!


Critical Warning Number Six


Fail to heed this final warning at your own risk!


Dear Reader:


Something bigger and more devastating than the credit crisis of 2008 is headed our way.


For most people, it will hit them like a brick wall.


It will touch Americans harder and deeper than anything else we’ve seen since the Great Depression.


I feel so strongly about the critical warning I’m about to give you, I’ve decided to document it in this audio-video presentation. And I’ve labeled this a controversial video, because most people will not like what I have to say…they will find it hard to believe until they see all the facts as I present them.


My name is Michael Lombardi. You may have heard of me. Maybe you are one of the hundreds of thousand of investors who get my daily Profit Confidential column.


Or maybe you’ve heard of my company, Lombardi Publishing Corporation. I started it back in 1986. It’s served over one million customers in 141 countries since then.


Over the past decade, I’ve been widely recognized as the predictor of five major economic events.


Here they are for you in black and white:


In 2002, I started advising my readers to buy gold-related investments. Gold bullion sold for less than $300 an ounce back then. In fact, in 2002, I put all of my retirement money, and all of my wife’s, in gold-related investments. I’ve been pushing gold for almost 10 years now.


In 2006, I begged my readers to get out of the housing market. I have nothing to hide. This is the exact e-mail alert I sent to my readers on March 1, 2006:


The proof the party is over in the U.S. housing market could not be clearer to me. The price action of the new-home builder stocks is telling the true story—these stocks are falling in price daily and the media is not picking it up. The latecomers to the U.S. housing market may end up looking like the latecomers to the tech-stock rally that ended so abruptly in 1999.”


Remember, I wrote the above in 2006 when the last thing on people’s minds were declining real estate prices.


By the spring of 2007, I was giving dire warnings to my readers about the economy. On March 22, 2007, I sent this e-mail dispatch to my readers:


“Over the past few weeks I’ve written about subprime lenders and how their demise will hurt the U.S. housing market, the economy and the stock market. There’s no escaping the carnage headed our way because the housing market and subprime business are falling apart. The worst of our problems, because of the easy money made available to borrowers, which fueled the housing boom that peaked in 2005, have yet to arrive.”


I was warning about the severe global recession we experienced in 2008 and 2009 long before anyone else.


And I totally predicted the 2008 economic massacre that later become simply labeled the “credit crisis.” On November 29, 2007, I wrote my followers:


“The Dow Jones Industrial Average, the S&P 500 and the other major stock market indices finished yesterday with the best two-day showing since 2002. I’m looking at the market rally of the past two days as a classic stock market bear trap. As the economy gets closer to contraction, 2008 will likely be a most challenging economic year for Americans.”


Years after I wrote the above, it was widely recognized that October 2007 was the top for the stock market. And, yes, 2008 was the worst year for the U.S. economy since the Great Depression.


Finally, I correctly predicted the crash in the stock market of 2008 and early 2009. I even wrote an obituary on the stock market in the fall of 2008 that made me somewhat of a forecasting legend:


Here’s what I e-mail-blasted to over 100,000 people on October 6, 2008:


“A Stock Market’s Obituary: It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of the Dow Jones Industrial Average. After a strong and courageous battle, the Dow Jones fell victim to a credit crisis and finally succumbed on Friday, October 3, 2008, when it fell decisively below the mid-point between its 2002 low and its 2007 high.”


The Dow Jones Industrial fell approximately 40% after I wrote this now famous “Stock Market Obituary,” finally hitting bottom on March 9, 2009, when the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit 6,440.


Then…at the depth of the dark days of March 2009, I sent an e-mail alert to my thousands of readers and told them to basically jump into the stock market with both feet.


I turned bullish on stocks in March of 2009 and rode the bear market rally from 6,440 on March 9, 2009, to 13,437 on September 28, 2012—a gain of 109%.


To recap my big five predictions that all came true, I:


1.     Told my readers to get into gold in 2002;


2.     Told them to get out of the housing market in 2006;


3.     Predicted the recession of late 2007;


4.     Told my readers to get out of stocks in the fall of 2008; and


5.     Told my readers to get back into stocks in March of 2009.


I didn’t spend the last five minutes of your time telling you about my five key predictions so I could pat myself on READ THE REST (if you can figure out how to get with the link)



Is the Real Entitlement Class that does not want to give up their perks, our elected Officials???


OLYMPIA, Wash. (AP) – A few days after Washington lawmakers approved a budget deal to lower state spending last year, small-government Rep. Gary Alexander got $40.60 worth of dry cleaning done.


Then he made sure taxpayers paid the bill.


Alexander, the Republican budget writer in the state House, billed more than $500 worth of dry-cleaning fees to the state over the past two years, according to an Associated Press analysis of thousands of expense reimbursements. He wasn’t alone: Seven Democrats and 12 Republicans in the Legislature requested and received compensation totaling more than $5,600 for dry cleaning since the start of 2011.


Lawmakers are able to get taxpayer-covered compensation for what the Legislature deems legitimate business expenses tied to the job. That includes common costs of being a lawmaker, such as travel around the district to meet with constituents, parking fees for meetings, office supplies and rent for district offices.


It also includes a variety of expenses with less-explicit benefits for taxpayers, including iPhones, picture frames, artwork, expenses for meetings with lobbyists and dues to professional organizations like the conservative American Legislative Exchange Council.



After an AP reporter questioned him about how it aligns with a limited-government message, Alexander said he would explore ways to keep his expenses down.





What does this mean for the US Dollar as Worlds Reserve Currency????

