America Reassess your Perception of Islam

Sharia & Liberty

John R. Houk

© January 19, 2011


I know it is not politically correct to say so nonetheless it is time to change the way Americans view Islam. Unlike Christianity, Islam is just as political as it is theological. Granted the majority of Muslims in the West are more theologically minded than political; however the essence of Mohammed’s message was to spread Islam in a political-military fashion. Mohammed realized after his Mecca experience in receiving the boot for peacefully trying to convince polytheists to worship a monotheistic all-knowing deity.


Mohammed eventually began to realize that the power of the sword is what got the attention of Medina polytheists, Jewish Arabs and the small amount of individual Christians. The matter of the sword combined with filial loyalty of tribal thinking eventually led to the conquest of Medina and the expulsion of Jewish monotheists that rejected Mohammed’s view of monotheism. Mohammed’s growing military power eventually led to the conquest of the city Mecca that had given him the boot. From their Mohammed and his following successors conquered the Arabian Peninsula, Middle Eastern Arabs, Persians (Iranians), India, North Africa and parts of Europe. None of the Muslim armies were invited because of a voluntary desire to convert to Islam; however once the Muslim armies conquered lands people began to convert in order to live a life free of oppression. Then Islamic intolerance was drilled into the conquered that following generations became committed to the theopolitical nature of Islam.


I have no doubt that those called moderate Muslims do not condemn those known as radical Muslims because their very holy texts confirm the desires that radical Muslims are attempting to accomplish. Muslims in America may be primarily devoted to theology; however the money of radical Islam is slowly gaining influence in American Mosques radicalizing younger Muslims to Mohammed’s early theopolitical in instilling Islam globally.


This is what Americans need to think about when viewing Muslims. It is religious profiling. Know this: theological minded American-Muslims are a holy text heartbeat away from seeing the radical Muslim view of life.


Raymond Ibrahim is an anti-Islamist writer that attempts to awaken Americans to the potential of an early Muslim-like revival. ACT for America as part of an email promotion of their new television program also sent an Ibrahim article “Radical Muslims in America”.


JRH 1/19/11

Author: oneway2day

I am a Neoconservative Christian Right blogger. I also spend a significant amount of time of exposing theopolitical Islam.

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