Sent: 1/31/2013 12:24 PM


China Launching Gold Backed Global Currency


According to the article, China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new “gold-backed” currency. Many say this will disrupt global trade and will eventually cause a collapse of the US dollar.


There can be no doubt that the US dollar will soon be history. China is recasting all of their gold reserves into small one kilo bars in order to issue a new ‘gold backed’ global currency. This is surely a strategic part of their recent push to sign new trade agreements with Russia, Japan, Chile, Brazil, India, and Iran. The cat is now out of the bag, the US will be given the ‘bums rush’ by the largest trading nations in the world and the dollar will go down in flames. GATA now estimates that 80% of the gold that investors believe they have in allocated accounts is long gone, the majority of it probably wound up in China.


Here is an excerpt from Jim Willie’s ‘Hat Trick Letter’


Jims recent article starts out with…


Many are the events, signals, and telltale clues of a real live actual systemic failure in progress. Until the last several months, such banter was dismissed by the soldiers in the financial arena. But lately, they cannot dismiss the onslaught of evidence, a veritable plethora of ugly symptoms of conditions gone terribly wrong and solutions at best gone awry and at worst never intended in the first place.




China is well along an ambitious plan to recast large gold bars into smaller 1-kg bars on a massive scale. A major event is brewing that will disrupt global trade and assuredly the global banking system. The big gold recast project points to the Chinese preparing for a new system of trade settlement. In the process they must be constructing a foundation for a possible new monetary system based in gold that supports the trade payments. Initally used for trade, it will later be used in banking. The USTBond will be shucked aside. Regard the Chinese project as preliminary to a collapse in the debt-based USDollar system. The Chinese are removing thousands of metric tons of gold bars from London, New York, and Switzerland. They are recasting the bars, no longer to bear weights in ounces, but rather kilograms. The larger Good Delivery bars are being READ THE REST




IRS Report and Look at what Healthcare Coverage will Cost

Sent: 2/2/2013 1:44 AM


Go to page 56 of this IRS Report  and look at what Healthcare coverage will cost a family of 4…..  How will the consumer driven economy react to this?


© Tony Newbill


Edited by John R. Houk

Free Internet Radio

Internet Radio Liberty 2

I am from the age of ‘70’s. I stipulate that because I have found out via email that the big music companies and big musicians are trying to shut down free Internet Radio.


Let me momentarily take you down memory lane. Remember vinyl (the old LP)? As a teen one would record party tunes or a favorite album from vinyl to cassette tape to take your music with you (boom box or car cassette player) or (not regarding the future of technology) to preserve the quality and longevity of a vinyl album.


As time has passed of course we now know technology has increased our ability to copy music. In many cases recording music without purchasing the song or CD album is an incredibly likely scenario.


Music Companies and Musicians alike began to worry about their bottom line: profits from their intellectual (or moronic – depending personal taste) property. Frankly I agree with these copyright panic issues of the free market; however I also believe greed has taken it to the next level with Music Companies and big time Musicians.


A solution must be found that benefits the free market of intellectual property and the usage of Free Internet Radio. Recording for personal usage and payment for a product made must co-exist in a mutual harmony as in the days before technology turned personal usage copying into the temptation of theft without payment copying.


I say all this because I recently found a website that runs Free Internet Radio that allows you to listen without the functionality of property theft for free. I am certain there are tech geeks out there (of which I am not one) have the know-how to circumvent this website’s efforts to protect intellectual property while simultaneously allowing consumers to listen to free radio.


Remember that? The existence of the quality of free radio music (FM stereo quality) for personal use, I do.


I am sure there are other websites like the one I found. The website I use for free music is called Pandora. Pandora has sent out an email make their consumers aware that the Music Industry is making outrageous over the top demands to shut Free Internet Radio.


Instead the Music Industry should comprehend that websites like Pandora are like the days of the 70’s in which music is listened to and artists are promoted or nostalgia inspires to go out and buy the better quality music of today of yesteryear’s classic artists.


So I am with Pandora and you should be too. I am posting my email which has my Senator and his phone number (I live in Oklahoma). If you don’t live in Oklahoma, find your Senator’s information and make the call to support Free Internet Radio.




Urgent Request to Help Save Pandora and Internet Radio


Tim Westergren (Pandora Founder) Email

Sent: May 13, 2008 5:02:24 PM


Hi, it’s Tim from Pandora,


I’m writing today to urgently ask for your help. Our future and that of all webcasters is being threatened by the actions of the RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America). In an effort to cripple Internet radio they have defied Congressional direction to negotiate reasonable performance fees and are trying to shut us down.


In spite of overwhelming opposition, including from thousands of musicians, they have blatantly pursued a strategy of undermining the process, making outrageous demands, and trying to run out the clock, hoping we will just quietly fade away. There is only one way to stop this violation of the public trust, and that is by mobilizing the collective will of our listening audience.


I am writing to you because your Senator is on the crucially important Senate Judiciary committee. It would be tremendously helpful if you would take just a minute to call your Senator:


Senator Tom Coburn: (202) 224-5754


** When you call, please tell them your home town, and ask them to support the Brownback Internet Radio Equality amendment that will be considered in the Judiciary Committee this Thursday.


This amendment sets webcasting royalties at the same level as those paid by satellite radio, which would compensate musicians fairly and allow web radio to survive. For more info on the bill, please visit:


I hope you’ll take just a few minutes to call. It’s easy to do and it will truly, truly make a difference. As a young industry, we do not have the lobbying power of the RIAA. You, our listeners, are by far our biggest and most influential allies.


Thank you very much for your support,


-Tim Westergren
(Pandora founder)